The World We Once Knew

By KiranDhesi511

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It's the year 2020, and it's a normal day for Felix at East Bridge High School in Utah, or is it. A virus has... More

Chapter 1: Before
Chapter 2: Present
Chapter 3: Love
Chapter 5: Sanctuary
Chapter 6: Recovery

Chapter 4: An Unwanted Visitor

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By KiranDhesi511

We were slowly being surrounded and we were being indirectly pushed closer to each other.The amount of creepers didn't stop increasing either which didn't help.

How do we plan on getting out of this?

Is this it?

Is this how I go out?

There were now about 30 creepers surrounding us; at least, that's how many I could count.

Why did I let them come with me?

"Felix! There are too many! We need to fall back!" Millie called.

"To where?! There is nowhere to run!" I replied.

Suddenly, there was some rapid gunfire and the creepers fell to the ground.

Everyone ducked for cover and stayed like that for a couple seconds after the gunfire ended.

"What the fuck?" Nick said. Everyone turned to look at him and he was already back up staring at something. The rest of us got up and looked at who he was looking at.

"Who are they?" I asked. There were about 15 people on horseback in front of us.

"Millie, Felix, get behind me and stay close," Nick ordered. We nodded and did what he asked.

"What the fuck do you guys want?" He demanded.

"Nicholas? You're alive?" answered the person in the middle who looked like the leader of the group. The person got off their horse and gave the reins to someone else and walked towards us.

"Back the fuck up!" Nick warned as he raised his gun at the man. Everyone raised their guns at us but the person in front of us did some sort of signal which made them lower their guns.

"Woah, Nicholas man, chill. I'm your friend."

"Piss off."

"We just came here to rescue you."

"Who the fuck said I needed saving?"

"Well, you never came back from your run so we thought you were dead. Someone came to look for you and they saw you here on the farm making out to some dude. I never thought you were into men"

"I left your stupid crew. I wasn't captured." Nick's accent started to thicken. It was kinda hot.

"Now why would you do that?"


"Because why?"

"I was done with your guys' bullshit."

"What bullshit?"

"First of all, all you guys talked about was that you missed the feeling and sight of a woman you pervs. Secondly, you all are so full of yourselves. Lastly, you were careless with the supplies I ran and got."
"We can change."

"You said that the past three times I brought this up."

"Just come back bro."


"Look, I'm done asking. Either come with us or you will regret it."

"What are you gonna do, huh? Call my dad? Tell my mum? Tell the principal?"

"I said you're coming with us!" The man said. He pulled his gun out about to shoot him in the leg, but I wasn't about to let that happen. I shot him in the arm he was holding his gun in.


The gun went off but thankfully didn't hit anyone.

"FUCK!" He yelled, stumbling back.

"You're gonna regret that. Watch your back." With that being said, the man got back on his horse and left. Everyone else that was part of that group left as well.

"God, that sounded cringe," I joked.

"Get inside." Nick demanded.

"Nick, who the hell was that?" I asked.
"We will talk about it tomorrow."

"No, tell me. What was that? You can trust-"


"What? W-what do you mean?"


"Nick, stop! Please! I'm sorry–"

"Nicholas you dumbass! You don't know what he has been through!!" Millie yelled. I began to breathe heavily and my heartrate was rising. It was getting harder to breathe again. I began to pick at my hands and I was holding back tears.




"Shut up!" Millie yelled, cutting him off. Nick looked at us and saw Millie between us, hugging me. She was hugging me tightly and I was hugging her back.

"You're okay Felix! You're fine!" Millie whispered. I could barely breathe and I felt like I was gonna pass out. My knees began to buckle. I was slowly beginning to lean more and more on Millie, relying on her for support.

"Woah, Felix? You're starting to fall a bit! Take deep breaths."

I was trying. I couldn't breathe. My hands began to slowly release and fell to my side. Everything was getting blurry and large black spots began to appear. I can't see... everything is going black...

Millie's POV

"Felix?" I asked. He didn't respond. It began to feel like I was holding him up.

"FELIX!" I looked up and his eyes were closed and his body had gone limp. I laid him down on the ground and knelt beside him.

"LEVI!!!!" I yelled.

"What? What is happening?" Nick asked.

He cannot be fucking for real.


Levi came running outside with a terrified expression on his face and Maria was standing on the porch curious about what was happening.

"What happened?" He asked.


"MARIA! GRAB A BOTTLE OF WATER!" Levi yelled. Maria ran back inside and came sprinting back out a couple seconds later.

She handed the bottle to me and I poured it onto Felix's lips. The water slowly seeped into his mouth but he wasn't waking up.

"DAMNIT FELIX! Levi, open his mouth."



Levi quickly opened Felix's mouth and I poured water down it.

A couple seconds later, Felix shot up coughing the water up.

"What the fuck?" he said as he wiped the water from his mouth. Maria jumped onto Felix and clung onto him like a monkey. Felix hugged her back and assured her he was okay.

"What happened?" Felix asked.

"You passed out..." I said slowly.

"Again? Jesus."

"Wait, again?" Nick interrupted.

"Well no shit!" I replied.


"From what I'm told, once in school, three times at home, twice in public alone, and three times in public when I was with Millie." Felix responded.



"We don't have to talk about that now. Just keep drinking this." I suggested. Felix did as said but then stopped to look around slowly.

"Are we still outside?"

"Oh shit yea! We should get you inside." I helped Felix up to his feet and helped him inside to the living room.

"Felix, do you have your medicine?" I asked.

"No. I forgot to grab it on my last run." he responded as he sat down on the couch.

"Damnit. We'll go tomorrow."

"You can't."


"Because you need to watch Levi."

"Nick can do that."

"I don't want you getting hurt."

"What makes you think I'll get hurt?

"I don't know! It's just something I worry about."

A silence broke out in the room.

"Hey, I'm sorry 'bout that. I just really fucking hate those guys and I was worried about your guys' safety." Nick interrupted.

"You're good–"

"NO HE IS NOT!" Me and Levi cut him off.

"We are gonna have a long talk." Levi said to Nick.

"Guys! It's really fine!" Felix convinced.

"No! It's not!"

"We will discuss whether you will go on a run tomorrow. I'll help you up the stairs." We both got up about to head upstairs but Nick stopped us for a second.

"No hard feelings bruv." Nick said as he went to hold his shoulder. Just as Nick's hand was in the air, Felix flinched. He moved his head back and threw his arm up as if he thought that Nick was about to hit him.

"Woah Four-eyes! You good?" Nick's dumbass inquired.


"He'll be fine. We will talk about it later. Let's get you upstairs. Maria, you go to bed as well" I said. I wasn't gonna let Felix deal with this cadela anymore. I didn't want him to have another anxiety attack or something. I took him to the stairs. He had one hand on the rail and held his other hand just in case he tripped or something of the sort. Maria was close behind us.

5 Minutes Later

"Alright he's fine. He'll be out like a light. Maria is with him to make sure he's okay. Now, let's talk about you." I said. I was so pissed with him. I swear, Felix shouldn't have let him into the group. I knew he would bring trouble. It's like this new messed up world isn't enough.

"Sit." Levi demanded. I had never seen this side of him. He has always been goofy like Felix before the outbreak.

"You wanna go first?" he whispered to me. I shook my head and I let him have his moment. I wanted to see angry Levi.

"What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Nick stupidly asked.

"Have you no memory?"

"Oh yea... I know that was wrong, I'm sorry."

"Tell that to Felix! You have no fucking clue what's running through his mind! You don't know what he's been through!"

"I do know what he's been through! He told me!"

"He did? What did he say then? Hm?"
"That the first creeper he saw was his mom, he has anxiety and he doesn't have medication, Millie helped him with his English when he first came here, and... yea! That's about it."

"So, you're not at all confused why he flinched or why he had an anxiety attack outside?"

"...Now that I think about it, yea. Why did he flinch?"

"So... you don't know everything!"

"Yea, I guess I don't. Just please tell me!"

"He was abused by our dad."

"W-what? In what way?"

"Physically, verbally... sexually..."

My eyes darted to the floor. I hated the fact that his father did this to him. I hated the thought of it.

"Why did he never talk about it at school?"

"Because our dad threatened to kill him, dumbass."

"Why didn't your mom do anything?"

"He beat her too."

"But how come there weren't any bruises or anything?"

"There were. He always said 'I fell down the stairs' or 'I fell off my skateboard'."

"Oh my god. That's why he was so jumpy at school."


"Wait, then why did he have that anxiety attack then?"

"Because our dad would hurl insults at us and yell like a drill sergeant at him. That triggered some things–"

" Why didn't you do anything?!"



"DO NOT FUCKING TALK TO HIM THAT WAY!" I yelled as I punched him.

"Do you know what Felix would do at home? Do you know why me or Levi or Maria were always with him?"

"What would he do?"

"He had the same thought process that you just said to Levi."

"What do you mean?"

"He wanted to take the easy way out. I wouldn't let him... so he resorted to..."

"You mean he would..."


"I didn't know–"

"Course you didn't. If you actually cared, you would notice his fucking wrists and him wearing long sleeves in 100 degree heat. I'm going to bed. Good night Levi. Go fuck yourself Nicholas." With that being said, I went upstairs and Levi followed.

The next day and Felix's POV

Jesus. Last night was something else. Creepers, Nick's old group, threats, when does it end?

I walked into the bathroom and began to brush my teeth. I walked downstairs to make breakfast like I usually do since I'm the first one awake. Only this time, I was... the last one awake? Millie was making breakfast, Levi was setting up the horses for a supply run, Maria was setting the table, and Nick was strengthening our fence.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Paying you back! You always get up early for us, so we let you sleep in and we did everything." Maria chirped up.

"You guys didn't have to do this!"

"We know! It was actually Maria's idea!" Millie smirked.

"Really! Wow! Thanks guys!"

"No problem!" Millie replied.

Millie called everyone else inside for breakfast and we ate. Levi and Millie were side-eyeing Nick the entire time. Maria kept asking if I was okay and if I needed water which was one of the things I loved so much about my sister. She cared so much and she didn't have a mean-bone in her body.

Me and my siblings weren't always this nice though. We would be classic siblings; we would always argue and fight, insult each other, etc.

"Damn Millie, you have no idea how much I've missed your pancakes!" I said as I finished.

"Thanks!" she laughed.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go on a run. Who did we decide was coming with me?"

"I'll go!" Millie yelled suddenly.

"You're excited!" I laughed.

"Well, it's been a while since I've been on a run with you, or at all!"

"Alright! Let's do it!! Thanks for breakfast guys! We will be back soon. Any requests?"

"Can I get art stuff?" Maria asked.

"Of course! Levi?"


"OH MY GOD YES! WE HAVE TO READ THOSE AGAIN!! Nicholas?" I began to laugh.

He shook his head.

"Alright! Levi, help clean the table."

"Why?" he asked.

"What do you mean why?"

"I mean lets's just let the girls clean it-"


"JODER, LO SIENTO! No lo dije en serio!"

"Exactly. Go gather the plates and put them in the sink. I will wash them when we get back."

"Fulgencio?" Nick asked.

"Huh?" Levi responded.

"I thought your name was Levi?"
"We call him Levi because he, Millie, and I are OBSESSED with anime. Our favorite anime before this was Attack on Titan and there was this character named Captain Levi so that's what I started calling him. Then we began to give ourselves nicknames. Millie was Mikasa, I was Eren, and Maria was Historia. Everyone started to call him Levi and it stuck; however, me, Maria, and Millie's didn't so we would call each other those names when we were alone."

"Why were you Eren?"

"Millie would call me a suicidal maniac because I fought people twice my size when I was younger."

"You're six foot though?"

"Well I was a midget when I was younger."

"Then why was Millie Mikasa?"

"Is that even a question? Did you see what she did the day all this started?"

"Why is Maria Historia?"

"Because she is the nicest person you'll meet!"

"Now, why is Levi, Levi?"

"Because he got into fights with people a lot bigger than him but he won unlike me."

"How obsessed are you two?"

"To the point where we can sing Shinzou Wo Sasageyo fluently in Japanese." Millie added.

"Correction: we can sing every theme song from Attack on Titan fluently in Japanese." Levi said

"Would you like us to show you?" I laughed.

"I think I'm good. Maybe later. How much anime have you seen?"

"24 shows and 7 movies."


"Yea" we all began to laugh.

"Alright, me and Levi are gonna go. Levi and Nick, can you teach Maria to use a gun? Use the smallest one we have. When I'm back, I will help."

"Will do! Good luck!" Nick said as she threw some trash into the bin.

"Millie lets go."

Millie came outside with me and we hopped onto the horses. We rode off towards the town to grab the supplies.

10 Minutes Later

We finally got to town and immediately went to the pharmacy to get my medication.

"What's the name of your medications?" Millie asked

"I need Celexa and Prozac."

Millie nodded and started to help me search for a few minutes. The pharmacy was dirty and dark, but there was enough light for us to see labels. Even when there wasn't enough, we pulled out our flashlights. There was dirt, dried blood, and medicine boxes on the floor. There weren't a lot of windows thankfully so creepers wouldn't see us as easily; however, the place was a ghost town so there weren't any creepers anyway.

"Found them." Millie blurted.

"Alright. Grab as many as you can find."

After we grabbed the 2 remaining packs of each medicine, we ran to a convenience store to grab as much water as we could. We got a total of 20 bottles and went to the Hobby Lobby nearby for Maria's supplies.

"Do you think she will like these?" Millie asked as he raised a thick coloring book and a 64 pack of markers.

"That's perfect! Put it in my bag. I have more space."

We walked out of the store and hopped onto our horses. I looked at Millie who was already on his horse looking behind him.

"Millie, you good?" I asked.

"Yea, I feel like we're being watched..."

"Well let's get out of here quickly!" I laughed. We both rode off with our horses at a gallop and tried to get home as fast as possible.

Another 10 Minutes Later

We arrived back home with supplies in hand. The farm was surrounded by a large plain area and followed by large trees to the East in which we were coming from. Everyone was already outside and were walking towards us. Meanwhile, Maria was at an all out sprint towards us. We gently squeezed our heels into our horses, cueing them to go forward–


I fell off my horse after something hit my right leg. The feeling was so sudden it scared the living fuck out of me. My leg began to sting- no, burn. It was like someone lit a match and held it just under my skin. My entire leg began to ache and I was groaning in pain.

"FELIX!" Millie screamed. I could hear everyone yell in the background. I was watching everyone sprinting towards out with their pistols out and Nick yelling at Maria to go inside. Maria obeyed what he said and turned around. I watched her look back at me and the look on her face broke my heart. I turned my head to look behind me and saw someone somewhat familiar walk up to me and lift me.

"Fuck off!" I sneered as I sucker punched him. He instantly dropped me and I sweeped his legs. His fat ass dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Unfortunately, I used the leg with a burning and aching pain; however, I powered through and forced myself up. I tried to run but the man on the ground grabbed my leg and pulled me while I was mid-step causing me to fall forward and slam my head on the ground. Everything became blurry and fuzzy. My head was pounding and I couldn't move. My body wouldn't listen or do what I wanted it to do. I could still hear and see everything that was happening.

Nick's POV

"MARIA! GO INSIDE AND DON'T COME OUT UNLESS I SAY SO!" I yelled. Maria nodded and ran off to the house. I began to run towards Felix and started to attempt to shoot down those assholes from last night. There were so many of them. At least 25 people. That can mean either two things: either they brought all of their people to kidnap Felix, or they have a lot more people at their warehouse.

Fucking hell, why did I say all of that last night?I can't let him die. I can't do that to Millie or Maria or Levi.

I shot down two of the men and Levi wasn't shooting anyone.


"I'M FUCKING TRYING DICKWAD!" Levi yelled. I was watching Millie trying to get the people off their horses and keep them from grabbing Felix. Millie was doing pretty good at getting those sons of bitches off their horses and keeping them off their horses.

"Millie! KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" I yelled. I was still running up the hill at the moment and I was nearly at the center of the fight. I knew I would have to fist fight them considering my gun clip was empty.

Soon after I told Millie to keep up the fight, she was soon whipped in the head by a pistol and fell to the ground. As soon as she tried to get up, she was shot in the arm and he began to groan in pain. I looked over at Felix as he was being lifted by one of them and placed on a horse.

Suddenly, there was a sound of more guns but they weren't coming from us. I looked around but saw Levi on the ground holding his ankle in pain. He must have fallen as he was fighting someone considering there was blood on his and someone lifeless on the ground beside him. There was a hole in its head thank god.

I kept looking around for the suppressed (silenced) gunfire and saw a truck driving towards them. I looked back at the people trying to take Felix and I saw 4 more people fall off their horses. It was too late however, they already had Felix and ride away. I watched people get out of the truck and walk over to me.

"REMEMBER ME MOTHERFUCKER?!" one of them yelled while laughing as they all walked over.

"Who are you?" I yelled.

"Come on Nicholas! It's me. Nathan!" the guy in front yelled back.

"NATHAN?!" I was genuinely happy to see him still alive. I just hoped he wasn't still with their group.

"WAIT! Are you still with them?"

"I was shooting them wasn't I? Of course I'm not. I left once I found out they were doing this. I tried to find you guys as fast as I could."

"Why didn't you come faster?" I began to walk towards him.

"We tried. But then our tire was punctured so we had to find a Jiffy Lube or something."

"I see." I could see the new tire and tell the difference of the new tire from the others. He was telling the truth.

"But dude, I have some serious shit to tell you."


"Remember the main dude of that group?"

"Yea, Andrés Delgado."

"WAIT! ANDRÉS?!" Levi interrupted.

"Yea?" I responded.

"HE IS FELIX'S DAD!" Nathan yelled.

"FUCK NO! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" I yelled in shock.

"YEA!" Nathan confirmed.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW? Delgado is a popular Colombian last name."

"He has an accent like Felix."

"Does he have a scar on his left arm just under his elbow and is his face messed up?" Levi inquired.

"YES!" Nathan yelled.

"Is the scar big and is his face burnt?"


"Nicholas, we have to get him out of there." Levi demanded.

"I know. This won't end well if we don't save him."

"What do you mean?"

"Felix has been taken by his fucking abusive father."

"Oh fuck no. But he never spoke about it?"

"I will explain later. Who are they? The people behind you."

"They were exiled as well. We all left."

"And they're all good?"


"Okay, help Levi to the patio there at the house. I will grab Millie."

They obeyed and I ran over to Millie.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yea. Bullet skimmed my arm." she responded.

"That's better than being directly hit. Make sure you clean that when we get inside. We have unexpected visitors."


"These are new unexpected visitors and their good ones. Come on." I said as I helped her up.

7 Minutes later of explaining

"Lemme get this straight," Levi said as she was loading her clip with ammo, "you guys left their group, you knew what they were doing so you came to warn us and help us, but the tire was punctured so you were late, and now you're gonna help us save Felix? Didn't you bully him Nathan?"

"Didn't Nicholas?" he responded.

"Fair point."

"So how are we gonna get Felix back? And if Andrés is going to do what you say he will do, which is no surprise considering he did this before the outbreak, just less extreme, how do you plan on taking care of his injuries?" Millie asked as she handed Levi a new ice pack for his ankle.

"I have an idea, but you guys will need a lot more than just some lousy pistols. Also, we have a shit ton of medical supplies from a hospital we drove by." Nathan said.

"Oh we have more than pistols alright," I responded.

"Who are those people with you?" Levi interrupted.

"That's Teagan Palmer, he used to be an ER surgeon but later switched to an army medic before the outbreak happened. This is Andrew Casey, he is a former veteran. This is Bella Delgado-Brim, she was a vet. This is Owen Akuna, he was in a band and he went to our school in fact. He was a junior though. And this is Zoey, she was– what were you? You never told us." Nathan answered.

"I used to do OnlyFans." she replied.


"How long have you all been in this group?" Levi asked.

"We all joined when Nicholas joined. Zoey joined this morning when we fixed our flat tire."

"Wait, Bella? You're Felix's older sister!" Millie asked.

"Yea! Are you Millie?"


"Well, I have something to show you and Felix," Bella said to Levi.

"What do you mean?" asked Levi.

"I will be right back." she said as Bella walked out of the front door.

We waited for a minute until we heard the front door open again. As she walked in, she was followed by a little girl. The girl couldn't have been older than four.

"HOLY SHIT! I'm an uncle?!" Levi yelled in shock.

"Yea!" Bella laughed, "Her name is Henrietta."

"Anyway, what's the plan?" asked Millie. I saw Millie checking out Owen and I hate to admit, he was attractive. I remember him being part of our group. I saw Owen checking out Millie back. I can tell they will get along great.

"Well, the plan will take a while to play out. At least three days with the third day being the day we get Felix and today being the day we start, and that is if we are the most efficient." Nathan replied.

"We can save him on the second. He won't last three days." I confirmed. Everyone else nodded in agreement with me.

"Alright, here is how it will play out. We will start today..." 

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