Halfway There

De fairylightsintherain

93 3 3

Ken after living a cruel and dull life abruptly dies from illness and wakes up to being transported to a whol... Mais

-Omegaverse basics-

-Chapter5- part 1

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De fairylightsintherain

Kens pov.

It was morning and it was bright. I had yet to get used to the morning help. Each morning I didn't wake up to my future husband was another morning I was woken up by servants clattering footsteps. 

“Breakfast will be served in 30 minutes, the King insisted on letting you sleep in so we must make haste.” Machelle, my personally assigned head maid, said as she practically had to pull me out of the comfortable sheets. When I say I got comfortable and very adapted to this new life that would be half lying. It still felt like I was in a dream that could end any moment but I cleared the thought. 

“Please lift your arms,” the stubborn woman exclaimed as she tried helping me undress. “As I said before, I'll bathe and clothe myself,” I remarked, taking the clothing off of the night stand and heading towards the bathroom. 

“Even after requesting me you reject my help, oh well,” It was true. Originally Felix had given me three male servants but it felt too uncomfortable. I didn't fear men, I just didn't want servants in the first place. Which then led me to do what any reasonably smart person would do and that was ask for one or none. Obviously that didn't work. All Felix did was have a flash of sadness pass through his facial expression to have me melting, so I at least asked for one female maid to be thrown in the mix since getting along with women was a million times easier for me. 

“Anything different about today?”

“Yes, the King's mother, her majesty, should be arriving later this evening. Other than that there is no other news to note.” 

“Her majesty?” I completely forgot about Felix's mother. “Do I need to do anything specific for meeting her? Like bring flowers or something?” I asked as I had just finished getting dressed in the pastel yellow robes I was given. The cloth itself felt smooth and star-like with how the small patterns and hand sewn designs looked as if they danced in the light. 

“Other than bowing as a greeting when she addresses you, no. Are you ready Royal con- I mean Ken?” I had asked the lovely people assigned to help me to just call me Ken but it's a slow work in progress. 

“Yes, is Fee waiting for me already?” 

“He should be in the dining hall hon! Ah I mean Royal- ah, Ken, sorry about that.” 

“It's okay Machelle, you can call me that too.”

“Okay, thankyou,” with a smile she guided me to the dining hall as per usual. 

On the way I caught a glimpse of Murdock standing in the hallway. Observing me, as eye contact approached he broke it off by shuffling away back into his study. I may have had a few disagreements with him but normally it wouldn't grant such an off feeling. 

“Somethings wrong with his eyes.” 

“What?” she questioned. I realized that we had stopped walking.

“Oh it's nothing, let's go, Fee’s waiting.” Through the many challenging previous years on earth I had picked up a knack for perceiving people accordingly. Things weren't looking too good with Murdock but there isn't much I can do about it. “What power do I have over him anyway? Should I ask Felix?”

Felix's pov.

“Hey there handsome!” The sound of Ken's voice pulled me out of the book I had been reading. 

“Likewise pup,” I could feel my face pulling into a grin.

“Using that face is cheating!” Ken said, pouting with a lovely pink appearing onto his cheeks.

“Oh really? What face am I making? Maybe you should get a closer look,” as I spoke he got closer and closer. He let me gently guide him into my arms, a warm welcoming embrace that was much needed this morning. 

“I heard your mother is coming later today,” 

“Mhm” is all I managed to get out as I started peppering his face and neck with light kisses, “I've missed his skin.” 

“H-hey fee you're cheating a-again! D-do I need to do anything special for her?” I slowed my kisses before landing a good sensual kiss on his lush lips.

“Nope, my momma will love you,” I think. She's always hoped for me to find my treasure Grove, in other words, my mate. Here he was in his most stunning and beautiful form. My perfect husband to be. 

“I hope so, I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous. I've only been here for a few weeks after all.” He said exhaling hard and relaxing into my lap.

“I'll be there with you, and really, there's nothing to worry about. If you feel uncomfortable just let me know. Alright! Let's get some food in our systems before we go for a stroll!

 “A stroll? Around the palace?”

“Sort of, I'll show you after breakfast.”

Kens pov.

We never talk about his work. We never talk about anything regarding him. I love being pampered for once in my life. I love it so much, but I want to know everything about this man. Cliche I know but, I want this to work. In the past I never tried for romantic relationships. Of course that leads to being unbelievably lonely and always longing for the feel of warm skin sparking against mine. I know that but I couldn't even get along with others in the past. “You're full of yourself, you're weird, you're gay? Oh um thanks but I gotta go.” I could have kept trying and going out of my way to make friends but ultimately just stopped caring. Now here I am, making friends with Machelle and I'm engaged? What a twist. 

“Ken?” I felt Felix's hand placed on mine startling me out of my thoughts.

“Whats on your mind? Is something the matter?”

“No no, I was just thinking and I want to know more about you. We spend everyday together but always end up talking about my past life. Its nice to actually have someone notice my existence and the things Ive been through and seen, but relationships are a two way street, I want to do the same for you. I want to know you better than I know myself.”

I Looked up at Felix catching the light in his eyes, the look of shock and embarrassment.

“You've been vulnerable to me over and over but I haven't shown the same have I?” He stood up from the table, smiling down at me. It looked as if he was a Greek statue carved by the gods, made out of sheer beauty and love. The sun peeking through the windows around us looked as if I was in a fairytale. “He's mine, I'm his.”

“Shall we go? I can explain more about myself while we walk.”

“I want it.”

“Want what? What do you need?”

“You, I want you. I want you right now.” I can't believe I just said that, but I feel like my head is about to explode. “I haven't ever felt this immense pull towards anyone and Ive NEVER been this h♡rny for anyone ever.” Did I ever feel heated like this before? 


“Was that a voice crack, oh my stars you're adorable!” “I want to tease him so bad right now.” This much activity for my heart can't be healthy at this point. Felix whimpering with tears in his eyes would certainly be on my bucket list.

“No! Only you could do this to me anyways, now grab my hand and cool off with me on a walk or I'm going to “cool off” in this room with you spread out on the table begging for more. Your smell Is driving me crazy!” 

“Smell? OH! I forgot about that.” My so-called pheromones right? How does that work? When he was explaining it that one time he never really finished explaining.

“Welllllllllllllllllll, I think we could go for option one, but option number two does seem rather interesting.” I slid my fingers along his thick arms reaching my hands over his neck pulling him down into a kiss. His hand found my back pulling me closer while the other pinned me between the table and him. 

“More,” his hum of agreement rumbled through our lips. The feel of my head getting lost in a space unknown to me until meeting him.

“A-ahem your majesty, her majesty the Queen is here.” Both our heads snapped at the doorway staring right at the servant only to see the Queen witnessing everything we were doing.

“Oh MY FUCKING SHIT! NO NO no no, please please kill me!” Her face was in shock. “SHOCK!?!? OF COURSE IT IS! I WOULD BE TOO!!!”

“O-oh my… oh um Felix, wont you introduce me to your lovely mate here?” 

Felix looked as if he was cooked alive by the sun with how red he had become. Carefully untangling us he took my hand standing up straight with as much confidence he could, he quickly started the introductions.

“Right, Mother this is my fiance Ken, Ken this is my mother her majesty Olivia.”

“H-hi um pleased to meet you,” is all I could manage before I started breaking out into a sweat.

“As am I.” she said with a warm smile stepping forward.

“Mother, I thought you were going to arrive a bit later today considering how long the journey is.”

“I rushed her to be able to see my baby and his mate, what's so wrong with that? And enough with all the formality already, that's not how we roll and we wont start now,” she was now pouting, throwing her head to the side while crossing her arms in a grumpy huff. Almost childlike.

“Well anyway since you both seem to be done with breakfast how about joining me for afternoon tea? It's in a few hours so I'm hoping neither of you are busy.”

“O-of course!” I can’t say I'm not embarrassed or anxious because I am, but she seems to not care as much as I think.

“All right then dear, see you two in a bit.” with a glimmering smile she left, leaving Felix and I standing like sardines.

“So that was something.”

“Something that was too embarrassing even for us.”

“Should we go?”

“Yeah, let's go.”


“Hey Fee I was wondering…”


“I was wondering if I could have some tools and pieces to make some jewelry,” I couldn't help gripping the back of my neck nervously since I was basically freeloading already. Not having work at all was driving me insane. “I wanted to be able to make some to hand out and keep as gifts for the maids and others…”

“Of course! Do you want any specific beads or jewels for it? I can have a jeweler visit the palace to give you more options.” He softly smiled as we continued down the decorated path going closer to an area circled by trees. 

“Could we really do that? That would be amazing!” I felt like a  child tasting candy for the first time. I say this a lot but I really am unused to this kind of love. I want to soak it in, I want to trap it in forever, never letting it go. Even if Felix ends up wanting another or gets tired of me, I cant help feeling greedy. “So greedy.”



“OH! yes?” I was so self absorbed in my thoughts I hadn't realized that we had in fact entered the destination Fee wanted to visit every morning with me. That area circled in trees was actual encasing a beautiful hideout like pond with bushes of flowers and unbelievably beautifully crafted benches made of light stone. 

“Would you care to join me?” He said jestering to the bench closest to us.

“Yes of course!”

“Alright before we start-” He reached over the back of the bench, plucking a fluffy yellow and pink colored rose reaching forward towards me. He held one side of my face with one hand as the other swept the hair away from my ear placing the flower. I could feel the butterflies dance about my stomach, the feeling making me feel completely swept up in the moment. I reached for his hand holding it in mine. I couldn't resist tracing circles and following the curves of his hand with my finger as I started to speak.

“I think I love you.”

“Think?” He was teasing me but I could see the blush tinting his face and ears. 

“I would call what I think this is love so yes, I love you.” I said it and it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. 

“I… I always thought that I would find love but not one this special, And I know we're moving fast but I can't help it, I'll slow down, but I just want to keep loving on you everyday, every hour, every minute. That's a lot isn't it? Is it suffocating?” His insecurities were creeping out as he spoke, forming a tight pull on his brow. 

“I- I've never been this possessive either. I don't hate it, in fact I love waking up to see you, I love feeling your hands in mine, I love feeling your skin, I love your hair and your muscles and other things…” I didn't hide my gaze as I blatantly stared at his thighs and his “… you know.”

I was expecting the shy Fee to peek through but this time it was as if I was prey to a hungry animal in his eyes. “I like this fee too!”

-Chapter5 tbc-

I have no excuse for why I took so long to post more for this story 💀 no one seemed interested tbh

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