The Boy Who Couldn't Leave

By RiddleMeThis__

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Dark!Irondad fan fiction. Tony Stark saw Peter Parker one day when the boy was visiting Stark Industries. As... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

503 15 4
By RiddleMeThis__

A/N: Hi everyone!! I am so sorry! I realize that I've been doing something wrong. Tony has slapped Peter twice now, and my ignorant self didn't think to tag child abuse or even warn you guys before it happened. I have now added a child abuse tag and I promise to write notes in the future if I plan on it happening again! I am so sorry for his gross oversight and I promise to think before posting! I realize this subject may be a trigger and I will be more careful in the future.

So without further ado, there will be mentions of child abuse in this chapter.

Also, prepare for semidark!Pepper...?

3rd Person POV

When Pepper woke up, she found herself lying on the couch with an icepack on her forehead and Tony was walking around, cleaning Peter's mess.

She got her bearings for a minute and asked Tony "Honey why isn't Peter cleaning this mess?"

Without looking directly into her eyes, he replied "I sent him to his room. How are you feeling?"

Pepper sat up slowly and she rubbed her eyes tiredly, muttering to herself "He got a tattoo?! How in god's name did he manage that?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I just haven't had time to eat today."

Tony sat down next to Pepper and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Friday will order you something to eat from downstairs. She'll just order us all an early dinner."

He stopped when he heard Friday's chime of acknowledgment. Then he continued with a small smile on his face"You know, I think this is actually a good thing. He's getting comfortable enough to rebel."

Pepper whipped her head around to stare at him in shock "By getting a tattoo?! A little rebelliousness, fine. But permanent? That's not okay, Tony!"

She asked "What even happened after I passed out"

She noticed Tony's grim look "I snapped. God, Pep I felt this white hot anger and I acted rashly."

Pepper looked at him suspiciously "What did you do, Anthony?"


Perched on the railing on his balcony, Peter sat, staring at the sunset, relishing in the righteous anger coursing through his body.

Tony slapped his face hard enough to leave a glaring handprint, then he sent him to his room.

Peter can't help but feel sorry for himself. He's always looking for trouble and trouble always found him.

He knew he shouldn't poke the bear, and here he was with a big stick.

But.....UGH!! It's just not fair.


He leaped back into his room and tried to go into the living room. If Pepper knew that Tony SLAPPED him, she could have done something!

But when he tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge.

He slapped the door and said "Friday! What the hell?"

She chimed in and said "Sorry miniboss. Boss says you are grounded for one month and must remain in your room at all times except for meals and school. You are not allowed entertainment in the form of music, television, your phone, or video games."

Peter's jaw slacked open "What? Why?!"

She went silent for a moment and then she said "Boss says you are grounded for skipping school, getting a tattoo, being disrespectful, and making a mess in the family space."

Peter leaned his neck back and stared at the ceiling, rolling his eyes in the process. "Ugh! This sucks. You can tell him I said that!"

It sucked even more now that the bruise on his cheek was almost healed and he couldn't even show Pepper.

Then he thought bitterly, she wouldn't even do anything, she would be blinded by whatever excuse Tony could come up with.

Peter was bored to death before his eyes lit up. "Friday?"


"Can you call Uncle Rhodey for me?"

Friday replied "You are not allowed access to a cell phone"

"But I'm not accessing my phone, you are. Plus, grounded doesn't mean I can't talk to my uncle"

Friday went silent again "Okay, my protocols don't have anything against this request. One moment please."

Two minutes later Rhodey's voice came through the ceiling "Hello?"

Peter's eyes widened. It worked!

"Uncle Rhodey?"

The man replied jovially "My favorite nephew! What's going on, kid?"

Peter had to do this right "Ugh Tony grounded me for a WHOLE month!"

Rhodey balked "What?! Why?"

Peter rolled his eyes "I skipped school and things kinda escalated from there. But he and Pepper are really pissed because......igotatattoo."

Rhodey said, " got a tattoo?"

Then Rhodey let out a hearty laugh and said "Kid! You're really running circles around your dad, aren't you?"

Peter let out the smallest of smiles before saying "I had to do...something. He's driving me crazy."

Rhodey said "Well one month is a really long time, kid. Tell you what. How about I break you out of there tomorrow? I can't today because I'm meeting with the General, but I'm free tomorrow afternoon."

Peter smiled. Yes! This was it!

"That sounds great, Uncle Rhodey. Afterschool?"

The line went silent and Rhodey quietly said "Maybe we can go a little earlier than that."

Peter hung up when he heard a commotion outside.

Though very muffled, he heard "Anthony Stark! I cannot believe you! That boy is going through so much and you locked him in his room?! What was going through your head?"

But what he heard next, he couldn't believe it because he hadn't heard that dark tone in a very long time. 

"Pepper! That kid could use a little discipline. He's been mouthy, rude, and disrespectful."

Pepper shot back "Isn't that what you wanted? A mini you?!"

"Yeah, I wanted a mini-me, but what I didn't want was to turn into my father and sla-"

Peter pressed his ear up against the door, trying to hear the rest, but all he could hear was heavy breathing. 

Pepper spoke softly "You cut yourself off, Tony. Finish that sentence and you better not say what I think you're saying."

At this point, Peter yelled through the door "Let me out of here!"

Luckily Tony stood stock still while Pepper instructed Friday to open the door. 

When he emerged, Pepper pulled him into a hug and began to check him over. She saw the small bit of discoloration on his face.

She rubbed a tender hand over it and glared at Tony "Finish that sentence, Anthony!"

Tony rubbed his hand behind his neck. This so wasn't going to go well.

"What I meant to say was, I didn't want to turn into my father and slap him"

Pepper gasped sharply and said "You better not have Tony!" as she glared at him. 

Peter spoke out "He did. Once today and once before."

But before Pepper could say anything, Tony said "Okay wait! Maybe I did give his cheek a little tap, today....and before.....but it's because of the deplorable behavior he was showing us today, Pepper. He is a teenager and teenagers must show respect to their parents. That's what we are! His parents. So yes, I may have disciplined him in a way that is not accepted, but it worked. Have you heard any attitude from him yet?"

All the while Pepper looked seriously contemplative. Not good, what could she be contemplating?

Peter blurted out "What the f$%k! He literally LOCKED me in my room! How are you so calm Pepper?"

But instead of the sympathy he was expecting, Pepper turned on him and said "Peter! You do not swear in this house! Do you hear me?! You have been very disrespectful lately, not to mention breaking every rule we have for you in addition to skipping school more often than going AND getting a tattoo today! What has gotten into you?"

No no no no, this wasn't how this was supposed to go.

Peter gulped upon seeing both adults staring at him with arms crossed over their chests. He said "Wait! Are you really just gonna ignore that he slapped me TWICE? Unbelievable."

Pepper shook her head and said "I'm not ignoring it. We are going to have a long talk later and he's never going to do that again" as she glared Tony's way.

How the hell did this all get turned on him? He glared Tony's way and gave him the stink eye. Tony Stark really was a master manipulator. That's what he got for trying to get out he supposed.

Peter sighed. There's no way out. 

There's no way out. 

He turned to Pepper and said "Fine Pepper, I'm done trying with you. A family you want, a family you'll get, but I won't be happy."

Tony spoke up for the first time since this conversation started "You'll get used to all this soon enough."

And with the falsest apologetic face he could muster up, Tony said "I'm sorry I slapped you kid, but it did work. My father disciplined me like that, but it's okay, I'll find other ways."

Peter couldn't help the shiver that made its way down his spine. What was that supposed to mean? 

Was Pepper really going to ignore all the red flags in front of her? 

Friday informed them all that the food had been delivered and the three just sat somberly around the table. 

Peter hesitantly asked, "So Pepper, is that it?"

She asked, "Is what it?"

Peter replied, "This whole situation, You have nothing else to say?"

Petter sighed "You may feel unjustified Peter, but it will be okay. We both have your best interests at heart."

Yeah. Right. 

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