One's Boundaries

By ThandiBsuku

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She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also... More

Chapter 1: Work
Chapter 3: Mr Jonathan's Office
Chapter 4: Caught In Between
Chapter 5: Mr. Prince Charming
Chapter 6: Starting Today
Chapter 7: I Thought I Told You
Chapter 8: Stress After Stress
Chapter 9: Surprise!
Chapter 10: Yes!
Chapter 11: Liana Rodriguez
Chapter 12: The Meeting
Chapter 13: Bombshell
Chapter 14 - Event of A Lifetime
Chapter 15: Backstabbed
Chapter 16: Bombarded Liana
Chapter 17: Questions & Disbeliefs
Chapter 18: Dad?!
Chapter 19: Liam & Lee
Chapter 20 - Staying Sane
Chapter 21 - Confused Lee
Chapter 22: Confession
Chapter 23: Crossing Over
Chapter 24: Sacrifice
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Chapter 26: Grandpa Romano
Chapter 27: Home Sweet Home
Author's Note #1
Chapter 28: Preparation
Chapter 29: Preparations Part 2
Chapter 30: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 31: Heart To Heart
Chapter 32: Family Dinner
Chapter 33: The Romano Games Part 1
Chapter 34: The Romano Games Part 2
Chapter 35: The Romano Games Part 3
Chapter 36: The Romano Games Part 4
Chapter 37: The Romano Games Part 5

Chapter 2: I'm Introverted

20 1 2
By ThandiBsuku

12:00 P.M


I decided to grab a quick bite at the cafe down the street. I then called Ziana to ask if she wanted anything.

---ON A CALL---

Me: Hey Zi.

Ziana: Hey sis. On lunch?

Me: Yep. I am going to the cafe down the street. Do you need something?

Ziana: The regulars, please.

Me: Roger. Anything else?

Ziana: Could you please pass by the shops and buy some hot chocolate?

Me: The powder one?

Ziana: Yes, please.

Me: Okay, I will make sure to buy it. Let me go buy it now.

Ziana: (gasps) During your lunch break?!

Me: Yeah.  Why?

Ziana: Don't you eat with your colleagues during lunch?

Me: Like I have friends here.

Ziana: Did you take your introverted personality to the workplace?

Me: It's a part of me. I have always been like this since I was young. Earphones are my comfort object.

Ziana: I must say though, it is good to do that.

Me: You are not being sarcastic right?

Ziana: Not this time. I feel like it's good - pity that people don't value an introverted person to be normal.

Even here at work - it is as if one is mentally abnormal or something.

Me: Yeah. I mean there's nothing wrong with being introverted, just as there's nothing wrong with being single.

Ziana: Ah, the pressure is starting to rise again, am I right?

Me: On a full swing, I will share the full details when I get home later today.

Ziana: Please spill the ENTIRE office tea!

Me: Naughty Ziana! I will. Let me go, I will see you later.

Ziana: Okay sis! See ya later!

This naughty little sister of mine.

Me: Bye.

Ziana: Byee!


After I dropped Ziana's call, I then went into my car and drove to the cafe down the street to place Ziana and I's order. Next, I drove to the Cybric Food Wholesale to buy the hot chocolate that Ziana asked, to which I bought two because who doesn't like anything chocolatey?

I drove back to work, stayed in my car, and scrolled through my phone until I heard a knock on my window.

It was Nathan.

I rolled my window.

Me: Nathan?

Nathan: Liana, hey.

Me: Hey... you need me?

Nathan gestures his hand for me to come out.

Me: You want me to come out of the car?

Nathan: Please come out Liana.

Me: Geez... okay, okay!

I closed the window, went out of the car, and locked it.

Me: I am out.

Nathan: Good. Come with me.

Me: To where?

Nathan: Is asking questions part of your personality?

Me: Yes it is, I need to know where I am going and what to expect.

Nathan ignored me and just took my hand.

Me: Nathan... what's happening...?

Nathan: You will see.

I was going back to the office with Nathan pulling my hand and leading me to the coffee room which was packed with many of our colleagues.

Me: I should have known...

Nathan: What? Today your first lesson is to converse with us.

Me: But I am introverted... you haven't learned how brutal I am.

Nathan: Oh really?

I shook my hand away and was free from Nathan's hold. I looked at everyone in the room.

Me: Why are you all worried about me not talking to anyone? Haven't you dealt with a colleague like myself?

Riana: No we have not and so we want to understand you better.

Kayla: That's a lie Riana. (looking at me) Liana, we once had a colleague like you, only to find out she sold the company's confidential info to thieves. So we just want to make sure you are not the same kind.

Sell the company's confidential info... are they kidding me?!

I looked at everyone in the room.

Me: Okay then. Let me re-introduce myself. I am Liana Rodriguez. I have no love interest and NOT planning on having one. I have NO interest in shady business dealings, so don't worry. I am extremely introverted and not used to talking but I will try to improve - I am not promising though, but I will try to improve my communication level. One more thing, DO NOT ask me questions related to having a love interest or anything like that, understood?

Everyone was stunned by my intro. 

Nathan: Uh...

Even Nathan lost words.

Nathan: Thank you for clearing a few of our concerns, but...

Me: But what?

Riana: We too can't promise to ask about your love interest.

Me: Then you don't have my best interests at heart, therefore I take back my words on improving my communication.

Before everyone could argue with me, we heard the door opening.

It was Mr. Jonathan Scott.

Jonathan: What's going on everyone?

Them: Good day sir.

Nathan: Nothing sir, we just decided to have a colleague's lunch break together.

Yeah, interrogating me about my life.

Jonathan: Liana?

Me: Yes sir?

Jonathan: Are you alright?

Is he sensing something different about me?

Me: Yes sir?

Jonathan: No one is bullying you?

Me: No sir, thank you.

Jonathan: That's good.

He then left for the door. I turned my eyes back to the rest.

Me: I hope this is the last time I get interrogated, okay? Nobody has a right to pry into my personal life of romance and just as you wouldn't want me to keep asking you the same question on something you have no interest in, I need the same respect, got it?

Everyone was silent.

Me: Do you understand?

Them: Yes.

I then left for the door myself.

Me: Gosh, these people...

I still had 30 more minutes to spare, after a whole 10 minutes were wasted on being questioned like a criminal. I then went outside to clear my head.

Nathan's POV

Liana left for the door. I never saw her angry before but I kind of understand why. I mean I wouldn't want someone to ask me about my bad past continuously so all she wants is respect just as all of us would want it. 

Introverts really must not be messed up with.

Me: You are to blame Riana.

Riana: Me?!

Me: Yeah you! You were not willing to respect her feelings regarding her personal life.

Kayla: Yeah, I mean all she wants is respect.

Riana: I didn't want her to feel left out---

I became upset with Riana.

Nathan: Riana, she just said she is happy with her single life. She doesn't need a man. She is not planning on having a love interest. What part of "not" do you not understand?

Riana: Why are you so worked up on this, do you like Liana?

Nathan: SO WHAT IF I DO?!

I shouldn't have said that. I just removed my frustration to the point of releasing my feelings for Liana. Everyone was shocked by my last words.

Me: I am going out.

I left for the door myself.

Me: I shouldn't have said that... I am going to clear my head outside...

Riana's POV

I can't believe Nathan's words


Riana: Why are you so worked up on this, do you like Liana?

Nathan: SO WHAT IF I DO?!


Me: I knew it! Nathan had a crush on Liana.

Kayla: What did Liana do to you?

Me: Nothing, I was curious about her life.

Kayla: I give up with you...

So what? It's a bit weird that her life circles around home, work, and family wouldn't she have a significant other in between?

Back to Main POV

As I was listening to music on my earphones, I saw Nathan join me.

Nathan: Liana... hey.

Me: Nathan...

(1 182 words)

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