Heed The King of the Wolves

By Remnant_Weapon

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A young White Wolf Faunus finds himself caught up in an adventure with consequences bigger than he could ever... More

Bio and Teaser
How it all Began
That fateful day
The Train Robbery
Just to survive
The Club
The Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Jaunedice part 2
Forever Fall
The Strays
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup
Painting the Town...
Burning The Candle
Dance Dance Dance
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
Round One
New Challengers...
It's Brawl in the Family
Clash of Possibility
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
The Shop
These Kingdoms Are Built
On Pillars
Of Salt and Sand
Our mission is to bring Freedom?
The Next Step


89 4 5
By Remnant_Weapon

Ozpin looks out into the night from his office as he watches an Atlas Manta take off towards Ironwood's flagship the constant ticking of the gears in his office being the only noise until the shrill chime of the elevator plays alerting him to the newcomer requesting access. Ozpin doesn't even turn around to face the door as he knows who it is already.

Ozpin: Come in.

The doors open as a still bloody and hurt Y/N walks in with his weapons and gear still on. Ozpin turns to greet the boy before looking momentarily shocked at the boy's appearance even if he had already seen it through video.

Ozpin: I'm guessing you have come to give me your answer?

Y/N: I'll do it I will become your Gundam. If it means I can protect the people I care about.

Ozpin: Not just Ms Belladonna?

Y/N doesn't answer as Ozpin raises his eyebrow before taking a sip of his coffee before he sits down.

Ozpin: I am sure you are aware that Gundam's are given code names as well as their regular names.

Y/N: Yes I found the book we spoke about but I couldn't find their real names.

Ozpin: That's because they were hidden at the time and much like a lot of things in this world they needed to be hidden for the safety of them and the people they cared about. So that brings me to your designation.

Ozpin leans forward in his chair before placing his hands in front of his face.

Ozpin: Would you like to pick or have us do it?

Y/N: Do I have a time limit?

Ozpin: You will be announced to the world at the Festival. If you are interested I do already have a name picked for you.

Y/N: Then let's hear it.

Ozpin: Since you would be the 8th Gundam I believe you should be named Barbatos the 8th spirit named among the list of 72 demons. Given how you fight or how you used to fight I believe the name of a demon would fit you well.

Y/N: I like that. Gundam Barbatos.

Ozpin: That's good you can go now I am going to suggest getting looked at but you probably won't but that bleeding eye is new.

Y/N: I will be fine.

With that Y/N leaves Ozpin's office with his new title as he makes his way to Team RWBY's dorm where he is met with a relatively quiet room full of sleeping girls and a snoring Yang. Y/N looks at the four girls.

Y/N: I will protect you all I won't unchain myself again.

Y/N grabs some clothes and bandages as he walks into the bathroom.

A few weeks later Y/N hadn't told the girls about his decision as he sat next to a very tired-looking Blake as she read a book and the rest of the room watched Pyrrha wipe the floor with Team CRDL.

Pyrrha strikes Cardin who tries to counter only to hit her shield before getting driven back. He falls to one knee and then rolls to dodge as she comes down from above. Eventually, Pyrrha launches her spear at Dove and then knocks him down. Next, she fires a shot at Sky then blocks Feather's edge with her shield. Switching from sword to spear and driving him back, firing another shot before knocking Sky to the ground. She attacks Cardin again who unleashes a short column of fire from the red Dust crystal in The Executioner by smashing the floor. She dodges the blast and then blocks Cardin's swing before he and Sky attempt to double-team Pyrrha. Only for her to avoid them both before vaulting over Cardin.

Pyrrha throws her shield, which hits Cardin in the face and bounces back to hit Sky as well. She then flips backwards through the air to catch it then lands on Sky, incapacitating him. Dove and Russel rush her together, but she is able to drive them back. Kicking Dove away who manages to recover, landing on his feet as Cardin leaps in to smash at her with his mace.

Pyrrha dodges and opens fire with the rifle-form of Miló, but Russel defends Cardin, deflecting every shot with Shortwings. He and Dove charge at Pyrrha, with Russel leaping into the air and performing a triple somersault. However, the double-kick attack is easily blocked with her shield. Russel and Dove proceed to strike at Pyrrha together, demonstrating precision through their ability to avoid hitting one another during the attack. She falls back still managing to parry every blow, as Cardin attempts to capitalize on the distraction. Pyrrha opens fire again but this time Cardin deflects the bullets with his weapon. He charges at her only to be met with a knee to the chin, the two clash with Cardin receiving several hits. Russel ducks in under Cardin for a surprise attack, but also proves himself unable to wear her down.

Pyrrha dodges every slash and then hits him with her shield, Dove moves in after Russel is knocked to the ground. After a couple of deflected swipes, he fires on her with Hallshott, but she is able to bull right through using her shield. Although he is able to avoid her attack, Dove finds himself knocked out of the fight by an errant swing from Cardin, who moves in for another assault. Pyrrha knocks Cardin into the air and then leaps after him. Cardin blocks a few hits but she quickly maneuvers herself to slam him into the ground.

Glynda approaches from behind Cardin who clutches his ribs.

Glynda: And that's the match.

Cardin: Lucky shot.

Cardin collapses.

Glynda: Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.

Glynda taps her Scroll as the screens that display Pyrrha and CRDL's aura clear.

Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match.

Glynda looks up into the crowd where she spots Y/N and Team RWBY

Glynda: Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?

Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda the bags under her eyes being big enough that she could go shopping with them. This doesn't stop Glynda from calling on the tired cat faunus.

Glynda: You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -

Mercury's hand raises but Y/N also raises his hand at the same time.

Mercury: I'll do it.

Glynda: Mercury, is it? Very well, looks like you and Mr L/N are our next fight go get ready then meet back in the ring.

Y/N doesn't say anything as the two get up and go to leave Team RWBY could almost feel the tension in the air.

Weiss: Do they know each other?

Blake: I don't think so.

Yang: Y/N never picks a fight in Glynda's class.

Ruby: It's almost identical to when they met in the hallway.

Ruby brought her hand to her chin as the other three looked at her a little confused. The situation wasn't lost on Emerald either as she listened in on the team. The first person who walked out into the ring was Mercury as he didn't need to get changed or get his weapon. He just stood at his end and looked slightly bored. Not long after Y/N walked out with his equipment.

Mercury: all that for little old me? You shouldn't have.

Y/N smirked at his opponent's taunting.

Y/N: Don't think you're special I could still beat you with just my fists.

Mercury didn't seem to take that well as his face turned to a slight scowl and entered his ready pose. Y/N grabbed his mace with both hands as his jump jet warmed up and he entered a lower stance.

Yang: Have you guys noticed Y/N's been different the last few weeks?

Ruby: Yeah he seems more determined.

Weiss: He's not the only one that has been acting differently.

Weiss thumbed over towards Blake as the girl could hardly keep her eyes open. Down in the arena Y/N and Mercury stare each other down before Glynda begins the countdown.

Glynda: Three!

Mercury adjusted his footing as Y/N tightened his grip on his mace.

Glynda: Two!

Y/N's rocket starts glowing blue while Mercury hasn't removed his eyes from Y/N.

Glynda: One!

Y/N's eyes flash green before Glynda throws her arm down, signalling the fight's start. Mercury and Y/N launch at each other with Mercury launching himself first as he flips to deliver a dropkick to Y/N he fires his weapon hoping to end the fight in one hit as the smoke from Mercury's weapon clears to show Y/N blocks the attack with his left arm shield as Y/N drops his mace as he reaches forward at inhuman speed as he grabs Mercury's leg and throws him towards the wall as Mercury flips and lands on the wall before falling off it and landing on his feet.

Both males give a nod of acknowledgement. Ruby turns towards Emerald who's sitting behind her.

Ruby: Hey your friend is doing pretty good.

Emerald gives a fake smile and then rolls her eyes as Ruby turns her back.

Y/N stabs his mace into the ground as he takes his sword off his back then stabs it into the ground beside the mace before he enters a hand-to-hand stance. Mercury barely has time to dodge as Y/N is suddenly in front of him with his fist reared back ready to strike. Mercury jumps and twists himself around Y/N's arm before he delivers a heavy strike from his boot to the side of Y/N's head which sends the faunus across the room. Y/N comes to his senses as he is still in the air before he fires his jet bringing him to flip back to his feet as he comes to a skidding stop again.

Y/N: Stop holding back.

Mercury: Only if you do first.

Y/N was a little shocked but didn't let it show as his eyes flashed green and his jet fired making him appear in front of Mercury again. The boy sighed at the repeated tactic before he brought his leg up to fire only to hit the air his vision was obscured by Y/N's tail as a heavy strike was delivered to the back of his only planted leg causing him to fall back and allowing Y/N to grab his neck and bring his whole body over his shoulder and into the ground with a hard thud. Y/N combat rolled to the side and delivered a hard kick to Mercury's side only to be met by Mercury's boot blocking it. Y/N sends a hard punch to Mercury's chest only for the silver head male to deflect it Y/N sends a flurry of blows all being deflected by Mercury. Mercury deflects one final blow before he kicks Y/N's left leg out from under him bringing the wolf faunus to a knee. Mercury launches off his left leg bringing him into the air as he twists and looks at the aura gauge Y/N's resting at yellow while Mercury's is just in the yellow. Mercury finishes his twist as he makes his move to execute a falling axe kick as he makes the rotation he sees Y/N talking to himself before he opens his eyes allowing Mercury to to see both his eyes leaking blood before they both flash red momentarily and he is gone from sight before appearing above Mercury with his mace in hand and a swing started before he brings the heavy slab of metal down onto the other boy and he is launched into the ground cracking it as Y/N lands in a crouched pose as the buzzer sounds.

Emerald looks shocked at the result she thought that Mercury would win but he was practically taken out in one major hit. The buzzer startled Blake as she shook herself up to see Y/N had won.

Glynda: And the winner of the match is Y/N L/N by total Aura depletion.

Mercury stumbles to his feet as Y/N collects his sword and places it on his back with his mace before both boys look toward Glynda.

Glynda: From what we have seen you both are heavy hitters with an emphasis on speed but it looked like Y/N was just slightly faster. I feel I shouldn't have to say this but I am going to say it anyway never underestimate your opponent.  And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses.

Glynda dismissed the class as she walked out of the arena. Y/N was about to as well before he heard Mercury.

Mercury: To think Lupus of the White Fang was here at Beacon.

Y/N: It's been a while since I went by that name. How do you know who I am?

Mercury: I know a lot of things about you. I know you were still holding back.

Y/N spun around to find that Mercury wasn't there anymore he could still feel him but he just couldn't see him. Up in the stands, Team RWBY get up as Ruby can't seem to contain her excitement.

Ruby: We need to go congratulate him it was so cool! Come on!

Ruby takes off in a cloud of rose petals as Weiss waves her hand in front of her face to keep the rose petals from hitting her face she sighs and walks after her, Blake gets up tiredly and walks off while Yang is about to leave but looks down at Y/N to find him looking around the room a little confused before Emerald walks out.

Emerald is now shown waiting by the changing rooms as Mercury comes out trying to hide a limp.

Mercury: Learning is so much fun.

Sarcasm drips from his voice as Emerald hides a chuckle from the silver-haired boy before she asks her question.

Emerald: Is it him? 

Mercury: Yeah it's Lupus. I just kind of wish I didn't have to find out something we already knew instead of fighting the Invincible Girl.

Emerald: Well at least Cinder should be happy I think I have an idea of her Semblance.

Mercury: At least today wasn't a total waste.

Outside in the beautiful Vale sun Team RWBY and GNDM leave the school building as they pass Team SSSN. Blake hasn't looked up from her notebook as she sluggishly walks past team SSSN promoting Sun to run after her.

Sun:  Hey, Blake! You uh, doing okay?

Sun had placed his hand on Blake's shoulder to get her attention as she shut her book and turned around annoyed. The rest of RWBY and GNDM stopped as they watched. Y/N sighed at the losing battle.

Blake: I'm fine. 

Sun: So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend... ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?

Blake: What?

Sun: The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?

Blake just looked at him dead before she broke and snapped at the monkey Faunus before looking at Y/N and walking away.

Blake: I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that.

Ruby watched as Sun sank into himself from his rejection before Y/N's scroll went off causing them all to look at him. Y/N fishes the Scroll from his pocket before he opens it revealing a message from Ozpin.

Y/N: Looks like Ozpin wants to see me. I gotta go.

Y/N doesn't wait for a goodbye as Yang puts her hand out before dropping it as Ruby and Weiss just watch him.

Weiss: To add to the strangeness happening Y/N has been called to Ozpin's office a lot recently. 

Ruby: Maybe Ozpin wants to ask how he's doing in class?

Weiss: Now I'm not a betting woman but I think it has something to do with that book he was looking for when we were in the library.

Yang: What? The book on previous Gundams? 

Weiss: Something's happening and I don't like it.

Ruby: Come on we have to get Blake to that Dance.

Blake: You what?

Back in Team RWBY and GNDM's dorm Blake sits on her bed visibly annoyed and tired with her arms crossed while Yang sits next to her while Ruby and Weiss sit on Weiss's bed opposite.

Ruby: We want you to go to the dance.

Blake: That's ridiculous.

Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss starts counting on her fingers as if to emphasise her point.

Weiss: You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering. Hell even Y/N seems to be catching up.

Blake: You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake! And if you are going to go after me why not force Y/N I know we all notice how he isn't around a lot at the moment and how Ozpin is always calling him.

Blake had gotten so mad to the point she was using her hands nearly taking off Yang's head with them. Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it.

Yang: We know and believe me I have noticed how he's not around but we are worried about you at the moment I will talk to him later. But we are all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Yeah! Thanks to you and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Blake: But there are still unanswered questions!

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event!

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce Blake.

Blake: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So what do ya think?

Blake: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

Blake walks away from the group and opens the dorm door.

Blake: I'll be in the library.

She walks out of the room.

Yang: Great.

Weiss: She can't keep going on like this.

The team sits downtrodden for a moment until Y/N opens the door looking a little tired. Yang stands up to meet the wolf Faunus with her hands on her hips.

Yang: And where have you been? 

Y/N: Ozpin called me about the missions after the dance.

Weiss: And what was it about?

Y/N: I... I can't tell you.

The three girls share a look before there is a knock at the door. All four look to each other silently asking if anyone had someone coming before Weiss moves to the door opening it to find Jaune standing there with a guitar.

Jaune: Weiss!

The poor boy didn't even get more than one word in as the door was slammed in his face with a resounding thud Y/N now stood between Ruby and Yang as they watched the interaction.

Jaune: Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing.

Weiss hesitantly opens the door to Jaune and he immediately starts singing.

Jaune: I lied! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?

Weiss: Are you done?

Jaune looks at the unimpressed girl as he tries to determine if his plan worked.

Jaune: Yes?

Weiss: No.

Jaune didn't even have time to rebut as the door was slammed into his face leaving him stuck outside. Weiss turns around to find the three remaining dorm mates watching her.

Weiss: What?

Yang and Ruby stand at 45-degree angles as Y/N just stands normally. Ruby doesn't have the best grip on her stance as she starts wobbling.

Yang: And that's why they call you the Ice Queen. 

Ruby finally loses balance as she falls onto Y/N knocking them both over.

Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.

Ruby: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.

Ruby is still on the floor as Y/N reaches up to get her attention. He could have easily lifted the small girl off him but he chose to be diplomatic.

Y/N: Ruby could you please get off me?

Ruby looks down before blushing and dashing to stand upright leaving rose petals everywhere. 

Weiss: Well what about you Yang do you have a partner in mind?

Weiss asks almost redundantly as she crosses her arms Yang starts fidgeting as she plays with her hair and a slight blush grows on her face.

Yang: Yeah I have one in mind. But I don't know if I will have to be the one to ask or if he will.

Weiss rolls her eyes at the answer as Yang is shown staring at Y/N while he just gets off the floor.

That night, Pyrrha and Jaune are sparring at their spot on the roof. Jaune appears to gain the upper hand until Pyrrha sweeps his legs out from under him.

Pyrrha: Well done! Your swordplay has improved immensely.

Pyrrha helps Jaune to his feet.

Jaune: I couldn't have done it without you.

Pyrrha: So, are you ready to move on to Aura?

Jaune: I'm actually thinking maybe we just skip Aura for tonight? Might go on a jog or something.

Pyrrha: Come on, I know you get frustrated, but you must keep trying. I'm sure you'll discover your Semblance any day now.

Jaune: That's not it. It's just... It's dumb.

Pyrrha sensing her leaders' trouble approaches Jaune and places her hand on his shoulder.

Pyrrha: What is it? 

Jaune, you know you can tell me.

Jaune: It's... Weiss.

Pyrrha's face fell slightly that was just the name she didn't want to hear come out of the boy's mouth. 

Pyrrha: Oh. What about her?

Jaune: I asked her to the dance and she shot me down. Big surprise, right?

Pyrrha: Well, I believe the saying goes: There's... plenty of fish in the sea.

Jaune: That's easy for you to say. You've probably got guys clamouring over each other just to ask you out.

Pyrrha: You'd be surprised. 

Jaune dismisses the thought.

Jaune: Oh please. If you don't get a date for the dance, I'll wear a dress. Heh.

He walks away. Pyrrha drops her smile and looks rather upset.

Emerald: Pyrrha Nikos. 

In Cinder's dorm room, she sews a black dress while she listens to Emerald and Mercury's report on the students in Beacon. Emerald sits on the floor with her Scroll as Mercury lays on his back reading a comic book. 

Cinder: Ah, the invincible girl.

Mercury: She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible.

Cinder: Do tell.

Emerald: We think her semblance is Polarity. But you'd never know just by watching.

Mercury: After she made contact with that team's weapons she could move them however she wanted but she only made slight adjustments if she needed to.

Emerald: Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her power, so it puts her opponent at a disadvantage.

Cinder: Hmm... People assume that she's fated for victory when she's really taking fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list.

Mercury: You should be able to take her no problem.

Cinder: It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time.

Mercury: I hate waiting.

Cinder: Don't worry, Mercury. We have a fun weekend ahead of us.

Emerald: Cinder there's another one you should know about.

Mercury: No she doesn't he just got lucky.

Cinder: Do tell Emerald.

Emerald looks up slightly scared before she starts.

Emerald: Well we think we have found Lupus.

The sewing needle in Cinder's hand heats up and bends 

Cinder: Are. You. Sure.

Emerald: 95%. And here's the thing he's the Debris we met when that girl in the red hood ran into me in the halls. 

Cinder: Well what did you pick up?

Emerald: He kicked Mercury around like he was nothing. He seems to have some kind of speed semblance and that he is very physically strong other than that not much. 

Cinder: We will have to step lightly around him. Add him to the list.

Emerald: One other thing according to Torchwick The LQ-84 never came back.

Cinder: Well that is unfortunate but acceptable it doesn't know anything about our operations or the Winds.

On General Ironwood's ship, LQ-84i is strapped to a machine as Ironwood and a soldier seem to be going through what memories they can recover. 

???: General all these memories are under an encryption that not even I could crack.

Ironwood: Well Dr Polendina that's just not good enough is it.

Dr Polendina: But sir that is what I designed it to do but it seems to have developed a new subroutine that changes the password every second. It also seems to have developed a bond with a Wolf Faunus if I am reading the memories I can access them correctly, so he might be able to help us.

Ironwood: Let me guess this Faunus has a scar running up his face. 

Dr Polendina: Yes have you met them?

Ironwood: Yes that's Ozpin's little pet he won't tell me who it is yet.

Ironwood stopped speaking as Dr Polendina also fell silent before he spoke up from his screen.

Dr Polendina: Well I did send you the new body I had designed for it before it was stolen so if you just connect it up I could transfer the consciousness across then we could give it to the faunus.

Ironwood just turned away before addressing the soldier he had brought with him. 

Ironwood: Soldier I need you to do whatever the good Dr asks. 

Soldier: Yes Sir!

Dr Polendina: What are you going to do sir?

Ironwood: I am going to speak to Ozpin about this student who seems to be in the middle of most of my problems here in Vale.

With that Ironwood left the lab as The soldier was left with the damaged LQ-84i and the screen with Dr Polendina back in Atlas.

Alright that's it I have had this chapter half-finished for about a week and I want to add some things in to give Y/N a little more depth and I have decided I am going to make his character arc more like Raiden from MGRR. I won't say any more about that for fear of spoiling things I am also trying to figure out how to properly write the Volume 4 and 5 parts even though I still have to write the rest of 2 and all of 3. Next Chapter: Burning the Candle.

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