Quirkless Yet Limitless

By Harli40

1.9K 55 1

She was six when she realized just what her mothers plan was. She was six as she stared out of the crack of... More

Chapter One - A Legend Begins
Chapter Two - A Truth, A Lie, or Half Truth
Chapter Three - Childhood Friends Together Again and Flash Backs
Chapter Four - A New Beginning
Chapter Five - A New Chapter Begins
Chapter Seven - The Sports Festival
Chapter Eight - The Calvery and One On One Battles
Chapter Nine - Internships and Hero Names
Chapter Ten - Final Exams
Chapter Eleven - Summer Camp

Chapter Six - The School Year Begins

123 6 0
By Harli40

    All Might leaned back in his seat. Watching and rewatching the video feds. He was in need of a successor... someone to take up his name and place once he retires. Reaching over he rubbed his aching side. His injury had made it so he could only be a hero for so long. And as he watched her, he felt as if she'd be perfect to take up the mental. To become the next symbol. He nodded. Yes, yes she would do.
    He sat up, his quirk gave him two forms. One made him look smaller, not by much but still smaller. And weaker. The second was the one they all saw. Civilian and hero.... He'll have to ask her about it... along with Aizawa and Yamada. They are her legal guardians after all. Hopefully they don't say no...


    I stood next to my dad. Holding his sleeve as we walked. I glanced back and warned the lady of the defenses. We reached class and spoke of class representatives. In the end we decided to vote. "Besides most people will only vote for themselves."
    "Then we make a rule. We can't vote for ourselves..." I quickly regretted that statement as I stared at the votes. As I had five votes. Momo with three, while everyone else had one or none. I looked back and down... I shifted nervously. But I accepted my role. Very reluctantly. Luna seemed to be laughing at me.

    Pulling out one of my pistols, I pointed it up, luckily it was open and the silencer was off. Meaning this'll be super loud. I shot it echoed. I looked up, crossing my arms. "Calm the hell down. Look it's just the fucking press. Additionally the cops are here." I stepped back. "So relax. If it were a real attack the first thing our teachers would have done is protect us..." sighing I took a breath. "Line up, and we'll evacuate properly. Like the young adults we are."
After that we returned to class. I left them and went to Nezu. "What the hell was that?"
    "I don't know Iza...." I came to a stop next to Nezu.
    "I believe so..."
    "You don't know... do you."
    "That's not good..."
    "Prepare for the worst." I just nodded. will...


I stood, wearing my costume. We lined up and went onto the bus. When Tsu spoke up. "There's something-"
"Yes. I do remember you Mother Tsu." She jumped. I didn't even look at her.
"Iza remembers everyone she's ever rescued..." I glanced at Kat. Before looking away once again. That was when we reached the USJ. Auntie Anna began to speak. I cleared my throat when she began to go up. Talking about her quirk... my hair stood on end, then mist appeared, with it villains... and I recognized a whole fucking lot of them. As villains I've already fought.
    "Oh..." my head dipped. "Oh shit."
"Izara?" My father asked.
"About half of those bastards I've fought and arrested..."
"Shit." My head lowered as I didn't hesitate. My feet dug into the ground, Luna sticking her head out of my scarf. Dad followed. "The rest of you stay here! Iza fight the ones you've fought before!"
"On it!" We split up, Eraser flung left, I went right. One began to shoot at me, I just dodged, pulling out my gun and firing at him. Unlike him I didn't miss. Hitting him with a tranquilizer bullet right in the chest, then re-sheathing it.
One came at me from the back, I jumped over, twisting and slamming my leg into their back. Another person went to punch me, I whirled around, catching their arm reaching up and over, grabbing them by the wrist and pit. Followed by throwing them over my shoulder and at two others.
Yet another villain attacked me from behind. Jumping and roundhouse kicking I kicked one of the ones that was trying to attack me on the right with one leg, while the back of my knee on the other caught the villain by the neck. I slammed them into the ground. Another person tried to attack me, again from behind, I just ducked forward and allowed them to fly over me.
My hand shooting up and grabbing their ankle with both hands. Then whirling around I chucked them at three other villains. Another villain attacked me. This one straight on. "You're a brave one!" I jumped up and flipped, as I did so I landed on my right arm on their head. Flipping, I then kicked them in the back. Sending them into four of their allies. "Wow... either your all weak as fuck or I'm just getting luck as fuck."
Another villain attacked me from the left, I spun around and chopped them in the back of the neck. Turning and spinning and doing the same thing once again. Then turning I palmed one in the face, flipping I kicked another, dropping I punched another in the gut. Then flipping I caught yet another around the neck with my legs. Slamming them into the ground. Turning up, I jumped back up to my feet. Kicking one in the head. I was starting to lose myself in the dance of fighting. The melody of my dance was that of grunts and people hitting the ground.


Shigaraki stared at the girl... Amishta. Or Midoriya Izara. He watched in slight awe as the masked and hooded female effortlessly took down henchman after henchman. Barely even breaking a sweat as she moved like she was dancing. She moved with such grace and presence that it was impossible to look away.
She was moving as fast, if not faster than the pro on the other side. ErasureHead. He narrowed his eyes as he remembered his master's words. 'The girl could be useful. She has great control over citizens and neutrals...by getting her on our side, or locking her away until it's too late we'll gain so many more supporters.' But how? And why? He shook his head. Then lunged at Erasure.


I ran, sprinting in the direction I saw the villain lunging for my dad.  The villain caught my dad's elbow, and disintegrated it. I moved faster. "Dad!" I screamed, pushing him out of the way, and throwing Luna out of my scarf just in time...
I was slammed into the ground, hard. My vision swam. Eyes focusing in then out of focus. My arm was broken, my head bleeding. The Nomu hit me, multiple times. Slamming my head into the ground. Pain shot through my face as my masks broke, as did the skin from the top of the left side of my face, down to a the left of my left lip. My eyes closed as my arm broke.
The Nomu sat on me. Slamming my head into the ground again. Then picking it up to meet the face of the main villain. "Dammit... it's the wrong one..." I panted as pain shot through me. The entirety of the left side of my face coated in blood, my left eyes closed as my right stared into his eyes.
Shigaraki went to attack Tsu, and somehow I gained the barring to throw my dagger at him. My vision blurred as I was again slammed into the ground. Then the Nomu lunged, I forced myself on my feet, and attacked. Nomu turned, forgetting about his target, my dad. And catching me by the throat.
I gasped as its grip became tighter. It was choking me. My grip loosened on my daggers, I dropped them, my hand moving the Nomu's, as the handyman called it, arms clawing at it with my nails as I struggled for breath. The door was blasted open, and All Might appeared. Fear gripped my chest as I stared at the Nomu... I was going to die. Then my eyes, well, eye, closed and I couldn't help the bitter smile that spread on my lips.
Then, the Nomu creature chucked me. I was sent flying, and was slammed harshest against the ground of the USJ. Hitting it hard enough to bounce three times then to slide, skidding to a stop. Adding a burn to my right arm. I grunted as I fell to a heap on the ground, black invading my vision as I heard the distinct roar of Luna.
Then I saw her, in all her glory running towards me in her true form, a huge cat about the size of a horse. She came to a stop before me. Moving closer, her inky black fur standing on end, the blacks of her eyes so wide that you couldn't see the emerald green.
She huffed, staring at me in worry. The villain that was unconscious began to move. Luna instantly jumped, standing over me in a protective manner. She was growling and hissing. I saw my dad come running for me as I faded in unconsciousness.

My eyes shot open, and before anyone could react, aka dad, I was lunging forward, scooping up my daggers in the process. My hair was flying around me as I ran. The weak spot of that villain was its brain! It's head! Todoroki and Kat were attacking the Nomu thing to.
They didn't realize the same thing I did as the Nomu freed itself. I jumped forward, preparing to thrust the dagger into its head. It bated me away. I was slammed into the ground, bounced and skidded to a stop again. Shaking like a goddamn leaf, I forced myself back up to my feet. My chest heaved as All Might protected Kat.
Anger simmered under my skin when I realized something. This son of a bitch tried to kill Kat... my Kat. My brother. My best friend... my only friend. Before anyone could react I was again flying through the air. Aiming for the Nomu's head. It went to bat me away once again. I predicted it, dodging the attack I flexed my toes. A hidden knife shot out of the toes of my heeled combat boots. I plunge it into it's head. Not killing it, but shutting it down for a good while.
It hit the ground. Not dead, but damn near dead. But to my not so good luck, it was able to bat me away just right after I had succeeded in my attack. It hit me way harder than the last few times. The doors of UA bursted open, the teachers appearing and coming to a stop right in front of the steps.
Dad was running after me. I slammed into the wall right above the entrance. Luna was also running after me. I began to slide down. Luna roared out and jumped. She snapped at the back of my shirt. Trying to catch me. She missed me though, turning and slamming into the ground, and I hit the ground with a rather loud thud. Again bouncing. This time, I didn't have the strength to get back up.
There was a yell. A yell of pure panic and fear as someone lightly turned me from my stomach onto my back. I coughed up a bunch of blood as my eyes opened. 'When had I closed them...' my blurred vision swam up until the person holding me came into vision.
Blond hair, green eyes... it was Present Mic... my... "Papa?" I croaked out. He nodded and seemed to be saying something. "C-can't h-hear you."  My head was pounding. My whole body throbbed. His eyes flashed with fear and dad joined him. He was pale and went to speak, but papa turned, tears streaming down his face. I blinked, exhaustion setting in.
They began to speak again, yelling something as panic settled in. "Ever-thing h-hurts... t-tired..." I blinked. "C-can't sl-eep...?" They shook their heads no. Now that was confusing. "Ca-n sl-eep...?" My brows furrowed. Their heads shook no even more violently. Ah, so that first one was an agreement. "Wi-ll tr-y." I did. And I failed. Falling unconscious mere seconds after. Saying one thing before I faded. "So-rry..." black overtook my vision.

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