The World We Once Knew

De KiranDhesi511

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It's the year 2020, and it's a normal day for Felix at East Bridge High School in Utah, or is it. A virus has... Mais

Chapter 1: Before
Chapter 2: Present
Chapter 3: Love
Chapter 4: An Unwanted Visitor
Chapter 6: Recovery

Chapter 5: Sanctuary

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De KiranDhesi511

3 Minutes After + Felix's POV

It felt like I woke up from a long, deep sleep. My eyes were heavy and my body refused to move. I tried to rub my eyes but my hands were... tied up? I must have fallen asleep. There is no way I was knocked out. I watched the entire fight happen even after I hit my head.

The more I woke up, the more I realized that I was with Nick's former group and I was on a horse with one of the members.

I began to try and wriggle my hands out of my rope bindings but the person in front of me noticed.

"OI! Don't do anything stupid," he warned as he rested his hand on his gun holster. I tried to speak but there was tape over my mouth. I looked around to try and identify where I was. I think I was getting closer to the old warehouse that was near our old middle school.

What the fuck are they doing? Am I being held hostage or some shit?

Is this because of what I did yesterday?

Twenty minutes went by and we were in front of a large roller garage door kind of thing. The door was lifted and they rode the horses inside. The person I was sharing the horse with jumped down and dragged me from the collar down after him.

"Ow!" I attempted to yell; however, I was muffled by the duct tape over my mouth.

I was dragged towards a metal chair and was set down. The man tied my arm to the armrests and my legs to the legs of the chair. I was too weak to kick around or struggle or even keep my head up. I had a bullet in my right leg, my head was pounding, and I was worried about them. Nick, Millie, Levi, and Maria. They are my family. Even before the outbreak, Nick was part of my family. He cared more about me than my own father did. Yeah he picked on me all the time, but we never got physical. We called each other names but he would never go too far and he would always know what days were my best or worst.

"Felix?" a familiar voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

I lifted my head, which was very painful, and saw someone I thought I would never see again, someone I wished I would never see again. He had tan skin and short black hair. His hair was short and pushed back. He had a scar on his left arm from his elbow to the middle of his forearm and his face was seriously burnt.


"Aw. Pareces tan molesto por ver a tu padre? En serio? Incluso durante estos tiempos? Esperaba que estuvieras locamente enamorado de verme." he said while ripping the duct tape off my mouth.

"Fuck you, dad." I spat. I wasn't having it. I was terrified. I tried my hardest to hide it and I think I'm doing pretty well since my delivery came out the right way.

After I said what I said, I heard audible gasps from everyone in the room. I'm guessing they didn't know me and my father were related considering they kidnapped me and only me.

"I'm glad you still know your mother tongue! It's been what, A months- wait no, two months," he said while laughing. I didn't laugh, I just stared him down. I wasn't breaking eye contact.

"Well, what do you think of my group? And don't think I'm just part of this group, I'm talking about literally, my group," he continued. My expression didn't change; however, my thoughts did. His group? Is he the leader? This motherfucker.

"Well? I'm waiting for your fucking response. You just not gonna say anything dumbass?"

I didn't respond. He knelt down and stared at me for a couple of seconds. I just looked up at him with a serious face.


He slapped me across the face and all I could do was fall in the direction he slapped me. My body was so weak, there was no way I could hold myself up. Everyone's expression changed after my father slapped me. I wasn't surprised he was going to do this. Of course he would. He is a piece of shit of a father.

I forced myself up but then he grabbed me by the throat. I audibly gasped for air and tried to move my hands but the bindings were too tight. His hold was tight and firm and I could barely breathe.

"You speak, when I speak to you. And when I do, you say sir after your response. Entender?"

I didn't respond. He tightened the grip.


"Y-yes sir."

"See? That wasn't so hard." he finally let go and I gasped for air. Fuck, I wish he had died when all of this started. He looked down at my leg and saw a puddle of blood behind it. He then looked up at my head and saw blood running down my face and dripping onto the floor.

"Are you bleeding? Did one of you retards shoot him?" he yelled. Everyone pointed to the asshole that brought me here on his horse.

"Seriously man? Did I not drill this into your guys' head?"

"Sorry sir, won't happen again." the man replied.

"How would it ever happen again? This was the one time I ask you to kidnap someone. Jesus, everyone out the room. Leave me and my son alone."

Everyone respected his wishes and it was soon just me and dad. What was he gonna do? I hope they come fast to get me out of this shithole. I won't last more than a week if my dad is behind this.

"And then it was two," my father said.

"Don't talk to me," I responded.

"I guess we can jump right into the fun!"

I didn't respond.

"Look, I want you all to join my group–"

"Fuck you."

"The level of disrespect! Are the only words you know 'fuck you'?"

"I don't want to join your cult. I'm happy with the group I have."

"Fine. Either join my group, or I will torture you to the brink of death–"

"What kind of shitty ultimatum is that? Fucking hell you sound like the main villain in a book a thirteen year old wrote."

"Let me finish, asshole. Once I'm done with that, I will drag your bitch ass to the farm and you will watch me torture each and every one of them until I've had enough and THEN you will watch me kill each one of them. Then, I will go back to torturing you again and agian and every single time you heal, BAM! Nearly dead again. Oh and I will be careful to make sure you don't die. That way, you will have to live with yourself knowing that you were the reason for their death."

I stared at him. I was genuinely scared but I tried not to show it. I didn't respond and I didn't want him to hurt my family. He is not my dad and I am not his son. The only thing we have in common is blood and a last name, but nothing else. My family is Nicholas, Millie, Maria, and Levi.

Andrés (my dad) walked over to a silver cart that seemed to have tools you would see in the ER or in a hospital and wheeled it closer to me.

I'm fucked.

He picked up duct tape and a surgical scalpel and changed the blade out for a sharper one.

"Have you ever been awake during surgery and felt what it's like to be cut open?" Andrés said while placing a piece of duct tape over my mouth..

I stared in fear.

"Yeah, me neither. Time to find out." He walked over to me and rolled my sleeve up. My eyes widened and I began to squirm as much as I could. The handcuffs and rope bindings were too tight thus my arms and legs barely moved. Andrés moved the blade and cut a deep but not too deep line into my upper forearm. I tried to scream but I was silenced by the duct tape over my mouth. I began to fidget even more until I was stopped with him grabbing my face.

"Stop fucking moving or this will be a lot harder than it has to be," he warned. Without hesitation, he punched me multiple times, sometimes in the jaw, and I could feel the blood in my mouth begin to pool. I couldn't spit it out so I could only swallow it back down. There were now some cuts on my face due to the punches but I couldn't focus on that at the moment. Other times he hit me, he would knee me in the stomach. I had strong core and abdomen so I was able to absorb many of the punches; it still hurt though. He made a long gash on my arm and once he stopped, I thought he was finished but I was wrong. He made more on my arm. It stung so bad and it ached. Even when he finally ran out of room on my arm, he moved to the next.

10 Minutes Later

My arms were drenched in blood, I could feel the blood in my mouth and the blood running down my face. I was weak. I couldn't move. My wrists were bleeding due to the handcuffs and my ankles were burning, sensitive, rough, aching due to the ropes. I couldn't keep my head up anymore and I didn't have any energy to hide the fear. I was going to die there and I wasn't able to say goodbye to my family.

"That was fun wasn't it? That was only the beginning too!" he laughed.

I didn't look at him. I didn't have the strength to move. I was exhausted.

Andrés sighed and then whistled and I heard the door open. Someone walked in and I could barely see out of the corner of my eye that they were carrying a poker with a bright red end. I could tell that this entire time, it was being heated up just for me.

"Thank you Andy. Also, get me one of those dog collars with the spiky things on the inside to keep the dog in check?" Andrés asked. Andy nodded and left.

A couple minutes went by and the man came back with what was requested.

"Ah, gracias Andy," Andrés said as he put it around my neck.

He grabbed me from my hair and yanked my head up to tighten the collar.

"This is so you don't start squirming again..." he whispered in my ear. God, I hated when he did that. He would go up close to me from behind whenever he could and whisper in my ear in a seductive tone and press up against me. Other times, he would come into my room before I went to bed and push me down onto my bed. No matter how much I fought back, I couldn't do anything. He would pin me down from my throat and force his fingers down my throat or make me suck on his fingers; maybe even do both.

The collar was tight around my throat but loose enough for me to breathe. The prongs on the inside of the collar were poking into my neck and made it uncomfortable to even move. I looked around and Andy had left already. Jesus, why can't someone just see what an ass my father is? I fucking hate Andrés. I couldn't care less about the fucker. I would kill him right here right now if I could.

"Alrighty! Let's see what else I have!" Andrés said as he searched his cart. He had something in mind; he was searching for something specific

"Here we are!" he said as he carried a bucket filled with water to the top of the cart along with a towel and a pitcher.

"Are you familiar with waterboarding?" he asked. I just sat there helplessly with my eyes wide and sweat pouring from my head.

"Ugh, here is a better question. Have you ever been waterboarded?"


"I will take that as a no." He turned to the cart and scooped water up in the pitcher and grabbed the towel. He walked over to me and tilted my chair back and held me there. The towel was aggressively thrown on my face and water was poured on it.

I began to struggle and fidget, completely ignoring the collar around my neck digging into my throat. I kept trying to breathe which only brought in water and not air. My chest felt like a cord was being wrapped around it and tightening slowly. I could eventually hear my heartbeat and everything around me was becoming quiet. I couldn't hear the water clearly anymore. My heartbeat sounded like titans making its way closer to me.

Everything went dark, only for a moment though. The towel was lifted and I saw my family with me. They surrounded me and held me close to them. I looked behind them and my dad was on the ground dead. Nick was talking to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying. It was the same for Millie and Levi. It was weird. I couldn't hear but only see. I couldn't smell either and nothing was clear, only blurry. Millie knelt down in front of me and kept talking about something. Nick was stomping on my fathers head and Levi was looking at the cart full of supplies. Something was right–

Suddenly, the towel was lifted and I could see, but barely. My lungs were filled with water and my surroundings were blurry.

My chair was then aggressively set back to normal and Andrés punched my chest. I felt the water gush up my throat and shoot out of my mouth. I felt like I was going to throw up. My chest hurt as well as my head and throat.

Wait, my family didn't come and save me? They aren't here? But–

Andrés picked up the red hot poker and held it near my face, immediately interrupting my thoughts.

"This is way more fun than I thought it would be!" he yelled gleefully. What is wrong with him? Yes, I burnt his face but I would never have done that if he never abused me in the past. What did I ever do to him to deserve this?

I tried to scream and beg for his mercy only for muffled noises to come out.

"Ugh spit it out!" he groaned as he ripped off the duct tape.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry for throwing the water at you before the outbreak! What did I do to you before to deserve this! Even before I burnt your face, you still beat the shit out of me! Please! What made me not good enough? Please! Tell me!"






"W-what?" I choked back tears.

"Yea," he smiled dangerously, "I let them eat her."


"Sure you are." He walked back over and placed the duct tape over my mouth once more and placed the burning hot poker on my shoulder.

My screams felt like screams but sounded like your neighbors arguing with each other and you can hear them through the wall. Tears flooded my eyes and blurred my vision. My father killed my mom and I could never make him proud or happy. I'm a waste of space. I should have died. Nick shouldn't have saved me. Maybe I should have died when my dad tried to kill back then.

"The poker isn't as effective with your shirt on. Guess we'll have to take it off."

My head shook eagerly. Why would my own father do this too me? Nick... Millie... Levi... Maria... I'm so sorry. I probably won't make it out of this.

He ripped my shirt off of me, nearly pulling my chair forward. He kicked me in the chest in order to move the chair back.

"There we go! Tell me how this feels."

He pressed the poker next to my right eye. No one would be able to hear my screams...

Nick's POV

I shot down four guards outside just like the plan required for the first day. I sat on the top of the warehouse waiting for everyone to meet up.

How was I able to shoot down those guards without any hesitation? The guards were people too, and it wasn't even most of their faults that Felix got kidnapped. I could tell Millie and Levi were traumatized just as much as I was just by the looks of their faces. I know what made us kill those guards, it was rage. Pure rage. It was hatred and vengeance gnawing at the back of our minds, subconsciously making us kill them. But it wasn't just those two things that drove me, it was my care for Felix. He didn't do anything wrong and yet, he always was the one with the bad consequences. He didn't deserve this.

That is what drove me.

Shortly, everyone met at the top of the warehouse and everyone followed exactly what the plan required. We had killed a total of twenty-five guards. I killed four, Millie killed three, Levi killed five, Nathan killed two, Owen killed one, Teagan killed six, and Andrew killed three. Bella and Zoey stayed home to watch Maria and Henrietta.

Suddenly, we heard a loud muffled scream.

"Guys, do you hear that? Tell me I'm not imagining that," I inquired.

"Yea I hear it," Millie confirmed. Everyone else nodded and we creeped towards a small opening in the roof to see inside what was happening. We looked through and to our horror, we saw Felix being burnt by a red hot poker. He had burns everywhere. His face, shoulder, sides, arms, and Neck. His face was covered in blood and so was his arms. There was blood everywhere; it looked like murder scene. I leaned forward trying to find a way in only for Millie and Nathan to stop me.

"We will get him tomorrow." Nathan whispered.

"But look at him! He is on the brink of death." I protested.

"I know what he means to you, Millie filled me in. I promise, we will get him back." he promised.

I nodded and looked at everyone's faces. Everyone looked traumatized, Millie and Levi most of all. They both had tears in their eyes and I could tell how hard they were trying to keep themselves from shooting down that motherfucker torturing Felix.

I couldn't let Felix die because of me. If only I hadn't lashed out at him last night or maybe if I had just gone back to my group, this wouldn't have happened. I liked– no, I loved Felix. It hurts me so damn much to see him like this. No one can understand how much Felix meant to me, not even Felix himself. Yes, I picked on him in the past, but that was only because I missed Emily and I saw how much other people picked on him. I started picking on him to protect him. People never messed with whoever I picked on; they knew he was mine to pick on. Nobody else's. If it weren't for Felix, I wouldn't have gotten over Emily's death. Felix made me feel okay. Especially on that day during Freshman year...

Flashback Two Years Ago...

I sat outside on a bench staring at a polaroid that me and my sister took on my mom's old camera. It had been a week since her death and today is her funeral. I asked my friends to come with me but they all said no. They were never really my real friends. I could tell Emily all about my day and she would never get bored and it was the same vice versa. I was wearing a black suit and I had about an hour left of school. The funeral would be in two hours. It's all my dad's fault. If only he had given her the correct dosage, she wouldn't have OD'd. I couldn't hold my emotions anymore. I let my tears run.

"Hey, Nicholas?" I heard a familiar voice. The young voice had a thick spanish accent and there was only one kid in this entire school with an accent like that. I tried to wipe my tears but I couldn't stop crying.

"W-what do you want Felix?"

"I want to make sure you're okay..." he responded.

"What makes you think I'm not okay?"

"Well, you called me by my name which you never do. You usually call me four-eyes or some english insult. Also, you're hunched over crying staring at a picture of you and what looks like your sister." Felix sat down beside me and looked at me.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do. Tell me what's wrong. I promise I won't tell."

"How can I trust you?"

"Look I swear. Pinky promise." That pinky promise reminded me of Emily even more. Whenever we made a promise, it would be a pinky promise.

"Whatever." I said as I completed the pinky promise with him.

"Now spill," he demanded but in a friendly way.

"My little sister died last week..."

His expression changed from concerned to shocked quickly.

"I-I'm so sorry," he said.

"It's fine. It isn't your fault."

"May I ask how she died?"

"My dad gave her a fatal dosage of her medicine for her pneumonia. Because of that... she... she OD'd–" I fell apart. I missed her so much.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm sure she is here with you now. Maybe not physically, but she is here."

"I miss her so much. She was the only person who actually cared. And none of my friends want to come today to her funeral and I really need them right now."

"I'll come then."

"No, you don't have too–"

"I will come. Period."

"Thank you..."

"No problem. You should get to class though."

"Yea," I wiped away my tears, "you should too."

"I will. I will see you at the funeral. Text me the address and time."



"Come on, let's go back. We wiped out enough guards to get him tomorrow." Nathan reminded

"Fine. I promise Felix, I'm coming..." We all headed back to the farm.

"They're back!" I heard Maria yell.

"Felix you're back!" She yelled happily.

Levi walked straight to Bella and Millie went to her room. Everyone else went to the truck they arrived in to get changed. It was already 6 pm. Everyone was traumatized with what we had just seen.

"Hey Nick?" Maria asked, tugging at my shirt.

"Yes Maria?" I replied, forcing a smile.

"Where is Felix?" she said, looking worried.

"We haven't rescued him yet..."

"What!" she said with tears pouring out her eyes.

"I'm sorry. But we will save him tomorrow... I promise."

"P-please Nick! Please save my brother!"

"I will, I will..." I knelt down and hugged her tightly. I was close to crying as well but I couldn't let Maria see that.

We all changed our clothes and got ready for dinner. I made scrambled eggs for all of us and mac n cheese for Maria and Henrietta.

The mac n' cheese and scrambled eggs reminded me of that night where we all started singing and talking about everything before the outbreak. For the first time in a long time, it didn't feel like we were surviving. It felt like we were all hanging out and eating together. It felt as if zombies didn't exist and nothing bad had happened. It felt peaceful.

But at this dinner, we all sat in silence. It didn't feel right.

Levi's POV

Usually, Felix would make our food. We wouldn't ask him, but he always would. No matter the time of day, no matter his condition, no matter the situation, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, he would make us all food. It wasn't normal for him to not eat with us. We would make sure we all ate together. If one of us wasn't ready, nobody would eat until the other person was ready.

Tonight, nobody said anything. We all sat in silence. That image of Felix was burned into my head. I couldn't unsee what I saw. Blood was everywhere... his head hung forward... a dog collar around his neck... bruises all over him... burns... it was killing me to not help him.

Usually, we would all be joking around and talking; he always found a way to lighten the mood. Even when one of us was sad or upset, he would say a joke or make us laugh in any way possible. His smile always lit up a dark room.

Nobody said anything for the rest of the night. We all got ready for bed and slept. Nobody smiled, nobody made a noise, nobody even said good night or I'm sorry, we were too low to do anything. Everyone slept, all except... me, Millie, and Nick who prepped for Felix's rescue. We got our guns ready, we worked out, and got ready. Tomorrow... tomorrow that bastard who has no right to call himself our father will feel pain.

The Next Day + Felix's POV

I woke up. My body was exhausted and had gone limp. I could only open one eye without any pain. My head was ringing, everything ached, and I could hardly breathe. But I remember everything that happened before I fell asleep. The beatings, the burns, the drowning, the cuts, and everything else.

"I see you're awake," he smirked.

Oh fuck no. I can't do this again. I won't last.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt for you, this will feel good for me though." He walked over to me and took the duct tape off and caressed my face. I already knew what he was about to do. I didn't have the energy to say anything or fight back. I just sat there and let him do whatever he was going to do.

"That was just to teach you a lesson, okay? Now we will just have your mouth for me would you?"


"I said open it!" he forcefully opened my mouth and–

There was the sudden sound of mixed gunfire. Some of it was suppressed and some of it was not.

"What the fuck?" Andrés muttered.

Nick's POV

We started shooting anyone who got in our way. Today, we aren't letting anyone stop us from getting to Felix.

"Me, Millie, and Levi will go straight to Felix, Owen and Nathan, get the car ready, the rest of you cover us!"

"Got it!" Owen yelled back. Everyone went and did what they were told.

Felix's POV

"What the fuck?" he said.

"You son of a bitch I told you they would get here." I laughed while wheezing.

"Shut up!" he yelled as he slapped me across the face. My face began to sting like crazy and I spat out the blood pooling in my mouth.

Andrés undid my bindings and dragged me up from the collar. The prongs dug into my neck and I couldn't help but cough and choke. He lifted me up and held a knife at my neck.

Not long passed by until the two large doors burst open with my family.

"Felix!" Nick yelled.

"G-GUYS! STAY T-THERE!" I pleaded while coughing out blood.

"Don't take another fucking step forward or Felix won't see another day." Andrés warned.

"Lower your weapons," he demanded. Everyone hesitated and aimed them at him.


"Yea, I would listen to him if I were you." Andrés teased. Everyone did what they were told and put their hand in the air.


"AH FUCK!" Andrés cried as he fell to the floor releasing me. I fell as well but crawled with the remaining strength towards my family. I knew they would come!

I saw someone I didn't know on the other side of the room with a gun pointed at my dad.

"Thanks Teagan!" Nick yelled. Teagan nodded and ran back outside.

"Felix!" Millie yelled.

"M-Millie! Levi! N-Nick!"I exclaimed while gasping for air. I was so grateful to see them. I didn't even care if I was crying in front of them, I missed them. They all hugged me and were diligent around my burns and cuts. It felt so much safer within their embrace. I knew my dad was in that room but i didn't care, I wasn't afraid anymore.

"Let's get you out of here," Levi suggested.

"Not. So. Fast." Andrés said. Guards came inside and started fighting my family.

"NO!" I yelled.

Before I knew it, I was being dragged from behind by the collar around my neck.

A rush of adrenaline pumped through my veins and a rush of energy flowed through me as if I was struck by lightning.

"GET OFF!" I screamed. I kicked the cart carrying all the knives and grabbed the steak knife. I slashed at Andrés' hand, instantly making it gush out blood.

"YOU FUCKING SHIT!" he shrieked. I quickly got up to my feet. There was still a bullet in my leg and I hadn't drunk or eaten anything; I was so weak. I only fell on top of him.

"You think you can beat me?"Andrés smirked.

"Fuck yea I can," I growled back. I tried slashing at him but he quickly got the upper hand. We swapped positions and soon, he was up top. The knife was on the floor so punches were thrown. Eventually, he held my arm down and grabbed the knife. I held his arm with the knife away with my available arm but left his other arm open. He punched me multiple times but I took it. As long as the knife doesn't come down, I will be okay. He swapped hands and I quickly tried to move the knife. The knife barely missed my chest but cut my face. Blood was blurring my right eye meaning I got another disadvantage. Yet again, he switched the knife to the other hand before I could notice and stabbed me in the abdomen.

Blood shot up my mouth and I began to choke. Andrés got up and was ready to finish the job until someone hit him with a pipe. Andrés instantly fell to the floor.

"Felix!" Nick yelled.

My vision was slowly going but there was still enough to see Nick's face.

"I-I'm s-so s-s-so-sorry," I said, gasping for air. Blood was spewing out of my mouth and everything hurt.

"No no no no no Felix! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Nick sobbed.

Nick's POV

Millie and Levi surrounded us.

"No Felix! Stay awake! We will get you out of here!" I begged.

"Nick, d-don't cry p-please!" Felix asked.

"No Felix! Stay awake for us! We need you!" Levi and Millie pleaded. They were crying as well.

"Guys please don't c-cry. I can't s-s-stand s-seeing you a-all cry..."

"THEN DON'T DIE ON US FELIX!" Levi yelled.

"Do you not remember the day before all of this happened? Do you remember what you said to me? You told me that one day that I would lose something money couldn't replace. I never thought that would happen because I was stupid. But I'm about to lose that something. Please Felix! I can't lose you! Stay awake for me! Please! I-I love you!" I sobbed.

"I-I love you too Nick. I love all of you. You guys are my family."

Levi and Millie crouched on the other side of Felix and held his hand.

Felix raised his arm which I could tell was hurting him. He placed his hand on my cheek and caressed it. I held my hand on top of his and leaned in to kiss him.

His lips were chapped but I didn't care, they tasted of blood but I didn't care, his hand was covered in blood but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore.

We kissed passionately and pulled apart when his hand started to drop a bit. I could feel his pulse slow down as well as his breathing.

"We have to get him to the truck!" Levi yelled.

"Yea! Nick! You carry him and don't you fucking drop him. We will clear the way." Millie ordered.

I nodded and slipped my arms under his knees and under his shoulders. We sprinted to the truck. We got into the bed of the truck and told Owen to beep the horn. Everyone else came running and got into the truck. Teagan got into the truck bed with us. The truck started speeding away.

"Holy shit! How the fuck is he alive?" He said.

"Just fucking save him!" I yelled. I held his hand and Millie and Levi held his other.

"Andrew, hand me some medical supplies through the back window!" he ordered.

Andrew nodded and started pushing stuff through the small window.

Teagan started disinfecting the wounds and bandaging them.

"Jesus, this is bad," he muttered, "Nick I need you to sit him up."

I lifted him up and saw his back brutally beaten with bruises all over.

"What the fuck did he do to you..." I muttered.

Teagan wiped away the blood surrounding the stab wound in his abdomen and gently started to remove the knife.

"Millie, keep pressure on his wound," he ordered. Millie nodded and held her hand on the gauze sponge and pressed on his wound. Teagan wrapped a bandage tightly around Felix.

20 Minutes later

I carried Felix to his room and placed him on his bed. Millie and Levi walked in with a heart monitor, oxygen tanks, and oxygen masks. We hooked him up to the medical equipment and thankfully, Felix's heart was pumping blood and he was breathing considering we did CPR on him for ten minutes straight. I sat on the edge of the bed and held his hand.

"This is all my fault..." I whispered.

Millie and Levi sat on the edge of his bed as well and held his other hand.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Levi asked.

"More than anything," I responded.

He nodded and looked back at Felix.

"Good job on hitting Andrés with that pipe," Levi joked.

"Thanks," she chuckled.

"Hey do we have another spare med kit in here?" I asked.

"Yea in the bathroom. Get a bandage for Felix's eye," responded Millie.

"Yea that was what I was gonna do."

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***WARNING: triggers for use of violence, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and inappropriate language. If any of the before mentioned triggers engage yo...
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"𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆. 𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅. 𝑰'𝒎 𝒔𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒇𝒖𝒍...