Not him, HER

By InsaneMaker

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{Second Book Completed} In where two best friends since childhood are finally happy in a serious relationship... More

{ Cast }
{Life Aesthetic}
{1- Party}
{2 -Where Is The Dull Truth?}
{3- Sgf2}
{4- Sgf2 Part.1}
{5- Pt.2}
{6- Pt.3}
{7- New Crew}
{Cast Pt.2}
{Life Aesthetic pt.2}
{8- Learning Her Past}
{9- Uncovering The Truth}
{10 -Mental Illness}
{11- One Step Closer}
[13- The Return}
{14- Revealing The Truth}
{15- A Break}
{16- Start Of Vengeance}
{17- This Love}
{18- Uncertanteties}
{19- Happiness & goodbyes}
{20- The Good & The Bad}
{21- MAMA Awards}
{22- Mama's pt.2}
{23- Happiness Doesn't Last Long}
{24- Sdgf2 Final}
{25- The Proposal}
{26- Swf2 Concert}
{ 27 - Knowing Bros}
{28 - The Documentary}
{29- The Plot Twist}
{30- Evil's Victory}
{31- How I Survived}
{32- The End of SWF2}
{33- Every Lifetime}

{12- Confusion Strikes Again}

397 27 14
By InsaneMaker

The tall handsome woman sat in the living room of her apartment. Her eyes glued to the ground as she replayed the conversation she had with Soo Ah earlier. Bada had gone to go check on the new members of Team BEBE making sure they were doing alright with the new challenge. They still had a few more days to spare to come up with a good choreography to perform in front of the other groups and leaders. Although her main concern should be the teenage girls her mind kept wandering back to the conversation. Something about it didn't add up nor make sense to her. Apart from what Leah had gone through by herself that made sense but it was until the last bit of the conversation which left her confused and with unanswered questions. "There's something else you should know, Bada. Howl came looking for Leah six years after she walked out of your life. I'm not sure for what but he even flew out to Japan just to see her." She let out a sigh unsure of what to think. From what she knew both of them despite each other and wouldn't last in a room together. At first Bada didn't understand why but until Leah explained how she liked her when they were teenagers. Now it made sense to her but even then, why would they still not get along now?

I mean they didn't have to be best friends but at least be acquaintances. Why would Howl suddenly out of the blue want to meet up with Leah in Japan? How did he even know she was there in the first place? Soo Ah had told her that only the girls from Eternal were aware of the dance competition they had in Japan. No one else knew apart from Soo Ah only because Yujin told her about their location and how long they would be gone for. Bada couldn't wrap her mind of what was going on between both of them? None of it made sense at all. Now that she thought about it, Howl and Leah never spoke to each other as teenagers. They only nodded their heads or said hi. That's about it, if they were in the same room which was rarely they remained quiet. Leah had naturally always been an introverted and always kept to herself. The only person she talked to was Bada at the time. She barely had any friends and only spoke to her classmates if needed. Yet, when she thought back to the video that Tatter showed her. They seemed to know a lot more about each other, especially being that close to one another. Bada had tried looking more in depth into Leah's journals but never once was Howl's name mentioned. All she came across is two pages from one of her journals being ripped off.

Bada rubbed her face furiously unsure of what to think or make up of the things she just learned. What is going on between Howl and Leah? In that moment her phone lit up making her eyes flicker to the screen seeing a message from Ivy. This made her furrowed her brows in confusion because she didn't talk to Ivy that much either. If anything she wasn't that close to the girls from Eternal apart from her girlfriend. She reached over for her phone seeing how instead of a message it was an imagen that had been sent to her. She unlocked her phone, opening the imagen. Only to come across Howl and Leah standing outside a groceries store talking to each other. Howl uncomfortably too close to the younger girl who crosses her arms over her chest. Her eyes looking around insinuating she didn't want to get caught with him. The picture wasn't taken recently, she could tell. "Howl came looking for Leah six years after she walked out of your life." Her words ran through her mind once again. Her eyes followed her girlfriend who wore baggy clothing over her competition outfit. She had a hood over her head trying to cover herself as much as she could. If anything now she's more confused than ever, unsure of what was going on. Letting out a sigh she threw herself back onto the couch closing her eyes in frustration.

The next day she made her way into Just Jerk Academy ready to teach her class of the day. She walked in saying 'hi' to everyone and offering them smiles. Although she smiled it didn't reach her eyes at all. Not when she didn't know what was going on. When she felt lost with the new found information about her ex-boyfriend and now girlfriend. As the class went by she made sure to teach the best way she could and help everyone around the room. The time went to fly by a lot faster than she thought it would. Last night she hadn't gone a wink of sleep overthinking everything. She tried to fill the missing pieces of the puzzle she started to form. Only to be at loss, with no clues or ideas whatsoever. When the class ended she stood by her duffle bag pulling out her water bottle. "Howl isn't dating Bada. I heard she's dating Kim Leah, her best friend. Bada and Howl used to date back in high school." Hearing a few girls talk about her and her personal life seemed to catch her attention. She didn't say anything and minded her business. She continued to drink her water listening in to their conversation. It wasn't rare for her to hear some of her students gossip about her life or dating life. Everyone had their own opinions on the matter on hand but then again, she didn't really care at all.

"Really? They dated in high school? I thought he was dating this brunette girl.. He always followed her around like a lost puppy." This definitely made Bada raise a brow in surprise. There was another girl? Someone she didn't know about or never heard of. She never imagined for someone else to be in the picture. When Howl started to show interest in her, she assumed she was the only person he cared for at the time. The girls didn't say anything else as they left the dance room thanking Bada. Who placed a fake smile on her lips as she waved goodbye to them. She waited for them to shut the door behind them before her smile dropped. This was very odd and weird. Everything she thought she had something figured out, things only seemed to get more complicated than they were. She thought back to high school wondering who else was friends with Howl apart from her? Until she thought of one person. One of her old dance member friends named Jen. She wasn't dancing nor studying for dance anymore. She only danced as a hobby and her greatest passion was being a doctor. Something she ended up filling and now worked at one of the most well known hospitals in South Korea. Without thinking twice, Bada grabbed her things and rushed out the door.

Sitting down at the cafeteria her old dance member smiled softly at her. Bada was surprised she even remembers her mostly because they lost contact once the dance group disbanded. "Do you know if Howl was talking to someone or seeing someone apart from me in high school?" The doctor tilted her head to the side thinking about it. Since it was years ago it would take her a minute to remember what Bada was talking about. Her thumb tapped against the coffee cup as her mind wandered back to Holw finally putting a face onto the name. Her left brow rose up remembering something she had forgotten to mention to Bada back then. "There were two other girls, they were both brunette. I spotted Howl and Leah conversing once. Then I saw him talking to another girl and he claimed it was his cousin. Why?" The taller girl tilted her head to the side in confusion. Another girl? Then again what did Howl have to do with her girlfriend? Her old dance member noticed the confusion written across her face. She reached over grabbing her cup of hot coffee. She took a sip seeing how Bada thought long and hard about what she had just told her. In some way it made sense why Soo Ah would mention something about Howl. It is weird that somehow he's involved with Leah. A small sigh left her lips as she ran her fingers through her hair pushing it off to the side. "When you saw them conversing, how did they look?"

The quiet doctor let out a small 'hmm' as she tried to remember that afternoon. She hadn't really thought about it, at the moment she had brushed it aside. "From what I can remember it seemed like a heated conversation. He at one point reached for her wrist only for her to pull away. Towards the end of the conversation he tried to hug her only for her to shove him off. Which made him really mad and he was going to chase after her until one of his dance teachers approached him." Bada suspiciously bit her lower lip wondering why this has never been mentioned to her. She trusted her best friend with everything but it was odd she would never bring up the fact Howl kept talking to her. What could they possibly be talking about? For some reason now the video of them talking to one another outside the dance studio didn't feel weird at all. She ended up thanking her friend who had to leave because of an emergency surgery. Her brown eyes followed her as she ran down the hall. Bada stood up from her seat heading out the door not realizing she had walked past Howl who had been staring down at his phone.


The half Korean Mexican girl walked into the dance room with Ivy and Yujin. The girls screamed in excitement seeing their mentors walking through the door. Leah didn't hesitate to hug the girls, offering them warm smiles. "We brought you guys cookies made by Leah eomma. We also wanted to congratulate you guys on coming in third place." Yujin shouted as she lifted up the bag filled with different kinds of cookies. Sakura gasped out loud in surprise, she truly felt extremely welcomed by everyone. Mostly Leah who truly cared about them. She always checked up on them and made sure they were doing okay. Now she brought them cookies? This is something that made her really happy and warmed her heart. "We understand it isn't first place and maybe it doesn't make you guys happy. Regardless, we are happy with any achievement you guys get. Just know hard work takes time and it definitely took a while for people to see the potential and power our group holds. We are really proud of you guys and I cannot wait to see what you guys have come up with." Ivy clapped her hands letting out a small squeal. Which caused Leah to chuckle as she shook her head in disbelief. It surprised and at the same time didn't surprise her how close the girls have gotten to one another.

Her eyes landed on Scarlett who stood next to Marianna who threw an arm over her shoulders. She rubbed her arm, bringing her some comfort. "As a leader of Eternal and your mentor I must admit I am really happy and proud of you guys. I am also glad that you guys are being ambitious and not settling for third place." She pointed at Nami who shrugged her shoulders and tilted her head to the side with sass. She definitely wasn't going to stay in third place, she would make sure to work even harder.

The teenage girls are ready to show their mentors the choreography they have come up with. Leah took a seat in front of the mirror as she stared at the girls. Sakura being the one explaining the concept they were going for and what they based the choreo off. Leah nodded her head listening to the girl's quiet attentiveness. She licked her lips as her eyes flickered to Iseul who told her they wanted to really mix up waacking and hip hop together. Saying it would fit them very well. Mostly because they all had years of experience when it came to dance. The girls got into formation as the song started to play. Her green blue eyes looked at them in concentration seeing how Haneul messed up one part. She watched her brush it aside and continued to dance. Yujin cheered the girls on like how they were matching each other's energies. Ivy was standing up as her eyes landed on Nami who knew how to grab someone's attention with just her facial expressions. They hadn't heard nor seen Leah's face change at all. She kept a poker look as her eyes traveled from each dancer seeing how they were doing. When the song came to an end they held the ending pose, some of them breathing heavier than others.

The girls all stared at Leah waiting to hear a response from her. She didn't show any emotion as her eyes wandered around the room. "I guess I'll go first." Ivy spoke up looking away from the blonde girl who seemed to be lost in thought. She could already see the displeading look in her eyes without her making a face. She wasn't happy nor disappointed about the choreography. If anything she expected a bit more, especially since Nami and Iseul are really good choreographers. "I must admit I am a bit disappointed with the choreo. I think more could have been put into it. With the formations there were some of you guys who didn't get into place on time making it look a bit sloppy. I really think the waacking part is creative but might want to add a bit more or something that really pops out to grab everyone's attention. Apart from that I think you guys did really well." The girls nodded their heads. They thanked Ivy for the feedback feeling as they could definitely focus on those points. Sakura ran off to the side, grabbing a pen and journal from her bag. She wrote down what Ivy had just told them to work on. Yujin stood up from her seat as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Her eyes roaming around the room trying to find the right words to say without hurting the girls. When it comes to dancing teachers/mentors can sometimes be a bit too harsh on giving feedback. She didn't want to be like them and wanted to see things in the nicest way possible. "From what I could see there were some of you guys that gave it your all while others gave it like fifty percent. Even if this wasn't a performance given in front of a crowd you should still go all out. I did happen to see how Haneul messed up in a part of something she just brushed aside. Instead of doing that you should incorporate a movement or try not to bring any attention to it. Another thing is the alignment of the formations, you guys don't move too much and stay in one spot. Something that could easily bore someone if they were just watching on the sidewalk. That's it for me, fighting!" She offered them a smile as she raised a fist up into the air. The room fell into an awkward intense silane as everyone waited for Leah's feedback. She pushed herself up from the ground letting out a small sigh. She fixed the silver glasses on her face as she leaned her but against the mirrors.

Her green blue eyes looked down at the ground as she thought about being a nice or mean mentor. Her mind told her to just be honest even if it came out as being mean. She's at least giving them good feedback and trying to help them. Plus anytime she did have her leader act her girls always worked harder and fixed their mistakes a lot quicker. "I am going to be completely honest. I won't play the nice role, mostly because it wouldn't be fair to my girls who always hear my nagging and yells to fix something." She removed the glasses from her nose and placed them on her head. Her eyes glanced up at the teenage girls who all looked a bit afraid. Nami gulped down as she glanced at Sakura who joined the group again. Iseul let out a shaky breath as she nodded her head knowing that Leah wouldn't hold back. "I will say that you guys had me at the beginning. I liked the formation and the syncrasy you had going on but.. As the dance kept going on Haneul messed up. Marianna stepped on Iseul's foot while changing positions. Scarlett kept looking into the mirror at Nami, copying her every moment not adding her own style. The waacking seemed a bit weak and honestly lazy. The only person actually throwing her arms around with strength and structure was Eunkyung." Yujin glanced at Ivy who shook her head telling her to not say anything.

Leah walked around the room thinking of anything else the girls could work on. "Oh, the jump. Instead of having just Sakura do a flip you could also have another dancer. I know your abilities and strengths, use those to your advantage. I am not being strict because I get the pleasure of watching you guys crumble. I am telling you this because this is a competition. Jam Republic and BEBE are strong fierce groups who could easily take us down if we don't keep our heads held high. I really do want you guys to succeed, please work on everything we just told you. Also Nami makes sure you are sharing the center with everyone else. Do not forget to use your skills whatever is ballet, waacking, hip hop, contemporary, etc to your advantage. Add it into the dance that will make it more unique and one of a kind." She intertwined her hands in front of her as her eyes landed on Nami. The younger girl nodded her head understanding what she meant. It did hurt her pride hearing more advice than good feedback. She was hoping that the choreography would be up Eternal's standard but she felt disappointed in herself. She felt as if she failed being able to show what Eternal is made of. Sakura placed a hand on her leader's back, rubbing it softly as she offer her some comfort.

Haneul bit her lower lip as she looked at the beautiful blonde woman who stood in front of the mirror once again. "Unnie, how could we portrait the style of Eternal?" She asked knowing all of them were thinking about it. They had spent days watching dance videos of Eternal's performances/choreographies and tried to add some of the movements into their own choreo's. It was only making it difficult for them to come up with a good dance. Leah scratched the side of her head as she looked at Scarlett who had her head down. "You don't. Eternal isn't a group made of style or vibe. We are a diverse group that brings different things to each choreography. If you focus on trying to be us, you'll never succeed. You are your own person, you know your flaws and strengths. We as Eternal are a group of independent strong women who came together to make the same dream come true. Instead of you guys watching videos or focusing on what Eternal needs to be. Focus on what you can bring to the table, we didn't choose you to be in the group to be an exact copy of us. That's now what we wanted. We chose each and everyone one of you because we saw the protection and the strength. You all bring something new and beautiful to the group."

Yujina nodded her head, liking the advice that Leah was giving the girls. She's always been good with her words and although they could hurt at times. She knew better than anyone else that you needed to hear them at that moment. "If there's someone you should trust is, Leah. Her words might be harsh and cruel but her judgment has always made us successful in the long run. We would rather have a strict mean leader than a soft nice leader because of hearing the harsh truth. Inspired, motivated us to do more, to be better and to want to make Leah proud. Even if in the back of our mind we were aware of how proud she was we as a group wanted not only to make her proud but feel proud of our own selves for allowing her to push us. She pushes us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to do the impossible, because of her we are who we are. We won Street Woman Fighter 2, not only because we believed in her, but because we believed in ourselves and our group." Yujin spoke with passion. They could see it in her eyes and the way her lips turned upwards anytime she spoke about Leah. People always thought of her as the meanest one of the group because of her cold front. In reality no one really knew her like her members did. They had all grown up together these past few years.

They knew almost everything about each other, never once made each other feel uncomfortable or left out. Ivy let out a small chuckle seeing how excited Yujin got over proudly talking about their leader. "Alright, fighting! We will let you guys practice and will be rooting for you guys!" Ivy shouted as she raised her hands up in the air. The girls all nodded shouting 'fighting' in union. The girls all hugged each other cheering each other on. Leah waved goodbye to them as she shut the door behind her. Yujin and Ivy bid their goodbyes to their leader telling her they had other things to do. She hugged them tightly, waving goodbye to them as she watched the rush down the long hall.

The blonde woman walked down the hall alone with her phone in front pocket wearing baggy black sweatpants. Rounding the corner her smile dropped at the sight of Howl leaning against the wall. His head down as he looked down at his phone. She rolled her green blue eyes, not being happy to see him in the slightest. Especially now, that she had gained attention from the public and knew people would be watching her. Letting out a sigh she decided to ignore him, she walked past him without uttering a word. Her eyes glued on the glass door not having anything to say to him. Howl lifted his head up smelling the familiar vanilla scent on her. The corner of his lips twitched upwards into a smile as he pushed himself off the wall following close behind her. This made Leah clench her jaw knowing he wanted something from her. He only came to her when he needed something or wanted to demand something from her. Her right hand slammed against the door as she pushed it open. She reaches for her keys on her small purse wanting to get away from him. Howl didn't hesitate to grab her wrist, stopping her from walking further away from him. "We need to talk, Leah." She let out a shaky breath turning around to face him with a straight face. Her eyes making eye contact with his dark brown eyes. They were truly the complete opposite from when she stared into Bada's eyes.

"I have nothing to say to you." She tugged her arm away from him. Her eyes glanced to the side seeing a few people approaching the dance studio. She offered them a small smile as she turned on her heels heading to her car. The tall male let out a chuckle nodding his head as he followed her once again. He shoved his hands into his front pockets. "You might not but I wonder what Bada would think if I told her my side of the story?" This made her stop in her tracks hearing him mention her girlfriend's name. Her left eye twitched in anger as she took a sharp breath in. She turned around to face him not being intimidated or scared of him in the slightest. Howl took a long slow stride towards her towering over her. He was much taller than she is but that didn't scare her at all. It didn't make her back down knowing the type of person he truly is. A laugh left her lips as she stared into his eyes, finding it a bit amusing how he's trying to threaten her again. "Really? You're threatening me with my girlfriend now? What makes you think she'll believe you?" She took a step closer seeing him gulped down as he flared his nostrils. Holding back everything inside him he's been wanting to unleash on her. Howl bit the inside of his cheek knowing that Leah was just trying to crawl under his skin.

Both of them were staring at each other every intensely, his eyes filled with anger and rage. Meanwhile her eyes showed nothing, they were like porcelain doll eyes hiding every emotion not wanting him to have the upper hand. Leah's phone started to ring in her front pocket making her reach for it, her eyes never leaving him. His eyes flickered to the phone seeing the caller ID, 'Mi Mar.' A picture of Bada holding a bouquet of flowers as she smiled brightly at the camera showing off her white perfect teeth. Her green blue eyes looked at her phone seeing her girlfriend calling. "Answer, I'm curious to know what she would say when she finds out I'm with you." His lips curved up into a malicious smile as he stared down at her. Her eyes flickered to her phone, hesitating on what she should do. She never really declined Bada's calls unless she was working. Even then she never glanced at her phone unless she had a break or free time. Licking her lips she looked back up at Howl declining the call not answering her phone wanting to tell Bada in person than over the phone. Her phone rang again making her brows furrowed in confusion, both of them looked down at her phone. Howl curious to know if Bada was calling back and Leah wanting to know if it was an emergency.

Soo Ah's caller ID popped out making her feel a bit anxious of what her call could be. Normally she texted her asking if it was okay to call. She only ever called if it was an emergency or something important. She slid her finger across the screen answering the call taking a step back from Howl. "Leah? Yoon Ah is in the hospital." Her green blue eyes widened in fear as her mouth fell slightly open at the sound of the news. She could hear the world around her slow down as it slowly started to sink in. Howl said something to her but in her ears it sounded muffled. She didn't hesitate to turn around and start running to her car. "Send me the address, I'll be there." She didn't let Soo Ah finish talking as she hung up the phone. Her hair flew behind her as she ran full speed, her body colliding against the car door with force. Her right hand shaking as she unblocked her car, she threw herself in locking the doors not wanting Howl to get in or try to chase after her. She immediately turned on her engine pulling out of the parking lot as she set her phone on her phone stand.

Arriving at the hospital she parked her car making the tires screech and echo through the parking garage. She jumped out of her car, shutting the door and heading towards the elevator. She clicked on the button on her key locking her car. Her fingers tapped on the buttons furiously as she waited for the elevator. When the elevator arrived she walked inside, tapping the buttons to go up. Running through the busy halls many visitors and nurses glance her way with curiosity. Seeing how she didn't stop to apologize to anyone as she searched for the room number. Her green blue eyes finally landed on the room as a breath left her lips. Her shaking hands grabbed the handle as she slid the door open, Soo Ah and Yujin both getting up from their seats and looking at the door. Leah walked in the room with sweat rolling down her neck as she shut the door slowly. Her eyes landed on Yoon Ah who slept peacefully with her wrist bandaged up. Her bottom lip began to tremble as her throat went dry looking at the younger girl. She took heavy breaths in and out, trying to catch her breath.  "What happened?" She slowly approached the bed feeling her heart beating against her chest. She took a seat as her eyes stared at her relaxed resting face. Her hands shake uncontrollably as she reaches down to place them on her arm. She hesitated for a moment before allowing herself to hold her hand.

Soo Ah let out a breath as she leaned her head against Yujin's shoulder. "I'm not sure. The doctors haven't said anything other than she tried to kill herself." Leah nodded her head as she allowed her head to drop. She focused on her breath as her forehead rested on Yoon's hand. Yujin couldn't help but glance at the blonde girl and was also worried about her. She turned to the side pressing a kiss on her girlfriend's head feeling the warm wet tears on her shoulder. The girls didn't say anything else as they sat in peaceful silence, the only sound coming from the heart the monitor beeping.

The half Korean Mexican girl lifted her head up at the sound of the door opening. The psychiatrist doctor walked in bowing his head at the woman. Leah stood up from her seat as he gestured to them to follow him outside. The three women followed along with Yujin being last as she closed the door softly not wanting to wake up Yoon. "I am Yoon Ah's doctor, Seung. I must admit that her case is a bit delicate. I've gone over with her parents about the few tests we have done on her. She has bipolar disorder, normally referred to as manic depression. It causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs {mania or hypomania} and lows {depression}." Leah nodded her head, listening to what he had to say. It wasn't surprising for her to hear she had developed such mental illness. Mostly because she was aware that Yoon Ah needed medical help. Something that her parents refused from the very beginning but were only convinced on the trial. Yujin ran her fingers through her hair in stress as she leaned her head back against the wall. "With the events of today we were finally allowing visitors to come see when a particular tall male came by. After his visit it seemed she had an episode leading to her sliding her wrist. From what I'm aware she's never once tried to kill herself in the past."

Leah rubbed her face in frustration as she furrowed her brows in confusion. Her head tilted to the side when she finally processed the fact he mentioned a male came by to visit her. "A male? Do you happen to know his name?" She took a step forward feeling Soo Ah's hand pressed on her shoulder. She needed to know what he meant by that? Not once Yoon Ah had mentioned nor seen with a male before. She's always been interested in women from what she knew at least. The doctor looked into the room through the window seeing how the younger girl still slept peacefully. "Unfortunately we don't. We had a new trainee working today and he somehow tricked her into allowing him in. He gave her a false name and failed to show his id or relationship to Yoon Ah." Leah nodded her head as she bit her lower lip. Her right hand turned into a fist as she held in her anxiety mixed with anger. Soo Ah let out a sigh as she took a seat on the chair. Her hands covered her face as tears rolled down her face in sadness. Yujin  placed a hand on her back, rubbing it softly. The doctor ended up excusing himself, leaving them alone to take a moment to process whatever he had just told them.

"I just don't understand. Why? Why would she want to do this? Especially because of some guy?!" Soo Ah shouted with tears rolling down her face uncontrollably. All her girlfriend could do was hug her and console her until she calmed down.

Standing by the huge glass windows next to the bed her green blue eyes stared up at the dark knight sky. She stared at a particular star that shined brighter than the rest. There were times where it would flicker, illuminating more. She couldn't help but think it was her grandfather looking after her. He had always made her believe that when someone dies they either come back as a brighter star or a butterfly to visit those they care for. She never once doubted that he would leave her, deep down she knew he would be there even if she couldn't see nor feel him. A small chuckle left her lips as she raised her hand up wanting to touch the star. Her index finger tapped the glass as her eyes traveled down to her index ring. A small heavy exhale leaving her lips as she thought of Bada. She wondered how she was doing? She had forgotten to return her calls or even sent her a message. She turned around her eyes landing on Soo Ah who fell asleep on the couch. Her phone lay on the side table next to her. Leah didn't hesitate to make her way around the hospital room. She grabbed her phone immediately dialing her girlfriend's  number wanting nothing more than to just hear her sweet voice. She made her way back to the windows staring up at the sky. Just like the beach brough Bada comfort, the night sky brought Leah comfort.

The phone rang twice before she picked up the call. "Hello? Soo Ah, how's Yoon Ah?" Her voice sounded tired and raspy almost as if Bada had been crying. Leah cleared her throat as she glanced at the younger girl who continued to sleep peacefully. Her wrist fully bandaged up with small traces of blood seeping through them. "Corazon, it's me." She spoke in a whisper tone not wanting to wake up the girls. Bada who had been sitting on the floor of a dance studio stood up from the ground. Her eyes slowly widened in happiness, being able to hear her voice again. Tears started to form in her eyes glad that she's fine and that she finally called her back. She had been worried sick about her, the only person telling her about her girlfriend's state was Yujin. The short haired girl had realized that Leah wasn't carrying her phone when she rushed into the hospital. Too many thoughts consuming her mind to allow her to fully process anything else other than Yoon's state. "Oh, thank god. I was worried about you." The blonde girl let out a nervous chuckle. She carefully made her way out the room wanting to speak to her girlfriend in private. Also the thought of not wanting to wake up both girls.

"I'm sorry.. I got overwhelmed with the news of Yoon Ah being in the hospital that I forgot my phone in the car. I just.. It just down on me that I hadn't told you anything." Bada quickly grabbed her things from the floor, throwing her backpack over her shoulders. She patted her pockets making sure she had everything as her eyes scanned the room. She made sure she didn't leave any trash or anything belonging to her behind. She pressed the phone against her ear as she pushed the glass door open. She jugged down the hall. "It's fine, Yujina was keeping me updated on everything. What actually happened? From what Soo Ah had told me she was never suicidal." Leah nodded her head as she walked down the hall of the now quiet hospital. The only noise heard from a few nurses checking up on other patience and the typing of the keyboards. Her green blue eyes staring down at her dirty white sneakers that she normally wears when she does dance practice. Another sigh left her lips realizing she also forgot to text Tatter regarding the situation. She was supposed to meet up with her to finish the choreography they have been planning for a while now. She felt awful for forgetting all these things but then again, her mind processes things very differently. "Mhm, that's right. She never showed any signs and never thought of doing it. The doctor said she had an episode after someone came by to visit her. Leading to her.. You know."

Bada could hear the pain in her voice and how exhausted she sounded. A few days ago she looked really happy that she had won the case trial. Mostly because she knew Yoon Ah would be able to get the right medical attention she needed. Not only that but her medicine was finally starting to kick in and bettering her moods. "Hmm.. It sounds more complicated than it seems. Have you eaten anything?" She shook her head realizing how that never crossed her mind. Her head had been consumed with many thoughts and the situation about a male visiting Yoon Ah. That food was the last thing in her mind at the moment. If anything she's just had coffee all day wanting to stay awake. She wanted to keep her eyes open in case Yoon Ah woke up at any moment. The doctors reassured her she could wake up in a couple of hours or the next morning. That she was out of danger and once she received from the hospital she would be transferred back. "No.. Yujina tried to give me something earlier but I wasn't feeling it. Just the thought of eating at that movement made me want to vomit. What about you? Shouldn't you already be asleep? It's past one in the morning." Leah's lips twitched upwards at the sound of her small chuckle.

The taller girl muted herself as she ordered food knowing that her girlfriend is probably starving by now. Hospitals normally closed the cafeteria down at night for any visitors and knew she wouldn't be able to get any food. Apart from the vending machines, that wouldn't be enough to fill her up. "I was working on some things at Just Jerk Academy. You know, how busy we get.. Especially after Street Woman Fighter 2. I'm actually heading home now. What are you doing?" Bada thanked the workers as she got her food faster than she thought. She offered them a smile as she carried the two bags with her. She had her phone propped on her shoulder pressed on her ear. Her brown eyes landed on the hospital right across from the restaurant she had just been in. She could hear the beating of the car unlocking from the other end of the line. "I wanted to get some fresh air. I'm in the parking garage." The taller girl nodded as the corner of her lips turned upwards into a smile. She ran across the street making sure to look both ways for any cars. Leah let out a sigh as she jumped into her car, she opened the armrest box in the middle of her car. She reached down pulling out a charger. She grabbed her phone from the phone stand as she jumped out of her car. She wanted nothing more than to go home and wrap her arms around Bada's body. Her embrace brought so much warmth and comfort to her.

Tears started to form in her eyes at the solum thought of just having her arms around her. She truly hated depending on others but for once. For the first time ever, she didn't feel the need to push her away or wanting to deal with this on her own. It was tiring having to depend on your own self and pushing others' help away. When it came to Bada it felt different, she felt as if she could be herself around her. She could show her all the good and bad, and she would still remain by her side no matter what. She didn't feel the need to hide her tears from her knowing she would wipe them away and kissed the side of her head. Her arms wrapped around her as she patted her back allowing her to cry. Shutting her car door she took a deep breath in blinking the tears away. "I have to go but I love you." Bada usher on the other end of the line. Before Leah could say anything the call had ended making her raise a brow in surprise. She looked down at Soo Ah's phone wondering why her girlfriend had ended the call so quickly. She bit her lower lip brushing the weird feeling aside. She shoved Soo Ah's phone into her front pocket as she locked her car. She walked around the car park next to her, her eyes looking up seeing Bada standing there holding two bags filled with food. A smile across her face as she stared at her with the same loving look.

A look they only had for each other, the look of love everyone wished someone would stare at them that way. A chuckle left her lips as she raised her hand up brushing a few hair strands behind her ear. "What is this? You didn't have to come all the way over here?" She rushed to her watching how Bada opened her arms allowing her body to collide with hers. Leah hugged her tightly standing on her tippy toes as she placed her chin on her shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut. Bada leaned down pressing a kiss on the top of her head as she wrapped her right arm around her lower waist. The shorter girl took a huge breath in of her sweet floral scent which allowed her mind to relax. She felt as if she could finally breathe again. "I was nearby and thought I would bring my lovely girlfriend some food." Her green blue eyes fluttered open as she pulled away from the hug. Bada leaned down pressing a soft gentle kiss on her lips making her smile. A small shade of pink formed on her cheeks as the taller girl pulled away. "Plus you know you can't eat your medication on an empty stomach." Leah nodded her head with a small pout. As much as she wanted to admit she was wrong. She knew she was right and knowing she spoke to her therapist there's no way she could argue with her.

Both girls started to head to the elevator in which Leah reached for a bag wanting to help her girlfriend. "Here take the food, it's less heavier than the drinks." She nodded her head. Her left hand intertwined with Bada's right hand. She leaned her head against her arm as they waited for the elevator to take them up to the floor Yoon Ah is staying on. As they walked down the hall people couldn't help but stare at them, finding them to be quite adorable. One of the nurses even took a picture of them seeing how Bada leaned her head down placing it onto Leah who scrunch her nose in happiness. Walking into the room the blonde girl ushered her girlfriend to be quiet just in case. Leah placed the bag of food on the table as she grabbed Soo Ah's phone from her pocket. She placed it on the side table seeing how she still slept peacefully. Her green blue eyes flickered to Yoon Ah who stared out the window. "How are you feeling?" She approaches Yoon placing a hand on her arm grabbing her attention. A small smile formed on her lips as her eyes landed on Leah who rubbed her thumb on her arm.

"I think I'm okay. Can you help me sit up?" Yoon Ah asked with a raw raspy voice from just waking up. Her throat was also dry from the amount of sleeping she's had today. Leah nodded her head as she placed a hand on her waist and her back. Yoon pressed the button making the bed fold up into a sitting position. Yujin walked into the room with two more cups of iced coffee. Her brown eyes landed on Bada who offered her a smile. Her eyes then traveled to Soo Ah who was still asleep on the couch. Her hair falling over her face. "Unnie, you brought food?" Yujina asked as she set the cups of coffee on the table. She placed a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder waking her up. She shook her softly as her eyes fluttered open. She squinted her eyes trying to adjust to the bright lighting in the room. A yawn escaped her lips as she sat up on the couch. Her eyes landed on Bada who made her way into the bathroom needing to use it ever since she got to the hospital. Leah walked around the bed to the other side pouring water into a cup from Yoon who touched her throat. "No, Bada did. I just went to get my phone." Yujin nodded her head as she sat on the couch next to Soo Ah who rubbed her face. She tried to get rid of any sleepiness trying to process that her sister was finally awake.

The half Korean Mexican woman handed Yoon the cup of water in which she thanked her. She took a couple of sips before setting it down on the side table. "Yoon Ah, why? Why would you do that?" Soo Ah stood up from her seat as she stood next to her bed. She placed a hand on the side of her head making her look up. She took a seat on the bed as her hand moved down to hold Yoon's hand. Tears formed on their eyes as they stared at one another. It was never Yoon Ah's intention for all of this to happen. She too couldn't understand why she would do something like that in the first place. Tears rolled down her face as she allowed her hand to fall down. A small cry left her lips as she covered her face with her right hand. "I'm sorry, unnie. I.. I don't know why I did it either." Soo Ah wrapped her arms around her younger sister who cried on her shoulder. Leah forced herself to look away knowing if she watched any longer she too would start crying. Her eyes stared at the night sky finding comfort and safety on the one bright star in the sky. Yujin didn't want to interrupt the two sisters so instead she walked around the room. She stood next to Leah and rested her head on her shoulder. The older girl wrapped her around her shoulders as she also leaned her head against hers.

The girls gathered around the bed passing around the food to whoever wanted it. "This one's for Moonie. No onions and no mustered just how you like it." Bada handed her the bigger burger to her knowing how much she loves them. Yoon Ah couldn't help but glance at both girls with a smile forming on her lips. Her eyes flickered to Leah who happily took the burger. She removed the wrapper taking a huge bite letting out a small moan at the delicious taste of the burger. The burger itself might be a bit cold but that didn't bother her one bit. "Thank you, Bada. I really mean it." Soo Ah placed a hand on Bada's shoulder watching how she turned to look at her with a smile. She nodded her head telling her there wasn't anything she should be thanking her about. The reason Soo Ah thanked her wasn't because of the food but because she's gone out of her way to always look at Leah. She knew how independent her best friend was and wanted nothing more than for her to depend on others. She could finally see it, they way she easily told Bada things and didn't hesitate to ask her for anything. "I hope it doesn't bother you that I'm here." Bada spoke as she took a fry from the bag looking up at Yoon who took a small bite of her burger. Yujin glanced between both girls unsure of how to feel. She felt a bit awkward but regardless she remained silent not wanting to interfere or be part of it.

Yoon chewed her food softly as she reached for her cup of water only for Leah to grab it for her. She placed it on the small table and offered patience to allow them to eat properly without having to move out of the bed. Leah tended to do things without thinking mostly because of her members. She would do Bada everything for them which would make them really happy. "I don't mind. I finally understand why other girls fell in love with you, especially Leah unnie." The blonde girl taking another bite from her food ignoring the small talk. She focused on her food and that's all that mattered to her at the moment. Bada smiled softly as her eyes flickered to Leah. Her cheeks were full of food as she carefully chewed on it. Her eyes glued on the burger as she moved her shoulders in happiness. Her nose scrunched as she took another bite for her food. "I don't think I've ever seen her this happy. I'm glad she found someone better." Yoon Ah whispered not wanting the older girl to hear. Leah licked her lips as she lifted her gaze, noticing how everyone seemed to stare at her. She initially thought they were looking behind her, in which she turned around not seeing anything. They had closed the blinds earlier wanting to enjoy the moment. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The girls all burst out laughing, finding her adorable. Leah pouted as she covered her face in embarrassment. She hid behind Bada who placed her hand on her tight.

-I am so sorry for taking a while to upload. I've been in such a roller coaster of emotions with my job and wanting to quit that I haven't had much inspiration or motivation to write. I tried to write as much as I could and I hope you guys like it. I also just happened to realize that Sgf2 doesn't have that many episodes meaning it'll end pretty sooner on this story. But I will be writing the tour and mama's awards because I know some of you guys wanted me to write it. I hope you had or have a great day! - Luv L <3

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