glitch | jack hughes (rewritt...

By hughesluvr1989

95.3K 2.1K 1K

We were supposed to be just friends, you don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weeke... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63

chapter 24

1.5K 44 10
By hughesluvr1989

josephine lee 

Since our date at my house, I've been doing better at being a good girlfriend. Instead of filling my day with endless tasks, I make time for Jack. I attend his games and have him over at my house any time he wants. Like right now. Jack is in bed with me after spending the night since according to him it was only fair because his brother would be hogging me for a few days. 

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with Jack's head on my chest. "Are you all packed?" he asks, from his comfortable position. "Yep, I packed before the game last night." I tell him, eyeing my suitcase from my bed. I run my fingers through Jack's brown hair, squirming beneath him every time his breathing tickles my skin. 

"I'm gonna miss you, Lee." he admits, taking deep breaths as his hold on me tightens. His honesty makes my heart pick up, bringing a smile to my face. "I won't be gone for too long, I'll be back on Monday." I remind him, tucking some of his hair behind his ear. I run my fingernails down his neck before making my way up again to soothingly scratch his scalp. 

"Besides, I've already seen two of the three Hughes play hockey, I have to complete the trinity and figure out who does it better." I tease, feeling him tense up before raising his head from my chest to give me a disapproving look. "You know who does it better." he scoffs, returning to his spot on me. 

He mumbles what I said under his breath before scoffing again when the alarm I set on my phone rings. I try stretching my body to grab my phone but Jack puts all his weight on me, making it impossible. "Jack, honey. I got to get ready." I sweet talk him in hopes he'll cooperate sooner rather than later. He scoots up to rest his head in my neck slowly kissing up and down the side of it. 

"I know what you're doing, but I can't be late J." I say apologetically, wishing I could stay with him since once I got the hang of it I realized that being a girlfriend is fun. He sighs, slowly pulling his head up, looking at me with big sweet puppy dog eyes. If I could I would, sweet boy. He pushes off of the mattress with his hands and kisses me on my lips once he's hovering over me. I lift myself up to meet his lips once he pulls back, and fully sit up when he rolls off out of bed. 

As he walks out of the room I rush towards the restroom to start getting ready for my flight to Michigan. I run a brush through my hair and pin it back as I wash my face and start my makeup. I continuously tap my phone to make sure I'm on schedule and once I leave the bathroom to put on an outfit I notice Jack is already dressed. 

He rubs his eyes before tying his shoes and watches me pick out my clothes for the flight. I tug my jeans on and shrug on on a cream sweater only buttoning up the first two buttons and leaving the rest open. Usually, I would dress for comfort but Luke is picking me up from the airport and I'm trying to make up for our first encounter. 

"You ready?" Jack asks gently, reaching for my hand so he can pull me close to him. I take it with my free hand since my other is full of my jewelry. I nod as he tugs me until I'm standing in between his legs. "I have a few rules." He starts, resting his chin on my stomach, my sweater splitting around his face since I left it open. 

My brows furrow as I wonder what rules he has for me. "I want a call every day, I want a picture of how stunning you look while you're gone, and I want you to have so much fun." He squeezes my hips, smiling when he watches the wrinkle in between my eyebrows go away. I pull him up onto his feet, dragging him to the front door as I promise to follow his rules. 

He leads me to his car, opening my door for me per usual. He rounds the car and intertwines his fingers with mine once he's settled inside. I squeeze his hand and soak in the time we have in the car before we depart for a few days. 

Once we arrive at my drop-off location, Jack puts the car in park and tips my face to the side to kiss me. "Have a good time, I'll miss you." he mumbles against my forehead before kissing me. I cradle his jaw and peck his lips lovingly telling him to stay safe while I'm gone. I squeeze his hand one more time before hopping out of the car and grabbing my suitcase. 

After putting my suitcase up I head onto the plane with the rest of my band and Marj. We discuss our itinerary and talk about my whereabouts while I'm not performing. "I will be at Luke's game and maybe out to eat with them." I tell my manager, watching her face subtly drop. "Is that wise, Josie?" she asks with a mother-like concern. 

"Probably not, but this means a lot to me." I tell her, not worried about any of the rumors or the hateful messages I've been receiving since the internet seems to think Jack is dating an influencer named Olivia. We haven't been seen out together in so long that I'm surprised some people are holding onto the idea of us, but they're probably just using Jack and me as a way to hold Brendan's song onto me. 

"Look if there are rumors, I'll say I just came to visit Dad's alma mater, I'll be careful." I assure my manager, trying to make her job a little easier. Having me as a client isn't too fun when I'm as reckless as I am. The reassurance seems to settle her nerves a bit allowing her to sink back into her chair. I do the same and close my eyes, doing my best to sleep throughout the rest of this flight. 

The plane landing woke me up, making me wake up with an uneasy feeling in my chest. Once we're on the ground I take a deep breath making my bandmates giggle at how bad I am at flying even though I should be used to it. I flip them off, holding onto the armrests until I'm ready to get up. 

I grab my suitcase and promise Marj that I'll be on my best behavior as I look for Luke. I put my sunglasses on and search for him until my eyes lock on a few boys with a whiteboard that says 'Legacy Lee'. I chuckle, shaking my head as I approach the group. I watch Luke hand the sign off to one of his friends as he walks over to me. "Hey Luke," I smile, pressing up onto my tippy toes to hug my boyfriend's little brother. 

His arms wrap around me, giving me a tight hug before introducing me to his friends since they all wanted to come meet me. "Boys, this is Josie. My future sister-in-law, so no flirting with her." He says, making me blush at the fact that he refers to me as his future sister-in-law. It's good to know he does actually like me and wasn't just saying it to my face. 

"Jos, this is Adam Fantilli, his brother Luca, Ethan Edwards, he'll be playing on the Devils soon, and Mark Estapa. Duker couldn't come but you'll meet him eventually." I give each of them a side hug as Luke introduces me to his friends. After talking for a bit about the plan for today we move from the sidewalk and into the car. 

Adam took my suitcase from me and put it in the back of the car and after thanking him he takes one of the seats in the back so I can sit in the passenger seat. On the ride to campus I listen to the boys talk about the team they're playing before I jolt in my seat when Luke shouts, "Mark! Stop staring." I turn my head back to look at Mark, watching his cheeks turn red while he comes up with something to say. 

"Dude I'm sorry, but Josie Lee is sitting across from me." He says, making me chuckle. The rest of the boys start laughing at Mark, making him groan. He looks out the window for the remaining time in the car and avoids looking at me just to piss Luke off. 

While we're in the car I try to brainstorm what's the best way to go about tonight. "Do you think I should lay low and risk getting caught, or just make a big deal that I'm here so I can't get "caught"?" I ask, looking at Luke. After some careful thinking, we decided that making a big deal of the fact that I'm here would be easier. 

"We can tell our media girls to follow us around as we show you around." Luke says as a potential idea to help ease this through. "Way to profit off of your future sister-in-law, Moose. God, shame on you." Ethan says, offering me a fist bump for purposefully misinterpreting what Luke meant. I give him a fist bump to not leave him hanging but agree with Luke. I just have to let Marjorie know. 

josie marj. 

marj dear lord. 

josie hey, stop it. i'm being nice 

marj alright, yes josie :)

josie cute. 
i might let the Umich hockey team media 
girls follow me and the guys around to 
get the fact that I'm here over with. 
I don't want to sneak around and it'll 
be worse if I get caught here.

marj does luke want to be you manager?
not a bad idea. I'm sending security there though
no arguing. 

josie deal, thanks. 

"We're all clear, let them know." I say, taking a deep breath as we run towards the rink to start the video. After rushing in I meet the two girls who handle the hockey team's account. One of them shows me a tattoo they got dedicated to me, making my heart ache. "Will you be at the show tomorrow?" I ask, hoping they have tickets. They assure me that they do before Luke clears his throat. 

The pretty brunette side-eyes Luke and tells him to stop. "She's dating your brother, this is like my idol." she scoffs, causing my lower lip to jut out. I reach over and hug her, reassuring her that we'll talk later. I stand in front of a wall with the university logo plastered on it and wait for her to start recording. 

"Hey guys, I'm Josie Lee! I'm here at the University of Michigan and this is team 101 giving me a college hockey experience!" I smile at the camera, asking her if that take was good or if we should do another one. We do two more takes before the boys come into the frame, giving the people watching a run down of what is on the to-do list. 

First on the list is a campus tour with the worst guide. Luke points out random buildings even though he's unsure of what they are, to begin with. "What a tour, man." I say sarcastically, making Luca laugh as he agrees that Luke should not be showing me around. Next on the list is changing my outfit. 

We go to a little shop that sells merchandise and first, they put me in ridiculous outfits, before grabbing something that would actually fit. I buy a Michigan sweatshirt that's a little baggy but not too much. The boys cheer once they see my new and improved outfit, cutting the filming off until tonight's game. 

I hug the girls and leave with the guys to their dorms to relax for a bit until they need to leave for the game. Everyone piles into Luke's room, sitting anywhere as they keep me company until they need to change into suits for the game. I walk out of Luke's dorm and hang outside with the two security guards who always travel with me. 

They ask about Jack with small smiles on their face, referring to him by the nickname we gave him. "Blue is good, he's good to me." I tell them with a good feeling in my chest. Luke walks out in a maroon suit, straightening his jacket out as he asks, "Who's blue?" His brows shoot up on his forehead. 

"Your brother, blue is a nickname we gave him because it matches up to a song I wrote about him." I inform Luke, making his eyes widen at the idea of me writing songs for Jack. I brush it off and watch as the rest of the guys pop out of their dorm in their surprisingly ironed suits. "You all look so handsome." I say, pinching Luke's cheek to tease him while he's off guard. 

We go back to the same place we were at earlier except this time they're getting ready for their game, running down hallways while I sit with the media girls. I watch as they occasionally get up to record the guys and then me, giving me a megaphone to yell at them through. I have a fun time with the megaphone, and according to Luke too much fun.

During their warm-up, I get filmed chirping the guys with the same megaphone. "Luke, aren't you supposed to shoot the puck into the net?" I ask, watching him pull his glove off just to flip me off. "Blur that out," I joke, getting away from the bench once the game starts. I stand beside my security guards waving at a few people in the stands. 

I stay focused on the game, standing with the sides of my hands to my lips as I get overcome with anxiety when the opposing team ties the game at 3. I give my commentary since I have a mic on, and try to not yell too loud since someone is going to have to edit this. I start popping my fingers as I watch the last minute turn into less time. 

"I'm awful during overtime." I tell the camera while I watch Adam steal the puck from the opposing team and ram it into the net. The whole student section stands up, cheering for their school. I pull my phone out and record the boys huddling around Adam as the point appears on the screen. Time runs out for the other team but fortunately for the University of Michigan, it's another step closer to the playoffs. 

After everyone is out of the rink I sneak off with the two girls to where we were earlier. As the guys walk out of the building I catch a few of their girlfriends greeting them, making me miss my boyfriend ever so slightly. Luke walking towards me breaks me away from my thoughts. "Dude, you're unbelievable. The Devils are lucky to have you." I say as I give him a tight hug. 

"What about us, Lee? Luke wasn't the only one on the ice?" Ethan teases, leading me to hug the rest of the boys that I met earlier today plus two more. Now there's Rutger and Frank, two very sweet guys. As we walk out of the building with one security guard behind us and one in front of us I decide to break the ice with Mark. 

He can't keep dodging me when I'm here for nearly a week. "Mark, you're going to give Zegras a run for his money with all the penalties you get." I joke, making him shake his head and laugh, finally looking at me. I walk ahead of the group, watching a few girls waving at me with their phones out.

When I feel like there are no eyes on me, I hop inside Luke's car and look outside the window as we drive to a quieter part of town to get something to eat. We end up having to eat outside because it's far too late for dining in to be an option but it's still a lot of fun. We eat burritos and get to know one another since I'm keen on breaking myself out of the celebrity bubble with them. 

I don't think about how late it is until I catch Scotty, one of my security guards, yawning. "Boys, it's been fun but I have to work tomorrow! I'll see you guys there." I say with yet another round of hugs. We all pile back into the car since it's a group project to make sure I get into my hotel room safely. I'm really counting on them for my safety since I have no one else to fill that position. Not Scotty and most definitely not Rico!

Once I get dropped off the boys yell, "Night Josie!" before I can walk into the lobby with my suitcase in hand. I laugh, turning to wave at them. From here I get escorted to my hotel room and the second I'm inside I lock myself in, using both locks to keep intruders from coming in. 

I run through my night routine when out of nowhere my phone starts buzzing like crazy. I rush out of the bathroom in case it's an emergency but instead, it's just a group chat with what I think is the group of hockey players I met today.

kuwtkarmichigans 〽️

unknown number HEY!

unknown number 2 WHAT'S GOOD LEE?

unknown number 3 LEE!!


josie stop, everyone say who you are!

unknown number 3 mark 

unknown number 4 rutger

unknown number 2 luca

unknown number adam, the better fantilli

luca are you joking me?

luke they wanted to speak with you

mark yes and no

frank we want pancakes! 

i'll add my dad in here & then what?
you all piss your pants?

ethan DONT even say that

mark pls don't just mess around
with theee reggie lee

luke believe it or not, she does that 
all the fucking time. 

josie he is my dad...
but wtv, just bring the ingredients.
i forgot to pack BFC in my bag. 

mark rookie mistake
but on it! 


❤️ liked by firstoffim511 and 23 others

legacylee first day in michigan, so far so fun!

load all 29 comments 

firstoffim511 future milf indeed 

mooseywoosey i'm showing this to rachel, she's gonna freak out that you posted a picture of her. 

rutfridgerator PUMPED for tmmr!

yourwildestdreams michigan<boston
legacylee reggie lee single handedly destroyed boston in the frozen four. 
yourwildestdreams years ago. 
legacylee L-E-G-A-C-Y-L-E-E

❤️ liked by minorlystuck4ever and 23,836 others

josephineleeupdates #JLMichigan: A video of Josie while she was at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 📸: umichhockey

load all 9,537 comments 

josieisaloser ik why she's there...
josiefan21 why?
josieisaloser jack. jack's bro goes there. slut: even more confirmed 

tiwifljosie oh she's so cute.

josiefan not her making fun of the guys playing. 

umichhockey we love josie and reggie lee! 
theodorelee ?
umichhockey AND THEO LEE! #inhalercometomichigan


a.n//Hello sweet angel faces! this is PART 1 of a lovely Michigan series! I'm so over the moon to be writing, this is everything to me. Truly a safe space! Excuse any typos, I do my best lololol!

I hope you're all having a lovely day or night! I love you all endlessly!

stay safe, stay kind, and DM me if you need anything!

Love Lottie 💐💐💐

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