Partners in Crime

Por ihateali_

227 0 0

Xavia Cyprus is a 25-year-old contracted Hunter/thief who works for the wealthy, Aurelius Van Helsing, an ecc... Más

Weston City
Concordia Library
Elysian Portrait
Green Hell
Whispering Serenity
Echoes of Eternity
Lavender Rose
Robin Hood's Renfaire
Medieval Tapestry
North Sinnet Island
Free Time
Whimsy Waxworks
Pocket Watch
Swimming Lessons
Vampire AU
Underground Auction
Yorknew City Hospital
Dreamland Gardens

The Velvet Room

16 0 0
Por ihateali_

- - - THE VELVET ROOM // MAY 4TH - - -

Donning an expensive suit and a scowl on his face, Xavia orders another drink from the bartender, trying to drown out the music playing loudly in the background. When he receives his drink, he swiftly downs its contents in one gulp. Nightclubs, especially such upscale ones, are not his thing. He feels completely out of place.

A sigh escapes his lips as he reminisces about earlier in the day, recalling the moment when he and Dusk stood in Aurelius' office, listening intently as Aurelius and his assistant outlined the details of their next job.

"The Starlight Serenade Necklace is an expensive piece of jewelry that's adorned by diamonds in such a way that it looks like twinkling stars in the night sky when the right lighting hits it," Aurelius explains to them while holding up his phone with a photo of the necklace, "It has such fine craftsmanship that everybody is after it. I wasn't able to get it at the last auction I went to."

"It's beautiful..." Dusk breathes out as she studies the photo, "Did someone outbid you, sir?"

"Indeed! Zane and I had a hard time tracking it down again until recently," Their employer responds rather jovially, despite himself, "It was gifted to Isabella Montague, a rich socialite who lives in Angeles Hills."

Zane nods along before cutting in to finish off Aurelius' explanation, "She's been spotted wearing it and has been fronting a high-end nightclub called the Velvet Room. Aurelius has secured entrance for you both. You'll just need to play the part."

"Now's a great time for you to use your charm, Xav!" Aurelius muses with a wide grin, "Seduce her and get me that necklace!"

"Seduce a woman at a nightclub? I guess even old rich guys like you know what fun is, Aurelius," Sarcasm drips from every word, but internally, Xavia isn't thrilled about this. 

"I deduced that this would be the easiest way to steal the necklace," Zane explicates, his hands behind his back, "Please do your best to win her over, Xavia."

He glances towards Dusk, her expression unreadable, "Any brilliant ideas on how to charm our little socialite?" He inquires with an eyebrow raised high and mockery flashing in his dark brown eyes.

"Well, seduction isn't exactly my forte," She admits sheepishly, tugging at a loose strand of her hair in embarrassment, "But maybe you can shower her with compliments? Flatter her vanity and manipulate her emotionally to get what Aurelius wants?"

Xavia chuckles dryly under his breath before scoffing, "How romantic."

He snaps out of his thoughts and back into the present time as another drink is placed in front of him.

Dusk, clad in a simple violet dress, stands beside her partner, watching him as he finishes off another glass of liquor. She furrows his brows in concern as she wonders, "You okay there?"

Running a hand through his gelled back hair, Xavia nods, "Yeah," His brown eyes scan the room once more before he pushes off from the counter and stands to full height, "Let's get this over with."

"Right," Dusk nods, her heart pounding in her chest. She isn't sure whether it's because of the mission or Xavia's close proximity that unnerves her. 

He strides off without another word towards Isabella Montague while Dusk watches him for a moment before retreating to a safer distance where she can keep an eye on both Xavia and their target. 

Xavia fights the urge to glance back at Dusk as he heads towards their target, shaking his head slightly to rid the thought from his mind.

Smoothing down the lapels of his jacket, the white-haired man straightens up and puts on a confident grin. He makes his way over to Isabella, a blonde-haired woman donning a silver dress, her neck adorned with that damn necklace. He manages to catch her eye as he approaches.

"Couldn't help but notice you from across the room," He begins with false sincerity in his voice. 

How do people enjoy this?

Isabella, taken aback by the charming stranger before her, offers a slight smile as she sips on her glass of champagne, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Her gaze slides appreciatively over Xavia's tall frame and grinning face. She lets out a soft chuckle, setting her drink down onto a nearby table, "And who might you be... Other than my knight in shining armor tonight?"

"A knight in shining armor? Well, I'm afraid you might be overestimating me," He extends a hand for her, "Xavia Cyprus."

His sights trail down to the sparkling diamond necklace hanging around her neck. The Starlight Serenade. It's even more dazzling up close.

Isabella laughs, her blue eyes twinkling in amusement at his comment as she takes his offered hand and gives it a light shake, "Overestimating, you say? It's certainly nice to meet you, Mr. Cyprus. I'm Isabella Montague," Looking back up into those intriguing dark brown eyes of his, she raises an eyebrow teasingly, "The night is still young. Don't be so quick to sell yourself short."

A chuckle escapes from his lips, "Indeed, Ms. Montague," He puts on an amused smirk as he leans towards her, "Would you care for a dance?"

Without hesitation, she places her hand into Xavia's outstretched one and responds with an enthusiastic nod, "I'd love to," A mischievous glint appears in her eyes as she slyly adds, "And then perhaps you can tell me more about yourself, Mr. Cyprus."

"Sounds like a plan, Ms. Montague," Xavia replies with an equally mischievous glint in his eyes as he leads her to the dance floor.

Across the room, Dusk feels a strange tightening in her chest as she watches them sway to the music. She reminds herself again, it's all an act. Despite every warning her mind keeps screaming at her, she finds herself approaching the bar. She orders a light cocktail, hoping that maybe it will help ease the strange trepidation rising in her.

"You're not a bad dancer," Isabella muses as she sways alongside him, "I've never seen you here before though."

"I usually fly under the radar," Xavia remarks smoothly, "I'm kind of a lone wolf," His hands casually roam her back as they dance, making sure not to make any suspicious moves just yet.

She just loves to hear herself talk, huh? She hasn't shut up for a second since they hit the dance floor.

Isabella tilts her head slightly to the side, a curious look in her eyes as she takes in his words, "Interesting," Her smile widens as she playfully adds, "I hope my company isn't proving too much for your lone wolf tendencies, Mr. Cyprus?"

"Not at all," The white-haired man assures her with a blatant lie and a forced grin, "I'm thoroughly enjoying your company."

He moves his hand a bit higher up her back until it's only inches away from the necklace's clasp. He can almost feel the weight of it in his hand.

She pulls away suddenly as she does a little spin before leaning into him. She sets both of her hands on his broad shoulders, bringing her lips near his ear as she whispers softly, "Would you be interested in taking me home tonight, Mr. Cyprus?"

Taken aback by her forwardness, Xavia blinks a few times before regaining his composure. He chuckles darkly and leans in closer to return her whisper with one of his own, "Why the rush? We're having such a good time. Let's enjoy this lovely evening a bit more."

As Dusk drowns her turmoil in alcohol, her eyes flicker to Isabella and Xavia. Seeing them so close together strikes a chord within her. She hurriedly sets down her drink before rushing off towards the restrooms without glancing back.

"Ah, a modest man. I can appreciate that," Isabella's gaze falters suddenly before glancing back at him, "One moment. I'm going to freshen up."

Watching her walk away, the white-haired man frowns slightly. He is left alone once again in the vast sea of swirling bodies and loud music. He takes this opportunity to slip into the crowd, melding with it just as easily as he did before. The scent of alcohol and sweat is overpowering but he has a job to do.

Opportunity or trap? He can't be sure... But either way he'll keep his eye on the restroom from afar until she returns. Losing track of her could ruin everything.

Dusk leans heavily against the bathroom sink, staring into the mirror. What she sees in her reflection is a woman lost and confused. She splashes some cold water on her face, hoping to snap out of the strange emotional turmoil swirling within her.

As she dries herself off with a paper towel, Dusk takes one last look at herself before setting determination back onto her features. This isn't about Xavia or Isabella. This is business and it's time for her to act professionally about it.

Just as the door swings open, Isabella strides in. Anticipating her to walk past her, Dusk is taken aback as the woman pins her against the wall, leaning in with a seductive aura.

"Hey beautiful," The socialite purrs, her voice dripping with allure as she cages Dusk in, "I've seen you making eyes at me all night."

Dusk swallows nervously, feeling that this job is taking an increasingly unexpected turn. The heat of Isabella's body so close to hers sends waves of various emotions through Dusk, surprise, nervousness, confusion and something more she can't quite place.

"But I... I wasn't..." Dusk stammers out weakly before trailing off under the intense gaze of their target. Her mind blares warning sirens at her but there is another part that urges Dusk to use this strange situation to complete their task.

The blonde-haired woman tilts her head to the side a bit, surprised by Dusk's reaction. A devilish glint appears in her eyes as she brings one hand up and gently traces a finger down Dusk's cheek, "No need to be so scared, darling... Or am I reading your signals wrong?"

Dusk's heartbeat quickens as Isabella traces her cheek. A part of her wants to push the woman away, another wants Xavia to storm in and interrupt whatever this is turning into. Though she's caught off guard, she decides now might be the perfect opportunity to try and take that necklace.

"N-no... You weren't wrong," She manages to say with an attempt at a flirty smile before leaning in closer herself.

Isabella's eyes spark with interest at Dusk's response. She lets out a soft chuckle before gently running her fingers through the strands of Dusk's hair, "Interesting. Not what I expected from you, beautiful," She leans in closer until their lips are mere inches apart, one hand delicately caressing Dusk's cheek while the other stays intertwined in her dark locks.

Dusk's mind goes haywire as Isabella closes the distance between them. She takes a deep breath, trying to still her rapidly beating heart. She musters all of her courage and looks up into Isabella's eyes. For Xavia... For the mission she has to do this.

"You'd be surprised what you don't know about me," Dusk whispers, her voice barely audible over the music blaring outside the restroom.

Isabella's eyes dart down to Dusk's lips for a moment before meeting her gaze again with an intrigued, predatory look. A smug smile plays at the corners of her mouth, "Why don't you show me then?" Her manicured fingers fall under Dusk's chin as she compels her to look up at her.

Forcing herself to remain composed under the woman's intense look she responds in kind with an alluring smile, "Maybe I will," She meets Isabella halfway in a soft kiss as she wraps her arms around her neck, trying to unclasp the necklace while the socialite is distracted.

Xavia's eyes widen in surprise and confusion as he steps into the bathroom in search of his target, only to find Dusk engaged in a passionate kiss with Isabella, "Um..." He struggles to find his voice, completely taken aback by what he's witnessing.

He stands frozen, feeling a strange twinge of jealousy as he watches the situation unfold. What in the world is going on here? And why does it piss him off so much? He should be impressed but his stomach is in knots. He shakes his head slightly to clear the thought.

Dusk's eyes widen and she hurriedly pushes Isabella away at Xavia's sudden appearance. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment and guilt as the words tumble out of her mouth in a rush, "I... It's not what you think!"

"What in the hell are you doing, Dusk?" His voice is laced with incredulity and a hint of resentment. He knows she's just trying to get the necklace but why... Does this bother him so much?

Isabella folds her arms over her chest, letting out an annoyed huff, "She was kissing me until you so rudely interrupted, Mr. Cyprus."

A harsh laugh escapes Xavia's lips, his eyes narrowing at Isabella's retort. He turns to look back at Dusk, the surprise in his face gradually fading into annoyance, "Well, isn't that a fine turn of events," His voice drips with sarcasm and disbelief.

The intensity of her partner's gaze and the cold tone of his voice sends a shiver running down Dusk's spine. She wasn't prepared for this, his anger, Isabella's defiant retort or even her own deceit.

"Xav... It was part of the job!" She stumbles over her words as she defends her actions, "I was just trying to get the damn necklace! You were planning on doing the same thing with her, weren't you?"

Xavia's eyes flash with irritation as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Hell yeah, I was! But not by getting all cozy and playing tonsil hockey!" He fires back, not even bothering to hide his anger.

The dark-haired woman flinches at his words, guilt gnawing incessantly at her insides. Her gaze drops to the floor, unable to meet Xavia's sharp eyes, "I... I'm sorry," She mutters out an apology, admitting defeat in her attempt for the necklace.

"For the record, I kissed her first," Isabella speaks up before allowing a smirk to play on her lips, "Didn't realize she had such a possessive boyfriend."

He raises an eyebrow at Isabella, momentarily taken aback by her observation as he runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"We're not... I'm not..." Xavia stammers before sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of his nose. His breath hitches for a moment as he tries to comprehend what just happened here tonight.

"No, we're not..." Dusk winces as she denies Isabella's assumption out loud, her mind rejecting the very thought while her heart flutters in confusion.

"That's a shame," The socialite mocks them playfully, "If you were, I'd have given you this necklace that you seem to want so badly."

"Well, you should have said that earlier," Xavia mutters, sarcasm edging into his voice.

Isabella can't help but let out a hearty chuckle, "You two are interesting at least," She remarks with a wide grin as if she's taking pleasure in the tension rising between them.

"That's one way to put it," Xavia mumbles wryly in response. He glances towards Dusk. His eyes still hold a sense of bitterness and irritation but there's a hint of something else, an almost palpable sadness lurks beneath his dark gaze.

Dusk's heart clenches at the look in her partner's eyes. The last thing she had intended was to hurt him, "Xav, I-" She starts but stops abruptly not knowing what else there is to say. Another apology? She shakes her head and looks away from him, fighting back any emotions threatening to spill out.

The white-haired man watches Dusk in silence, his eyes softening just a little, "Save it," He says flatly, holding up a hand to cut her off, "Let's just get the damn necklace and get out of here."

"Take it. I'm not fighting you. It's not worth it," Isabella removes the jewelry from her neck and hands it over to Xavia, "Just do me a favor and be nicer to your girlfriend. I could tell she wasn't into the kiss at all."

Xavia takes the necklace from her, his fingers brushing against hers, "Thanks for your generous donation," He grumbles before turning to look at Dusk, Isabella's words reverberating in his mind now.

Dusk's heart skips a beat as Xavia's gaze turns toward her again. His face still carries hints of anger and annoyance, but it's different this time. She wants to say something, anything... But what? 

"Let's go back..." Dusk finally speaks up, breaking the silence in the room.

Xavia gives a curt nod, not trusting himself to speak at the moment. His eyes linger on Dusk for a fleeting second before he turns and heads back towards the exit.


Xavia had been deathly quiet during the entire ride back to their hotel as he contemplated everything that had happened. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he had completely overreacted and he felt... Guilty about it. He should have understood her position better.

Once they're back in their hotel room, he finally speaks again, "Look, I owe you an apology," He begins haltingly, raking his hand through his hair as discomfort washes over him.

Apologizing is not something he's used to doing, especially when it comes to admitting that he's in the wrong.

Dusk blinks up at him in surprise. She hadn't expected him to apologize and she didn't think he was solely to blame for what happened, "Xav, I..." She starts uncertainly but stops herself mid-sentence, deciding to just listen instead.

"I overreacted," Xavia admits quietly, his eyes never leaving hers. He takes a deep breath and lets out an uncharacteristically vulnerable sigh, "I acted like an ass. I'm... I'm sorry."

She raises her hand, gently placing it on Xavia's arm in an attempt to comfort him. For the first time since she met him, she sees a side of him that's not always composed and stubborn, "Xav, it's okay," She reassures him with a warm smile playing at her lips, "We both did things we aren't proud of tonight."

His dark eyes soften at her touch, reflecting a myriad of hidden emotions, "Yeah, yeah, we did," He answers lightly, his voice almost breaking with the weight of those words.

Dusk lets her hand linger on Xavia's arm a little longer before pulling away, offering him an understanding smile, "Yeah, but we also learnt from it, right?" She tries to lift the heavy air enveloping them with some positivity.

"Yeah, we definitely did," Xavia responds, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips despite himself. He clears his throat awkwardly before averting his gaze, unable to hold her gentle eyes any longer.

Feeling a warmth spreading in her heart at Xavia's reaction, Dusk nods, "Good, then let's call it a night. We probably have another job waiting for us tomorrow."

"Yeah, that sounds good," He starts to move towards his bed, but not before tossing Dusk a final glance over his shoulder.

"Goodnight, Xav," She says in hushed voice before making her way over to her own bed, her body exhausted from all that they had been through today.

"Night, Dusk," The white-haired man murmurs back, his voice quiet. He stares at her silhouette for a moment longer before turning over in his bed and sinking into uneasy dreams.


"Aurelius, I'm telling you that the mission was a disaster," Xavia growls in frustration as he leans against the oak desk in Aurelius' office, his partner absent from the conversation.

"A disaster?" Aurelius raises an eyebrow at him curiously, "How so?"

"Things got... Complicated," Xavia runs a hand through his hair, struggling to find the right words.

He can't exactly tell Aurelius that he'd been an ass to Dusk or about their heated exchange in the women's restroom, especially not when it involved his personal feelings tangling with their professional relationship.

"Never again," He growls out before hesitantly muttering, "And... I want Dusk to get a bonus or something. But don't tell her I said anything."

The old man's eyes widen and he blinks in surprise at the revelation, "You've only ever asked for bonuses for yourself..."

Xavia crosses his arms over his chest, gruffly saying, "Well, times change."

He isn't used to this altruistic side of himself either, but then he'd never known someone like Dusk before. 

"I can certainly arrange a bonus for her," Aurelius starts before questioning him, "Why don't you want her to know that you suggested the idea, Xavia?"

"Just do it," The white-haired man grumbles, his face turning a darker shade of red as he avoids making eye contact with his boss.

This is none of Aurelius's business and he intends to keep it that way.

"Very well. Then it's done."

Xavia nods, a hint of relief washing over him, "Good... That's all," He doesn't want to stick around any longer than necessary. This conversation had already been much more personal than he was comfortable with.

As he walks down the hallway, a familiar bitterness tugs at his heart as he thinks of the harsh lessons drilled into him by his father. His instinct was to retreat, to close himself off and rely only on himself... But Dusk? She had become a surprising exception

He clenches his fists as he sighs, his thoughts running in circles. It would be easier if he just pushed her away, keeping their relationship strictly professional and ending his emotional turmoil once and for all.

But can he even do that? Moreover... Does he even want to?

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