Quirkless Yet Limitless

By Harli40

1.4K 54 1

She was six when she realized just what her mothers plan was. She was six as she stared out of the crack of... More

Chapter One - A Legend Begins
Chapter Two - A Truth, A Lie, or Half Truth
Chapter Three - Childhood Friends Together Again and Flash Backs
Chapter Five - A New Chapter Begins
Chapter Six - The School Year Begins
Chapter Seven - The Sports Festival
Chapter Eight - The Calvery and One On One Battles
Chapter Nine - Internships and Hero Names
Chapter Ten - Final Exams
Chapter Eleven - Summer Camp

Chapter Four - A New Beginning

149 8 1
By Harli40

I stared down at the... very exposing clothing Midnight, or Auntie Nem as she is insisting I call her, had brought me. It was a crop-top, sleeveless, turtleneck black shirt. With dark blue shorts that stopped at my thighs, knee high black heeled leather combat boots, along with black fingerless gloves, and a silver and black belt around my waist. "I figured you'd like to keep your dark colors. Plus it makes your eyes and hair pop." She cupped my cheeks. "You have really pretty eyes! They seem to twitch between hazel, almost golden, to emerald green, and ruby red. But most of the time they're a mix between the three."
I just blinked up at the older woman. Before looking down at myself. My stomach was still wrapped with bandages, as was my shoulder. I blinked, my eyes catching the scars littering my exposed arms, torso, and legs. Insecurity began to bubble in my stomach as I then caught sight of the freckles also littering my skin. They were white. While the rest of my skin was a dark tanned almost brown color. Additionally my scars were either white, a deep reddish color, or a pale pinkish color.
I looked up at Mid-Auntie Nem. Blinking, then u looked at my scars and freckles. Now don't get me wrong. I loved my scars. I looked in the mirror across from me. I still looked like death. Hair still messy, still skin and bone, but my color was back. But the scars and white freckles among my tanned skin... I blinked. Staring at my eyes that can't seem to pick what color they want to be today. Lips pursing I looked at my scars littering my face.
I loved them... they showed that I fight. They show that I've overcome so much. I remember how I got each one of them. With each one came a lesson well learned. But people don't understand that. They see my scars and instantly judge, feel pity. I hate that. I hate being looked down on when I'm clearly perfectly fine. I'm strong. Being alone on the streets for seven years does that to you. I looked out the window. "What are you thinking about Ami?"
Amishta, my Vigilante, soon to be hero name, honestly I prefer it... It comes from Daddy after all. Ami is the nickname Nemuri came up for me. She had asked me which do I prefer. Izara or Amishta. I had answered Amishta instantly, she grinned. 'Then I shall call you Ami!' her words echoed in my mind. I turned to look at her. "Past and future." I replied. She just hummed and looked at my scars. Smiling.
"You're insecure." She countered. I looked away and at my reflection. Staring at my skin, scarred and freckled. Then I looked up at my scarred face.
"No... I don't know... maybe." I looked at my scared face. My eyes outlining my scars. A cut going down diagonally. Starting to the left of my nose and going down to the middle of my lip right under my lip. I had another cut, one across the bridge of my nose, starting at the corner of my left eye and the corner of my right eye. Then, the dormer of my left eye reached down to my lip. Finally there was a scar reaching an inch above my right eyebrow, and down to my cheek bone, it was diagonal, almost touching my right ear.
I swallowed. Kat has yet to ask about them. But I know one day he will. Nemuri just smiled at me before moving. Grabbing my hands. "I think you look pretty cool." She smiled. Looking at the white freckles. "Your freckles look like stars, while your scars almost look as if they are like the linings of different constellations." I hummed. I never thought of that, my head tilted and Midnight smiled at me. "By here." She handed me a dark blue jean jacket. I took it and pulled it on. Looking at myself in the mirror.
Then turning I scooped up Luna. Nemuri smiled at me. "Shouta and Hisashi are both back at UA right now." She smiled at me. "I'll be taking you there." I nodded. Then we began to walk. Luna mewed then moved to my shoulders. Laying around them like a scarf. She purred and Mid-Auntie Nem grasped my shoulder lightly and began to lead me towards the doors. I didn't question her.

After a bit we were walking down the halls of the hospital. My anxiety began to bubble up. Filling my chest. I wasn't Amishta. I was Izara Midoriya. A Quirkless nobody, not the well renowned infamous vigilante. Both feared and loved. Just Izara. Then I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking? Izara and Amishta are one in the same. Though one does have a whole lot more confidence then the other... fuck. Damn insecurities. I bit my lip. I wanted my fucking weapons. Auntie Nem. Stopped. Then shoved me into the bathroom. "Huh?"
"Here..." I froze in place as she started pulling our dagger and throwing knives from her clothing. Wait... those weren't any daggers and throwing knives. Those were my daggers and throwing knives.
"I thought..."
"Shouta, Hisahsi, Nezu, and a few cops and hero's pulled some strings. You can have your weapons..." I took them and instantly began to hide them. I began to relax. So that's why my insecurities began to take root. U didn't feel myself, or safe without them. "We figured that having them might help you..." I blinked, tears filling my eyes.
"Oh. And here." I felt my eyes widen as she handed me my two pistols. "Snipe took a look at them." She smirked. "He's quite impressed. Says he'd like to meet you." I hummed and patted myself down, opening my coat I saw gun holsters. Now that I'm thinking about it. I looked at all the places I've hidden my daggers and throwing knives. Within my boot, in my sleeved, under my shirt, all of the places I'd placed them... there was a sheath or a loop to place them. I felt my eyes widen and heart warm as I placed the twin paroles on either side of the inside of my jacket.
I smiled. As I looked up to her. She smiled right back at me. "Ready." I simply nodded. We began to walk. Not long later I'm frozen n the shadows as I stare at the crowd of reporters and civilians. Frozen in my place. "Midn-Auntie Nem..."
"Hmm." She looked at me, and followed my gaze towards the crowed. She looked confused. Until. "O-ohhh." She looked around. Crossing her arms as she stopped to think. "You don't like crowds." I shook my head no.
"I don't like people..." I liked forward. My throat felt dry. Like sand paper. "And I can't do crowds..." she laughed.
"Social anxiety... yet you have no problem mouthing off heroes, cops, and villains. Can't forget about hacking into UA." I blushed and looked away.
"It's... easier behind the mask..." I shuffled, tapping the ground with my foot as Luna rubbed her head against mine. Mewing, I smiled at her and scratched her chin. She paused to think. "I was like that before Amishta to..."
"Before Amishta... how would you get through crowds?" I froze and blushed.
"Uh... I... umm. I'd hold Daddy's hand... or Kat's... or Auntie Mitsuki... or Uncle Masaru..." I felt so embarrassed. She hummed and reached her hand out to mine.
"Would you like to hold mine?" I paused, looking at Luna then Midnight. The to her offered hand. Slowly, reluctantly. I grabbed her outstretched hand. Her hand closed around mine. Red long nails lightly grazing my tanned, white freckled, scarred skin.
We looked so different. Long red painted tail, plain semi long semi short nails. White clear skin, tanned, white freckled, scarred skin. Swallowing I looked up at her, she smiled at me. It confused me. Why was she being so nice? Why was any of them being so nice? I'm Quirkless. I'm a runaway. I'm, in a way, a criminal. Mid-Auntie Nem began to walk forward. Lightly leading me forward.
The moment we exited the building reports swarmed us. Midnight pulled me closer to her side, and draped her arm over my shoulder. I looked up at her and she whispered to me. "You good." I swallowed then nodded. "Pretend you're wearing that mask... it might help."
Swallowing, I nodded. Took in a deep breath. Then for a second, I wasn't there. It wasn't daytime. No, it was three in the morning. It was dark, with nothing but the starlight and moonlight to lead me. Opening my eyes I felt relaxed. Opening my eyes I sighed and felt Nemuri release my shoulder. Still holding my hand though. I took in a deep breath, then released it. "Are you really Amishta!?"
"How'd you get those scars!?"
"Are you really just fourteen!?"
"Are you really going to be going to UA next school year!?"
"Where's your mother!?"
"What happened to your mother!?" I ignored all the questions... then I spotted a familiar face. I stopped, staring at the first person I ever saved... he stared right back at me. I left Nemuri's side.
"Ami?" I walked towards the purple haired, red eyed male. His quirk makes him look like a lizard... a gecko. I came to a stop right in front of him.
"Hello again, Iguchi Shūichi..." his eyes widened.
"You... remember me?" I nodded. Looking at his green scales.
"I still think your scales are pretty." He looked like he wanted to cry.
"I-I never got to thank you." I looked at him, I gave him a soft and gentle smile.
"I don't need your thanks, Iguchi."
"But saving me was how you got..." his eyes drifted to the scar, right over my right. It started right in front of my right leg joint, starting just below my pants waistline, and reaching up to my waist at my side. Then starting right above my belly button, and reaching down, crossing the other scar, and stopping at the top of my thigh. It was white and old.
"It doesn't hurt." I lied. It did indeed still hurt. Not bad and not all the time, but it did still ache.
"..." I smiled at him, my eyes drifting behind him. More people I've saved. I remembered them all. Their names, what I rescued them from, and in some cases, the scar that came with their rescue. I named each of them, smiling. Auntie Nem just stared at me. Smiling.


After a while, we reached UA. "You'll make a lovely hero." I looked up at her, caught off guard and confused. She laughed. "Back there. You remembered them all... every last one of them. I doubt All Might can do that." My head tilted. I then shook my head. We then walked up and into the school, before I could utter a word of confusion or ask a question.
We walked through the halls of UA. "Where are we going?"
"The UA staff room." She smiled at me. I looked up, and smiled up at her. A year... I had roughly a year here before I officially became a hero in training.. it made me nervous. Super fucking nervous... hopefully I didn't end up fucking shit up... like I had a tendacy to do.

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