Healing In-between

By Sora_Storytime

3.3K 73 183

Welcome to the "Before Joy There was Hope" one-shot book! this book features unused ideas or short stories I... More

Alternative Ending: Lost Sunshine
Security Measure 1977 Pt. 1
Security Measure 1977 Pt.2
Died with Them
Mother Earth and Father Time
One-Winged Cupid
Sun in the Sky
Season 2 Special: A Song for the Sun
Where's Ollie?
Red Smoke and Mirrors
Heart Full of Riches
I'm Not Emo!
Head Above Water

Happy Birthday, Hopesong!

178 4 16
By Sora_Storytime


Hopesong didn't remember the last time she had a birthday party. She was eight when the Hour of Joy happened, and it was two months before her birthday. She spent her ninth birthday alone with no one to celebrate it with. Even then, she didn't have the time to celebrate it, so each birthday came and went until it wasn't even a thought in her mind. It was just another day.

Until (Y/n) looked at the calendar in the kitchen. It was November 10th, and fall would soon become winter, but that wasn't the reason why (Y/n) was confused "uh Hopesong when is your birthday?" Hopesong looked up from her sketchbook and hummed in thought."October 30th, that's when I was made" (Y/n)'s jaw dropped to the floor. "Your birthday was a month ago!? And you didn't tell us!?" (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief.

Hopesong shrugged, further pushing (Y/n) into the pit of confusion. "I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was eight, so I don't really care about my birthday" she went back to her sketchbook and (Y/n) shook their head "but you're turning nineteen! We missed your eighteenth milestone!" (Y/n) was now horrified. How could they forget about Hopesongs' birthday? And why is she so nonchalant about it?

Hopesong sighed. "Look (Y/n). I haven't celebrated my birthday in ten years it's not a big deal. Besides, I'm content with not having a birthday, so don't worry about it. Ok?" Hopesong got up and went to the glass sliding door."I'm gonna go walk and see if I can find some inspiration for drawings. I'll be back. " Hopesong left leaving (Y/n) with their thoughts.

In hindsight, that was Hopesongs' first mistake. "Dogday! Poppy! We are terrible parents and aunt!" They exclaimed, rushing into the living room.


Dogday was a failure of a father. How could he forget his own baby's birthday!? "I'm a failure.." he mumbled his face buried into his hands. Poppy sighed. "It's not completely your fault Dogday we all forgot." Dogday shook his head, "but I should've known! I'm her father for crying out loud!" (Y/n) sighed a plan forming in their head.

"Look, now is not the time to feel sorry for ourselves. We need to make it up to her, and I have just the plan to do so. " they smirked, Poppy and Dogday gave questioning looks at each other, then at (Y/n) "ok, what's the plan? " Poppy asked, tilting her head.

(Y/n) smiled then stood up "Alright I'll get a present. Dogday, you're in charge of cake, and Poppy, you're in charge of decorations. I have some decorations in the closet, " they said, and Poppy hummed "Uh how am I going to put up decorations?" (Y/n) raised a brow "The little ones will help you" Dogday cleared his throat "I uh...Don't know how to bake a cake angel" (Y/n) patted his head "I have baking books you can use to help you" Dogday nodded though he wasn't sure.

"Hopesong will be out of the house for an hour or two, so we will have time to set everything up. What could go wrong?" (Y/n) didn't know by saying that everything could go wrong.


(Y/n) had returned from getting a gift to a complete disaster. The little ones were watching Dogday and Poppy fight as smoke came out from the kitchen. The place was in shambles with a mess of decorations all over the floor. (Y/n)'s eye twitched, and they sighed, making Dogday and Poppy stop their argument. "I left you two alone for an hour, and I come back to an absolute disaster." Poppy stuttered out a response."D-Dogday was ruining the cake! He even burned it! I was trying to tell him but he wouldn't listen!" Dogday scoffed."That's a lie! You were complaining about not being able to reach the ceiling so you could put up the banners! So, instead, you came nitpicking my baking and put the time wrong on the oven!" That sparked another argument between the two.

(Y/n) shook their head. "Enough! We don't have time for this! Hopesong could be back at any moment, and the house is now a disaster!" BB was sitting on the couch watching this all happen when (Y/n) looked at it "I'm sorry to ask BB but can you find Hopesong and keep her distracted for at least thirty more minutes?" BB nodded and jumped from the couch and left the house.

(Y/n) took a deep breath "Alright we still have time. Let's get this place cleaned up and ready for Hopesongs' birthday." Dogday nodded shyly "yes angel.." Poppy crossed her arms before nodding."Yes (Y/n).." With arguments put to the side, they got to work on cleaning up and getting ready.

(Y/n) just hoped they wouldn't have another disaster.


Hopesong walked back to the house with BB snuggled into her hood. "Finally calm, I see.. Running around like a crazy person sending me on a goose chase.." she huffed. Hopesong was finishing her drawings when BB suddenly appeared squeaking and running around like they were on a sugar rush. It took her a long time to finally settle down the hyper toy. By then, the sun was already at its highest peak in the sky.

Hopesong opened the glass sliding door and walked inside. Suddenly, the lights came on, and confetti was thrown out. "Happy birthday!" (Y/n), Dogday, and Poppy said in unison. Dogday was holding a small cake with green frosting and had one candle on it, a small fire flickering at the top. The house was moderately decorated with a banner saying 'happy birthday' and a few balloons and streamers around. (Y/n) was holding a small box while Poppy stood on (Y/n) shoulder. The little ones were scattered about some doing jazz hands.

Hopesong was in shock, looking around the room, then at the three. "You guys did all this... For me?" She whispered, and Dogday chuckled."I know it isn't as big as your previous birthday parties...and is very late, but I hope this makes up for missing all your birthdays" Hopesongs lip trembled and she hugged Dogday "This is the best surprise I've ever gotten!" She exclaimed with tears going down her face. Dogday put the cake down on the table and returned the hug. Soon (Y/n) and Poppy joined the hug.

(Y/n) pulled away after some time and gave Hopesong the small box. "I know your old pendent went missing, so I thought you would like a new one." Hopesong opened the box, pulling out a necklace with a treble clef symbol on it. Hopesongs smile widened as she put the necklace on.

"Well, what do you say Hopesong ready for a party?" Poppy smiled, and Hopesong looked at Dogday, (Y/n), and Poppy giving a tearful smile.

"Ya, I think I'm ready. Thank you all for this beautiful surprise."


(A/n: decided to give you all a break from all the angst with this birthday story! Enjoy the fluff!)

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