Love & War

By ChrisElizondo7

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Spencer and Olivia are happily married and life couldn't be better for the couple these past 6 years. They ha... More

Ch. 10


233 10 20
By ChrisElizondo7

Olivia's P.O.V

It's been a week since I was released from the hospital, but now today marks the day I am going to rehab. As disappointing as it was for me to be away from my girls for 90 days, I had to do this. Spencer and I agreed not to tell the girls why I would be going away for a while, but deep down, it was killing me that I wouldn't see them again for this long.

As Spencer finished putting my luggage in the trunk, I said goodbye to the rest of the family.

"We'll miss you, Liv. I know this is difficult for you, but getting the help you need is a priority. Three months will go by fast." My Mom said and hugged me.

"We're here for you baby girl. You got this." My Dad told me.

I looked down at my girls and they were emotional when news broke that I was going away for a while.

"Mommy, we don't want you to go. Please stay." Gianna said as tears from her eyes.

"I promise I'll be a good girl, Mommy; just please don't go." Kiara added in.

"Gianna. Kiara. Come here. This is not your fault. Mommy just has to take care of some things, but I will promise you both that I'll be back. But you Daddy and the rest of the family that'll be here for you whenever you need. I love girls so much. Time will go by fast before you know it. I said as both of them hugged me, not wanting to let go and tears were in all of our eyes.

I waved everyone goodbye and Spencer drove me to the rehab center in Santa Barbara.

The drive to Santa Barbara was silent. I was still upset at Spencer for the way he forced his hand was I woke up at the hospital. How he threatened to take my kids away from me really hurt, but I did understand that as a father he was worried about their safety because I kept my usage of drugs and alcohol a secret.

We finally pulled up to the facility and this was really happening.

"Olivia. I know you may hate me right now, and me forcing you to do this next step may be difficult to understand, but just know I wanted to do this because I thought it was the best choice. If you still hate me after this, then I won't hold you back anymore."

"What are you saying, Spencer?"

"I'm saying that if want out of this marriage, I won't stop you. I love more than life itself, but I don't want to be a burden to you anymore."

I grabbed Spencer's hands. "Spencer. Look at me. When you forced me to go to rehab, I was upset by the way you said it, especially when you said you take my kids away from me, but it was also a wake-up call. You were right Spencer. I do need help, and I'm glad you gave me that extra push. I don't want out of this marriage, that's why I'm going to rehab so I can do better for you and our family."

"Thank you, Liv. And for the record, I was only bluffing when I said I would take the girls from you. I would never keep them away from you. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. I'm sorry for saying it, but I was just trying to get through to you."

"I know. And we're here now."

After our conversation, I checked into the front desk and everything was all set.

"I'm proud of you Liv. I know this isn't easy, but it'll work out." Spencer said to me.

I grabbed his hands. "Just promise you won't leave me when I return."

"I promise." He said as he gave me one final goodbye kiss.

At that moment I just wanted to hold onto him and not let go.

"I love you, Spencer."

"I love you more."

We pinky swore and kissed our thumbs at the end.

"Three months."

"Three months."

I let go and walked into the rehab center as I prepared for the next phase of the journey.
Spencer's P.O.V

After dropping Liv off at the rehab center, I still couldn't bear with me knowing that this was my fault. I was so rude to Olivia when all she tried to do was help me. I pushed her into relapsing, and the thoughts were killing me.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door and I see Jordan and Billy come in.

"Hey, Jordan. Coach. Come on in." They walked into my house. "What brings you here?"

"We're going to keep this short Spencer so we need you to listen to us very carefully." Coach Baker said to me.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Spencer, do you remember what I said to you at the hospital?"

"Yeah, that you were disappointed in me because I treated Olivia. And you have every right to be angry with me. I mistreated her, but I'm getting the help I need. I want to be better for her and our daughters."

"As much as we appreciate that Spence, it's not going to make a difference." Jordan stated.

"What makes you say that Jordan?"

"Because if I'm being honest Spencer, you were never good enough for my sister, and you continue to prove it."

"You're the reason why my daughter relapsed Spencer. All she did was love, and you never appreciated her."

"I was going through a rough time Coach-" Coach Baker cuts me off.

"Enough with your sob stories Spencer. The fact you took Olivia for granted only shows how selfish you are as a husband. Hell, it's even worse when I was playing in the NFL."

"Are you kidding me? I may have lashed out at Olivia, but I was always loyal to her. I never cheated on her."


"Fuck you Jordan. If you want to talk about cheating, you should look in the mirror sometime. Same for you Coach."

"The point is Spencer, if you truly love Olivia, then you let her go. You separate from her, get a divorce, and don't talk to her if doesn't have anything to do with Gianna or Kiara."

"You may be in denial Spencer, but deep you, you know we're right."

"Oh and don't try to tell anyone from both families about this. They hate you just as much as we do. You can go to hell for all we care."

"Fuck you both! Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled at them and they smirked on the way out.

I couldn't believe what had happened. Both Jordan and Coach Baker want me to separate and get a divorce from Olivia.

As much as I was against it, maybe they did have a point. I played a huge part in Liv's relapsing. I never want her to go through that again. If I'm being honest, she deserves better; it kills me to say it, but I love her so much, I think maybe it's for the best.

I went down to a bar to get away from everything that had happened and to drink my problems away. When I finished my drink, I saw this young lady approach me with two drinks in her hand.

"Hi there. I noticed your glass was getting low so I took the liberty of getting you another drink."

"What's this? Are you trying to drug me and have sex with me?" I said as I knocked her drinks away from me.

"What? No. What is your problem? I was trying to be nice, but you're being the ass hole right now. Sorry to bother you. Have a good night."

"Wait, miss. I'm sorry. You may not believe it, but the last time I trusted someone giving me a drink, I ended up being accused of cheating on my wife."

"Wait. Are you Spencer James?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"No. I heard about it on the news, but didn't know it was still bothering you."

"Yeah. Well, that was only part of what's going on with my life."

"Care to talk about it? I'm here for an ear if you need one."

"Sure. Let me buy you another drink for my misbehavior."

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"And again I'm so sorry for mistreating you miss..."

"Alicia. My name is Alicia."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Alicia." I said to her and she smiled back at me.
Olivia is ready to take this next step on her own for the sake of her family. Spencer promised to be there for Liv when she returns from rehab, but will the conversation he had with Jordan and Coach Baker prevent him from keeping that promise? Will Spencer end up separating from Liv and filing for divorce? What do you guys think about Alicia? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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