Healing In-between

By Sora_Storytime

3.2K 72 183

Welcome to the "Before Joy There was Hope" one-shot book! this book features unused ideas or short stories I... More

Alternative Ending: Lost Sunshine
Security Measure 1977 Pt.2
Died with Them
Happy Birthday, Hopesong!
Mother Earth and Father Time
One-Winged Cupid
Sun in the Sky
Season 2 Special: A Song for the Sun
Where's Ollie?
Red Smoke and Mirrors
Heart Full of Riches
I'm Not Emo!
Head Above Water

Security Measure 1977 Pt. 1

256 5 13
By Sora_Storytime


October 30th, 1992

"Experiment 1977 was five year-old Skylar Henderson. She was abandoned at the hospital by her mother after she was diagnosed with a heart defect and would only live to be ten years old. Playtime had taken custody of her, and after two years of getting settled, she was selected to become a part of the Bigger Bodies Initiative after she suffered from a severe seizure and passed away.

We believe this was caused after the test subject for Dogday, who was a scientist named Alexander Helios, "disappeared." The two were very close, so the sudden dissaperance must've triggered the series of seizures she experienced.

Catnaps red smoke has started to become an issue, so we selected her to become a new character to sing to the kids to keep them calm. This is a temporary solution, and once she is no longer needed in the Playcare, we'll transfer her to the main factory to greet guests.

She has a secondary form we have dubbed "Security Measure 1977" it is supposed to trigger when she feels threatened or scared, but so far, our tests have shown that the security measure is dormant. We concluded that due to her age, she is physically unable to change. I guess in the meantime, we'll have her bond with one of the Smiling Critters so she can adjust.

Once she is old enough and is no longer useful in dealing with the red smoke, we'll separate her from the Smiling Critters and put her in the main factory with experiment 1170.

For now, we will have to wait and see if Security Measure 1977 will trigger during this time. This is Ryan Charleston signing off,"


Hopesong was getting ready to go for her nightly stroll around the forest. It was something she liked to do before bed since it relaxed her enough to fall asleep without any issues. She went down the stairs seeing (Y/n) on the couch going through some files. Hopesong tried to ask about what they were, but (Y/n) told her it was nothing. She sensed that it was a load of nonsense but didn't feel like starting an argument, so she left it alone.

She was about to open the glass screen door when Dogday stopped her. "Where are you going?" Hopesong raised a brow at him "on my stroll like I do every night? Why do you ask?" Dogday stuttered a bit and scratched the back of his head "u-uh well I was thinking you should stay in tonight?" Hopesong crossed her arms,"and why is that? You know I can't sleep well without going on a walk." Dogday rubbed his arm nervously,"I know, but I would feel better if you stayed for tonight... I have a bad feeling.." Hopesongs' expression softened, and she hugged Dogday.

"I understand, but I really want to sleep well tonight. I have a lot to do in the morning, so I need to rest. " she kissed his cheek."Don't worry, I'll be careful." And with that, Hopesong went around Dogday and left through the sliding door. BB was resting in her hoodie, sleeping soundly as she walked into the woods.

Dogday watched her leave and sighed. "Please let my gut be wrong for today," he mumbled before going into the kitchen to make some tea.


Hopesong took a deep breath as she listened to the rustling leaves. It was a nice routine of walking as far as she could before turning back and returning to the cabin. No one was crazy enough to go that far into the woods, not with the wild animals that were around. However, not everyone was sane enough to keep their distance.

Hopesong paused when she heard a twig snap. She looked at where the noise came from but saw nothing, just empty woods. She rationalized that it was just an animal and continued her walk forward, but she didn't get far when she was ambushed.

Hopesong was thrown onto the ground, and her hands and feet bound by tape. She screamed and yelled, trying to fight back, but the two men were stronger. They laughed clearly they were both very drunk. "Look at this dumb thing! What even is it!?" One of the men laughed as the other started to get a camera ready."Who gives a shit? Just hurry up and stab it!" The guy that laughed took out a knife giggling. BB had been thrown from her hood and bit the guys leg. He yelled and threw BB off into a tree. "BB! Augh!" Before Hopesong could attend to BB, the guy stomped on her wing, keeping her in place.

"You aren't going anywhere! Freak!" BB slowly got back up it looked at Hopesong, who nodded desperately at BB. BB hesitated but ran in the direction of the cabin. As Hopesong felt the blade near her neck, she wasn't sure what happened, but something had snapped, and she faded into darkness.

A blood curdling scream rang out as the man who held the knife was now on the ground, holding where his arm used to be blood squirting out. The other guy holding the camera rushed over. "You fucking freak! you ripped -" the words died in his throat, now looking at the freed Hopesong holding the man's severed arm and throwing it to the side. Cracking could be heard as her body extended her hoodie ripping. Her arms and legs also extended her hands, becoming menacing claws as she got on all fours she was almost as tall as Catnap used to be, but was still a bit smaller.

The color of her fur faded as Hopesong stared at the men with one glowing white eye. A big smiling critters smile now plastered on her face as her voice distorted.


And before the men could even run, she attacked them. Tearing them apart slowly and painfully until their screams died out into the open air.


BB tapped on the glass door desperately squeaking and running around. (Y/n) finally opened the door, and BB jumped on their leg, squeaking more. "woah woah, easy girl. What's wrong?" BB continued squeaking and flailing their tiny arms around.

Poppy was on the couch with Dogday listening in before gasping, looking at BB, and getting off the couch. "You and Hopesong were attacked!?" That made Dogday spring onto his legs and growl."WHAT?!" BB squeaked some more until they were interrupted by the distant sound of screaming.

(Y/n) grabbed their flashlight and gun, looking over at Dogday and Poppy.

"Let's find our girl,"


(A/n: Here is a picture of what Security Measure 1977 looks like

Hope you all enjoy!)

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