Hold My Breath - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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Love always prevails...right? More

Blind Date
My Life
No Lama Drama
Scars & Proposals
Boxes Of Memories
Back In Time
Mitch And Pippa
Silver Spoons
Tina And The Boys
The Cat & The Fiddle
Dreams & Nightmares
Shaz & Her Boys
The Suit

Gut Instict

31 5 2
By Pepepolly

Cleo blinks her eyes open and looks around the room. Sharon has gone home but Austin is still there. Still in his corner on his chair, sleeping. He is always just there. It's early morning and she feels a little bad that he has slept on that chair all night. But, he has slept on that chair every night since she woke from her coma. How long has she been awake? A week she thinks. Poor guy, but he never complains. He never says anything. If she trusted her legs she would get out of bed and place a blanket over him, but she has not attempted walking yet even though she can feel and move her legs. The door to her room opens quietly and Sophie slips in. She is as quiet as a mouse as she walks up to her bed with a smile. "Good morning, sleepy head," she says. Cleo has tried to hold fast to her dislike toward Sophie, but she is very nice. As long as she keeps a somewhat respectable distance from Austin, Cleo is fine with her. "Morning," Cleo whispers.

Sophie fiddles around with the machines and things around her bed like she does every morning while Cleo watches her. Sophie looks the same age as her and she is very pretty. Far too pretty to just be a nurse. She could be a model and it makes Cleo feel a little insecure. Why?  "Sophie...would you mind placing a blanket over him please?"  Cleo asks. Sophie looks over at Austin and smiles. "Sure," she says ducking under the bed and coming up with a blanket. Cleo frowns and leans over to look under the bed. "Is that a fort?" she asks.

"Yup. It's so weird seeing him over there."

"It is? He does not sleep over?"

"Oh, he sleeps over all the time. But, usually, he is in bed with you."

"He sleeps in bed with me?"

"Geese, I can't get him off you. He is very touchy."

Cloe's brows raise and her eyes widen. She does not know how she feels about that. "Nothing weird. Just little kisses and above-the-blanket touches. Although from what Sharon has told me you are into weird things and people. Hence this guy right here," Sophie says placing the blanket over Austin. He wakes up immediately and frowns. "Well, that did not work. You want some coffee?" she asks him. "Yeah, thanks Soph," he croaks out running his hand over his tired face as he sits up. "I will be back soon with your breakfast," Sophie says to Cleo and walks out.

They are not often left alone, but they don't talk when they are. Cleo is not sure how to start a conversation with him and she thinks he is no better. "Excuse me," he mumbles and then ducks into the bathroom. Sophie comes back in with two food trays and places them on the table that rolls over the bed. "It's very quiet in here. Want some music?" she asks. "Um...yeah. Thanks," Cleo says. Sophie fiddles with the radio and then settles on a station that is playing a song she does not recognize, but she likes the voice and she frowns a little because although she knows she has never heard the song, she is pretty sure she knows the voice - it gives her goosebumps.

She hears the toilet flush and then Austin opens the bathroom door giving Sophie a pointed look. Sophie just shrugs. "I stole you a breakfast," she says pointing to one of the trays. "Thanks, Soph," Austin says softly and reaches over to pick it up. "Oh...you can share the table with me. There is enough space on the bed for you to sit," Cleo says, she does not want him to crawl back into that awful corner.

"You sure?"

"Yes...please," she says moving her feet to ensure he has enough space. Austin looks a little unsure but eventually sits down on the bed although he is very careful not to touch her and keep a little distance. "Alright! What have we got?" Sophie says pulling the silver cover off Cloe's breakfast dish. "Eggs, bacon, toast, and yogurt. You remember what eggs are?" she asks. Cleo looks at her and can't stop the smile that creeps onto her lips.


"What about bacon? Or Toast? Did they have a toast before you knocked your head?"

Cleo laughs softly and shakes her head. "Well then this will be an experience for you. Toast is my comfort food. You will be hooked after your first bite," Sophie says. "You are funny," Cleo says. "She is not. Don't let her fool you," Austin says quietly and rolls his eyes at Sophie. "No one asked you," Sophie says pulling a face at Austin then turning to continue fiddling with Cloe's machines. Austin stays quiet and nibbles on his breakfast and so Cleo stays quiet too although she finds her body rocks absent-mindedly to the music playing.

"You like this music?" Sophie asks. "I do. But, I have never heard this song. Who is it?" Cleo asks.

"Post Malone."

"Post Malone. That's a weird name."

"If you think his name is weird you will be gobsmacked at what he looks like. The poor guy hit every weird branch when he fell out of the weird tree."

Austin grunts and rolls his eyes as he shakes his head. Cleo laughs softly at both of them. "I don't think that's the way the saying goes. But, I get your point," she says and looks at Austin. "You don't like him?" she asks. "He is nothing to write home about. Bit of an ass if you ask me," Austin says, hiding a smile as if he knows something she does not. "Wanna see one of his music videos?" Sophie asks. "Sophie..." Austin mumbles, it sounds a little like a warning. "Um...yes, please. How long has he been around?" she asks. "He has been killing our eardrums for the past ten years," Sophie says turning on the TV and flicking through the channels.

Austin does not turn around to look at the TV and continues to eat his breakfast. He is not a fan of this Post Malone guy. Post? Decon asked her if she had known people with that name in a few of the questions he had asked over the week. Odd coincidence. "Yes! I knew it! He is hot shit right now, there is always a Channel playing one of his videos. Cleo watches the TV. It's an odd music video with a knight walking around in what looks like the aftermath of a pretty bloody war. Then her eyes squint and she cocks her head. Is that Austin? It looks like Austin. It looks exactly like Austin, maybe a little younger than he is now and his beard is not as full as it is now but that is definitely him.

She flicks her eyes at him and sees he is looking at her with a sheepish face. "That's...that's you. Is that you? That's you," Cleo says looking between Austin on her bed and Austin on the TV.

"Yes, that's me."

"Post Malone?"

"Stage name...you suggested it."

"You are a singer?"


"Oh...well that makes a little more sense now."

"What makes a little more sense now, baby?" he asks cocking his head with a puzzled face. "I was wondering how you held down a job with this look you have got going on," she explains. Austin looks down at his body and then back at her.

"Yeah... it's a little much."

"You have silver teeth."

"White gold, but yeah. I have a Dimond set too. I switch between them."

"You are a little over the top."

"I could tone it down if you like," he says with a shrug. Why would Cleo want that? He is a lot to take in and every time she looks at him she finds something new that she had not seen before. But, she likes it. Even if he is a little excentric and over the top - she likes it. "No," she says shaking her head, "I like you like this. I think you look very nice. Very yourself, " she says. Austin smiles at her. It's a real smile, the same smile he had when she first opened her eyes. That sunshine smile makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside. "Well, I will be damed. Shaz was right all along," Sophie says taking the empty breakfast trays and walking out the door just as Decon walks in. "Reading the room. Scanning. Yes, we look good for a joke. Cloe, who has long black hair, has defied all odds and is in the process of getting discharged because her doctor has run out of tests to do?"


"Ding, ding, ding. Correct! I always knew you were not just a pretty face."

"Hold on there, Decon. Are you sure she is ready to go home?" Austin says quickly. His face worried. "Look man, I have done repeated tests. Everything is perfect. She is in perfect condition, if she were a show pony you could sell her for top dollar. If I do more tests I will just repeat the tests I have already repeated. I can't see any valid reason to keep her here."

"I have not walked yet..."

"Only because you have not tried. You had physio daily these last ten years and your muscles are in perfect condition. You can move your legs. Sure, you may be a little unstable on your legs for a while but soon you will be signing up for a ten-mile run. You will be fine."

"What about her memory?" Austin asks. Decon sighs. "I don't know, " he says. "What do you mean you don't know?" Austin asks, clearly a little pissed off. "I mean, I don't know. There are no tests I can run. Nothing I can measure. She may get her memory back tomorrow or in a week or a year. She might never get her memory back. From what I can tell she has lost about a yearish of memory before her accident. That's all I can tell you...I am sorry. I did not read the room well," Decon says.

"So what do we do now?" Austin asks. "Go home," Decon says with a shrug. "About her memory. My fuck, Decon. What can we do to try and get her memory back?" Austin asks. He looks about ready to kill Decon. Cloe has gotten to know Decon over the last few days and she has found out some very interesting things about him. He is very clever, was very dedicated to her care and well-being, he has become one of Austin's best friends over the years, and he likes fucking with Austin.

"Well, I think there is a bigger question to be asked."

"And what question is that, Decon?"

"She has only forgotten the year she spent with you. Honestly, if I was her I would want to forget that too," Decon says. The two men stare straight-faced at each other. Cloe thinks Austin is plotting Decon's murder and Decon is thinking about what is on the lunch menu. Then Decon's face breaks into a smile and he slaps Austin on the back. "I am just fucking with you man," he says with a laugh. Austin does not see the humor in his joke if his angry face is anything to go by. The poor man is stressed. "I have no solid answer for you guys. Her memory might come back, it might not. All you can do is attempt to rebuild what was lost. Live your life. You could look at some photos, maybe meet up with a few old friends, or visit old places in an attempt to jog her memory. There is no way of knowing if it will work or not. I would like to see her once a week though."

"For what?"

"Man, I don't know. I have no idea. I just think it would be a good idea."

"Ok, fine."

"It was nice meeting you Decon and thank you," Cleo says. "It was nice finally meeting you too Cloe. I like you more than I do Austin. But this is not goodbye. We will see each other a lot. Austin follows me around like a lost puppy."

"Go away now, Decon."

"Alright. See you Saturday."

"What's happening Saturday?" Cloe asks after Decon has left. "We go hunting on Saturday mornings. But, I won't go this Saturday," Austin says with a sigh.

"You don't want to go?"

"No. Not really."


They fall back into that silence. It's not necessarily uncomfortable. Cloe does not feel uncomfortable around Austin. It's just a little sad that they don't know what to say or how to talk to each other. "Um..." Austin says softly and Cloe looks at him. He looks lost again. He opens his mouth in an attempt to say something but closes his mouth again. She won't push him. She will wait for him to talk in his own time. "Um...Cleo...I know I am a stranger to you and coming home with me may feel like a daunting task. So...uh...so if you wanted to stay with your dad or with Shaz I would understand. It would be OK. I could drive you if you like or I can call Shaz...or your dad...whoever you want," he says. It looks like that was painful for him to say.

"You...you don't want me to stay with you?"

"No. I mean yes...I mean...I mean I want you to stay where you feel most comfortable. You won't want anything no matter where you stay, I will cover all the costs. I just want you to be comfortable and feel safe."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come home with me but it's not about what I want. It's about what you want. What you need."

"I had asked Shaz..."

"Ok...ok then," he whispers, pulling his phone out of his pocket and swallowing thickly. He looks like he is about to cry. It would hurt him very much if she chose to stay with Sharon, but he won't force her to go home with him and he won't make her feel bad either. Sharon had been right in her description of him to Cleo. "But..." she says softly and Austin snaps his head up to look at her.

"Shaz encouraged me to go with you. I may not remember you but you make me feel safe. I feel like I can trust you. If it's alright with you...I would like to go home with you, please," she says gently. Austin's eyes pool and he gives her a shaky smile. "Yeah, baby...that's alright with me," he says softly. His eyes look like they dance a little.

"I...uh...I need the bathroom if you don't mind."

"You want me to get a wheelchair?"

"I would rather try walking...if that's OK."

"Of course. You want my help?"

"Yes please."

Austin walks close to her bedside and grabs the blanket then looks at her only pulling back the blanket after she nods. Once the blanket is off she turns her body and swings her legs over the edge of the bed. "What do you need me to do, baby," he asks. "Be my crutch. Maybe just hold me steady. I trust you," she says. She slides to the edge of the bed as Austin holds up his arms and forms a little barrier around her. She grabs hold of his forearms and touches the floor with her feet then grips him tight and uses him to pull herself up. It feels weird. It feels like gravity is working over time to pull her body down and the soles of her feet are very sensitive.


"Yeah. It just feels weird."

"Any pain?"

"No, no pain but my feet are very sensitive. I feel like I am standing on pins and needles."

"Ok. We will go slow. Maybe it will get better with each step."


"I am going to walk backward, you just follow."


Austin takes one step back and Cloe lifts her leg slowly then puts it down before picking the other one up and putting it down. Once she is sturdy Austin takes another step back. Each step is like an electric shock, but Austin had been right, it gets a little easier with each step. Austin also has the patience of a saint. He does not hurry her or grumble, he just goes at her pace. It takes a good twenty minutes to get to the bathroom but the last two steps to the toilet have gone quickly and so she is feeling pretty confident about her trip back to bed. Austin helps her turn at the toilet and then helps her sit down before he moves away a little. He does not leave the bathroom so she gets stage fright and can't pee, but she needs to go bad.

"Everything OK?"

"I have stage fright."

"We used to shit in front of each other," Austin says with a soft chuckle.

"Gross. We were that couple?"

"Baby, you have no idea. We had no secrets and that included our bodily functions," he says still chuckling. "I am horrified. No wonder I blocked it all out. I am disgusted with us," she says and sighs in relief when she finally starts peeing.

"Did anyone know?" she asks.

"Everyone knew. We had no shame in gushing over each other."

She wrinkles her nose and laughs softly. "Guess we were happy," she says wiping herself. She notices Austin turns away to give her a little privacy. "We were very happy, baby," he says. He sounds a little sad and it makes Cloe's heart squeeze. Why doesn't she feel love for him? She likes him and there is just something about him that makes her want to stay close to him. It makes her want to get to know him and explore this love he is so convinced they have. She wishes she could just press a button and have her memories flood back. It's scary being in this situation and it scares her that she can feel, literally feel, how much he loves her. But, here she sits on a toilet and the love in her heart is directed toward Drake. She has feelings of anger flood her chest at just the thought of Drake's name - why? This is all so confusing and her emotions overwhelm her so she can't help her tears.

"Hey," Austin says softly as he crouches down in front of her. "It's going to be OK," he says wiping her cheeks gently. He is so sweet. She nods and tries to smile at him, but she is not very successful. "Come on, let's go home," he says helping her up and walking her back to the bed. It's much easier this time and she blushes when Austin praises her work. He is truly proud of her. He pulls a set of clothes out of the bedside table explaining he had always kept a set of clothes for her in the hopes that she would one day need them. "Today is that day," he says practically beaming at her. That sunshine smile peeps through again.

"I will give you some privacy to change. I will be right outside that door. OK?"

"OK. Thank you," she says picking up the clothing. Austin smiles at her again and then walks out of the room. She is scared to go with him. She does not have any memory of him. He is a stranger. But, the feeling of loss she feels when he steps out of the room only serves to convince her that she is making the right choice by going home with him. It just feels right and with no memories to go on, she has to trust her gut feelings.

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