The Soldier's Tales

De The_Administrator_

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(Male Reader x Multiverse) This is the story of (Y/N) and his rise to power and his journey through the multi... Mais

Info and Team info
Chapter 1
(Resident Evil) Chapter 2
(Resident Evil) Chapter 3
(Resident Evil) Chapter 4
(For Honor) Chapter 5
(For Honor) Chapter 6
(For Honor) Chapter 7
(Not a Chapter) Question.
(For Honor) Chapter 8
(For Honor) Chapter 9
(For Honor) Chapter 10
(For Honor) Chapter 11
(For honor) Chapter 12
(For honor) Chapter 13
(For honor) Chapter 14
(For honor) Chapter 15
(For honor) Chapter 17
(For honor) Chapter 18
(For honor) Chapter 19

(For honor) Chapter 16

93 4 2
De The_Administrator_





Third person POV:

Ghaghara River, India.

(Y/N) and the Fourth Airborne Infantry Brigade were at the Ghaghara River in India, pinned down by heavy fire from the remnants of the anti-Terran Republic armies. (Y/N) and his men were trying to defend themselves from the enemy, who were well entrenched in a advantageous position.

LT Mathews: Fuck, we are being gunned down!

(Y/N): *Shooting* Keep your fucking head low!

Bullets whistled over the heads of the soldiers as they tried to take cover by either lying on the ground or taking cover behind trees big enough to stop the bullets. Others were not so lucky, being quickly taken down.

Corporal Rodrigez: Understood! Sir, air support will be here in 2 hours!

Soldier Vaugh: *Shooting* We won't last 2 fucking hours!!!

LT Mathews: *Shooting* Sir?!? What should we do?

(Y/N): *grunting.* Fall back! *Speaking through radio* All units deploy smoke! Rojas have your batallion proporcionate covering fire!

Colonel Rojas: *Through radio* Yes sir!

(Y/N): Lets hope this fuckers don't have thermal googles!!!

The brigade began executing the retreat maneuver. Fortunately, the enemy didn't have thermal vision goggles, making the retreat easier. However, they decided to shell (Y/N) and his men's position with mortars.

???: MORTARS!!!


The impact of the mortars woke (Y/N) up from the nightmare. (Y/N) woke up abruptly, falling to the ground and alarming the others. (Y/N) was on the floor, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Glen, Frank, Gideon, and Billy rushed to assist him.

Frank: Easy there!!!

Glen: (Y/N), it was just a nightmare, calm down!

(Y/N): Fuck... my chest hurts... it's damn hard to breath.

Gideon: Fuck, (Y/N) is having a panic attack. Billy bring him a bucket.

(Y/N): I don't need a fu-.... bring it now...

Billy brough (Y/N) the bucket and he started to throw up into the bucket. As (Y/N) vomited, the rest tried to help, but footsteps could be heard coming from the hallway, followed by a knock on the door.

Ademar: Guys are you up already?

Frank: Shit. Comming!

Gideon: Alright, fuck, Glen, Billy, you both go to the door and awnser them, tell them that (Y/N) has food poisoning.

Billy: Why me? Plus why don't we just tell them that (Y/N) had a...

The other three simply looked at Billy with a face that simply said, really?

Billy: Right... (Y/N) doesn't want to be seen having a panic attack... speacially after throwing up. But what are we supoused to tell them if they insist?

Frank: I don't know you'll figure something out. Gideon and I will try to calm down price vomiting here while you both distract them.

The door was nocked again.

Amber: Guys, you good in there?

Glen: Yeah! Come on Billy.

Billy: *sighs* I'm going...

Billy and Glen opened the door to confront the three knights, both making sure that the angle of the door didn't reveal much of the interior of the room so none of the knights could see (Y/N), who was likely finishing vomiting into the bucket while Frank and Gideon tried to calm him down.

Amber: Hey Glen, Billy, everything good? you took a while to awnser the door.

Glen: Yeah everything is fine.

Billy: We were a little bussy.

Ademar: Bussy with what?

Glen: Well (Y/N) had food poissoning, so he threw up a few minutes ago, but everything is under control now.

Amber: Is (Y/N) alright? came we come in to check on him?

Glen: Yes evereything is goos, he is in the bathroom now cleaning himself up.

Amber: Could we still come inside, we would like to check that he is alright.

Stone: We could help out with something.

Before the three knights could continue insisting, Billy decided to intervene.

Billy: Fellas, is it gay to kiss a girl?

Stone, Amber, Ademar and Glen: ... what?

Billy: I mean, you are literally kissing someone who likes dicks.

Stone: Billy... what the fuck?

Billy: Fellas, is it gay to drink water? I mean the make body is made off 70% water. You're literaly deepthroating another man.

Glen: Billy... please, shut the fuck up.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to look on a mirror? I mean you are literally checking out a man's body.

Ademar: Yeah, but's your own.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to make money? You are literally collecting pictures of another men.

From inside the room the other 3 could listen to the conversation as they were helping (Y/N) to stand up. Gideon was putting the bucket away as Frank was helping a shaking (Y/N) to stand up.

(Y/N): What the hell is Billy saying?

Frank: To tell you the truth (Y/N), no fucking idea.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to masturbate? I mean you are literally touching a dick!

Billy: Fellas is it gay to see? I mean you are literrally observing in a world with a lot of dick!

Glen: I am going to kill you.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to be a man? You are literally walking around with a dick atached to you!

Billy grabbed Ademar by the shoulders and started to shake him while Glen just pinched the bridge if his nose in dissapointment.

Billy: Fellas! Is it gay to breeth?! You are literally inhaling dick particles!!!

Ademar: *Trying to scape billy grasp.* Billy let go of me!


Glen: *Freeing Ademar from Billy grasp.* Alright thats enough of you!

Inside the room (Y/N) had managed to calm down and put on some fresh cloathes and brushed his teeth to have a better smell on his mouth. He then went outside to put an end to Billy's acting.

(Y/N): Alright, alright I have heard enough, Billy just don't say that ever again.

Billy: Fine...

The knights were relieved to see that (Y/N) was okay and that he stoped Billy from continuing.

Ademar: So, you okay (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, just a little of food poisoning, it must have been something on that fucking deer that we ate.

Amber: Right, it's good to see you good though.

Amber putted her hand on (Y/N) shoulder as a conforting gesture earning a nod from (Y/N).

Stone: We just wanted to check up on you and plus the breackfast is in 30 minutes.

(Y/N): We will be there shortly.

The knights nodded their heads and went to the dinningroom. When they were out of reach the Team looked at Billy.

Billy: What?

Gideon: Was that the only thing that came into your mind to distracting them. Quoting a youtuber?

Billy: What? it worked in the end and it was the first thing that come into my mind.

Glen: You are literally a peace of work.

(Y/N) just sighed and waited ofr his team to finish whatever they had to do, sp they could go to the dinningroom. Once inside the dinningroom they took a seat in the table were the knights were. (Y/N) keeped on playing as he ate only fruits for breakfast, so the knights would be suspicius about him eating food that he couldn't eat after vomiting for food poisoning.

Frank: So how was your night?

Stone: Not mutch, we just went to sleep, we were really tiered after the long march.

Frank: Same, except for (Y/N) who stayed woke up for a few hours outside the room. Actually, where were you?

(Y/N): Taking a stroll.

Ademar: Now that you mention it, Amber you weren't on our room too, where did you go?

Amber was about to awnser, but she felt the presure of (Y/N) eyes on her, she didn't understand why he lied to them about they having a peacefull and interesant conversation, but she decided to back him up.

Amber: I was looking at the night sky. Admiring how the stars light up the night sky with the moon.

Amber could see that this awnser pleased and calmed (Y/N) down. He seemed more reelax as he peeled his apple while the rest talked. She looked at him and decided to speak about it while the others were distracted in their oun conversations.

Amber: Why?

(Y/N): Why what?

Amber: Why did you lied?

(Y/N): Because I didn't want them to know.

Amber: And why is that? We did nothing wrong.

(Y/N): You are right, we didn't, but if you talk, Billy will tease me until my last day on Earth abiut it and I will never hear the end of it.

Amber: Seriusly, just that?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Amber: That seams like a lot of bullshit to me (Y/N) and I thought you were one of the few that didn't lie.

(Y/N): Sorry to disssapoint ya, but I do lie, everyone does.

Amber: But I don't think that you are lieing because of that. So what is it?

(Y/N): I have already told you my reasons.

Amber: Bullshit, what are you afraid of?

(Y/N): I fear no one.

Amber: That I know, what I would like to know is, if you are afraid of your fealings.

(Y/N) steared at the woman without saying a single word, Amber awaited patiently for (Y/N) to speak.

(Y/N): This conversation is over.

Amber just shook her head, but letted (Y/N) be, she knew better than arguing with (Y/N) with this particular subject. (Y/N) just concentrated on eating his fruits as the others talked.

The rest of the morning continued without events. Apollyon was trying to gather more experienced troops to attempt a second assault on Valkenheim, delaying the invasion for a couple of months. (Y/N) wasn't very pleased with the news, but he knew this was the best course of action to follow.

(Y/N) decided to spend time in the library of Sevenberg. Several of the texts were in Latin, which reminded him of the moments when he practiced Latin with Bela in Romania. (Y/N) had a small smile on his face as he remembered the Latin lessons in the library. The scent of her perfume filled (Y/N)'s nostrils, making the memory even more vivid.

(Y/N): "I miss her... a lot."

(Y/N) sighed. He really missed Bela and the rest of his family, but he couldn't afford to think about that now, maybe later, but not now. He couldn't allow himself to wander among the thoughts swirling in his head. He would have time to visit his family and reconnect, or at least that's what he told himself.

(Y/N) decided to immerse himself in reading, trying to avoid his thoughts. He was reading about the history of Ashfeld and its legions when he heard someone enter the library. (Y/N) didn't pay attention as it was probably another knight or the lord of the castle.

???: You are the outsider, right?

(Y/N): How perceptive of you.

(Y/N) turned around to see to who he was talking to and he saw a female knight.

(Y/N): *Sarcastically* How perceptive of you. Who are you and what do you want?

???: I am Mercy a Peacekeeper.

(Y/N): (Y/N).

(Y/N) was surprised by Mercy's soft voice, but what surprised him the most was not having heard her approach him.

(Y/N): You still haven't told me what do you want, Mercy.

Mercy. Can't I just meet the men who has been helping out the leagion?

(Y/N): Really, is that what this is? 

Mercy: Yes, it is.

(Y/N) didn't trust Mercy, as he had the feeling he had seen her somewhere else before, but fighting on different sides. 

(Y/N): Have I seen you before?

Mercy: No, this is the first time that we see each other.

(Y/N): Are you sure? I am very good at remembering people and you look rather familiar.

Mercy: Maybe you have seen me in Apollyon war council plus I am not the only peacekeeper that excists.

(Y/N): Peacekeeper, with those? *(Y/N) pointed at her blades.*

Mercy: We keep the peace no matter the cost.

(Y/N): I see.
The two didn't say anything as they looked at each other. They were sizing each other up, waiting to see who would speak first. The tension in the room was so palpable that one could feel it. In the end, Mercy turned away, found a book, and sat at another table further away. (Y/N) continued reading, but never took his eyes off Mercy. Mercy knew that (Y/N) was watching her, but decided not to do anything and play along with this game.

The two continued like this for a while, reading but not taking their eyes off each other, until (Y/N) decided it was enough. He got up, left his book on the shelf, and left the library. (Y/N) didn't know what to do, so he leaned against the wall of the main courtyard, bored, not knowing what to do, so he just stood there doing nothing, simply watching the various guards and knights passing through the main courtyard.

(Y/N) was lost in his thoughts. He could only think about the events of the past few days and the multiple possible outcomes that could have varied depending on certain actions taken or not. The night was already approaching, and (Y/N) was still in the main courtyard. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear Frank approaching. Frank decided to annoy (Y/N) a bit by throwing a small stone at his head.

(Y/N) felt the impact of the stone, abruptly pulling him out of his thoughts and causing him to turn somewhat annoyed to look at Frank, who had a small smile on his face.

(Y/N): Don't do that, ever again.

Frank: It was somehow satisfactory.

Frank was playing with a another little stones in his hand.

(Y/N): Drop that now.

Frank: Sure thing.

Frank throwed another stone, only for (Y/N) to catch it with it's hand.

(Y/N): I told you to drop it, not throw it.

Frank: I decided to drop it near your head.

(Y/N): Yeah, I saw that.

Frank chuckled as the droped the rest of the rocks and walked towards (Y/N).

Frank: So how did it go?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Frank: You know what I want to know.

(Y/N): *Sighs.* Sats.

Frank: Yep.

(Y/N): We just talk.

Frank: About...?

(Y/N): Movies.

Frank: Seriusly?

(Y/N): Yeah, what did you expect?

Frank wasn't surpriced by this, but it was something that he hadn't immagind that they would have talked about.

Frank: What I mean is that, I am surpriced that from all the things that you could talk about with the girl that you like, you chose to talk about movies?

(Y/N): Yeah and she was happy with it.

Frank: Okay, if it worked, it worked.

(Y/N): Yeah, it did.

Frank: Okay, but what do you feel?

(Y/N): *Sighed.* I guess... I guess that I could do it again, but I am not sure.

(Y/N) then so that there were still some people passing by the main courtyard so he took Frank to the walls to talk with him in private, now they were both sitting in the wall, both of them were sitting in the defensive wall of the castle.

(Y/N): I mean, a part of me wants to, but the other is not so sure. Satsuki is a good girl. Smart, funny and loyal.

Frank: If I were you I would do it (Y/N), you have to move on.

(Y/N): *(Y/N) sighed.* I am trying Frank, but I can't.

Frank: (Y/N), Shara would have wanted that you continue living your life. You can't keep living on a memorie.

(Y/N): I know, I know, but... *(Y/N) sighs.* I just can't... I always remembee her... I feel like no one can be as good as she was...

Frank: I feel you brother, but you shoukd try going out with Satsuki, a part of you wants it (Y/N). You said it yourself.

(Y/N): I know what I said Frank... and I plan on doing it.

Frank: Wait... you are really going to try it out?

(Y/N): I lose nothing with trying it, right?

Frank: Yeah, you are right, plus is a right step on the right path (Y/N). There is nothing like being in love.

(Y/N): *Chuckled.* Yeah, I remember when I met Shara... Jesus Christ, I couldn't get my eyes out of her.

Frank: Same, but in my case with Maria, but I am really happy for you that you are willing to try out this new relationship with Satsuki.

(Y/N): Yeah, I think... I think it's time.

Frank: I'll hold you to that. So what do you plan on doing?

(Y/N): With her? I don't know, I guess I will take her out to a nice place or maybe will go to her house in Tokio and watch some movies.

Frank: Both are good options always use protection though.

(Y/N): How funny of you Frank, I don't think we will get to that.

Frank: Why not?

(Y/N): You know goddamn why.

Frank: Oh... that, yeah, I am sorry that I brought it up.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it, I know you didn't ment it that way.

Frank: Well, I am pleased with what I heard, so I'll let you be (Y/N), but if you ever need advice, you know where to find me.

(Y/N) just nodded his head and stayed a while longer on the wall as Frank went back to the room to sleep. During the next months Apollyon gathered enough men power to go back into the nordic lands and this time, the invation wouldn't fail, since Holden would be leading the vanguard acompanied by (Y/N), Amber and (Y/N) team to storm the first viking stronghold that stood on their way.

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