The Nanny

By Maria_Aguayo25

134 7 0

When Katsuki Bakugo is working at her local bakery someone seems to have accidentally leave their baby. She h... More

Chapter 1 - Katsuki's Pov
Chapter 2 - Katsuki's Pov
chapter 4 - Katsuki's Pov
Chapter 5 - Izuku's Pov
Chapter 6 - Katsuki's Pov
Chapter 7 - Izuku's Pov
Chapter 8 - Izuku POV

Chapter 3 - Katsuki's Pov

20 1 0
By Maria_Aguayo25

                  * Katsuki pov *

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I groaned and went to turn over when I felt something heavy on my chest. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Sophia laying on me asleep. I mentally gushed at how cute this was. I stayed in that position for a few minutes, thinking about everything that happened yesterday.

The first thing that happened was I found Sophia, I didn't think I was ever going to see her again after her and Izuku walked out of the bakery that day, but I guess I was wrong. Next, Izuku came banging on my door, asking me to calm Sophia down, despite that being super weird, I did. Then, I found out about the cartel, which I have to remind myself, I have to distance myself from them. Or at least try.

Distancing myself from Izuku will be fairly easy, but Sophia? That one is going to be a little harder. I know I've just met Sophia but I feel like I have a connection with her. And that's one of my biggest downfalls, getting attached. For me, it happens fairly quickly and easily. But I'll never admit it out loud.

The more I think of it the more Izuku doesn't seem that bad. But like I've said I have to distance myself, he's bad news, and he runs a cartel , I'm not going to forget that. Allowing myself to be around him will only be putting myself in danger. And if the books I've reading are correct, I could be killed, as some sick way of revenge. I sighed, the more I think about distancing myself, the harder it gets. Realistically Izuku knows where I work and live, along with my name, and God knows what else. So it's not like I can just walk away.

I mean he did say he knows how to get information on everyone and everything so... I just can't believe I landed myself in this situation. Why wasn't I more careful, and why did that lady have to leave the damn baby. I was brought back to the present when I felt Sophia start to move on my chest. I looked down at her and smiled. Thank the lord that I don't have work today. After Izuku and Sophia leave I can have a selfcare day. I need it.

The last day has been more than enough stress. I just cannot believe I got a baby attached to me within the last 24 hours. Only my dumb ass can manage to do that. My best friend Mina always said I can do unspeakable things, but I didn't think this was going to be one of them.

While I was looking at Sophia a thought came into my mind. Where is Izuku ? I mean logically he wouldn't leave his daughter at a random woman's house. I mean I wouldn't. But I swear if I walk out to my living room and I see he has slept over I will be mad. More at myself than him, because I kinda allowed it but still, I will be mad.

I slowly lifted Sophia from my chest and laid her down in the middle of my bed. I placed a blanket over her and walked to my closet. I grabbed some shorts and an oversized Tee-shirt. Since I'm only going to be staying home today, there is no reason I need to be dressing up.

I grabbed my clothes and made my way to the bathroom, attached to my room. I left the door cracked open just in case Sophia woke up and started crying.

I turned the shower on to the temperature I liked and undressed. I got in allowing the water to wash away my thoughts. This is why I like showers, they always calm me down, I would say showers are one of the best things. I began to scrub my body and hair. I finished my ten minute shower stepping out putting a towel on my body. I quickly dried off and started putting on lotion and my clothes. I put some products in my hair and brushed my hair and  teeth. Once I was finished I exited the bathroom to see Sophia was now awake looking at the ceiling.

I went over and grabbed her taking her towards my bedroom door, I'm pretty sure she's hungry and needs a diaper change. I opened my door to see Izuku asleep on my couch. I rolled my eyes, great. Just the thing I didn't want to happen has happened. I went over to where he was laying trying to locate the diaper bag. Once I saw it on the coffee table I reached over and grabbed it. Once I had safely acquired it I went back to my room, laying Sophia down, and changing her diaper and clothes. Once I was done I grabbed a bottle from the bag, remembering the formula was still in my kitchen.

I made my way to the kitchen, making her bottle. Once I had finished making it, Izuku walked into the kitchen, I need to be straight forward my brain told me. I'm still a little anxious and nervous around him, knowing what I now know.
“ Hey, it was great having you guys over but I'm going to need you to leave today, ” I said looking up at his intimidating figure. “ Aw kicking us out so soon. ” He replied in a joking way. “ No, I'm being serious. I have things to do today. ” I said maintaining eye contact. I don't know how I'm doing this. Sometimes I surprise myself, I thought.
“ Alright, we'll be out after breakfast. ” He said, now his joking state long gone. I mentally cursed at myself, fuck I've made him mad.

I just nodded and left the kitchen as quickly as possible. Why is he mad? I mean it's not like he can stay here forever. I sat down in my recliner, with Sophia in my arms while she drinks her bottle. I rocked back and forth trying to relax. Sophia seemed to be enjoying it, too. She was drinking her milk and playing with my hair.

Now I've never been a huge fan of babies but this has to be the cutest moment, like ever. I was just rocking back and forth enjoying this moment before it was gone forever. You know, I'm glad I've had this experience. I feel that it has bettered me....kinda. I can't wait to tell Mina about this. Her dumbass is probably going to ask if Izuku is hot or something. Which he is, but it's too bad he's an asshole, who happens to also kill people for a living.

Speaking of her I should probably call her. See what she's up to. We haven't talked in two days, which is super abnormal. I shook off my thoughts of worry when I realized Sophia had finished her bottle. I walked over to the messed up couch and set her there. I turned the TV on playing some random kids channel. I walked back into my bedroom grabbing her diaper bag, and her clothes. I folded the dirty clothes up and put them in the bag, along with whatever else was laying around my room that was Sophia's.

I exited my room making my way into the living room to check on Sophia, all while gathering whatever was her's and putting it in the diaper bag. Once I finished I went over to the kitchen about to do the same, when I saw Izuku cooking breakfast. My eyes widened, I mean I didn't expect this at all.

Who knew the most wanted criminal would be in my kitchen, making himself and me some eggs and toast with sausages. I slowly made my way to the sink grabbing her old bottle from last night, and her can of formula. I was on my way out when a deep voice stopped me. “Hey listen, I know you don't really like me, nor do you even want to be in the same room as me, but I need someone to look after Sophia. I always have work, and no one in my house knows how to take care of a baby. I was just wondering if you maybe needed a side job, as a nanny. I mean you don't have to accept now, but please think about it. You're the first person who Sophia has liked, other than me.” He says sincerely. “ Oh wow. Um- okay, yeah I'll think about it.” I said completely shocked.

My first response was to say yeah, but whatever happened to distancing myself. I don't want to get involved with him, I truly don't, but on the other hand, I can be with Sophia. Ugh, why did I have to let this beautiful baby girl steal my heart? I mean it's an incredible offer, I need the money, I can't keep busting my ass five days a week, for a job, that I'm barely surviving off of. But I'm putting myself in danger by accepting this job. I mean hell he kills for a living. He runs a fucking cartel. I don't even know why he's in my house, but Sophia I feel that she will makes it worth it. Izuku did say no one was able to take care of her, and I wouldn't want her to grow up like that. But then again am I willing to put myself in this amount of danger for Sophia? I didn't realize this but I had already made my way back to the living room.

Okay I'll make a deal with myself, I'll apply for a few jobs, here and there this week, and if I get one, I won't become Sophia's nanny, but if I don't, I will. I mean it seems pretty fair to me. I know I'm putting myself in danger, but I'll do it for Sophia. I feel she deserves someone who will care for her, and not just some guy in a suit, who doesn't want to be there, babysitting her. I'm glad I could come to that agreement Some part of me secretly hoped no one would hire me, I don't know call me whatever you want but I just feel so attached to Sophia. She's just the cutest, most well behaved child ever. I should talk to Mina about this, I thought. I was currently sitting down with Sophia on my lap when Izuku walked in with two plates with toast , eggs and sausage.

He made his way to the couch, handing me a plate and taking a seat. “ Thanks, ” I said taking a bite.
“ No problem.” He replied focusing on the random kid's show. I was eating when I felt the spot next to me move, I looked over and saw Izuku was now finished and making his way to the kitchen. He placed his plate in the sink, making his way back towards us. I placed my half eaten plate on the coffee table standing up, handing Sophia to him. I leaned over and grabbed the diaper bag, also handing it to him.

“ I just wanted to thank you, for letting us stay last night. And for watching her. ” He said digging in his pockets, pulling out his wallet. He handed me a thick stack of money, and placed his wallet back in his pants, adjusting the diaper bag on his shoulder. I stood there in shock, did he seriously just give me a stack of money? “ Oh uh, I can't take this,” I said trying to hand it back. This is way more than what I get paid in a month. “ Why? Is it too little? I should have known. ” He said the last part quietly going to reach back for his wallet.

“ Oh my God no. ” I quickly stopped him, “ This is a little too much. You're very welcome, but you can keep your money. ” I said trying to hand it back. “ I said I was going to pay you. Please just take it.” He pleaded. I slowly nodded. He just gave me a quick smile, before walking towards the door. “ Hey, I'm going to give you a call in a week, just let me know on the nanny thing. ” He said before exiting my apartment. I walked after him locking my door. I placed my four head against the door sighing. That was very eventful, I thought. I slowly but surely made my way to the living room cleaning up the mess and eventually doing the same with the kitchen.

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