Missing Arrows to My Broken B...

By ThatsNotaWriteOFF

241 21 39

In the kingdom of Adoranda, where destinies intertwine, Jack serves in the Gaskarth home, haunted by the shad... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Thank You- Authors Note

Chapter Sixteen

7 1 0
By ThatsNotaWriteOFF



Sixteen years had passed since Jack and Zack opened their hearts and home to Edward, Philip, and Ella. They were now 41 and 42 respectively.

The once little children had grown into young adults, each carving their own path in life. Edward, now twenty, carried the weight of future kingship on his shoulders, he and his father Zack were almost identical in personality. Regal. Stoic. Immensely protective.

Philip, at eighteen, navigated the threshold of adulthood with determination. He was like Jack. Passionate and helpful. He had replaced Jack as the people's prince for sure.

Ella, the youngest at sixteen, bloomed into a compassionate and poised young woman under Jack and Zack's nurturing care. She was spoiled rotten in the best way. Zack was right when he predicted that she would be his weakness and it has proven true. The children never wanted for anything and took to royalty nicely.

The princes, and princess of the kingdom were well loved and respected. Jack as their primary caregiver, ensured that they were kind and gentle. While Zack is a compassionate king and made sure his children lead with just and compassionate minds.

The Merrick House in the kingdom of Adoranda had changed in bonds and connections over the years.

Zack's mother had bid her final farewell, losing Queen Sariah left a hole in all of their hearts. She loved her grandchildren deeply. And her children were her pride and joy.

Zack and Jack cherished her dearly. Rebecca, Zack's sister and a princess in her own right, had found her soulmate in Gideon, bringing a new chapter of love and family into their lives.

Meanwhile, Alex, a lifelong friend, found himself shouldering the responsibility of raising his children alone after the loss of his beloved Annabelle to pinned two years ago.  Since she was older than him, sadly no one was surprised.
Alex was now the head of the Gaskarth household as his father has since passed.

On a sunny afternoon, Alex gathered his children, George, nineteen and Marie, seventeen, to join Jack and Zack at the castle for a rare reunion. Despite the close friendship of Jack and Alex, the demands of studies and royal duties had kept the Merrick and Gaskarth children apart. Making them not see each other as often.

Today, however, they came together to celebrate Philip's eighteenth birthday, relishing the simple moments.

As they sat down for lunch, conversation flowed freely until Philip and Marie, almost simultaneously, voiced complaints of headaches.

"Papa, may I go please see the herbologist? My head is throbbing, I must of spent too much time in the sun." Phillip complained.

Jack immediately went to his son's side, feeling him for a fever and inspected any problems.

"Papa. My head hurts too. And the back of my neck is itchy. I may have run into poison ivy or something in the garden earlier." Marie complained.

A moment of concern gripped the table as they both began to itch at their soulmate marks—Marie's a black butterfly and Philip's a white caterpillar. Speculations had lingered over the years, but the sudden activation of their marks confirmed what Jack, Zack, and Alex had suspected: Philip and Marie were bonded soulmates.

Zack, Alex and Jack smiled knowingly at each other. "It's going to be ok Phillip I promise. This feeling will pass. Do you remember from your studies what the symptoms of soulmate bonding are?" Jack asked tenderly.

Phillip nodded. "Yes but with mine on the back of my neck it is always hard to see."

Alex nodded. "Marie, honey, will you lift your hair and show Prince Phillip the back of your neck."

Marie nodded hesitantly before kneeling down in front of Phillip, her back to him, lifting her hair. Revealing her black butterfly was no longer alone.

Phillip gasped. "You now bare my white caterpillar, will you look Miss Marie, and see if I bare your butterfly?"

Marie stood and turned to look at the back of Phillips neck. She gasped. "My butterfly... it's you... I cannot believe..."

Amidst the initial shock, Jack and Alex reassured their children, offering support and guidance through the revelation.

"We always suspected maybe you two were bonded, but we were never sure. " Jack said calmly while Phillip seemed to be accepting this a bit easier.

Zack, the king, smiled as he watched his loving husband help his frantic son. After nearly 20 years. Zack loves Jack more every day. And watching him command the current situation with grace and compassion made him absolutely overcome with love and joy.

"Well,Marie I would like to welcome you into the royal family with open arms, I am already envisioning your role as a future princess and I think you and Phillip will serve your duties well." Zack said a bit rigidly. He wasn't trying to be, but being King had hardened Zack's surface a bit. Making him a bit more formal at times than he would prefer.

Jack and his children understood. And knew the role as king was a hard and thankless job at times. They know he will always make sure he says he loves them and tells them good night every night. Without fail.

Edward, ever the responsible elder brother, and immensely protective of his little brother. reminded them of the kingdom's laws. " According to bylaw 23, you may court each other, but, you must until Marie's eighteenth birthday to formalize your bond. As both parties must be eighteen." He was a bit rigid as he didn't want to lose his brother to a wife so soon. And he wanted to make sure Phillip was well cared for.

Zack chuckled. "Always so eager to show what you have learned in your training my Dear Edward. Me and papa are well aware of the bylaws."

Edward nodded as Zack tossed his hair.

Edward muttered something like "why does Phillip get his soulmate first."

Jack and Zack decided to ignore the remark for now.

"Why now papa? I mean we have met before this? I thought bonds were revealed when you met?" Marie asked as she clutched to Alex a bit. Scared. Worried.

Phillip nodded seeming to share the sentiment.

"Bonds don't typically show until one of the pairing turns 18. And when it does, your brain chemistry will change to accommodate your mate." Zack said confidently.

Zack has read every lore book, and every bit of knowledge he could muster. While he believes that he and Jack are ethereal soulmates after they met that couple over 16 years ago, but, they've never seen it in action yet, so Zack is constantly looking for further information because he doesn't know if he could do life ever again without Jack at his side.

"Is that why I suddenly want to share all of strawberry tarts?" Phillip chuckles.

Marie blushed. "I didn't realize you like them. They are my favorite as well."

Phillip blushed. "Well then I will always share."

Phillip turned to look at the king. His father. "Father may we be excused? I know customs indicate we eat until you signal you are done. But I would like to take Miss Marie on a walk through the garden?"

Zack nodded. "Meal dismissed."

Servants came in to clear the dining hall. And they all separated. Mari and Phillip left for their stroll, Zack and Edward to The King's study. Jack, Alex, Ella, and George were to head to the sun room.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow my love." Zack said a bit teasingly as he kissed Jack goodbye.

Jack leaned in and whispered. "You better be in our chambers tonight. I would like you to ravish me your majesty."

Zack nodded subtly. "I will ensure of that." He kissed Jack again, a little deeper this time.

As they pulled away, Ella scoffed. "Eww get a room. We live in a castle, please pick one your majesties."

Jack chuckled. "Would you rather your parents despised each other?"

Zack chuckled. "Been nearly 20 years and I still love you more everyday."

Edward chuckled. "I wish you despised each other more, My stomach would be less twisted in knots if you did."

Alex chuckled as he and his son George watched. "This is of all things is what the royal family argues about." George said with a laugh.

Ella giggled. "We save kingdom affairs arguments for teatime."

Alex and Jack laughed at the quick wit. "Sharp that one is."Alex said with a smile.

Jack nodded. "Quite."


Jack was in bed, almost asleep when he felt the bed shift behind him. Indicating Zack was in bed with him. Despite their age, Zack was in incredible shape. So his arms were still so strong.

Jack smiled as he felt Zack's naked body press up behind him. Wrapping his arms around Jack's naked form. Sometimes they slept naked, sometimes they didn't. Tonight. They seemed to have both decided to sleep naked.

"Hello my love." Zack whispered as he placed a light kiss to Jack's neck.

"Your majesty." Jack said sweetly as he hummed, content at Zack's gentle kisses.

Jack rolled over so he was facing Zack. "There is that handsome face I absolutely adore."

Jack stroked his fingers along Zack's jawline, caressing his face.

"Oh hello." Zack mumbled, right before Jack felt Chuck's hands grab his waist. Zack pulled  Jack close and locked their lips together.

Their lips merged and Jack could feel Zack's cock press against him as Zack held him close.

Jack bit his husbands lip gently as he pulled away from their kiss. Jack could see the pure lust  in Zack's eyes and it made Jack's whole body quiver.

"Even after all this time. You make me shake in anticipation. And you are  the most handsome man I have ever seen." Jack whispered.

Zack chuckled lustfully. "I love you, and you will always be my favorite place. Forevermore."

Zack shuffled back over to Jack In the bed, with kisses and gentle nudges. His mouth nibbled at Jack's neck.

Jack let out a long moan as Zack shifted to mount his chest and thrust his cock in Jack's face. With no hesitation, Jack fit the entire thing into his mouth. After Jack sucked on it for a while, Zack pulled it out.  A string of saliva following it .

"Ohhh you have it nice and ready for you my love." Zack smirked.

Instead of a response, Jack ran his hands over the long shaft.

Zack spat in his left hand and shifted his body.

Zack's right hand  was grasping his cock and  his left on Jack's cock. His fingers ran down to the base, coating his husband effectively and effortlessly in saliva. He then spat again. The cold wetness splashed just above Jack's hole.

Zack's fingers caressed Jack as he slid to begin coating Jack's entrance effectively, all the while stroking  his  own member.

Jack watched in delight as Zack prepped both him and himself. "I love you so much." Jack whispered lustily.

Zack spoke softly in return. "I know my love. I love you too."

Then Zack lowered himself on Jack. Jack could feel Zack's muscles straining to keep most of his weight off his body.

Jack reached up and pulled him into him. His arms wrapped around Zack's shoulders. Now that they were closer, skin to skin, Jack felt a lot better.

Then without much warning, Zack placed the tip of his cock against Jack's entrance. The first push was always the hardest. It had been a week or so since they had last made love, so Jack needed to adjust a little more this time. 

Jack instinctually clenched as Zack's cock gently forced its way in. Zack kissed his neck and his lips and he relaxed a bit.

Zack's cock began to slide deeper and Jack let out a long sigh.

"It feels so good. I feels so full. My god. I have missed you being inside me." Jack whispered out.

Zack kissed Jack gently, but there was a bit of neediness to it. "I have missed being inside of you"

Zack began to slowly thrust his hips and as per usual, Jack just became a pile of mush. He felt so weak and vulnerable.

Jack burried his face in Zack's neck and just moaned for all he was worth.

Zack pumped away. Filling Jack up with every thrust and making Jack whine the emptiness every time he pulled away.

Zack's tip felt so good sliding to the very base of his entrance, almost slipping out, before slamming in with a gentle force.

Zack's balls began to slap against Jack as  his thrust picked up in pace.

Their sweat covering their body's as their heavy breaths clouded each others thoughts.

Zack was hitting Jack in all the right spots. Jack was nearly incoherent as Zack was bringing him immense pleasure.

Zack was the most generous lover, Jack always came first. Jack cried out. "I love you" each time he came.

This time, Jack came at least twice before Zack did. Zack finally filled Jack up with his seed, and he kissed his forehead, telling Jack he loves him.

After a beat, Zack slipped himself out of Jack, and just glowed with joy.

"It was a very good day my love." Zack whispered as Jack curled up into his side, placing his head on Zack's broad and sweaty chest.

"It was. Phillip and Marie finally bonded." Jack said with a smile.

"We knew it might happen." Zack said plainly as he stroked his fingers along Jack's back casually.

Jack beamed. "Our caterpillar found his butterfly." 

He was so happy and proud of his son. And he could not of picked a more perfect match if he tried. Marie was so near and dear to Jack. He would be so glad to have her as his Daughter in law.

"She will make a wonderful Princess." Zack said with a little laugh.

Jack nodded kissing Zack's bare chest. "Yes she will your majesty. How did Edward take it?"

Jack's voice was laced with concern as he knows his eldest son would be a bit hurt. Because he had not found his soulmate yet and wanted to, desperately, and Jack knew how protective Edward is over his siblings. He knows Edward is worried about how Phillip's future will turn out.

"Oh he was a bit of a mess. He was angry Phillip found his first, as Phillip feels this pressure for some unknown reason to have an heir, even though I told him countless times that he has time." Zack said with a sigh.

"I heard him muttering about that in the dining hall." Jack said with a concerned look.

Zack nodded as they both sat up. Jack took his hand in Zack's and just held his hand as they talked, wanting to make sure he was touching his husband in some way as they spoke.

These talks at the end of each day were Jack's favorite part of any day. Just him and Zack alone. After 10pm there was a strict. "No entry into the kings chamber. Unless there is a death or dire emergency." rule. Even then the only people allowed to enter were the children, or Rian and Daniel.

"He gets so protective, I worry he gets blinded sometimes." Jack said concerned.

Zack nodded. "Yes but I reassured him all will be well. "

Jack nodded as he leaned over and kissed Zack. "I am so proud of you. Always."

Zack smiled fondly. "Your thoughts on me are the only ones I care about."

Jack pressed their foreheads together. They then chatted about their days a little longer, laughing, holding hands, and just enjoying each others presence. Exchanging kisses and flirtatious banter throughout the conversation.

"Now, how about we try and see if I can ravage you as promised?" Zack said with a smirk. Pulling Jack in to his lap in the bed.

Jack laughed. "Again your majesty? You act as if you are starved."

Zack nibbled on Jack's earlobe. "I am. We can't have a starved king can we? Better for the kingdom if I am full and content."

Jack giggled as Zack and him continued in their loving embrace.

"Well anything to help the kingdom. How can I refuse?" Jack said seductively.

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