Hold My Breath - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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Love always prevails...right? More

Blind Date
My Life
Gut Instict
Scars & Proposals
Boxes Of Memories
Back In Time
Mitch And Pippa
Silver Spoons
Tina And The Boys
The Cat & The Fiddle
Dreams & Nightmares
Shaz & Her Boys
The Suit

No Lama Drama

38 5 2
By Pepepolly

"Wanna see something cool?" Austin asks turning the game off after she has eaten her full. "You just turned the game off so I suppose I have no choice in the matter," she says raising her brows at him. "You have been a quiet submissive wife over the last ten years...it's by habit that we do what I want," Austin says. He feels a little sheepish. She has a point. He told her everything and asked for her opinion on all his decisions but she never answered and although he liked to feel like he was including her and making joint decisions with her - ultimately he was doing his own thing. "Technically we have been married for eleven years. What was I like in the first year?" she asks. "You picked up on that, huh?" he asks. Cleo was always witty and sharp-minded - he was never any good at pulling the wool over her eyes.

"Well?" she asks. "You were not quiet. Nore were you submissive...out of the bedroom at least. You were the boss and frankly a pain in my ass."

"You loved me regardless though..."

"I love you regardless, yes."

"Sounds like I felt confident enough in our relationship to be myself."

"We both did. We feed off each other. Build each other up."

"Although...submissive in the bedroom? That does not sound like me. I have never been submissive with anyone I have been intimate with."

Austin pulls a face and mock gags. "I have a terminal illness that is intensified when the mention of you being intimate with someone else is brought up. You pretend that I was your only, it makes me feel much better."

Cleo starts laughing and rolls her eyes at him. She always found his aversion to her ever being touched by someone else ridiculous. But she also thought it was cute and humored him, telling everyone that Austin was her only and would be for the rest of her life.

"So...the submission? Do we do that whole dom-play thing? Like...BDSM?

"No. It was just our dynamic..."

"You need to explain that."

Austin sighs, how does he explain it? They just were what they were and fell into their roles in their relationship naturally without much thought. They were themselves. They just worked. Just clicked.

"You have black cat energy. You have a serious demeanor with a resting bitch face. You asses and watch carefully. People have to work to gain your trust and even then you are cautious. You have a small group of trusted people you keep close and don't particularly like meeting new people. Your first instinct is not to like a person when you first meet them until you have analyzed them and are confident they can be trusted. You often look grumpy without thinking about it. But, you are fiercely loyal, and once someone has your heart - you will give them everything."

"I was like that since I was a kid..."

"Yup. I am the opposite. I am like a puppy. I bounce around a lot. I smile and love meeting new people. I make friends with anyone that wants to be my friend. I give out free hugs and laughing feels like breathing. I trust and forgive easily too."

"You sound like a lot of work."

"I am."

"So the submissive thing..."

"You are hung up on that, huh?"

"I am not submissive."

"Well, when it's just us, when we are alone or intamate. You let go. You feel safe enough to let down your guard and turn soft. So I take over and give you what you need. You confided in me that I am the only person you have ever felt you could be like that with."

Cleo stares at him. Blinking slowly as she takes in what he is saying. Their relationship was a first for them both. Everyone Cleo had ever dated had let her down so she had gotten harder over time. Austin had been hurt too given his flaw at trusting too quickly. But, it had been different for them. Cleo loved and respected who he was and made sure never to betray the trust he had so easily given her. He gave her back everything she gave him tenfold. They were made for each other.

"I don't remember you. I don't have a memory to attach to you...but...I have this feeling. It's like...my head has forgotten you. But, my heart has not," she whispers. Austin has to clench his jaw to stop himself from crying. That's all he needs to win her back. Just one tiny feeling and the rest will follow. He believes that with everything he has. "Show me this something cool you were talking about," she says standing up. Austin stands up too and then leads her into the kitchen and to the large sliding doors that lead out to be backyard and patio. He grins and wriggles his eyebrows before he slides open the doors and stands to the side. Cleo gives him a funny look and then steps outside. She stands on the patio and scans the backyard.

"Are those...are those lama's?"


"How many are there?"

"Eleven," Austin says walking across the patio and onto the grass. Cleo follows him - he knew she would never be able to resist getting close to them. Luckily they are all very tame, they are pets. "Why do you have so many lama's?" she asks reaching out and stroking one. "You demanded it. You wanted to get one for every year we were married. So on our anniversary every year you go searching online and buy a Lama. It's ridiculous...but then again we have established you impulse buy," Austin says hugging one of the lamas. "No, I think we can both agree that lama purchases are a necessity and responsible spending," Cleo says turning and stroking another lama.

"Agreed. That little one is your newest one. He doesn't have a name yet. You got him only a few months ago."

"A few months ago? Our wedding anniversary?"


"How did we meet?"

Austin bites the inside of his cheek. He is not sure he should tell her more information today. She has had a very busy day with a ton of new information and things being thrown at her. Their meeting up had been good and it's a memory he likes to let play on his mind from time to time. He wants to share it with her, it is one of her memories too after all, but he does not want to push too hard. "I think you may have had enough information for one day. I will tell you tomorrow," he says.

"Was it bad?"

"Not at all."

"Please tell me."


"Austin, I know you are protective over me and you are trying to be careful. I appreciate that, I do. But, trust works both ways. You want me to trust you and I do, however, I need you to trust me too. I think I know my limitations."

Austin smiles and watches her as he strokes the neck of one of the lamas. If you asked him to list the things he loves about her, you would be writing for days. He has a long list. But, one of his favorite things is that Cleo is not a pushover. Like anyone, she has her moments of weakness when fear creeps up her spine. But, for the most part, she is a bold confident woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is Cleo. She is the same as she was ten years ago, only now more beautiful with age and with a little memory loss.

"You want a detailed version?"

"Yes. I want every single detail. I want to feel like I was there," she says sitting down on the grass, the lama's moving closer and settling down next to her like big ugly dogs. Austin chuckles and then sits down across from her.

"OK. Well, you fell in love first-"


"OK, fine. I fell first - but you were close behind..."

Austin can't push down his nervousness. This is his second LA party since arriving in LA from Texas. At bearly 18 he had packed his bags and moved miles away from home in the pursuit of following a music dream. He was not surprised to find a ton of other kids his age who had done the same thing, but he is different. At least that's what his father has always told him and if you know anything about his father - he is a very wise man. Maybe this whole pipe dream is just that - a pipe dream. But, he is determined to give it everything he has before going back to Texas with his tail between his legs. So that brings us to the LA party and his nervousness. To most, an LA party is just the opportunity to get drunk and have a good time. To Austin, it is the opportunity to meet someone who could get him through that dam music door. A manager or producer, or even a musician with a bit of pull. Either way, LA parties are business deals and opportunities just waiting to happen. Tonight he is feeling extra nervous because he has this feeling like something big is going to happen. He has this feeling in his gut that he is going to meet someone tonight who is going to change his world.

He is adamant about it. Tonight is the night.

So with that, he pulls up to the party and pays the cab driver before he heads inside. It's a busy party and most people are well on their way to alcohol poisoning - they have never been happier. He walks around for a bit with a beer in his hand, chatting to people and making a few new friends. He is having a great time, but he has not met anyone important yet and he is growing despondent. Had his gut been so off? He had been so sure he was going to meet someone important, but maybe his determination had clouded his judgment. He scans the groups of people standing around the pool chatting, hoping his eyes might fall on someone in a suit or who screams music producer. He has no luck until his eyes do land on someone.

A woman. A strikingly beautiful woman who takes his breath away.

She is standing in the middle of a busy group of chatting people. But, she is not talking. She is not even interacting with the group because she is staring right at him, holding him hostage with her captivating big green eyes. She is beautiful and has sleek long black hair, she reminds him of a black cat. She looks like she could bring a man to his knees. With her still staring at him, she leaves the group and walks right up to him - she looks so confident and it turns Austin on.

"Hi," she says when she gets to him. "Hi," he says back. Everyone and everything seems to melt away when she is in front of him like this.

"My name is Cleo."


"I am newly single and I am looking for a rebound...you will do," she says.

"I am not the rebound type."

"What type are you?"

"The marrying type."

Austin has never been this forward, but then he has never met a woman he has fallen in love with instantly either. Cleo did not mince her words and honestly, he would be her rebound if that's all she was prepared to give him. But, he wants to marry her. He fell in love with her the second their eyes met. It just happened and he has no control over it.

"OK, well I will tell you what. If you get me to fall in love with you then I will marry you."

"We will get married on Thursday. It's my day off."

"That's bold. You think I am in love with you already?"

"Yes I do, baby. I bet it happened on your third step toward me."



"Yes. No...it happened on the first step."

Cleo bites her lip as she stares with a frown at Austin. He gets it. Their meet-up was completely ridiculous and if you had not witnessed how much they loved each other you would never believe that is exactly how it happened. They got married on that Thursday and neither of them faltered when they signed their names on the marriage certificate. They never looked back, never second-guessed their choice to marry, and never regretted getting married. They were happy and in love. That's it.

"That's...uh...that sounds insane."

"It was."

"When did we get married?"

"That Thursday like we had planned."

"Insane...my head is spinning."

"You OK?" Austin asks moving a little closer in worry. "I am fine and to be honest even if I was not suffering with a fucked up head, your story about how we met would still have my head spinning," she says placing her hand over his that had found its way onto her knee. "It's not a story...it's a memory," he says.

"I take it we were both young and penniless."

"We were."

"How do you explain this then?" she asks holding up her hand and pointing to the massive rectangular light pink mountain on her wedding finger.

"You noticed that, huh?"

"Austin. If I was on the moon looking down on the earth I would have noticed it."

He laughs and reaches into his pocket, taking out his cell phone and holding it up to show her a little red ring with a nob on it. "Is that the handle to one of those big candy rings?" she asks touching it. "Yes. You said you wanted ridiculously expensive flashy ring that made people contemplate if it were real or not. I had no money so I proposed with this candy ring. Obviously, over the last eleven years the candy has disappeared, but it does not matter. As soon as I was able I bought you a ridiculously expensive flashy ring."

"So...what you are saying is...I knew you had no money. You had nothing to your name and did not know if you would ever make it...but, I married you anyway?"


"Because I loved you."


"Bet my mom was pissed at that. She always told me to marry for money and not for love."

Austin smiles sadly at her. Her mother hates Austin. More now than she ever did. He does not care too much, but he does worry about the effects her mother's coldhearted actions would have on her if she ever found out what she was trying to do while Cleo was in that coma or what she did to Cleo before her coma. He does not plan to tell her, it would serve no purpose but cause unnecessary pain and Cleo has been through enough with her mother. But, her mother's actions are no secret so he is not sure if he can protect her from all that.

"Oh...by that face I am guessing she was upset about us getting married and is not a fan of yours," she says looking at Austin with a knowing face. "Yeah..." he confirms. "Well her opinions never drove my actions so whatever she thinks of you or us won't mean anything," she says squeezing his hand. He squeezes her hand back and smiles at her.

"Where is she by the way? I have had a visit from my father. What about my mother?"

"I think that's enough information for one day, baby," Austin says standing and putting his hand out for her to take and pull herself up. She looks up at him and for a moment it looks like she is about to protest and demand he tell her about her mother. But, then her face softens and she smiles softly at him, taking his hand and pulling herself up. "OK...I trust you," she whispers. "You Hungary? Want some dinner?" he asks walking her back inside. "I could do with a greasy burger. I haven't had one in ten years, you know," she says. Austin laughs and agrees with her then calls in an order at the local burger place. They sit in the den and watch a little TV while they eat then Austin helps her set up the phone he had gotten her. He puts in a few numbers, Sharon's, her father's, his own, and Sophie's. He will add more as she starts reconnecting with those she has no memory of. But, he wants her to have some independence and not feel like he is holding her captive or controlling her every move. She massages all four of them and lets them know it's her. Then he gives her a little privacy to sit outside with the lamas while she chats with her father on the phone. She phones Sharon and Sophie too and only comes in after it has gone dark.

"I have a confession."

"You do?" Austin asks. "Yes. I did not like Sophie in the beginning. But I like her now," she says. She looks guilty. "Sophie? Why?" he asks. Sophie is amazing, he can't see why anyone would dislike her. He has his suspions as to why she did not like Sophie but he doesn't want to put words into her mouth. "Well...I have no right to feel like this, I understand that...but, I did not like how close the two of you were. Before you say anything to defend her - I get it. Understandably, you would have grown close to her and you have every right to. If you and Sophie had grown close and done things I would not be mad. I would understand or at least try to understand and I would not hold it against you. But...I am sorry...I just felt a little hurt...a little protective. I know it's dumb and completely out of line. I mean, it would be unfair to expect you to wait around for ten years for me. Shaz said you did and refused to even so much as look at someone else...but...ten years is a long time."

"Ten years is a long time and you are rambling."

"I know, sorry."

"Baby, you may not have any memories of us. But, I do. I have all our memories and because of that, I could not move on. I did not want to let go of what we had so I did not. There was never anyone else."




"I already told you that you have received enough information for one day. Let a man keep his pride intact for at least one more day."

"OK..." she says stopping at the spare room door. They had been talking as they walked down the passage to the bedrooms. Austin wants to beg her to sleep in their bed but she is not comfortable with that just yet. Besides, today has been a massive win in his eyes and he should not be greedy. She came home with him, learned how they met, and even expressed that although she has no memory of him she feels something toward him. Something pretty strong given her revaluation about Sophie. It's been a good day and frankly, they are further along than he thought they would be.

"Good night, baby," he says. She looks a little sad at the thought of him leaving her here but she doesn't protest. "Good night, Austin," she whispers then opens the door and slips inside.

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