
By LyraMinerva

326 0 0

Don't read, just to help me edit before publishing More

Komahina Oneshot WIP- jacket
Saiouma Time loop AU WIP
New chapter?
Deku ch.1
Deku- Don't Meet Your Idols
Wip- no strings ch.4?
DEKU ch5?4?idk
Deku revised ch4
Deku WIP ch.5-6?
Love letters from the dead new chapter
Actual rough draft for DEKU ch5
Todoroki POV CH5
No strings- My Fault
No strings- My Fault rough draft
Chat gpt
Chat GPT- After Left Behind
Kidnapped AI challenge
Chat gpt one shot
Part title
Jacket, but more realistic
Later Fragment for deku
Deku Ch.6
Now im the deku pt 2
Deku ch.7?
Last christmas
Deku Ch7
Seeking Sunshine
Chat gpt- quirkless vigilante
Edit- Quirkless Middle school vigilante pt.2
Actual new pt 3
Freudian slip
Ch.5 secret
You should have told me
Karma's a b*tch
Karma pt 2
Tell her the truth
Kiss me already
The world caves in
Secret ch6
Secret 7
Secret 9?
Secret Ch.8
Youre not my real dad

Little Deku

3 0 0
By LyraMinerva

On a crucial mission with Eraserhead, Deku found himself face-to-face with a formidable villain threatening innocent bystanders. As chaos erupted, a terrified child cowered nearby, accidentally activating their quirk in panic. The unexpected surge of power enveloped Deku, transforming him into a 6-year-old version of himself.
Aizawa's eyes widened in horror as he witnessed the sudden change, but there was no time to dwell on it. The villain unleashed a devastating blast, aiming directly at the vulnerable child. In an instant, the miniature Deku sprang into action, shielding the frightened child from the impending danger.
The blast struck Deku head-on, sending the tiny hero tumbling backward, unconscious. Aizawa moved swiftly, erasing the villain's quirk to neutralize the threat, but his concern was solely focused on the fallen child-hero.
As the dust settled, Aizawa approached the scene to find the child-Deku unconscious but still protective of the rescued child. The gravity of the sacrifice struck him, realizing that even in a diminutive state, Deku's hero instincts remained unwavering. The hero silently vowed to do whatever it took to reverse the quirk and restore Deku to his true form, knowing that the true strength of a hero went beyond physical stature.

As Deku slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by worried faces. Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to piece together what had happened. His memories were fragmented, only recalling the moment he shielded the child from the villain's attack.
Looking around, he noticed a stern-looking man with dark hair and goggles standing nearby. Recognition sparked faintly in Deku's mind, but he couldn't quite place where he had seen him before. "Who... who are you?" Deku stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.
The man's expression softened as he kneeled beside Deku, introducing himself as Eraserhead, a hero known for his underground exploits. Deku's eyes widened in awe; he had heard of Eraserhead before, idolizing the hero's courage and determination. But now, faced with the real Eraserhead, Deku felt a mix of admiration and confusion.
"What... what happened?" Deku questioned, his memories still muddled. Eraserhead explained the situation, recounting how Deku had bravely intervened to save the child from the villain's attack. But as the hero spoke, Deku's confusion only deepened.
"I... I did that?" Deku murmured, struggling to comprehend. He had no recollection of being a hero, no memories beyond his 6-year-old self. To him, he was just an ordinary child who had stumbled into a dangerous situation.
Eraserhead exchanged a concerned glance with the others in the room, realizing the extent of Deku's memory loss. They would need to tread carefully, guiding him gently back to his true identity as the heroic Deku they knew. But for now, they would let him rest, hoping that time would help unlock the memories buried within his subconscious. And as Deku drifted back to sleep, a flicker of determination ignited within him, a silent promise to discover the truth behind his heroic actions.

Eraserhead approached the small hospital bed, observing the young Deku with a mixture of concern and curiosity. He decided to approach this situation cautiously, treating Deku like any other child he had rescued. Leaning against the bedside, Aizawa started a casual conversation.
"Hey there, kiddo. I'm Eraserhead, the hero who brought you here. How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked, attempting to gauge Deku's state of mind.
Deku, still trying to make sense of everything, looked up at Aizawa with wide, innocent eyes. "I-I'm okay, I think. What happened?"
Aizawa explained the situation, keeping it simple for the young hero. "You got caught up in a villain attack, but you were pretty brave. Saved a kid and took a hit for them. You're in a hospital now, but you'll be okay."
Deku listened intently, absorbing the information. Aizawa noticed the determined glint in the child's eyes, a trait that seemed oddly familiar. "You're quite the hero, you know," Aizawa remarked, trying to connect with the young Midoriya.
As they chatted, Aizawa discovered bits and pieces about this version of Midoriya. He liked heroes, especially Eraserhead, and dreamed of becoming one someday. Aizawa couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the child in his care, even if the circumstances were unusual.
Before leaving the hospital, Aizawa decided to make things a bit lighter. "How about we grab some ice cream on the way home? Heroes deserve a treat now and then, don't you think?" he suggested, a faint smile crossing his usually stern face. Little did Deku know, this was just the beginning of a journey to uncover the hero within him once more.

As Deku enjoyed the distraction of the ice cream, Aizawa discreetly stepped away to make a call. Dialing Hizashi's number, he relayed the peculiar situation with Deku and the memory loss caused by the quirk. Hizashi, though surprised, reassured Aizawa that they could handle taking care of the young hero at home.
Returning to Deku, Aizawa took a more serious tone. "Hey, kid, listen. Your mom is away on a business trip, and it's not safe for you to go back home alone right now. How about staying with me and my family until she gets back?"
Deku hesitated, glancing between Aizawa and his unfinished ice cream. Aizawa understood the unease in the child's eyes and pulled out his hero license, showing it to Deku. "I'm a licensed hero, and my home is a safe place. You'll be with my family, including my daughter Eri. We'll take care of you until your mom returns. What do you say?"
Deku examined the license, a glimmer of trust forming. "You're really a hero?"
Aizawa nodded. "Yeah, and we take care of our own. You can trust us, kid."
With a cautious nod, Deku agreed to go with Aizawa, finishing the ice cream with a small smile. Little did he know that this unexpected chapter in his life would not only reveal the hero within but also lead to unexpected bonds with a new kind of family – one forged through the shared trials and triumphs of heroism.

As Deku happily explored the Aizawa residence, captivated by the presence of cats that roamed freely, Aizawa pulled Hizashi and Eri aside for a more detailed conversation.
"Okay, listen. Deku here had a run-in with a quirk during a mission. It's erased his memories past the age of six, and for now, he thinks he's just a regular kid," Aizawa explained, his usually stoic demeanor softened by concern.
Hizashi glanced at Deku, who was now engrossed in playing with one of the cats. "That's... a lot to take in. What do we do?"
Aizawa sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We need to help him rediscover who he is and what he's capable of. We can't treat him like the hero we know him to be just yet. For now, he's just a kid who needs our support."
Eri, perceptive despite her young age, nodded solemnly. "We'll take care of him, right, Dad?"
Hizashi smiled warmly, placing a hand on Eri's shoulder. "Of course, sweetie. We're a family, and we look out for each other."
Aizawa appreciated the understanding and support of his husband and daughter. Together, they would navigate this unexpected situation, providing Deku with the care and understanding he needed to piece together his fractured memories. Little did they know, this unique experience would forge even stronger bonds within the Aizawa household, creating a makeshift family determined to help Deku find his way back to being the hero he truly was.

As Deku introduced himself to Eri, he couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity when she greeted him with kindness. "Hi, I'm Izuku... or, well, most people call me Deku because I'm quirkless," he explained, a hint of self-deprecation in his voice. "It means useless."
Eri's expression softened, understanding the weight behind Deku's words. She could sense his discomfort and hesitance, a familiar feeling she herself had experienced all too often. But instead of recoiling or judging, she simply nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with empathy.
Deku noticed the change in Eri's demeanor, fearing he had said something wrong. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he apologized, his shoulders slumping as he prepared for rejection.
But to his surprise, Eri's response was gentle and reassuring. "I'm not going to hurt you, Izuku," she said softly, reaching out a hand to help him up. "I know what it's like to feel scared and alone. You're not useless, and I'm not going to treat you like you are."
Deku blinked back tears of relief, touched by Eri's compassion. With a tentative smile, he accepted her outstretched hand, feeling a glimmer of hope flicker within him. In that moment, he realized that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as alone as he thought. And as Eri helped him to his feet, he knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aizawa observed the interaction between Eri and Deku with a mix of concern and pride. His stern expression softened as he witnessed Eri's patience and understanding, qualities that made him proud as a father.
Eri and Deku, finding common ground, began to bond over shared experiences. Eri, sensing a level of trust, decided to open up about her quirk. "I have this quirk that can rewind things. But it got out of control, and I hurt people. Now, I'm learning to control it with the help of my dad and others."
Deku, intrigued rather than fearful, smiled at Eri. "That's amazing! Controlling quirks is tough, but it sounds like you're doing a great job. I think your quirk is really cool, Eri."
Eri's eyes sparkled with appreciation, grateful for Deku's positive response. As they continued to share stories and experiences, Aizawa couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Despite the challenges both Eri and Deku faced, their connection blossomed, forming a bond that went beyond quirks and heroism. Little did they know, this newfound friendship would be a source of strength and support as they navigated the complexities of their intertwined lives.

Aizawa watched from a distance as Eri and Deku continued to bond, their conversation deepening as Eri opened up about her past struggles. With each word she spoke, Aizawa's concern grew, but he also felt a sense of pride in Deku's ability to listen and offer comfort.
Eri's voice trembled slightly as she shared more about her difficult experiences, the weight of her past burdens lifting as she found solace in Deku's attentive presence. She had never felt this comfortable opening up to someone before, and Deku's genuine empathy made her feel understood in a way she hadn't thought possible.
Deku listened intently, his heart aching for the pain Eri had endured. But he also felt a sense of determination to be there for her, to offer whatever support he could. "Eri, you're incredibly strong," he reassured her, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I promise, no matter what, I'll always be here for you. I'll protect you, just like you've protected me."
Eri's eyes glistened with unshed tears, touched by Deku's words. In that moment, she knew she had found a true friend, someone she could rely on no matter what challenges lay ahead. And as Aizawa watched the two of them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bond that had formed between his daughter and the young hero in his care. Together, they would face whatever trials came their way, stronger for having each other by their side.

As the evening wore on, Deku's friends grew increasingly worried about his absence. Concerned for their missing classmate, they decided to call Aizawa, seeking answers. Aizawa answered the call, recognizing the urgency in their voices.
"Calm down. Deku is with me," Aizawa explained, deciding to share the situation with them. "He had an encounter with a quirk that erased his memories past the age of six. Right now, he thinks he's just a regular kid. I've brought him home with me, and he'll be staying here until we figure things out."
The news left Deku's friends in shock and concern. Aizawa reassured them, "I'll bring him to school tomorrow, and we'll work together to help him recover his memories. For now, he's safe with us, and we'll make sure he gets the support he needs."
Relieved yet still anxious, Deku's friends thanked Aizawa for the update. Aizawa knew that challenges lay ahead, but he was determined to support Deku through this difficult time and help him reintegrate into the world he once knew.

In the quiet hours after dinner, Eri headed off to bed, leaving Aizawa and Deku alone in the living room. Aizawa could sense Deku's restlessness and decided to strike up a conversation to help ease his worries.
"So, Izuku, tell me a bit more about yourself. What do you enjoy doing?" Aizawa asked, attempting to get to know the young hero better.
Deku shifted uncomfortably before answering, "Well, I really like studying heroes and their quirks. I don't have a quirk myself, but I've always admired them. And... cats. I really like cats."
Aizawa nodded, taking note of Deku's interests. Sensing a deeper concern, he broached the topic of the earlier incident with Eri. "I noticed earlier when you thought Eri was going to hit you, you seemed afraid. Can you tell me more about that?"
Deku's eyes dropped, a mixture of shame and worry crossing his face. "I thought she might hate me when she found out I'm quirkless. I didn't want to be a burden or make anyone uncomfortable, especially in your home."
Aizawa sighed, realizing the depth of Deku's self-doubt. "Izuku, being quirkless doesn't change anything. You're welcome here, and no one is going to hurt you. You don't need to apologize for who you are. We're here to help and support you."
Comforted by Aizawa's words, Deku felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It was a small step, but in that moment, he began to understand that he was accepted for more than just his abilities. As they continued to talk, Aizawa reassured Deku that he had a place in their home, a sentiment that gradually helped the young hero find a sense of belonging in this unexpected chapter of his life.

Aizawa listened in grim silence as Deku revealed the painful details of the abuse he had endured. The harsh punishments, confinement, physical abuse, and relentless bullying – a litany of cruelties that no one, especially a child, should have to endure. As Deku spoke, Aizawa's expression grew more and more stern, a storm of anger brewing beneath the surface.
"Why didn't you report this? No one should have to go through that," Aizawa said, his voice edged with a mix of concern and frustration.
Deku shrugged, his eyes downcast. "I thought it was normal. I didn't want to be a burden or cause trouble. I thought it was just because I was quirkless."
Aizawa's eyes narrowed in determination. "Izuku, what you went through is not normal, and it's not your fault. No one deserves to be treated that way, quirk or no quirk. You're safe here, and I won't let anyone harm you. We're going to put an end to this."
Aizawa's resolve was clear, and as he reassured Deku, the young hero felt a glimmer of hope. In this unexpected sanctuary, he began to understand that not all people were cruel, and some were genuinely determined to protect him. It was a revelation that marked the beginning of a journey toward healing and self-discovery, guided by the unwavering support of those who truly cared.

As the weight of the past lifted from Izuku's shoulders, exhaustion began to catch up with him. Leaning against Eraserhead, who had become a symbol of safety and protection, Izuku couldn't help but express his gratitude in a quiet, sleepy whisper.
"You're my hero, Eraserhead," he mumbled, his voice filled with sincerity, before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Aizawa, though typically reserved, felt a swell of warmth in his heart. As Izuku slept beside him, the weight of responsibility settled on Aizawa's shoulders. He knew he had a duty to protect this young hero, not just from physical threats but from the scars left by a past filled with cruelty. In the quiet of the night, Aizawa vowed to be the hero that Izuku deserved, someone who would stand by him and ensure that he could finally find the safety and acceptance he had longed for.

The next morning, Aizawa informed Deku about their plan to head to UA High School together. Confused, Deku questioned why he, a quirkless kid, would be going to a prestigious hero academy.
Aizawa patiently explained, "You're not a regular kid, Izuku. You're a hero. And for now, you're going to be with me at UA. We have someone to help teach you what you missed out on."
Hesitant and uncertain, Deku hesitated but eventually agreed, trusting Aizawa's judgment. As they made their way to the school, Aizawa reassured Deku that this was a temporary arrangement to help him reintegrate into the hero world and to provide the support he needed to rediscover his identity. Little did Deku know, this journey back to UA would become a crucial chapter in his path toward reclaiming the hero within him.

The classroom buzzed with excitement as Deku entered, surrounded by curious classmates eager to get a glimpse of their missing friend. The atmosphere quickly shifted, however, as the crowd closed in, unintentionally overwhelming the already apprehensive Deku.
Aizawa, sensing Deku's distress, swiftly moved to intervene, pulling him away from the curious classmates. Tears welled up in Deku's eyes, panic taking hold as he begged, "Please, don't hurt me. I didn't mean to cause trouble."
A heavy silence fell over the room as the reality of Deku's vulnerability became apparent. Aizawa sternly addressed the class, "Enough! Give him some space. He needs time to adjust."
The gravity of the situation sank in, and the classmates, realizing the impact of their unintentional actions, backed off. Aizawa, with a protective arm around Deku, led him to a quieter corner of the room, reassuring him that he was safe and that no harm would come to him. The incident served as a stark reminder that, despite their excitement, they needed to be mindful of the fragile state Deku found himself in as he embarked on this challenging journey of rediscovery.

Deku's heart raced with excitement as he spotted Kacchan, a familiar face in the sea of uncertainty. However, joy quickly turned to panic as the realization hit him – Kacchan was no longer the same size he remembered. Doubt and fear crept in, disrupting the fragile stability Deku had started to build.
A torrent of thoughts flooded his mind. Was this the future? Had a quirk altered everything he knew? The weight of the unknown pressed on him, and Deku felt the ground slipping beneath his feet.
Overwhelmed, he stumbled backward, his eyes wide with panic. "Kacchan, what happened? Why are you so big?" Deku's voice trembled with a mixture of confusion and fear. The room seemed to close in around him as the foundation of his reality shook.
Aizawa, ever watchful, stepped in to assess the situation, guiding Deku away from the bewildered Kacchan. The emotional turmoil on Deku's face was evident, and Aizawa understood the immense challenge of piecing together a shattered reality.
As the class observed the unexpected turmoil, Aizawa recognized the need for careful guidance. With a firm resolve, he vowed to help Deku navigate the complexities of his altered world, providing the support necessary for the young hero to find his footing once more.

Deku, desperate for clarity, turned to Aizawa with a pleading look. "Which is it, Eraserhead? Am I in the future, or was it a quirk that changed everything?"
Aizawa took a deep breath, recognizing the importance of honesty in this delicate moment. "It's a quirk, Izuku. During a mission, you were hit by a quirk that transformed you into a 6-year-old. You don't remember anything beyond that moment. We're here to help you piece everything together."
Deku's expression shifted, a mixture of relief and confusion. The weight of the unknown was still heavy, but at least now he had some answers. Aizawa placed a reassuring hand on Deku's shoulder, silently conveying his commitment to supporting the young hero through this challenging journey of rediscovery.

In the tense atmosphere of the classroom, Bakugou quickly grasped the imminent questions forming in Deku's mind. Recognizing the urgency, he requested a moment with Deku in the hallway, a request Aizawa granted with a nod. The two stepped outside, leaving the classroom in quiet anticipation.
Deku's anxiety was palpable as Bakugou took a deep breath, attempting to navigate a delicate conversation. "Look, Deku, you can't tell anyone you're quirkless," Bakugou stated bluntly, his tone revealing the gravity of the situation.
Confusion etched across Deku's face as he asked, "But why? What does it matter?"
Bakugou hesitated for a moment before revealing, "Because in the future, you have a quirk. If people find out you're quirkless now, it'll mess everything up."
Deku's eyes widened with disbelief, the revelation sending shockwaves through his understanding of the world. As Bakugou tried to explain the complexities of their altered reality, Aizawa observed from a distance, ready to step in if needed. The hallway conversation held the weight of unspoken truths and hidden destinies, leaving both heroes-in-training grappling with the mysteries that bound them together.

Deku's expression shifted from confusion to betrayal as he processed the truth revealed by Aizawa and Bakugou. "You're serious?" he whispered, his voice laced with disbelief.
Bakugou nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I'm serious. You got your quirk the day of the entrance exam. You didn't have it before that."
Aizawa's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he exchanged a glance with Bakugou. "What are you talking about, Bakugou? I didn't know any of this until last night."
Deku's mind reeled with the implications of his newfound quirk. The truth shattered the fragile semblance of his reality, leaving him grappling with the weight of this revelation. He had spent years believing he was quirkless, only to discover that his destiny had been rewritten in an instant.
Aizawa, sensing Deku's turmoil, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out together, Izuku. You're not alone in this." With those words, Deku found a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, knowing that he had allies willing to stand by him as he navigated this uncertain path.

As Izuku and Bakugou returned to the classroom, the air was thick with anticipation. The moment they stepped through the door, the classmates bombarded Izuku with questions, their curiosity and concern evident.
Feeling overwhelmed, Izuku hesitated, unsure of where to begin. However, Iida, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. "Alright, everyone, let's calm down. Izuku, we're here for you. If you're comfortable, answer one question at a time."
The class reluctantly settled into their seats, and Iida directed the flow of questions. One by one, they sought answers about Izuku's journey, the quirks, and the mysteries that surrounded him. Izuku, guided by Iida's measured approach, began to share what he knew, unraveling the tale of his altered reality.
In this moment of shared understanding, the class realized the gravity of Izuku's situation. They listened attentively, offering support and empathy as he navigated the complexities of his newfound identity. The classroom, once a whirlwind of chaos, transformed into a space where questions were met with patience, understanding, and a collective determination to help Izuku reclaim the hero within.

Kirishima: "Dude, how did you end up so small overnight?"
Mina: "Are you from the past or the future?"
Jiro: "Why did Aizawa bring you here?"
Tokoyami: "Is this some kind of time travel quirk?"
Uraraka: "What's the last thing you remember before this happened?"
Deku: "I got hit by a quirk during a mission, and it turned me into a 6-year-old. It's temporary."
Deku: "I'm not sure. I think it's the future, but things are different."
Deku: "Aizawa is helping me figure things out. He's... kind of like a guardian right now."
Deku: "It's not time travel. It's a quirk that messed with my age and memories."
Deku: "I remember being on a mission with Aizawa, saving a kid from a villain attack, and then getting hit by the villain's quirk."

Sero: "So, what's it like being a kid again?"
Yaoyorozu: "Do you remember anything about your life before you were transformed?"
Mineta: "Hey Deku, got any tips for dealing with villains?"
Additional Answers:
Deku: "It's... confusing, to be honest. Everything feels different, and I don't remember a lot of things."
Deku: "Not much, unfortunately. My memories only go back to when I was 6 years old. Everything before that is a blank."
Deku: "Um, well, I don't have much experience dealing with villains as a kid. But I think staying calm and thinking on your feet is important."
Iida: "Alright, Izuku, do you remember any of your classmates?"
Deku: "I... I only know Kacchan."
Iida: "Very well. Class 1-A, we'll have introductions for our temporarily younger classmate. Let's start with you, Uraraka."
Uraraka: "I'm Ochaco Uraraka! Nice to meet you, Deku!"
Kirishima: "Yo, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. Excited to get to know you, little buddy!"
Todoroki: "Shoto Todoroki. Welcome to Class 1-A."
Ashido: "Hey, I'm Mina Ashido! Let's be friends, Deku!"
Sero: "Hanta Sero. If you need any tape, just let me know!"
Yaoyorozu: "Momo Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure to meet you, Midoriya."
Tokoyami: "Fumikage Tokoyami. Embrace the darkness, young Midoriya."
Aoyama: "Bonjour! I'm Yuga Aoyama. We're going to shine together, Deku!"
Jiro: "Kyoka Jiro. If you ever want some music recommendations, I'm your girl."
Kaminari: "Yo, I'm Denki Kaminari. We'll have a blast together, Deku!"
Ojiro: "Mashirao Ojiro. If you need martial arts tips, just ask."
Hagakure: "Hey there! I'm Toru Hagakure. Nice to meet you, even if you can't see me!"
Mineta: "Minoru Mineta. I hope we can be friends, Midoriya."
Iida concluded the introductions, the class eager to include Deku in their circle despite the challenges he faced. The atmosphere shifted from initial curiosity to a sense of camaraderie, as Class 1-A embraced their temporarily younger classmate with open arms.
Deku: "Um, do I have any friends here?"
The question hung in the air, and a moment of silence followed. Then, the entire class erupted with gasps, excited whispers, and genuine expressions of affection.
Uraraka: "Are you kidding, Deku? You're like, the heart of our class! We all love you!"
Kirishima: "Dude, you're the best! I'm honored to be your friend!"
Todoroki: "Midoriya, you have our utmost respect. You're an integral part of this class."
The outpouring of admiration continued, each classmate expressing their fondness and appreciation for Deku. In that moment, he realized the depth of the connections he had forged with these extraordinary individuals. The warmth in their words enveloped him, and a genuine, joyful giggle escaped Deku's lips, his heart touched by the unexpected sense of belonging that Class 1-A had offered him.
Aizawa's voice cut through the chatter of the class, bringing their attention back to the present moment. "Midoriya, we need to go see Principal Nezu now. He's going to be teaching you today," he announced, his tone firm yet reassuring.
Deku's eyes widened with surprise at the sudden change of plans, but a spark of excitement flickered within him. "Principal Nezu? Teaching me?" he repeated, a mix of confusion and anticipation evident in his voice.
Aizawa nodded, gesturing for Deku to follow him. "Yes, he has some special lessons planned for you. And after that, you'll have some time to play with Eri and Mirio," he added, a hint of warmth in his voice.
Deku's confusion lingered, but the prospect of spending time with Eri and Mirio filled him with anticipation. With a nod of determination, he followed Aizawa out of the classroom, ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey at UA High School.
Principal Nezu, with his characteristic enthusiasm, was eager to put Deku's analytical skills to the test. They began with a challenging mind puzzle, and to Nezu's delight, Deku navigated through it with impressive speed and accuracy.
Impressed, Nezu handed Deku a notebook and a set of profiles for various heroes. "Izuku, I want you to analyze these heroes. Tell me about their quirks, strategies, and any weaknesses you can identify," Nezu instructed, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.
Deku, though still adjusting to his younger self, embraced the challenge. With a focused expression, he delved into the profiles, jotting down observations and insights with a speed that hinted at his analytical prowess. Nezu watched with satisfaction as Deku demonstrated a keen understanding of hero strategies and quirks, his mind sharp and analytical.
The exercise not only showcased Deku's intellectual abilities but also laid the foundation for the unique lessons Principal Nezu had in store. As they delved deeper into the world of hero analysis, both Nezu and Deku found themselves immersed in a dynamic exchange of knowledge, setting the stage for an unconventional yet valuable learning experience at UA High School.
Principal Nezu orchestrated a well-rounded educational experience for Deku, bringing in Ectoplasm for math and Present Mic for English. However, they were pleasantly surprised to find that Deku was already fairly fluent in English, a skill he had picked up at a young age due to his curiosity about his father being in America.
As the lessons progressed, Ectoplasm and Present Mic were impressed by Deku's quick comprehension and enthusiasm for learning. The day's educational journey proved to be not only insightful for Deku but also a delightful experience for the teachers involved.
Once the academic lessons concluded, Nezu guided Deku to Mirio for some playtime with Eri. Mirio's excitement to meet little Izuku was palpable, and the playful atmosphere brought a sense of joy to the unexpected gathering.
Deku, still piecing together the puzzle of his altered memories, found comfort in Eri's familiar presence. The bond they had formed seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and memory, providing a sense of security for the young hero as he navigated this peculiar chapter of his life at UA High School.
Meeting Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire added more friendly faces to Deku's growing list of acquaintances. His interactions with Tamaki, in particular, stood out, and Deku found a kindred spirit in the reserved hero with a fondness for animals.
Excited to share his experiences, Deku gathered Eri and regaled her with tales of the day's lessons, the new people he met, and the intriguing challenges posed by Principal Nezu. Eri, always a good listener, absorbed the information with wide-eyed interest, creating a sense of camaraderie and understanding between the two.
As Deku continued to navigate this altered reality, the connections he formed with his fellow heroes and Eri became invaluable anchors, grounding him in the present while he slowly unraveled the mysteries of his past. The day at UA High School, filled with education, play, and newfound friendships, marked another step forward for Deku on his journey of rediscovery.
As Aizawa guided Deku to the dorms, he couldn't help but notice the young hero's excitement building. When they entered Deku's room, adorned with vibrant All Might-themed decor, Aizawa was amused by the genuine fanboy reaction.
"Wow, you really love All Might, huh?" Aizawa commented with a small smile.
Deku's eyes lit up, and he eagerly shared his enthusiasm for his favorite hero. However, as Aizawa glanced around the room, he noticed something peculiar – a collection of Eraserhead merchandise. The rarity and uniqueness of the pieces caught his attention.
"Deku, where did you get all this Eraserhead merch?" Aizawa inquired, genuinely curious.
Deku, unfazed by the question, pointed out specific items with a proud grin. "I made those myself! Eraserhead is the coolest hero ever, so I wanted to have special things for him."
Aizawa's eyes widened in surprise. It dawned on him that 6-year-old Deku had been creating his own Eraserhead merchandise for quite some time, a testament to the enduring admiration he felt for his mentor. The room, filled with homemade tributes to heroes, painted a poignant picture of Deku's unwavering passion for the world of pro heroes, even from a young age.
As the realization dawned on Deku that he was talking to the real-life Eraserhead, Aizawa, he felt a sudden wave of embarrassment. His face flushed with color, and he stammered out an apology.
"Wait, you're... Eraserhead. I-I didn't mean to make all this... I mean, it's just, you're so cool, and I thought..." Deku's words stumbled over each other as he attempted to explain, his flustered demeanor contrasting with his usual enthusiasm.
Aizawa couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable display of nervousness. "Relax, kid. It's fine. I'm flattered you think Eraserhead is cool enough for all this."
Deku's embarrassment gradually gave way to a shy smile as he processed Aizawa's response. The room, filled with the handcrafted tributes to heroes, became a shared space where the mentor and his young protégé connected through their mutual love for the world of heroes. In that moment, the bond between Aizawa and Deku grew stronger, bridging the gap between mentorship and friendship in this unique chapter of their journey together
Aizawa couldn't shake off the curiosity nagging at him. How did Izuku, a young boy with a troubled past, know about Eraserhead, an underground hero who operated in secrecy?
"Glad I have your attention, kid," Aizawa began, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of curiosity. "I need to ask you something. How do you know about Eraserhead?"
Deku's expression shifted, a flicker of hesitation crossing his features before he met Aizawa's gaze with earnestness. "I... I remember the night you caught my dad," he confessed quietly.
Aizawa's eyes widened in surprise, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. "Your dad?" he repeated, his tone softening with understanding.
Deku nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling in his eyes. "Yeah. He... he wasn't a good person. But you saved me from him that night. You're the reason I'm here today."
Aizawa felt a lump form in his throat as he absorbed Deku's words. The realization that he had unknowingly played a pivotal role in the young boy's life weighed heavily on him. In that moment, the barrier between mentor and student melted away, leaving behind a shared bond forged through adversity and redemption.
"Kid..." Aizawa began, his voice thick with emotion. "I had no idea. But I'm glad I could help."
As the truth unfolded, Aizawa and Deku found themselves bound together by a shared history of pain and resilience. In this moment of revelation, their connection transcended the roles of hero and student, weaving a bond of trust and understanding that would guide them through the challenges yet to come.
Deku hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to make a somewhat unusual request. "Um, Eraserhead, could you, uh, sign one of my posters?" he asked with a hopeful expression.
Aizawa, taken aback by the unexpected request, raised an eyebrow but then saw the genuine excitement in Deku's eyes. With a faint smile, he agreed, "Sure, kid. Just one, though."
Deku's face lit up with joy as he eagerly fetched a poster for Aizawa to sign. The exchange, a simple act of hero and fan, marked a lighthearted moment amid the weightier revelations of their shared past. As Aizawa scribbled his signature, he couldn't help but appreciate the genuine enthusiasm Deku brought to the encounter, a reminder that even heroes, with their hidden struggles, could find moments of connection and camaraderie.
The ring of Nezu's call interrupted the moment between Aizawa and Deku. As Aizawa answered, Nezu delivered news that cast a shadow over the room. The quirk Deku was hit with was more complicated than they initially thought.
"Izuku," Aizawa began, his voice calm but concerned, "the quirk you were hit with will make you age one year every two days. You'll gain the memories and injuries you had at that age, but there's a catch – temporary amnesia for the first 8 hours. Tomorrow, you'll be a year older."
Deku's eyes widened in fear as the weight of the situation sank in. The unpredictable nature of the quirk, with its rapid aging and temporary amnesia, added an extra layer of complexity to his already challenging predicament.
Aizawa placed a reassuring hand on Deku's shoulder. "We'll navigate this together, kid. You're not alone." The words were meant to offer comfort, but the uncertainty of what lay ahead loomed in both their minds, creating an air of trepidation in the room.
Aizawa, aware of the unsettling news about Deku's condition, decided to shift the focus and take him to have dinner with the other students. The lively atmosphere in the common area of the dorms offered a welcome distraction.
As they entered, the class paused their activities, and a wave of excitement rippled through the room. Aizawa, unfazed by the attention, guided Deku toward the group.
"Hey, everyone, mind if our temporary addition joins us for dinner?" Aizawa announced, his stern expression softened by a hint of amusement.
The class erupted in cheers, inviting Deku to join them at the table. Despite the lingering apprehension about the quirk-induced aging, the shared meal became a moment of camaraderie, laughter, and the warmth of a newfound family at UA High School. As the students chatted and enjoyed their dinner, the challenges that lay ahead were momentarily overshadowed by the simple joy of shared company and the support of friends who were more like family.
As Deku joined the other students for dinner, the atmosphere became animated with laughter and conversation. Some of his classmates, curious and intrigued, began sharing stories about the future version of Deku they knew.
Uraraka: "You won't believe how powerful you become, Midoriya! It's like watching a real-life superhero!"
Kirishima: "Yeah, man! And you and Bakugou have this crazy rivalry, but it's all in good fun."
Jiro: "You're like a legend in our class, Deku. Everyone looks up to you."
The stories flowed, each classmate offering glimpses into the future they came from. Some shared tales of epic battles, while others recounted moments of camaraderie and growth. Deku, listening attentively, couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – awe, inspiration, and a touch of disbelief at the hero he apparently becomes.
Throughout the exchange, the bond between Deku and his classmates deepened, bridging the gap between the past and the future. As they shared stories, it became clear that, regardless of the challenges ahead, these friendships would be a constant source of strength and support for the young hero in his ever-changing journey.
As the dinner conversation wound down, Aizawa rose from his seat, his expression serious yet resolute. The time had come for him to address the class about Deku's condition and the necessary precautions they needed to take.
"Listen up, everyone," Aizawa began, his voice commanding attention. "I need to brief you all on Midoriya's situation. The quirk he was hit with will cause him to age one year every two days, with temporary amnesia for the first 8 hours of each transition."
The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in. Aizawa continued, explaining the plan moving forward. "For the first 8 hours of each transition, it's best if Bakugou is the only one able to interact with Midoriya. I'll be taking care of him during this time."
A murmur of disappointment rippled through the class at the news. The prospect of not being able to interact with their friend and classmate during certain times was disheartening.
"I understand this is difficult," Aizawa acknowledged, his gaze sweeping over the somber faces before him. "But it's for Midoriya's safety and well-being. Mic will be teaching class 1-A in my absence."
Despite the disappointment, the class understood the necessity of the arrangement. With a collective nod of understanding, they prepared themselves for the challenges ahead, knowing that their support and solidarity would be crucial in navigating Deku's unique situation.
As the class began to clean up, Deku approached Aizawa with a grateful smile, his small figure exuding a sense of sincerity. "Um, Eraserhead, thank you for staying with me. I know you have a super busy schedule, and there are probably way better things you could be doing than looking after me."
Aizawa, though stoic as ever, crouched down to Deku's eye level and patted his head. "Kid, I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it. You're not going through this alone."
Deku's eyes shimmered with appreciation, and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Aizawa in a heartfelt hug. The gesture, simple yet profound, conveyed a depth of gratitude that words couldn't fully capture.
As they stood there, embraced by the quiet camaraderie between mentor and student, Aizawa felt a sense of responsibility and care that went beyond the duties of a hero. It was a promise, a commitment to be there for Deku through the unpredictable journey that lay ahead, ensuring he wouldn't face it alone.
With the day's events coming to a close, Aizawa took Deku home for the night. As they entered, Eri greeted them with a warm smile. "Goodnight, Izuku!"
Izuku, feeling safe and comforted by the familiar faces around him, returned Eri's smile. "Goodnight, Eri."
Aizawa, knowing the challenges that lay ahead, set up a separate room for Deku near his own. The quiet ambiance of the apartment created a sense of calm as Aizawa reassured him, "I'll be nearby if you need anything, kid. Get some rest."
Izuku, grateful for the support, allowed himself to surrender to the embrace of sleep. Aizawa, keeping a watchful eye, remained vigilant, ready to step in if anything went awry during the night.
In the quietude of the apartment, the bond between mentor and student grew stronger, fostering an environment of trust and safety that would serve as a foundation for the days to come.
The abrupt change left 7-year-old Izuku disoriented and panicking, his surroundings unfamiliar. As he woke up, a sense of urgency overcame him, triggering instincts honed by a challenging childhood.
Remaining silent, he assessed the room with a trained eye, trying to gauge the potential threat. His gaze darted around, searching for exits and analyzing the layout. Spotting the door, he carefully approached it, his movements deliberate and cautious.
The doorknob turned under his small hand, and he cautiously cracked the door open, peering into the hallway. Assessing the situation, he took in the surroundings, his young mind working swiftly to formulate a plan.
In this disoriented state, the resourcefulness and resilience that had defined Izuku's character became apparent once again. The challenges of navigating this new reality began, and his innate instincts propelled him forward, ready to face whatever uncertainties lay beyond that door.
Aizawa's keen senses picked up on the subtle alarm signal as soon as the door creaked open. Instantly alert, he jolted awake, ready for whatever situation awaited him. Wearing his hero costume for better recognition, he swiftly made his way to the source of the disturbance.
As Aizawa reached the door, he found a panicked 7-year-old Izuku, eyes wide with uncertainty and fear. Recognizing his mentor instantly, Deku's tension eased a fraction, feeling a bit safer in the presence of someone familiar.
"Hey, kid, it's me, Eraserhead," Aizawa spoke gently, crouching down to Deku's eye level. "You're safe. We're at my place. Do you remember me?"
Deku, still grappling with the disorientation of the sudden change, looked at Aizawa and shook his head. The temporary amnesia cast a fog over his memories, leaving him in a state of confusion. Aizawa, realizing the challenge ahead, began with the basics, determined to guide Deku through this bewildering experience with patience and reassurance.
Aizawa's concern deepened as he noticed the injuries on Izuku's small frame, piecing together the puzzle of his current condition. The realization dawned on him, connecting the dots between the quirk-induced regression and Izuku's memory lapse.
"Izuku," Aizawa began gently, his voice tinged with concern, "you were hit by a quirk. It's the reason you're here and why you're experiencing this confusion."
Izuku's brows furrowed in confusion, the pieces slowly falling into place as Aizawa's words sank in. "A quirk?" he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Aizawa nodded solemnly. "Yes, a quirk that caused you to regress in age. It also brought back your memories and injuries from that time."
As the truth settled in, Izuku's expression shifted from confusion to a mix of realization and apprehension. The implications of his situation weighed heavily on him, but he found solace in the presence of Eraserhead, his favorite hero, who was there to guide him through the uncertainty.
With Aizawa's patient guidance and reassurance, Izuku began to piece together the fragments of his memories, slowly unraveling the mystery of his altered reality. And in this shared journey of discovery, the bond between mentor and student grew stronger, providing a beacon of support and stability amid the swirling chaos of uncertainty.
As Izuku grappled with the newfound information, a barrage of questions flowed from his curious mind. "Where's my mom? How do you know me?" he asked, a mixture of confusion and concern in his eyes.
Aizawa, choosing his words carefully, responded, "Your mom is out of town at the moment. As for how I know you, well, I'm a hero, and you're a fan of heroes, right?"
Izuku's eyes lit up with recognition as he nodded eagerly. "You're Eraserhead! You're my favorite hero! But... how do you know me? I mean, we've never met formally before."
Aizawa, navigating the delicate balance of honesty and simplicity, explained, "We haven't formally met, but I've been keeping an eye on things. You're a determined kid, and heroes tend to notice people like you."
The response, though vague, seemed to satisfy Izuku's curiosity for the time being. He continued with more questions, each inquiry peeling back another layer of the mysterious circumstances surrounding his current situation. As Aizawa provided answers to the best of his ability, the mentor and student embarked on a journey of understanding, unraveling the threads of the past and present in pursuit of clarity.
Izuku's hurt lingered beneath the surface as he processed Eraserhead's response. The questions, unanswered for so long, welled up inside him. "If you've been watching, why do I have to deal with the bullies alone? Why am I the one treating my wounds? Why do I have to suffer?" he asked, his voice a mix of vulnerability and accusation.
Aizawa, sensing the pain in Izuku's words, explained, "I didn't know how bad it was. I couldn't be there every moment. But I'm here now, and I want to help."
Izuku, determined to confront the perceived inconsistency, pressed on. "If you cared, you would've saved me, right? Anyone who cared would've saved me."
Aizawa, caught in the crossfire of Izuku's emotions, maintained a calm exterior. "Kid, I care. I want to help you now. I might not have been there before, but I'm here now. Let me be a part of your support system."
As the tension hung in the air, Izuku, though aware of the lie, wanted to navigate Eraserhead into acknowledging the truth. The journey toward understanding, forgiveness, and healing unfolded, marked by the honesty of shared vulnerabilities and the gradual mending of a connection that had been strained by unspoken pain.
Izuku, sensing the unspoken nuances in Eraserhead's responses, mustered the courage to confront the apparent discrepancy. "You're lying, Eraserhead," he stated with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "Tell me the truth. How do you know my name?"
Aizawa, caught in a delicate moment, hesitated before responding. "I... know your name because you were in my class. You're a student at U.A. High School."
Izuku's eyes widened with surprise and confusion, the revelation leaving him momentarily speechless. The truth, shrouded by the amnesia induced by the quirk, unfolded in layers, revealing a reality that Izuku was yet to fully grasp. As the intricacies of the situation unraveled, both mentor and student faced the challenge of navigating the complexities of a truth that had been obscured by a quirk-induced haze.
Aizawa took a deep breath, preparing to unravel the intricacies of Izuku's reality obscured by temporary amnesia. "Kid, you're a student at U.A. High School. You're in Class 1-A. We're heroes-in-training. I'm your teacher, Eraserhead."
Izuku's eyes flickered with a mix of confusion and disbelief as he tried to absorb the information. The concept of being a student at a prestigious hero academy clashed with the fragments of memories floating in his mind.
"You were hit by a quirk that's causing you to age backward, bringing back your memories from different points in your life," Aizawa continued, hoping to shed light on the complex situation. "Right now, you're 7 years old, and we're working together to navigate this until we find a solution."
The weight of the revelation hung in the air as Izuku processed the information, the gap between his fragmented memories and the reality he now faced slowly narrowing. The journey toward understanding and acceptance was just beginning, with Aizawa guiding him through the labyrinth of a truth that unfolded in unexpected and challenging ways.
Aizawa, understanding Izuku's need for tangible proof, reached into his bag and pulled out a U.A. High School student ID. He handed it to Izuku, who examined it with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.
"See this, kid? This is your U.A. student ID. It has your name, your picture, and it proves you're a student at our hero academy," Aizawa explained, watching as Izuku scrutinized the ID.
Izuku's eyes widened as the realization set in. He traced his fingers over the ID, connecting the dots between the visual proof in his hands and the information Aizawa had provided. The tangible evidence bridged the gap between his fragmented memories and the present reality, offering a concrete anchor in the midst of uncertainty.
The student ID became a symbol of validation, a key unlocking the door to a truth that Izuku was gradually embracing. As he held the proof in his hands, the journey toward understanding, acceptance, and navigating the complexities of his quirk-induced amnesia continued, with Aizawa by his side every step of the way.
Izuku, still grappling with the new revelations, furrowed his brows and asked a crucial question. "How did I get into U.A. without a quirk?"
Aizawa sighed, contemplating how to navigate this delicate truth. "Kid, you have a quirk now. It's a recent development. I don't know how or why it happened, but you're not quirkless anymore."
The perplexity on Izuku's face mirrored the internal confusion he felt. The secrecy surrounding his quirklessness had been shattered, and the mystery of his newfound abilities lingered in the air. As Aizawa shared this unexpected twist in the narrative, the reality of Izuku's journey continued to unfold, marked by a blend of uncertainty, resilience, and the gradual unveiling of a truth that defied the boundaries of what he once believed to be impossible.
As the weight of the newfound hope settled on Izuku's young shoulders, tears welled up in his eyes. The prospect of having a quirk, a beacon of light breaking through the shadows of his past struggles, stirred emotions he had never experienced before.
Aizawa, sensing the significance of this moment, offered a comforting presence. He gently placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, providing a steadying anchor in the storm of emotions. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed, kid. We'll figure this out together."
The tears spilled over as Izuku allowed himself to embrace the hope that had eluded him for so long. The vulnerability of the moment was met with Aizawa's understanding, reinforcing the growing bond between mentor and student.
Sensing Izuku's emotional state, Aizawa gently suggested, "How about we bandage those wounds, huh?" The mention of tending to his injuries, an act of care and concern, prompted a fresh wave of tears. It was a cathartic release, a mix of relief, gratitude, and the realization that he was not alone in this journey toward a brighter, quirk-filled future.
Aizawa, with a practiced hand, skillfully patched up Izuku's injuries. He couldn't help but grimace at the extent of the damage, a silent acknowledgment of the hardships the young boy had faced.
"We'll go see Recovery Girl before school. She'll make sure you're all patched up properly," Aizawa reassured, his voice carrying a blend of stern assurance and genuine concern.
Izuku's eyes lit up at the mention of Recovery Girl, and he began to fanboy over the legendary healer. Aizawa couldn't suppress a chuckle at Izuku's enthusiasm.
The laughter caught Izuku off guard, and he hesitated. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to—"
Aizawa interrupted with a reassuring smile. "No need to apologize, kid. I find it endearing."
Izuku, surprised by the unexpected response, let out a relieved smile. In that moment, a connection formed between mentor and student, anchored by understanding, acceptance, and the shared pursuit of a brighter future. Aizawa, determined to protect that earnest smile, silently affirmed his commitment to guiding Izuku through the challenges that lay ahead.

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