Star Wars: The Shadow of Revan

By zramos1204

551 2 0

In this story, Taloh travels to the planet Kesh to find the Sith Apprentice Vestara Khai and the Lost Tribe... More

The Secret Map
The Search
The Two Heirs
Stealth Mission
Landing on The Chelandion
First Order Reinforcements
A Shocking Return
Secrets of the Map
The Shadow Of Revan
Dark Revelations
The Lord's Path
Searching For Clues
A Map of Hope
The Sith Destiny
Shadows of the Empire
Plan Gone Awry
A Spark of Hope
Fate of the Jedi
Dark Intentions
Preparing for the Endgame
Whispers of the Old Republic
The Battle of Korriban
The Duel of the Fates
Eternal War
A New Legacy

Return of a Sith

16 0 0
By zramos1204

The Steadfast, Coruscant,

Ren, Taloh, and Vestara prepared their ships and began to depart from the hangar to Korriban to complete their final task in securing victory. As they emerged from hyperspace, S1 connected to the droid socket on the dash computer.

"S1, locate the Sith Academy," Taloh said.

S1 then connected to the socket and started to scan. He then revealed the location of the Sith Academy on the dash computer to Ren, Taloh, and Vestara and they then began to follow Taloh's TIE Silencer.

The trio then saw the Sith Academy and landed their ships. Taloh was amazed at the fact that the Sith Academy is still standing after countless wars and has been abandoned for thousands of years.

"This is the place," Taloh said to S1, Ren, and Vestara.

"Let's see if we can find anything valuable," Ren said as he exited his modified TIE Whisper.

Taloh and Vestara then followed suit and S1 hovered next to Taloh. The trio then proceeded into the Academy and noticed that it was in better shape than when it was last seen during the fall of the Sith Empire thousands of years ago.

"Let's get this door open," Taloh said. "In order to enter, we must each use the force to open the doors."

"Very well," Ren said. "Since you and Vestara are both Sith, the two of you will take the lead."

Taloh and Vestara nodded and the three reached out through the force and the door slid open. As they pressed onward, they noticed that the interior of the Academy did not appear abandoned but rather pristine and functional this bearing the same designs as during the Great Galactic War. Vestara sensed something was awry.

"This is peculiar," Vestara said. "If this building was supposed to be abandoned and the Sith supposedly died, then why does it look like nothing happened?"

"I don't know," Ren said. "We must approach with caution."

The three then ignited their lightsabers and proceeded forward into the Dark Council Chambers. As they approached the chambers, the interior was very dark and had little light. However Ren saw a hooded figure slowly approach the trio and they had their lightsabers ready.

"I wondered when you would find us," the hooded figure said as his voice boomed. "I was hoping to see that more Sith have come home after thousands of years."

"Who are you?" Taloh asked. "Reveal yourself immediately!"

"You will recognize me as the most powerful Sith Lord to have ever lived," The Sith Lord replied igniting his lightsaber. "I am Revan, and I will complete the work I have started so long ago!"

As Revan held the lightsaber close to his hood, the blood red blade revealed his infamous mask and armor that he has worn long ago. Then more red lightsabers ignited and more Sith approached the trio.

They included Darth Nihilus, Darth Malgus, Darth Vindican, Darth Talon, Darth Nox, Darth Baras, Darth Marr, Darth Atroxa, Darth Acina, Lana Beniko, Lord Adraas, and many other Sith Lords, Acolytes, Warriors, Juggernauts, Sith Inquisitors, troopers, and many agents/officers wearing the same attire as the ancient Sith Empire with the exception of some with newer attire. The Sith troopers were wearing the same armor that was worn during the Galactic War and a few wore a newer red armor resembling clone troopers and First Order Stormtroopers.

"With the Sith Empire fighting alongside you, we can rule the Galaxy as one," Revan said. "You will become the new Galactic Emperor and the Jedi will fall."

Ren, Taloh, and Vestara could not believe that the ancient Sith were resurrected and wondered how it was done, but they were ready to put an end to the Resistance and the hated Jedi Order once and for all.

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