Solstice Souls: Solstice Sons...

By edzooc8r

14.4K 1.9K 1.7K

With war on the horizon, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are about to face their destiny. Their friends and family are... More

Promises Made
In the Blink of an Eye
A Couple's Confidence
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of
Husbands Now, Soulmates Forever
Unpredictable Consequences
Putting Things In Motion
Two Halves of a Whole
Realizing the Error of His Ways
Choosing What to Do
Not Children Anymore
Unity Equals Strength
Fluidity in Motion
The Approaching Storm
Bringing the Good Fight
Twist of the Sword
The End Game?
The Secrets We Keep
Bottleneck Strategy
Rats in a Trap
The Quality of Men
The Tranquility Before The Chaos
Like Recognizes Like
Attempt The Impossible
Then and Now
The Sun Scorching Palace
Putting On A Show
The Precipice of Defeat
The Final Battle
The Aftermath
Moving Past the Past
A Place to Go
Notes For Our Readers

The Bravery To Say Goodbye

370 47 63
By edzooc8r

Wei Ying POV

"I'm sorry. You want us to do what?" Song Lan asks.

His eyebrows lift so high they're halfway up his forehead. Both he and Xiao Xingchen stare at Wei Ying with puzzlement.

"I want you to go with us to Nightless City so we can turn ourselves over to Wen Rouhan."

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan chastises quietly. "Rule number one thousand and eighty six. Do not tease."

"I'm not teasing."

Lan Zhan gives him a knowing look and Wei Ying's exuberance fades slightly.

"Is he serious?" Xiao Xingchen asks, looking at Lan Zhan with wide eyes.

"Of course I am!" Wei Ying exclaims.

Song Lan looks at his husband and mutters, "He can't be. We didn't just fight thousands of Wen soldiers to save Yiling only to hand over its heir to that monster Wen Rouhan."

Wei Ying wriggles excitedly in Lan Zhan's lap, trying to get more comfortable. Suddenly, he feels his jade's cool hand on his waist. It's a subtle request the other two men at the table don't notice. The firm yet gentle touch urges him to stop moving so much. Wei Ying's lips press together as his naughty side eagerly accepts the challenge Lan Zhan has unknowingly made.

Wei Ying sinks himself deeper into his husband's warm lap. It earns him a low grunt and a pinch on his hip. He can't stifle the choked snort that gives his amusement away so he fakes a cough when the two senior cultivators cast him questioning gazes. Unknowingly, he only added to Lan Zhan's distress, the bulge beneath his jade's robes poking Wei Ying in the ass like an impatient child wanting attention.  

Xiao Xingchen laughs awkwardly. "If your family was here, they would never agree to such a foolish plan."

"Plan? What plan?!" Wei Ying blurts out. His mind quickly backpedals out of the inappropriate pit it's fallen into, the one where he tries to get Lan Zhan off without being caught by their seniors.

Song Lan cocks his head questioningly. "The plan that your family would never agree to if they were here." he says flatly.

"They already have." Wei Ying says, his thoughts snapping back to the matter at hand.

Both older cultivators gape at him.

Lan Zhan pours tea for all of them while he explains. "This plan was discussed before Wei Ying's family left. They agreed it was the best option for getting close to Wen Rouhan. My husband did not plan on both of you being here and has adjusted his plan accordingly. With your help, our chances of succeeding greatly increases."

Song Lan shakes his head trying to understand. "So you want us to just march into Nightless City and say, 'Look who we found by the side of the road?'"

"Didn't you both risk your lives to escape that cesspool just weeks ago? Why in the hell would you want to go back?" Xiao Xingchen rants.

Wei Ying nestles deeper into Lan Zhan's embrace at the flashing memory of the arena. His devoted husband places a lingering kiss on the top of his head as if to say 'I'm right here. I'm never leaving.' The small gesture calms Wei Ying's heart. He scoots out of his soulmate's lap and straightens his back.

"We don't want to go back. But Lan Zhan and I are the only ones who can end Wen Rouhan's senseless killing and lust for power. We know it. Our families know it. And you know it."

Two pairs of eyes fall to the table while two others await their response. The air in the small room grows thick with acceptance and the weight of the responsibility now placed on two very young mens' shoulders.

Lan Zhan's hand automatically slides around Wei Ying's waist and gives a gentle pleading tug. Unable to deny his jade, Wei Ying returns to his husband's accepting lap with a sigh. This is the only place he feels safe anymore. No where else gives him the peace that Lan Zhan's lap provides him.

The scent of sandalwood drifts all around Wei Ying and he allows himself to sink into the enticing smell of his husband. His back comes to rest on Lan Zhan's accepting body. The steady rise and fall of his jade's chest soothes his jittery nerves as it always does until Wei Ying wants nothing more than to return to their bed so they can simply hold each other.

The talented cultivators sitting across from them carry on a silent conversation. Wei Ying begins to wonder if his request was too much to ask for. It's too late to take it back. He wouldn't even if he could. They need all the help they can get. And if that means recruiting two men they barely know then so be it. Wei Ying's always been known to take risks so why should he stop now?

Risks can be good. He took one on the summer solstice in a city where everyone hated and feared him. His wish to make the one man who wanted to kill him smile seemed simple at the time. Wei Ying never imagined that wish would lead him on the adventure of a lifetime. There was no way he could have known that one risk would bring peace between his people and the Lan Clan. He never would have guessed that one impulsive thought would bless him with a soulmate who loves him unconditionally.

Sometimes, it's the tiniest things that make the biggest difference in the world.

Wei Ying cranes his neck back and places a feathery kiss on the underside of his husband's sharp jawline. His silver eyes watch the resulting blush warm the tips of his husband's ears and smiles contendly. Just as he's reaching up to brush his thumb over Lan Zhan's plush bottom lip, Xiao Xingchen clears his throat to break the spell.

At the same time, Song Lan says, "What do you want us to do?"

Wei Ying sits up and looks back at his husband with a humorous grin plastered across his lips. Lan Zhan maintains his composure but he can see his jade fighting to keep his mask of indifference in place. Wei Ying knows they should feel happy that Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen have agreed to help them. Yet, even though they've gained two allies they've also added two people to the list of those who might lose their life if his plan falls to shit.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Ying turns his head back to the older men. At the last minute he loses his courage. He lowers his head and mumbles his answer.

"I'm sorry. Would you please say that again, Wei-gongzi?" Xiao Xingchen asks politely.

Lan Zhan pokes Wei Ying in the ribs.

Wei Ying's words squeak out. "I said how good are your dancing skills?"

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen freeze. They don't even breathe. Wei Ying waves his hand in front of his martial uncle but Xingchen doesn't blink. Neither does his husband when Lan Zhan waves his hand once in front of Song Lan.

"Did we break them?" Wei Ying wonders in a hushed voice.

"Give them time to process." Lan Zhan encourages.

Wei Ying hates waiting. He sips the tea his husband offers him, anxious to get his plan in motion. They're quickly running out of time. If they don't act fast enough, Wen Rouhan will begin to suspect something and it will be even more difficult, if not impossible, to get inside Nightless City.

Fortunately, Song Lan had given great advice prior to the start of the fighting when he recommended a few Wei fighters take to the trees around the battlefield. They would watch for and kill any Wen soldiers trying to run back and report to the Wen Clan leader. In the end, only four Wen soldiers thought it better to run than fight and all were stopped before they left Yiling territory.

So for now, news of them beating Wen Zhuliu and his army was still theirs to keep.

But that wouldn't last long.

"Finally!" Wei Ying huffed as the two older men blinked away their shock. "So? Can you dance?"

"Um, Wei-gongzi. I hate to disappoint but Xingchen and I have never...danced."

"Oh come on! Never? You've never courted a lady by dancing with her at a festival?"

A polite cough behind him has Wei Ying breaking into contagious laughter as he realizes what he just suggested.

"Sorry, my bad."

"No need to apologize, young master." Song Lan replies.

Xiao Xingchen takes his husband's hand, a faint blush coloring his high cheekbones. "We may not know how to dance now, but I would love for you to teach us. Especially if it helps destroy the Wens."

Wei Ying's smile shines like the sun's final blinding flare before setting. "Yes! I...I mean I would love to teach you. I hope you're fast learners though."

A sly grin pulls at the corner of Song Lan's mouth. "Don't worry about us. We are very fast learners."

Lan Zhan can't help but add, "Wei Ying is an excellent teacher."

"Aww, thank you, sweetie."

The compliment earns him a kiss on his lips. Wei Ying leans into it, not wanting it to end. His hands cup his jade's face, his thumbs caressing the soft skin under his tender touch. Lan Zhan's kisses warm him from the inside, flooding him with an indescribable comfort. They always manage to break through whatever is bothering Wei Ying and settle deep within his soul like pieces of sunshine that chase away the darkness of his fears.

Soft lips that taste like a spring breeze pull him deeper into an ocean of bliss. He hungers for them like the lonely crave attention. There is nothing else he needs, nothing else he wants other than to always be by Lan Zhan's side. Wei Ying could spend an eternity in his husband's lap and never long for the outside world. As long as he can stare endlessly into golden eyes that look at him with infinite love, his life will be complete.

A firm hand wraps around his body, pulling him closer with passionate yearning. Another slides up the back of his neck, crushing their lips together until Wei Ying is forced to open his mouth. A soft moan passes between them, fanning the building fire beneath Wei Ying's robes.

He wants this kiss to go on forever. He wants this moment to never end.

But it can't.

For now, they have to be thankful that they even get this. They don't have the time to lose themselves to their desires. With a tiny whimper, he reluctantly breaks their intimate bond. However, it's quickly replaced with a giggle when he sees Lan Zhan chasing his lips with closed eyes.

Without letting go of his jade's handsome face, Wei Ying says shyly, "My apologies. I got carried away."

It's an apology to their friends because there are no sorry's between him and his husband. He expects a reprimand from their esteemed guests but none comes. Wei Ying waits a few more rapid breaths but still no teasing words filled with sarcasm reach his ears.

Both he and Lan Zhan turn their heads at the same time.

"Shishu!" Wei Ying shouts.

Caught off guard, Xiao Xingchen shoves Song Lan backward. The man in black literally does a backwards somersault while the man in white straightens his disheveled robes. Both are clearing their throats, their faces flush with embarrassment.

Xiao Xingchen clumsily regains some of his shattered composure and says, "So-Sorry, Wei-gongzi. Lan Er-gongzi. I don't know what came over us."

Wei Ying can't contain himself. He bursts out in raucous laughter. "I do! It's nice to know even old men can still get...ya' know...excited!"

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan's deep, stern voice never fails to give him goosebumps. "Behave."

"Oh come on! Aren't you glad we're not the only horny couple here?"

Song Lan rises and returns to his seat next to his husband. "Even so, we should lead by example."

Unable to stop himself, Wei Ying blurts out, "That was one hell of an example! Please, continue. I think I missed something important. Here, I'll take notes this time."

Xiao Xingchen hides his face behind his flowing sleeve while Song Lan simply shakes his head in defeat.

Wei Ying's laughter eventually fades. A soft look of understanding washes over his still smiling face. His heart delights in the fact that two people so much like him and Lan Zhan have found love. He's thankful that Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan are able to have this special moment together even if they're not alone. It's something none of them can take for granted anymore.  

With a trembling voice, he says, "I get it. Trust me. We understand."

The two older cultivators look at them curiously.

"We could have died yesterday. We could die tomorrow." Wei Ying feels the sting of his traitorous tears and forcibly blinks them away. "Every moment we spend with those we love is precious and fragile. They should be cherished like the priceless treasures they are. No one should tell us how and when to appreciate them because our futures are not guaranteed. Our next breath is a gift as is our next kiss. Time should not be wasted because, once a moment is gone, you will never get it back. As my mother used to say, 'Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal." *

Xiao Xingchen's tender gaze takes in his husband's captivating face. He takes one of Song Lan's hands in his and places a romantic kiss on the back of it.

In return, Song Lan cups Xingchen's cheek, staring back at the man he loves with hearts in his eyes.

All four men take a moment to process what has happened and what could happen.

Eventually, Xiao Xingchen turns and looks at Wei Ying. "Your parents have raised a fine young man. And we would be honored to fight by your side in whatever role you demand of us."

Song Lan's gaze finds Lan Zhan. "You are very lucky to have found each other."

"And you are fortunate to have found the love of your life, as well." Lan Zhan answers back.

"Okay! Okay! We're all lucky!" Wei Ying exclaims, his hands waving in front of him. "Now, can we get down to business? Wen Rouhan won't be kept in the dark for long. We need to act now before we lose our advantage of surprise."

"So, what's the plan?" Xiao Xingchen asks determinedly.

Wei Ying's eyes flash like the newborn spark of a lighted fire. "Have you ever heard of the performer called Mo Xuanyu?"


As night falls on Wei Ying's home, four men prepare to leave under the cover of darkness. They are surrounded by hundreds of men and women, all trying to put on brave faces but failing miserably.

Lan Zhan is holding a crying bundle of wiggling child as Wei Xiang holds on desperately to his neck.

"Don't go, Bootiful Gege! Don't leave! Wens bad! They hurt you and Xian-gege! Stay here! We wuv you!"

The knot in Wei Ying's throat is the size of a mountain. He bites his tongue to keep his tears at bay. His lips keep moving, inward and outward, the corner of his lips trembling worse than a quaking aspen in a windstorm.

"We love you, too." Lan Zhan says quietly. "And that is why we must go. Will you do something for me, Wei Xiang?"

The toddler lifts his head to look at the Lan heir with puffy eyes and a runny nose. He nods bravely, his little pout shattering Wei Ying's heart.

Wei Ying watches with fondness in his own tearful eyes as his husband pulls something out of his sleeve. He has to hold his breath lest the pain in his chest become too much to bear as he sees a smaller yet perfect replica of the Lan headband perfectly folded and resting in the middle of Lan Zhan's large hand. It still boggles his mind how anyone could think of this man in white as anything but gentle and loving.

Wei Xiang looks down at the object held in his Beautiful Gege's hand and squeals with delight. He reaches for it but Lan Zhan closes his fingers around it. The boy looks up at him, confused.

In the most gentle voice Wei Ying has ever heard, Lan Zhan explains, "This can only be worn by very special little boys. It is a symbol of strength in my clan. Only members of the head family are allowed to wear it. I will give it to you but you have to promise me one thing."

Wei Xiang only has eyes for the object in Lan Zhan's hand. He nods excitedly, his tears fading like the winter snow on a warm day.

Lan Zhan slowly puts the boy on the ground and kneels in front of him. He opens his hand and this time, Wei Xiang waits to be given permission to touch it.

"I need you to promise me that you will be brave. Trust that we will come back and that Xian-gege will be safe. I swear to you," Lan Zhan lifts his gaze to meet all those around him. "I will bring him home."

Every Wei Clan member nods in gratitude. Prayers are whispered, floating up to the heavens on the wings of hope.

"I pahmise to behave, Bootiful Gege. A-Xiang won't cwy."

Wei Ying swallows down his pride in the little boy bowing to Lan Zhan. How anyone could not want this bright and caring child astounds him.

With a firm hand, Lan Zhan gestures for Wei Xiang to rise and accept his gift. His long adept fingers tie the headband around the child's head, making sure not a single strand of hair is caught in the smooth silk when he knots it.

"Am I a Lan now?" Wei Xiang asks hesitantly.

Apparently, even a cold jade isn't immune to a child's hopeful innocence. A small smile graces Lan Zhan's lips as he replies, "You are still a Wei. But now also an honorary Lan."


Wei Ying can't help himself. He scoops up the adorable little boy in black robes wearing the tiniest Lan Clan headband and smothers him with kisses. Infectious baby giggles pour out of the toddler squirming in his arms and spread to the adults encircling the couple.

"I'll be brave, Beautiful Gege! Can I have one, too? Pwease?!"

Lan Zhan squats down in front of Wei Yuan who, until this moment, had been clinging silently to Wei Ying's leg.

"Of course." he says and reaches in to pull out another small ribbon embossed with the Gusu cloud pattern.

A-Yuan bows and waits for Lan Zhan to accept his gesture of thanks. Just like with Wei Xiang, the Second Jade lifts the small boy up to a standing position and delicately places the headband on him.

Wei Ying picks up A-Yuan in his other arm, giving them both a gigantic hug. The two boys look at each other with wonder in their bright eyes until Wei Ying can't stand the cuteness anymore. He puts them down and gives both their cheeks a squeeze with his fingers.

"Okay you two. Off to bed."

"I don't wanna go to bed!" they cry in unison.

Well, so much for being an honorary Lan!

An older woman steps forward and takes each of the boys' hands in hers. "I'll make sure they get some sleep, Xian-gege. Please, don't worry about them."

"If they're in your capable hands, Yang Li, I won't."

She bows deeply and then guides the still crying boys out of the crowd.

No matter how much he fights it, Wei Ying can't ignore the possibility that he may never see these boys again. He may never have another chance to see their smiles when he makes them something special or hear their laughter when he spins them around until they're dizzy. There's a likelihood he'll never know their life's accomplishments or meet their wives and children. The possibility of never getting a hug or sloppy kiss from either of those two boys breaks his heart.

A strong arm wraps around Wei Ying's waist, a pair of soft lips press an understanding kiss to his temple.

"We fight to protect them." his husband murmurs against his skin.

"I know. I know we do. I just..."

"I miss them already as well, my love."

Wei Ying shakes himself and wipes the tears from his eyes. He realizes that he's not the only one hurting right now. But he has to control his emotions. He can't afford to be distressed. That will only get them killed.

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen hand them their swords, bowing to the Wei Clan before turning away.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying bow in perfect unison. Together, they rise and lift their heads proudly like the clan heirs they are. Like the ripple of a tossed stone onto the calm surface of a pond, their bows spread outwards until every single person standing around them is facing the ground with deep respect in their hearts.

No words are spoken. None are needed.

Together, the Solstice Sons turn towards each other. They share an emotional glance as eyes the color of summer wheat meet eyes that sparkle like ten thousand stars. Their hands join between them, their fingers slotting together in unity.

With heavy hearts, they turn their backs to the people who pray for their safe return and begin their journey towards the city that still haunts their dreams. 

* A quote by Friedrich Nietzsche

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