One Last Stand for NATO

By Ant357627

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This the fourth continuation of the "for NATO" series. Prepare to see the next-gen kick a$$ and take names. W... More

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One Last Stand for NATO Trailer
ORION Project Generation II
The Towson kids all grown up 1
The Towson kids all grown up 2
What they are now?
Ch 1: The Unknown...
Ch 2: The old and the new...
Ch 3: How it was...
Ch 4: ZWC and Tea...
Ch 6: Meetings and Problems...
The Towson kids all grown up 3
Ch 7: New love and Protector...
Ch 8: Let's give these bastards a proper British welcome!
Ch 9: This was no act of terrorism...
Ch 10: The Head and the Dogs...
Ch 11: Protector...
Ch 12: Command's not gonna like this...

Ch 5: Fight the Fear...

77 3 25
By Ant357627

Author's Note: For everyone that put in some OCs in the "Bio", please read the previous Volumes to get a much better understanding. Not saying names.

Timeskip to four days later~

Time: 9:16:54 A.M

Date: July 19, 2060

Location: Fidden, Scotland

It is now a new day, we see Anthony is wearing his USMC officer uniform and his new Major General insignias. He has a serious but calm look on his face, as he is mentally preparing for his first day as a Major General and commander of MAC-SOG. He sat in front of the window in a MV-38 Condor VTOL, looking himself over one last time. His uniform is perfectly pressed, his hair is neatly made and in a ponytail, and his medals and ribbons are arranged just so. As he double-checks his appearance, his mind drifts to the task ahead. MAC-SOG is are powerful units of all branches of the militaries in each nation, and its leaders have a lot of responsibilities and expectations placed on them. However, Anthony is confident that he can handle the pressures of his new role.

A sudden jolt brings him back to the present. He realizes that the air transport is landing, and he quickly straightens his posture. Taking a deep breath, he stands and moves to exit the Condor.

Once outside, Anthony is greeted by a warm breeze and the sound of seagulls. He looks around and sees a wide expanse of ocean and a large island off in the distance with a SAM site. This is MAC-SOG's base for EUTO.

Anthony:*sighs* I've got a good feeling about this.

As he heads towards the base's entrance, Anthony can't help but smile. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he's confident that he's up to the task.

As he approach the gate, his sons Tony and Nix greets him as well as the former commander British Army Major General Loyiso Quinton Okusanya who is now a Lieutenant General. Okusanya salutes, Anthony saluted back, Okusanya then spoke.

Okusanya: American Marine! Welcome to Fidden, Scotland. MAC-SOG European HQ. The rest of the commanders have been waiting for your arrival, General.

Anthony: Thank you, General. I won't keep them waiting any longer. And good luck out there.

Okusanya: Thanks, Marine.

Okusanya leaves as Tony and Nix guided their father towards the Command Center.

Tony: Dad, you nervous?

Nix: Yeah, pops. This is a huge step for you.

Anthony: Yes, and I am feeling a bit nervous, but I know that I'm ready for this.

Tony and Nix nod, proud of their father for stepping up to the challenge. As they enter the Command Center, the commanders of MAC-SOG's European branch were his friends US Army Lieutenant General Tom Oswald Macnamara and USMC Major General David Sith Fernandes. Both men were surprised to see him as a Major General.

Tom: Holy shit! It's been a while, Anthony. How have you been?

David: Same here, man. How have you been?

Anthony: I've been doing well, thanks. And I can't believe you guys are both still around.

David: Yeah, well, you know us. We can't be killed that easily. But President Lockheed did caught us and put on desk work cause of our age.

Tom: Damn right. But hey, it's not all bad. We still get to see our families.

David: Plus, we have some pretty cool toys to play with.

Tom and David gesture to the array of weapons and equipment lined up on the table in front of them.

Anthony: Holy fuck, that's a lot of stuff.

David: Hell yeah it is. We've got everything from state-of-the-art sniper rifles to experimental armored vehicles.

Tom: And if you can't find what you're looking for, we can probably have Mary make it.

As Anthony takes in the impressive array of weaponry and equipment, he can't help but feel a surge of excitement. Despite the weight of his new responsibilities, he knows that he's in good company with Tom and David by his side.

Anthony: This is incredible. I can't wait to get started.

Tom: That's the spirit, Anthony. With you leading the charge, I have no doubt that MAC-SOG will reach new heights.

David: Damn right. We've got the best of the best on our team, and with your leadership, we'll be unstoppable.

Anthony nods, a determined glint in his eyes.

Anthony: Let's make it happen, gentlemen. Together, we'll ensure that MAC-SOG remains the tip of the spear in the fight against tyranny and oppression.

With that, Anthony, Tom, and David clasp hands in a show of solidarity. As they prepare to embark on their latest mission, they know that they are ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, united in purpose and resolve.

Tom and David begins with giving Anthony their opinions on some of the notable troops.

Tom: USN, Petty officer third class Jean Redman.

David: Redman is a smarmy douchebag whose voice exudes a cock-teasery of the highest offense. Has an obsession with lubricating his gear, probably born out of some situation involving sexual impotence and a nursing home. He also has delusions of running the government, but couldn't run a sweatshop if he had thirty Filipinos and a metric fuck-ton of Adderall.

Anthony: Shit...

David: German Army, Sgt. Marco Gunter

Tom: If Jean was bad, well then here's Marco. The two go hand in hand like sobbing kids and alcohol abuse. This particular ass-clown has delusions of being God Himself. Fancies himself a leader and resolves conflict with cornbread patty cake bullshit that makes me pop a rage boner simply out of spite. Sometimes, we beat him just to listen to him cry.*at his Marco's picture* Where's your God now, you freckled fuck? Where's your God now?

Anthony: Uhh...

Tom: Brazilian Army, Cpl. Annie Branco.

David: A quiet, stupid bitch.

Anthony: Wait, that's all?

David: Yeah.

Tom: USMC, PFC. Sasha Payne.

Tom: A bumble-fucking, potato-loving, feral dipshit that can't follow a single order. Talks to trees. We've tried multiple times to kill her by leaving her miles away in the woods, but the wolves keep dragging her broken and starved body back to base, almost as if they don't want her.

Anthony: How many times?

Tom: Last week it was 20.

David: Mexican Marine Corps, LCpl. Connie Taji.

David: An angry, mean, pissed off, little chihuahua. Watching him maneuver around corners is like watching a foul, determined little rat running through a maze. Seriously! Just look at him!

Anthony:*looking at Connie's picture* The mere sight of him is enough to piss me off.

Tom: Polish Army, Sgt. Eren Wotec.

David: A complete and total fuck-up but unique in his own personal brand of failure. If his girlfriend to egg him on, he'd be useless. As it stands, he's a hair above useless.

Anthony: Neat.

Tom: US Army 75th Ranger, SSgt. Mikasa Tanaka.

Anthony: Wait a minute. As in?

Tom: Yeah. Y/n L/n and Hina Tanaka's kid.

Tom: A tactical genius unlike any other has ever seen. In all my years, I have dreamt of having a star pupil like her; someone who can lead, obey, and destroy with unparalleled superiority. She is truly mankind's hero, a savior even.

Anthony:*impressed* Wow...

David: But she's mentally insane.

Anthony: Oh...

David: Finnish Army, Pvt. Reiner Throne.

Tom: A retarded, mongoloid fuck-up of epic proportions. I'm 95% sure he is actually a cross between a gorilla and pure, concentrated ignorance. Although, he is a gorilla Faunus.

Anthony: So mostly pure concentrated ignorance.

Tom: Yeah that.

David: And last, but not least, Canadian Marine Corps, Sgt. Armin Falmart. This child is the ultimate culmination of human sin. He is the most terrifying creature I have ever met. Seriously, this kid is fucked! Something is horribly, horribly wrong with him. How someone could've loved something so twisted, so foul, so utterly fucked up beyond repair is beyond me. On the plus side, he is intelligent. But seriously, fuck that kid.

Anthony: He scares me. I fear that the world will end at his hands, and there's nothing we can do to stop him. He's a true threat to the safety of everyone. He's the type of guy that you don't want to run into, ever. The type of guy that would kill his own family and not even think twice about it.

As Anthony absorbs the unsettling descriptions of these troops, he can't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The colorful language used by Tom and David paints a vivid picture of each individual's personality and capabilities, and it's clear that some of them present significant challenges.

Anthony: Well, it seems we have quite the eclectic mix of characters under our command.

Tom: That's one way to put it.

David: Yeah, you could say that.

Anthony: It's going to be an interesting journey, leading this group. But I have faith in our ability to overcome any obstacles we may face.

Tom: I'm sure we'll manage, one way or another.

David: Yeah, somehow.

Anthony: Let's get to work then. We have a lot to do.

With that, the three men set about their tasks, knowing that they have their work cut out for them. As they delve deeper into the complexities of leading MAC-SOG, they remain ever vigilant, ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead.

Later on, the three men ordered all the troops on the base to fall-in meet Anthony as their new field senior commanding officer.

As the order went out across the base, troops from all corners began to assemble, forming neat rows in the open area designated for gatherings and briefings. Anthony, flanked by Tom and David, stood at the front, observing as the soldiers filed in.

The atmosphere was tense with anticipation, as many of the troops were curious to see their new commanding officer. Some were anxious about what changes his leadership might bring, while others were eager to prove themselves under his command.

Once all the troops had assembled, Anthony stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. He surveyed the crowd with a calm yet authoritative gaze, taking in the faces of those who would be under his command.

Anthony: I put in an order to NATO, ROM, EUTO, and SATO to send me a shitload of badasses and pillage-hungry murder machines. Instead all I got was you cupcake cockclowns and a side order of fucknuggets.

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing.

Anthony: I can tell at a glance that at least 50% of you are cocksuckers, and the other 50% are cocksuckers who've never been told to believe in themselves. I'm going to shove my boot so far and fast up your assholes it'll trigger a geological event.

Anthony: You all reek of poverty and animal abuse. Every breath you take is a stunning endorsement of abortion. You shitstains are a collective masterpiece of failure. You cockgoblins circle jerk each other to exhaustion every night. You signed up to get pounded by the Grimms and probably cried like sissies when you realized they actually don't have dicks.

Tony and Nix chuckled silently at this.

Anthony: Your sensitive pussies cry so many tears you could float away on a river of douche canoes.

The troops winced slightly at his words.

Anthony: You glitter-toed, cock-wrangling fairytinkle fagpuffin fuckpuppets are gonna get your collective anal cavities stretched so far apart you'll think you were getting double-fisted by the Deathstalker itself! I will reorganize the failure that is all of your lives. I will FUCKSTART YOUR SOULS.

He let his gaze sweep over the assembled troops once more, his expression firm yet reassuring.

Anthony: I'll make you mongoloid rock-chomping thundercunts scream harder than your mothers after their fourth failed coat hanger abortion. I'm going to chop off your shriveled balls, put them where your eyes should be, put a sombrero on your head and beat you like a fuckin' pinata! Hell I'll make you shit so many bricks you'll put the French out of business. But fear NOT. Because for now on, I will turn you cock/pussy monarchs into fuckmasters of galactic destruction! Can get a 'Sir, yes sir!'

The troops, though initially taken aback by Anthony's colorful language, couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline and determination coursing through their veins. They exchanged glances, some suppressing grins while others nodded in silent agreement.

Troops: Sir, yes sir!

Anthony: Good! Now get your sorry asses in gear and let's show these Grimm bastards what we're made of!

After that, Anthony looks at a random Marine and shouts.

Anthony: You! Get over here, I wanna talk to you!

The Marine runs over.

Anthony: Hey, fucknut. I have a question for you. Do know how to defend yourself against an opponent in CQC?

The Marine: Of course, sir. I've been training for years in hand-to-hand combat.

Anthony: Good.

He quickly sends a quick jab at the Marine's solar plexus. The Marine's eyes widen as he tries to block the strike, but the blow connects with his abdomen.

The Marine:*in pain* What the fuck...Sir...?

Anthony: I said defend yourself.

The Marine: But you asked me a question! I was trying to answer it!

Anthony: However, we can always induct you the old-fashion way.

Random Marine: Which is...?

Anthony: Same way you join any gang...*grins with malicious intent* Initiation.

The Marines: Initiation?

Anthony: Yep. But first, a word of advice: When you're out there, if you have a chance to kill someone, you fucking do it.

Anthony gives him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown. And it is utterly hilarious.

Tony: Yeah! YEAAAH! Whoop his ass! Whoop his ASS! Gotta beat the bitch to teach the bitch!

Mikasa attempts to intervene only to be restrained by Armin.

Armin: NO! The pain will help him grow!

Nix: Work him out! WORK HIM OUT!


And when General of The United States Army Mihaly Macnamara came to see the base. He pulled up a chair to see the beating and a bag of chips. He hasn't seen a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown like this before Miho died. That poor pervert man entering her bath.

Tom:*seeing Mihaly* Dad?

Mihaly: Son! My son! What are you doing here?! I thought you were busy getting laid and drunk. And also killing people.

Tom: Dad, what are YOU doing here?! You're supposed to be running the entire Army! You know, keeping America safe, and all that.

Mihaly: Stress and boredom, son. Stress and boredom. Besides, the army's just a bunch of paperwork. You, on the other hand, are out there in the field, fighting the real battle. You've always been the better soldier, Tom. I'm so proud of you. Anyway...

He watches the fight and starts yelling random shit.

Mihaly: Cunt! Piece of shit! Honkie!

GWF: Yeah, kick his ass!



Mihaly: Cracker bitch motherfucker! Frostback! JACQASS LOVER!

To rub salt on the whole beatdown, The Marine briefly has a vision of Falcon Greene taunting him about it from Hell.

Falcon Greene in Hell: WOOOOOOOO! Marine you gettin' yo ass wHOOPED! Even from hELL I can see a beatin' like this!!! GOD DAAAAMN!!

The beating comes to a close with with the crowd repeatedly shouting "Yes!" to the beat of Anthony's Punctuated Pounding, on top of Tom dancing.


Anthony stops as the Marine who is beaten but still conscious. Anthony then looks at the crowd, who is all cheering, and points to the Marine.

Anthony: You're in! Congratulations! Welcome to MAC-SOG, Marine! You're gonna be the best Marine we've got. I can feel it. And, hey, thanks for the warm-up.

He turns around and walks away as the crowd goes wild. After the crowd calms down, David and Tom approach the Marine. The Marine gets up and tries to walk off but stumbles and falls. David and Tom grab him and lift him up.

David: You're one lucky bastard, Marine. Not many can say they got the privilege of getting beat up by Anthony himself. Come on, we'll get you patched up. It'll take a lot of time, but you'll recover. We've been through this before.

Tom: Welcome to the unit. Let's go.

With a final nod of approval, Anthony turned on his heel and began striding purposefully away, his officers falling into step behind him. The troops watched him go, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie and readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead under his command. As they dispersed to their respective duties, they did so with renewed confidence and determination, ready to prove themselves worthy of their new leader's expectations.

David: Well, that's that. Now let's get to work.

The troops: Sir, yes sir.

The scene ends with the troops dispersing to their various duties, energized by the display of leadership and camaraderie they witnessed. Anthony's unorthodox methods may have raised some eyebrows, but there's no denying the sense of unity and determination that now permeates the base.

As the day continues, the troops throw themselves into their training and preparations with renewed vigor, knowing that they have a leader who is not only willing to push them to their limits but also willing to lead by example.

In the end, Anthony's brutal initiation serves as a reminder to all that in the world of MAC-SOG, only the strongest and most resilient will survive. And with their new commanding officer at the helm, they're ready to face whatever challenges come their way.

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