Missing Arrows to My Broken B...

By ThatsNotaWriteOFF

241 21 39

In the kingdom of Adoranda, where destinies intertwine, Jack serves in the Gaskarth home, haunted by the shad... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Thank You- Authors Note

Chapter Fourteen

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By ThatsNotaWriteOFF

The grand hall of Galanta's castle shimmered in the soft glow of candlelight as King Zack of Adoranda and his husband, Jack, entered hand in hand. They were greeted with the regal elegance befitting their royal stature. The announcement echoed through the hall, "Presenting the King of Adoranda, Zachary Merrick, and his esteemed consort, his husband Jack."

Jack mumbled. "I will never get used to being addressed as King Consort or his royal majesty.

Zack smiled softly. "Maybe in our next life, we will not be royalty."

Zack was poking fun at the secret they shared, the *real* reason they found themselves in Galanta...their ethereal soul bond.

Jack laughed a little. "Maybe not, but it is a bit fun. No?"

Zack chuckled. "I suppose it is my love."

As they moved gracefully through the crowd, the attending nobles and guests bowed in deference. The newly married, princess of Galanta, adorned in a gown of white and gold, welcomed them warmly.

"Thank you for coming your Majesty. Your presence brings good fortune." She smiled.

She was alluding to the fact that Zack brought gold, and Adoranda's prized wheat and Ale as a wedding gift.

"Of course, as one of our closest partners in trade, I wanted to make sure I made it for your special day."

"Sorry to hear of your father's passing months ago, but it seems as if Adoranda is in wonderfully hands." The princess said.

Zack smiled softly. "Thank you for the kind words, I must say, my dear husband Jack here."

Zack kissed the back of Jack's hand, making Jack blush. "Has turned into quite the people's King, the people of Adoranda sing his praises and everyone in the capital city of Aurora knows that Jack takes care of them in my stead when I am gone."

Jack blushed. "You are too kind your majesty." He said with a cordial bow.

The Princess smiled and Zack bowed as she left. Showing respect.

The air was filled with the melodies of the court musicians, setting the stage for a night of celebration.

Zack and Jack shared laughter, danced with the nobility, and reveled in the joyous atmosphere.
The couple's presence added an air of merriment to the post nuptials. They twirled and danced, and With every graceful step, their connection was palpable, their deep rooted love was visible to everyone who looked upon them.

Zack led Jack into the rhythmic dances that followed the lead of all other attendees. Jack looked at Zack lovingly, and couldn't help but tease, "Your majesty, I believe your steps are trying to outshine everyone else."

Zack chuckled, his eyes gleaming with playful affection. "Ah, my love, it seems my feet are simply following your handsome and beautiful grace. You are the one who has captured everyone's attention."

Amidst the swirl of dancers, Jack's hand rested on Zack's shoulder as they glided across the floor. "If only I could dance with you every night under the stars, surrounded by our own laughter."

Zack dipped Jack gently, a mischievous smile on his lips. "Well, my charming consort, my loving husband, we could. All you have to do is ask my love. We would need no candlelight, I have your eyes to light up my world?"

Jack's laughter echoed through the hall as they continued their dance. He rolled his eyes as he responded to Zack. "You, sire, have a way with words. Trying to butter me up? I am trying very hard to resist your charms. But I must admit, my love, your eyes sparkling the way they do is my favorite."

Zack winked, drawing Jack closer. "Ah, it's all the reflection from the admiration in your eyes, my dear. I'm just basking in the glow of being the luckiest king with the most captivating consort."

As the music swirled around them, Jack leaned in, his voice a playful whisper, "Lucky indeed, my king. Though, I believe we've danced our way into the hearts of the entire kingdom tonight."

Zack grinned, twirling Jack once more. "Let them talk. Our dance is a celebration of love, and I'm quite content to be the talk of the kingdom when it comes to you, my enchanting Jack."

As the night unfolded, the wine flowed freely, and the merry spirit of the celebration drew them in. Zack and Jack, were admittedly caught in the enchantment of the evening, and truthfully indulged in the festivities, maybe a little too much. Everyone joined in as their laughter echoed through the grand halls.

Intoxicated by both the merriment and the sweet wine, Zack and Jack decided to slip away from the grand hall.

"Would you like to go on a moonlit stroll, I saw an incredible garden earlier this evening." Zack asked, hand outstretched for Jack to take.

Jack smiled softly as he took Zack's hand. "This trip continues to get more romantic. You know how much I love our moonlit walks through the garden back home."

Zack nodded. " I feel in love with you on our moonlit walks."

Jack nodded. "Me too. It's one of my favorite tradition of ours."

With that, they wandered through the moonlit gardens, hand in hand, reveling in the quiet moments shared under the stars.


The following morning, Zack and Jack awoke in a cozy chamber in a castle not unlike theirs. They were surrounded by a soft afterglow. Their eyes met, and a knowing smile passed between them, the lingering magic of the night before.

"Good morning my love." Zack mumbled as he leaned forward to close the distance between them.

Jack accepted the gentle kiss from Zack and kissed him back. Pushing back with equal pressure. It was a sweet kiss and it lingered.

"Good morning." Jack said as he hummed, content as he adjusted to settle himself on Zack's bare chest.

"I had a wonderful time last night, it was nice to be able to step away for a moment and enjoy a romantic evening. I mean I know we are here for diplomacy and I'm technically still doing my duties but... It's been really nice having you with me." Zack said as he stroked Jack's hair.

Jack nodded against Zack's chest. "It's been like a delayed post wedding trip of sorts."

Zack laughed lightly. "I suppose, we never got to take the post wedding trip I had planned."

Jack leaned up and kissed Zack. "You planned a trip?"

Zack kissed back lightly, lingering a little. "I did. I was going to take you to the beautiful beaches at the edges of our kingdom."

Jack practically went starry eyed. "Oh you are so romantic. Can we still go sometime?"

Zack laughed. "Of course we can darling."

Jack was silent for a moment. He seemed to be deep in thought, and Zack picked up on this sudden change.

"Everything alright Darling?" Zack asked his husband, not sure what caused Jack to ponder so deeply.

"Yes, I just want to ask something and I am not sure if it is out of character or if it is my decision." Jack asked tentatively, knowing that most if not all major matters regarding them or the kingdom are to fall to Zack. Jack wasn't upset by it. He knew that was the way it was. He secretly loved the way Zack takes charge.

"What is it my love?" Zack asked as he stroked Jack's cheek.

"I saw an orphanage when we arrived here in Galanta, and It made me think that maybe we adopt soon. I am ready, I want to be home caring for our children. And we need to get you an Heir. We know Rebecca doesn't want to be queen. And your mother has been asking me when she will get grandchildren." Jack said a bit sheepishly, he realized he was rambling.

"Oh. I didn't realize you were ready." Zack said, trying to hide his excitement.

"Only if you are your majesty. I would love to be home with our children, or bring them with us in on our royal duties." Jack said plainly.

"You are so perfect sometimes. I would love to start our family. I am ready if you are.  I have not been wanting to push it on you since I know it changes your life dramatically. "Zack said.

Jack smiled and he leaned in and kissed Zack again. "I want to have kids running around the castle, filling my days with Joy, let's  adopt, and find babies to help us with care. I want nothing more."

Zack rolled over so he was on top of Jack. Hovering over him. "Oh my love. I cannot wait. I love you."

Zack leaned down and kissed Jack passionately, completely enamored with Jack, and the future they are building. together.

After their morning escapades and decisions made, the two of them feeling content with the future. The royal couple decided to seek out Sir Floyd. Intrigued by the tales of ethereal soulmates and bond pairings in Galanta, they wanted to visit the pairing Sir Floyd found in Galanta.

Zack and Jack located Sir Floyd in the camp that the Royal family camp.

"Sir Floyd, can we go locate the ethereal pairing you have located in Galanta." Zack asked politely.

Sir Floyd turned in his tent. To face Zack and Jack.

"Why yes your majesty, I have corresponded with the archivist of Galanta, Sir Gregory. He has decided to meet us here this am. Should be here shortly."

Jack nodded. "Thank you sir Floyd. We shall wait. You can find us in Rian and Daniel's tent. Awaiting for Sir Gregory's arrival." 

Smiled proudly. Glad Jack is taking charge over little things.

Jack and Zack exit the tent and walk over to Daniel and Rian's tent.

When they walked in they found the 2 men looking over a map.

"Hello Your Majesty's. We need assistance I am grateful you are here." Rian said as he pulled his shirt up, exposing that his mark changed.  Before Rian bore a simple red rose without a stem. Now, his mark had a green stem attached.

"You found your soulmate. Congrats Ri! Where are they!?" Zack asked excitedly.

Rian sighed. "That is the problem. I felt it last night at the wedding, I had a headache, and I felt dizzy, and the burning of my mark matching theirs, but with the placement being on my side...."

"You wouldn't be able to see who it was- I understand."  Zack said.

Rian nodded. "Daniel and I. have been trying to retrace my steps on a map of the castle, to see where I may have interacted with them. So with your permission, I know you have to go see the ethereal pairing with sir Gregory today, but I would like to go to the castle and take Daniel with me to see if we can find them. I worried I may never find them if we leave this kingdom without them." Ronald, a bit of fear in his voice.

"Absolutely,Jack and I can handle our own today. We may take sir Lewis, the knight with us. You will take Sir Clyde with you. I just want you to be safe." Zack said pointedly.

Rian and Daniel nodded. " Absolutely! Let us know what you find out about your ethereal markings today." Daniel said supportively.

Jack nodded. "Thank you Daniel, and thank you for helping Rian find his true love."

Daniel nodded. "Of course your majesty. Us both being your personal servants has allowed us to become quite close, almost like brothers. I'm grateful to work alongside him."


"This is the home of Dorothy and Frank. They are currently 95 and 96 years old. They have only lived in Galanta about 40 years. I ran into them one time in the market downtown while I was shopping for some herbs for medicinal and such, and I saw that they had several markings upon them. And I knew I had to befriend them and do research. Inhad heard of Ethereal markings, but not seen any proof. And then, Sir Floyd reached out to me regarding you, your majesty. And you two believe you have an ethereal bond?" Sir Gregory stated as they approached a humble home, with some chickens and goats in the yard.

Jack nodded. "Yes, we had an out of body experience of sorts. I would like to compare ours to theirs to see if it really is real. From what Zack explained to me from what he's read in the lore and what I have read since it happened, it appears to have all of the indicators of an ethereal soul bond."

Sir Floyd chuckled. "Jack you are speaking like an archivist/theologist yourself. Talking about research and such. Maybe you should come spend some more time with me in the library."

Jack chuckled as they entered the residence.

"Hello Gregory, I see you have brought guests?" A frail older woman spoke.

"Dorothy be a bit more respectful those look like men of royalty." The man they assumed was Frank spoke.

Dorothy blushed. "You know out of all of our lifetimes thus far. Royals has not been one." Dorothy said with a chuckle as she bowed to Zack and Jack.

"My apologies for my wife your majesties. We are old and forget our manners." Franks said as he bowed.

Jack laughed as he shook Frank's hand. "That's quite alright. My name is Jack and this is my marked soulmate/ husband Zachary, the King of Adoranda."

"Nice to meet you. your majesty." Frank and Dorothy said at the same time.

"They are even in sync." Zack laughed.

Zack shook Frank's hand as well. Zack looked at the back of Frank's hand. "A tree and a leaf."

Frank smiled. "Yes. Our first ever one."

Frank struggled a bit but he raised his sleeve, he revealed 4 more markings. 2 on each of his wrists, and one on each of his elbows.

Dorothy motioned for Jack and Zack and their accompanying party to sit with them. Zack looked and from what he could tell, Dorothy had the same 5 markings he found on Frank.

"Jack look the each have 5 of the same from what I can tell." Zack whispered.

Jack did a quick glance and his eyes lit up.

"So it seems you have questions. Regarding your bond? You believe you are Ethereal bonds?" Dorothy said politely as they all sat at their table,

Sir Gregory and Floyd watching on and documenting the conversations. The Knight sir Lewis was guarding the door. As someone always had to guard any entrance that had Zack within it.

Zack nodded. "Yes. When Jack and I both said I love you to each other for the first time, we both had a semi-painful out of body experience. There appeared to be a glow of light, I was personally blinded by it for a moment. it almost felt as if I watching from above us. Jack was fully panicked and hyperventilating."

Dorothy smiled. "That sounds about right."

Jack grinned. "Really?"

He was hopeful. He was hoping this was all real. He wanted to be with Zack forever in every lifetime.

Frank nodded. "It's only painful the first time, because after that you already know who each other are."

Zack nodded. "So, regarding that, do you have to find each other again in each lifetime?

Dorothy shrugged. "I suppose it depends. Our second time coming back,we were 7 years old and  we were neighbors, so we truly grew up with each other."

"Third time was a bit more complicated. I was 35, a soldier for Galanta ,and she was in a neighboring kingdom." Frank said truthfully. 

Dorothy frowned. "We haven't always died together though, so we end up having to wait for each other. I spent 7 years without him in this lifetime."

Zack nodded solemnly, in understanding. Worried that he may be without Jack at some point.

Jack and Zack continued to ask questions and were delighted with each answer they were given. Dorothy and Frank painted a picture of what their futures could be. It left both Zack and Jack giddy. With the prospect of being together, forever and in every lifetime. 

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