Harry Styles Fanfiction - Rem...

By harrystyles_stories_

5.9K 74 149

Y/n Y/l/n, a 21 year old, successful singer, disappeared for two years without anyone knowing the reason. She... More

Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289

Chapter 274

44 0 3
By harrystyles_stories_

March 2019
Security opened the door of the van that was waiting and with a lot of difficulty, I helped Harry inside, making him sit down immediately. He hunched over as soon as we sat and the driver drove off, his face buried in his hands, a deep frown on his face, letting out some sniffles.

„Hey, it'll be okay, lovie." I said soothingly, placing my hand gently on his back what already made him wince and whimper, his muscles clearly tight and strained.

„No, no, please-." He sniffled, making me take my hand away. „Who- who the fuck would do something like that?" He asked quietly.

„I'm sorry, baby. This shouldn't have happened."

„It hasn't hurt like that in two years, Y/n. It came out of fucking nowhere." He breathed.

„I know, I saw. It happened so fast." I ran my hand through his hair to at least try to help a little before I turned my attention to the driver. „Sir, could you please drive us to the nearest hospital first?" I asked him and he nodded instantly.

„No, no hospital, Y/n." Harry shook his head though. „That's the last thing I want."

„H, that pain isn't normal. You need to at least let it get checked out."

He shook his head again. „No, please no hospital. I really don't want to go there right now." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

„Alright fine, but if it gets worse at home, I'll call a Doctor over." I told him.

„Can live with that." He said silently.

„Where exactly does it hurt?" I asked him.

He pointed to the middle of his lower back. „Here."

„Can I take a look? I'll be careful."

He nodded, so I started to gently lift his shirt, exposing his naked back and I sighed at the sight.

„No wonder it hurts so much. The guy's elbow hit you right in the middle of your spine where you had the surgery." I told him. „It's pretty bruised."

Harry sighed, rubbing his face again. „It was an elbow?"

„Right sorry, you didn't even see. Yeah, some pap pushed himself in between us and elbowed you while doing so. I'm sorry baby, I should have had more security with me." I said, pulling his shirt back down.

„No, it's not your fault. It happens." He breathed, slowly trying to sit upright in his seat, leaning with his head against the head rest of the car afterwards, his eyes closed for a minute as he looked for my hand and I took it, giving it a gentle squeeze. „Shit, that pain is making me dizzy." He closed his eyes again.

„We're home soon. You can lay down on the couch and I'll bring you a heating pad. It'll go away, I'm sure." I assured him.

„I sure hope so." He sighed, opening his eyes again and turning his head to look at me.

„It will. It has healed for a long time now. It probably just flared up. No need to worry about it now, okay?"

„Okay, yeah...you're right. It's healed. It's been three years, it has to be okay." He said, probably telling this more himself than me to calm him down and ease his mind.

„It's gonna be okay." I rubbed his arm soothingly and scooted closer to kiss his cheek. „I love you and I'm sorry about that."

„Love you too." He cracked a small smile. „It's okay, not your fault. It was a huge crowd, something was bound to happen."

I didn't say anything further to that, because Harry would just be way too nice about it, but this shouldn't have happened. This was the part of being in the spotlight that I absolutely hated. When one of us got hurt because of crowds like this one.

The drive home took longer than it would've usually. We were pretty much stuck in traffic for half an hour, not moving an inch.
Some hours later though, we finally made it and the driver pulled into our driveway, passing our security in front of the gate. Unfortunately the long hours of just sitting in the car didn't do Harry's back any better.

I helped him out and watched him trying to stretch his legs and back, his face scrunched up in pain again.

I linked my arm with his. „Come on, let's get you inside." I guided him to the front door and he handed me his keys to open it. „God it's good to be home." I said to myself quietly, placing my bag down on the little stool at the entrance.

Harry already made his way to the living room, walking slow, his hand pressed against his back and he sat down on the edge of the couch.

I quickly followed him and stood in front of him, kissing the top of his head before I crouched down and took his sneakers off so he wouldn't have to bend down.

„Could you please get me an ibuprofen or something?" He asked sweetly.

„Sure, baby. Give me a sec." I brushed my hand through his hair on my way back up and went to get the medicine with some soothing ointment Harry got from his osteopath a while ago that was a bit warming since we eventually found out warmth did Harry's back better than coldness.

„Here." I gave him the pill with a glass of water when I got back.

„Thanks." He swallowed it in a second. „I'm sorry, we haven't seen each other in two months and now on the day you're back, this happens." He sighed, feeling visibly bad about it.

„Hey it's alright, Haz. It's not your fault either." I told him, kissing his forehead. „I'm happy as long as I'm with you." I smiled at him, earning a small smile back. „Can you take your shirt off for me? I have this ointment that'll soothe the pain a little and relax your muscles." I told him.

He nodded quickly. „Need your help though." He chuckled, so I grabbed his shirt and slid it off his body and over his arms.

I went to sit behind him and gently started massaging the ointment into his back.

He winced at my touch. „Ow ow ow!" Harry let out as quietly as he managed.

„Sorry, sorry. I'm being as gentle as I can." I leaned forward to kiss the back of his neck.

„It's okay, I'm okay." He quickly assured me, probably not wanting me to feel bad.

I continued for another while, noticing his muscles slowly started to losen up.
I looked at his back and down at the bruise he got from earlier today, hating that he got it in the first place and was in pain because of some brainless people.

„How are you feeling now?" I asked him after I was done.

„Better. Think the pill is starting to work too." He said. „Thank you, love."

„No need to, baby." I gave him his shirt so he could put it back on. „It'll be okay soon, honey."

He nodded, agreeing. „Yeah." He smiled, sitting back against the cushions. „Sweetheart, you must be exhausted, come here. Rest up a little." He said, patting his lap, indicating for me to lay down. I didn't hesitate and made myself comfortable in his lap. He soothingly ran his hand through my hair while I was on the verge of falling asleep.

„I'm SO tired, what I don't get, because the flight didn't even take two hours." I told him.

„It's the tour that's catching up on you, baby." He said. „You need plenty of rest now."

„Well, I wanna sleep, but I have to make dinner in a bit so that's not gonna happen."

„No, you get some sleep. I'll make dinner." He insisted.

„Babe, you can't even bend your back right now. I don't want you to strain it even more."

„Then we'll order in. Pizza, Sushi, anything you like." He suggested.

„Pizza sounds nice actually."

„Pizza it is." He smiled down at me before he grabbed his phone and placed an order.

Until dinner was here, I took a well needed nap in Harry's warm embrace.

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