Playing with Heart

By dcfanfic21

4.7K 284 82

In the bustling halls of college, Yoohyeon-an ordinary girl navigating the challenges of adolescence-finds he... More

Want to bet?
She is in relat.......
Confessions in the Rain
Her place
I'm always here
Driving me crazy
Don't rush me
I love you...(M)
Dinner with my friends! (M)
The Truth Unveiled
Come on, say it?


285 22 7
By dcfanfic21

Despite it being daytime, darkness prevailed, whether it was the thickening hues of the forest or simply an overall somber atmosphere. Peering ahead, I strained to find any trace or sound of my friends who were being pursued, but all was silent. I couldn't get lost since my path followed only a narrow trail. Throughout the journey, I berated myself for leaving her like that. I couldn't just depart with the others, leaving her alone with that questionable character. Well, perhaps he wasn't questionable, but to her, he would surely become just another passerby. I would make sure of that. I didn't want to lose her again, although I understood that I had only worsened the situation.

I had been on the road for about an hour, and only now did I pay attention to my horse. It was white with a lush mane and seemed calm.

"I wonder, what's your name?" Leaning cautiously toward the animal, I touched its mane and ran my hand, but apparently not quite skillfully, not following the proper technique... The horse jerked its head so sharply that I fell off the saddle and onto the ground.

"Darn..." I groaned, trying to get up quietly from the ground. I wasn't doing very well at it. Apparently, when I was flying, I hit my side on a tree. "You're definitely not calm. They gave me a spirited horse too!" The animal approached me and lowered its head in front of me, as if asking for something.

"No, for such antics, you won't get a carrot. Although, what carrot? I only have chocolate. And where are we in such a hurry now? The mission has failed. We can go back... only when the pain subsides."

"Yoohyeon? What's wrong with you?"

I was certainly lucky today. In an instant, Jiu was on her knees in front of me, examining me from head to toe.

"Does anything hurt?" she asked anxiously every second.

"Everything's fine now, just an unsuccessful ride..."

"I see. And why aren't you with the guys?"

"Why are you with him?" Stopping the teacher's hands, which were so energetically exploring me even under my clothes for injuries, I asked.

"Stop it, please..."

"What to stop? You leave with him alone, without explaining anything to anyone. What else should I think?"

"You're so far from the truth! Why don't you believe me? I've told you so many times that... Although it doesn't matter, no matter what I say, it's all in vain. Come on, get up, let's go back!"

Rising from the ground, she offered me her hand. We didn't ride the horses; we just walked back in silence. We didn't go far when it started to drizzle.

"Let's go faster, or we'll get wet."

Nodding in response, we quickened our pace, but it was useless; the rain intensified, and the wind started.

"Look, there, it seems like some house!" the teacher shouted, and we ran towards the unknown dwelling.

Quickly tying the horses under a small roof, we entered inside. The room was small, more like a shelter for people like us, tired and wet. In the middle stood a wooden chair with carved patterns, like in old times, and two chairs. In the corner, oddly enough, was a springy mattress-covered bed, nothing luxurious. And there was no sign of the owner, just for tourists.

"I suggest waiting out the rain here," I finally spoke, surveying the old candle.

"Yes, I agree."

Miss Jiu sat down on a chair and began to wring out her clothes. Yes, we're very wet.

"Do you mind if I take off my jacket, because it's terribly cold in wet clothes...."

"Yes, as you wish, of course."

Remembering that I had my backpack with me, I immediately took out matches and a windbreaker, which my caring grandmother had put there with the words "It will come in handy".

The candle was so ancient that it took a whole box of matches to light it. With shouts of glee I turned back to boast of my victory.

She was sitting with her back to me, wrapping her arms around herself, and looking out of the single window. Taking my windbreaker, I headed toward her. Squatting down, I threw the windbreaker over her trembling shoulders and buried my face in her lap.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault... If it weren't for my terrible jealousy, we wouldn't be stuck here...."

Gentle hands touched my hair, then traveled down my neck to my back. An army of goosebumps began their movement, and I was still afraid to look up, holding my breath like a child.

I felt the teacher leaning over my ear, and her whispering finally drove me crazy.

"Yooh, I fell in love with you at first sight..... Remember when you were late for my class? Since then I've completely forgotten what it is to sleep well."

"Forgive me... "raising my head, I reached for my woman's lips.

"I forgive you," she said, covering my lips with hers.

It wasn't cold at all, her kiss, hot as a volcano, melted all the glaciers between us... I got up from my knees and pulled her behind me without breaking the kiss. Slowly weaving backwards, I bumped into something hard and remembering it was the bed, I carefully lay down on it, which made the woman laugh.

"What?" I asked, smiling.

"Just, it squeaks like that," she said laughing.

"Well, I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything else, but it can only be on the table or ..."

Without letting me finish, the woman lay on top of me and slowly began to lower her hands to my lower abdomen.

Nervously swallowing, I looked into her eyes, which gave away all the teacher's intentions.

"I love you," she said, seeing my tension.

What happened next was magical. Only the rain saw, felt what was happening to us. How tenderly, with every movement she whispered "I love you" to me, how tightly I held her to me, as if afraid that she would evaporate with the last drop of rain. How the first ray of sunshine from the rain played on her body, breaking through the old window.

"We should go... Otherwise they'll be looking for us now," she said, kissing my chest.

"Yes, we have to pack, we're leaving tomorrow, now we won't see each other like this for a long time...."

We both realized that we had the last days of such close days, I have preparation for exams, tutors, admission.

"Well, come by sometime..." she whispered in a trembling voice.

Rising from my shoulder, Jiu began to gather herself, hiding her face.

"Why somehow? I'll come as often as possible, I'll rent an apartment, I'll take you to myself.

"You are finishing the school this year"

Lowering her head, the woman waved her hand and added:

"Maybe it should be so, not all in the happiness to bathe."

"Stop it, you make it sound like I'm going off to war and won't be back. You promised to trust me... You promised, didn't you?"

Gently lifting her chin, I looked into her moist eyes....

"It's damp outside and you're making it damp... I'll be with you and everything will be fine. Do you believe me, Jiu?"

"I do," she smiled and hugged me tightly. We sat like that for about ten minutes, listening to the last drops dripping... The candle was already completely extinguished, and remembering that we were going to be questioned, we decided to pack up and leave.

We did not get on horses, we decided that we would say that I had a slight injury and went on foot to be careful. All the way we remembered our first ridiculous acquaintance and held hands, but, as they say, happiness is not eternal. We were unexpectedly met by an instructor with a not very cheerful expression on his face.

I hadn't seen her for a week, and it felt like an eternity. Amidst exam preparations and school activities, our time together had become scarce. She dedicated herself to teaching electives and grading papers, and I found myself caught up in rehearsals and extracurricular commitments. Since that peculiar trip to the horse farm, our dynamic had shifted, leaving me in a state of uncertainty. Despite reconciling, the impending departure for another city to pursue my studies loomed over our connection. The thought of being apart was painful; soon, we wouldn't see each other as often.

One day, after another exhausting rehearsal, I hurried to see Jiu. As soon as I entered the office, the familiar conversation resurfaced, indicating that she dwelled on it more than I did.

"So, how do you see it? You go to Seoul, and I stay here," she questioned, her voice revealing the underlying apprehension.

"I'll write to you, visit when I can," I reassured, but her response hinted at deeper contemplation.

"It's not like that... It's not like that at all. I had to think it over before..."

"Before? Come on, tell me," I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Before it all got so twisted..." She stood up abruptly, pacing the room in turmoil.

Unable to contain my amusement, I grinned. 

"What? What's so funny? As I see it, you don't give a damn about it at all."

"Well, well, Miss Jiu, I've never noticed such words from you before. Where's your official tone?"

"Oh, come on!"

Playfully, I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. She feigned offense, turning away.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Well, that's what you are to me for..." She rubbed my hair affectionately, whispering, "Come to me tomorrow night."

"Jiu, you know... I can't tomorrow."

"What is it? Why?" She looked into my eyes, her curiosity evident.

"Well, tomorrow is my friend's birthday. I can't miss it. We haven't been together for a long time."

"Ah, I guess you see me more often. Well, go to your birthday. And I'll sit lonely, knit unnecessary socks, and grow old in a lonely, empty room."

"You're not offended."

Childishly pouting her lips, the woman sat down on the desk, taking me with her.

"You just don't realize what you're giving up....."

And, indeed, I was ready to go nowhere, she, like a cobra, hypnotized me with her movements. Slowly, without taking her eyes off me, the teacher began to undo the buttons of her jacket, thus opening the view of her almost naked breasts. Her left hand slid down my back, then slid down and caught the belt of my pants.

"Still thinking about it?" she asked with a laugh.

"I have changed my mind... My friend will forgive me....."

As I approached her lips, I was about to do what I had been forced to do as soon as I entered... but her hands stopped me.


"That's it, the rest is for an additional price."

With a twinkle in her eyes, she got up from her desk, and the whole game went in the opposite direction.

"You're kidding me. How am I supposed to calm down after this?"

"Go on, go home, no shame, no conscience!" she triumphed.

"Oh so... All right... Fox... I'll remember you again!

Quickly jumping off the desk, I playfully bit the teacher's neck and, taking my bag, headed for the exit.

Suddenly, I had a different idea. Instead of pursuing something more intimate, I looked into her eyes with a mischievous grin.

"Or how about you join me at the birthday celebration? I promise it'll be more fun than sitting alone and knitting socks. And you won't have to worry about growing old in a lonely room," I suggested, hoping to change the course of the evening.

Jiu blinked, surprised by the unexpected invitation. After a moment of contemplation, a playful smile spread across her face.

"Well, why not? Let's add some excitement to your friend's birthday," she agreed, her eyes gleaming with a newfound sense of adventure.

And just like that, the evening took an unexpected turn.

At the birthday party, Jiu and I found ourselves in the midst of a hilarious mishap that we couldn't have predicted. It all started when someone accidentally knocked over the birthday cake just as it was being brought out for the grand presentation. The cake went flying across the room, landing squarely on the head of the unsuspecting birthday girl.

Jiu and I couldn't contain our laughter, joining in with the rest of the guests as we watched the chaos unfold.

Amidst the laughter and commotion, Jiu and I shared a glance, silently communicating our amusement at the absurdity of the situation. 

After the party, Jiu and I left together, still giggling about the cake incident as we made our way to her place. As we entered her cozy apartment, the laughter continued, echoing through the walls and filling the space with warmth and happiness.

Settling onto the couch, we shared stories and jokes late into the night, reveling in each other's company and the shared memories of the evening. It was a night filled with laughter, silliness, and a newfound sense of connection between us.

As the night drew to a close, Jiu and I exchanged a lingering glance, the laughter fading into a comfortable silence. With a smile, she leaned in closer, and we shared a tender kiss, sealing the night with a moment of sweetness and affection.

Jiu grinned, pouring us both a cup of tea. "Well, that was certainly an unexpected turn of events. I never thought I'd be crashing a birthday party with my student."

I chuckled, sipping the tea. "And I never imagined my teacher could dance like that. You surprised us all."

She leaned back in her chair, a playful glint in her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to let loose and enjoy the moment. Life's too short to be too serious all the time."

I nodded in agreement, appreciating the wisdom in her words. "You're right. Tonight was a good reminder of that."

At one point, I couldn't help but bring up the peculiar incident in her office. "So, about that 'additional price' you mentioned earlier... was that just a joke?"

Jiu burst into laughter, the sound filling the room. "You caught onto that, huh? Yes, it was just a joke. I figured a little teasing might lighten the mood. Or not...are we going to socialize like this?"

"Why are you so happy? By the way..."

I couldn't continue, the woman's hands were on my shoulders and carelessly pulled off my windbreaker.

"By the way..."

With a sigh of doom, I entered the apartment. Quickly throwing off my shoes, I followed the teacher. She went to the bedroom, turning off the light behind her. With each step, my excitement increased. I still hadn't learned to restrain my trembling, my excitement around her. Shyly walking up to her, I touched my lips to hers.

"Three days left... Just three days..." she whispered through the kiss, "and you will be gone....."

"Why haven't you realized that I can't do anything without you?"

"I don't know... I'm afraid every time you come, afraid that you'll say you've fallen in love with someone else or another...."

"You just can't imagine how long I've been waiting for you... How long I've been waiting for you...."

Gently laying her on the bed, I lay down next to her. We talked for what seemed like an eternity... Our whole story ran through a wave of images. The first day of our acquaintance, the first kiss, the first forgiveness... I was still apologizing for that stupid argument, and she assured me that it was nothing compared to what she was feeling now.

It was past two in the morning, and sleep was still not coming. Her fingers tangle affectionately in my hair, my kisses interrupt her important words.

"Yooh, you don't let me finish my main idea!"she said with feigned strictness.

"Do you want me to finish it myself? I love you, Jiu ..."

"Do you want me to finish it myself? I love you, Jiu..." I confessed, the words carrying the weight of my emotions.

She smiled, a tender expression on her face. "I love you too, Yooh. And these three days, we'll make the most of them. No more worries, just us."

As we lay there, wrapped in each other's warmth, the worries of the impending separation momentarily faded away. We shared whispered promises, exchanged affectionate gestures, and reveled in the present moment, cherishing the time we had left together.


Graduation day arrived with a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation. The air was filled with a mixture of achievement, farewells, and the promise of new beginnings. As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I felt a sense of accomplishment but also a tinge of melancholy, knowing that this marked the end of a significant chapter in my life.

Amidst the cheers and applause, my phone vibrated with a message from Jiu. The text simply read, "Come to the classroom after the ceremony. I want to talk to you." The simplicity of the message belied the knot that formed in my stomach. The mixture of nervousness and curiosity made the moments following the ceremony feel like an eternity.

After tossing my graduation cap into the air with Siyeon, Dami, and Gahyeon, my friends who had been by my side throughout this journey, I made my way to the classroom where Jiu asked to meet. The room, once a space of lectures and shared learning experiences, now felt charged with anticipation.

Jiu was already there, her expression a mix of pride and a hint of sadness. As I entered, she looked up and smiled warmly. 

"Congratulations, Yoohyeon. You made it," she said, gesturing towards my diploma.

"Thank you, Jiu. I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support," I replied, feeling a surge of gratitude for the woman who had played such a significant role in my life.

As my friends congratulated me and left the room, Jiu motioned for me to sit. The atmosphere was charged with unspoken words, and the silence seemed to stretch between us.

Finally, Jiu broke the quietude. 

"Yoohyeon, I wanted to talk to you about the future. Graduation marks the end of your time here, but it's also the beginning of a new journey."

Nervously, I nodded, unsure of what lay ahead but trusting Jiu's wisdom.

"I've been offered a teaching position in Seoul," she continued, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and vulnerability. "And I've been thinking a lot about it."

Seoul. The bustling city symbolized both opportunity and challenge, and the realization hit me that this decision wasn't just about Jiu's career; it was about us.

"I don't want you to be far from me, Yoohyeon," Jiu confessed, her voice softening. "You've become more than just a student. We share a connection that I don't want to lose. You became a part of my life"

The weight of her words hung in the air, and I felt a surge of emotions. The prospect of Jiu moving to Seoul for my sake was both overwhelming and heartwarming.

"You mean a lot to me, Jiu. Your love—it's been my anchor," I admitted, my voice betraying the mix of emotions I felt.

She reached for my hand, a reassuring touch that spoke volumes. "I want to continue being a part of your journey, Yoohyeon. Seoul isn't just about a job; it's about being there for you, navigating this new chapter together."

As we sat in that empty classroom, the future felt uncertain yet filled with possibilities. Jiu's decision to move to Seoul was a testament to the strength of our connection and a commitment to face the challenges that lay ahead together.

The blend of excitement and nervous anticipation now extended beyond graduation day, encompassing the journey that awaited us both. With a tender smile, she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead—a promise of support and love as we embraced the uncertainties of the future.


The city lights of Seoul glittered like a tapestry outside the window, casting a soft glow into the room where Jiu and I found ourselves wrapped in the warmth of each other's presence. 

We sat on the couch, the gentle melodies of a song playing in the background, creating a tranquil atmosphere. Jiu's hand in mine felt comforting, grounding me in the reality of this newfound connection. I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.

"Jiu, it's still a bit surreal, you know? Us being together like this," I admitted, my fingers tracing patterns on her hand.

Jiu's smile mirrored the contentment I felt. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it? But being here with you feels so right."

The room was filled with a comfortable silence, allowing the weight of our relationship to settle. We had faced challenges, braved uncertainties, and now we were here—two individuals entwined in the beautiful complexity of love.

As the night deepened, Jiu leaned in, and our lips met in a gentle kiss. Breaking the kiss, Jiu whispered, "I'm grateful for each day with you, Yoohyeon. Our journey is just beginning."

I met her gaze, my eyes filled with affection. "And I'm grateful for you, for us. Let's make the most of this journey together."

The End!

Hello, I hope you enjoyed the story. I'll admit it felt a bit rushed, but given my busy schedule with my final year of university and a job, I did my best. I appreciate your understanding. I'll see when I can come up with a new story. Thank you for your time!

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