How to Train Your Dragon x Ma...

By Hauntez

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Follow the story of Y/n L/n, a young viking man who is quite famous in Berk as one of the strongest and smart... More

Bio + Love Interests
How to Train Your Dragon
M1, Chapter 1
M1, Chapter 2
M1, Chapter 3
M1, Chapter 4
M1, Chapter 5
M1, Chapter 6
M1, Chapter 7
M1, Chapter 8
Dragons: Race to The Edge
Bio + Love Interests
Season 1
S1, Ep 1: Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1
S1, Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2
S1, Ep 3: Imperfect Harmony
S1, Ep 4: When Darkness Falls
S1, Ep 6: Reign of Fireworms

S1, Ep 5: Gone Gustav Gone

280 17 3
By Hauntez


The Ship Graveyard

Savage: Pull! Pull! Keep pulling, you maggots, unless you want to be giant eel chum!

(Dagur is doing pull ups on a cage)

Dagur: Hello, gorgeous. Mwah! Oh, hello again. Work for me, baby. Work for Daddy.

Savage: The Reaper is starting to surface, sir.

Dagur: I can see that!

Savage: Oh, right.

Dagur: Ugh. Hello, gorgeous. So... pretty.

(The crew man are moving some equipment onto Dagur's ship)

Berseker: That's the last of it.

Savage: Well, now we have everything of value from the dragon-hunting ship.

Dagur: No. Not everything.

(He throws a knife at a picture of the dragon eye)

Dragon's Edge

(Inside his house Y/n is cleaning the dragon eyes lenses)

Y/n: Okay, give me a slow burn, bud.

(Fafnir lights a tiny flame)

Y/n: Okay, I've seen this before, but what happens if I push... Cool. Dragon classes. What do you say we check out the Night Fury for Toothless?

(Fafnir groans)

Y/n: Try to contain your excitement, would you?

(Fafnir chuckles, and groans)

Y/n: Now, Monstrous Nightmare gem plus Night Fury equals... nothing. Okay.

(Y/n points the dragon eye at his door when Astrid and Hicca barge in house)

Y/n: Oh! Astrid and Hicca class.

(Y/n chuckles)

Astrid: Y/n, we have a problem, a huge problem.

Y/n: Dagur?

Hicca: Worse.

Y/n: What could be possibly worse than dagur?

Gustav: Aah!

(Gustav and Fanghook fly through Y/n's door and land on top of Hicca and Astrid)

Gustav: Gustav!

Y/n: Gustav?!

Astrid and hicca: Gustav.

(Y/n hides the dragon eye behind his back as Gustav starts to walk around the house and look at the different things Y/n has)

Y/n: Gustav, what are you doing here? I... I mean, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?

(Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins come up to Y/n's door way)

Snotlout: Y/n, did you hear Gustav is...

(They see Gustav standing ontop of a chest behind Y/n)

Snotlout: Standing right beside you. Perfect.

Tuff: You're looking a little different there, Guster.

Gustav: Yeah, I'm growing a beard.

Tuff: Really? Let me see.

(He leans closer and sees one small black hair growing)

Tuff: Ha! Even Ruff has more hair on her chinny-chin-chin than that.

(Tuff rips the hair off of gustavs chin)

Gustav: Ow! Ow! Hey, what's that thing?

(Gustav takes the dragon eye and shines it into his eye)

Hicca: Oh.

Gustav: Oh! Whoa! You see these spots? Some sort of sun sword?

(Y/n takes it form Gustav and gives it to Hicca)

Y/n: I'll take that.

Hicca: No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword.

Fishlegs: It's the Dragon Eye, and it's very old and very fragile.

Gustav: Whoa, these spots, they're not going away. Ow!

(Gustav is walking around Y/n house and bumping into stuff)

Fishlegs: It isn't something to just be touched.

Gustav: Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing. Hey!

Snotlout: Gustav, Gustav, over here. Uh, when are you leaving?

Gustav: That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. I'm moving here.

(The riders all gasp in shock and horror)

Tuff: Ha ha! Yeah, yeah, you are.

Ruff: Uhh!

Tuff: Imagine... he would never... Wait, he's serious? I'll get the stake and firewood.

(The twins start to walk away)

Hicca: Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake.

Ruff: Hicca's right. Let's just throw him off the cliff.

Y/n: Guys, I'm sure there's a simple explanation. Please tell me there's a simple explanation, Gustav.

Gustav: Yeah, very simple. By the way, do not look right into that sun sword thing. Whoo! Anyway, Y/n said when I was ready, I could join the Dragon Riders. Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join. Where's my hut?

(The gang look slightly horrified)

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n, Hicca and Astrid are talking in front of Y/n's house)

Astrid: Wait a minute, why do I have to watch him?

Y/n: We would do it, but we are making some, just, major breakthroughs with the Dragon Eye.

Astrid: So?

Y/n: Well, I did promise him that when the time was right I would train him to be a Dragon Rider. But I just didn't think that said time would be today.

Astrid: What am I supposed to do with him in the meantime?

Hicca: I... I don't know. Just keep him occupied.

Astrid: Great, so I'm a babysitter.

(Astrid turns annoyed)

Hicca: Babysitter! No, I mean, come one. He's... He's 16. How much trouble could he possibly be?

(Smidvarg lands in front of them shrieking)

Y/n: Smidvarg, what is happening?

(Gustav is flying through the cluster of night terrors)

Gustav: Hey, Y/n, did you know they could do this? Awesome!

Y/n: Please? we just need more time.

Astrid: Fine! Gustav, arena, now.

(Astrid flies away with stormfly)

Y/n: By the way, your timing... impeccable.

(Smidvarg snarls at Y/n and Hicca)

-----Time Skip-----

(In the training arena Gustav is daydreaming about Astrid)

Astrid: Oh, Gustav, you're so much older and more mature, and I just love that rugged beard you're growing. Oh, Gustav. Gustav!

(He comes out of his daydreaming state to see astrid glearing at him)

Gustav: Oh. Hey, Astrid. I was just dream...

Astrid: Uh-uh-uh, don't creep me out. You're gonna help with target practice. Do you think you can handle that?

Gustav: Oh, I can handle that.

(He goes a little too close to Astrid and she shoves him away)

Astrid: Ugh. When I say throw, you throw.

(Astrid mounts Stormfly and takes to the air spinning and dodging obstacles while Gustav is looking at her and leaning on Fanghook)

Gustav: She sure is something, isn't she, Fanghook?

Astrid: Okay, Gustav, throw!

(Gustav isn't paying attention and doesn't throw the barrel. Stormfly sees the barrel and attack by launching some spikes at it. Astrid throws her axe at the spikes deflecting them. Then see flies out of Stormflys back into Gustav)

Gustav: Hi.

Astrid: Okay, definitely creeped out.

-----Time Skip-----

Tuff: I'm telling you, if you get five boars, you can stack them on top of each other. That's a four-boar stack... Aah!

(The twins see Gustav sitting in front of their house smiling)

Tuff: What's he smiling about?

Ruff: I don't like it.

Tuff: Whatever he's selling, I'm not buying.

Ruff: Yeah. We don't want your cookies!

Gustav: Hey, guys. Astrid dropped me off, told me to help out around here.

Ruff: Yeah? So? What's it to us?

Gustav: You know that big hole under your hut? Filled it in.

Tuff: Oh, no. He doesn't mean...

(Ruffnut gasps and they run to the boar pit and see that its filled with stones)

Tuff: Oh! He filled in the boar pit. He filled in the boar pit! Who fills in a boar pit? Boaaar piiiit!

(Tuff falls to the ground saddened)

Tuff: What kind of sick monster would fill in a boar pit? It's a boar...

(Gustav reaches for him. But Ruff shoves him off)

Ruff: Hey, back off!

(Tuffnut is sobbing)

Ruff: Haven't you done enough?

-----Time Skip-----

(We see Fishlegs and Gustav sitting on a rock with their dragons surrounded by water)

Gustav: This... This feels weird, Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: Trust me, Gustav, this is exactly what you need. You're not centered, you're all over the place. Shh. Just breathe in, breathe out. Focus on avoiding all conflict. Breathe in, breathe out.

(Fanghook breaths in and when he breaths out fire comes out of his mouth lighting up a bush. He tries to make it stop but ends up making it worse. Fishlegs gasps)

Fishlegs: Aah! My topiaries!

-----Time Skip-----

(Then Snotlout is escorting Gustav into Y/n's home)

Snotlout: I have had enough of you, Gustav! Stay. Stay.

(Gustav sees that Snotlout's helmet is on fire)

Gustav: Uh, Snotlout, your head...

Snotlout: Stop! I'm not falling for that again.

(He walks away then notices the fire and jumps into water)

Gustav: Hello? Y/n?

(Gustav jumps onto Y/n's chest laughing then falls off of it opening the chest)

Gustav: Huh. What have we here? Gee, Gustav, there must be a simple explanation for you being here.

(Fanghook laughs)

Gustav: Well, yeah, Y/n, because I'm awesome. You are awesome, Gustav. Definitely ready to be a Dragon Rider.

(He steps on Fanghooks tail making him spit fire onto Y/n's wall)

Gustav: Oh, no. Oh, no.

(He notices the dragon eye projecting something)

Gustav: Oh, yes! Is that... a treasure map? Oh, Fanghook, we are so in!

Open Skies

(Gustav and Fanhook are flying and following the map the dragon eye showed. Then Gustav sees an island)

Gustav: That's it, Fanghook, just like the Dragon Eye said. All we gotta do now is find the cave, grab the treasure, and guess who's gonna get his own hut on Dragon's Edge? Uh, Gustav.

Treasure Island

(They land on the island and head towards an cave. The island suddenly shakes)

Gustav: Uh, I'm not worried. Are you worried?

(They proceed into the cave)

Gustav: Fanghook? Flame up.

(Fanghook cover himself in flames and Gustav looks at the map)

Gustav: Which way do we head?

(The cave shakes almost making Gustav trip. When he notices that the map is on fire He tries to put it out but can't)

Gustav: Oh! Ah!

(He then takes out the dragon eye)

Gustav: Good thing we brought this along. Fanghook?

(Fanghook lights a tiny flame making the dragon eye project the same map)

Gustav: I think we go this way.

(He start to walk not noticing that the ground is cracking)

Gustav: It says it's just up this way.

Gustav: Oh, whoops! Ah! Ooh!

(The ground breaks making a giant hole. He almost falls into it but fanghook manages to catch him)

Gustav: Whew! Ahh. Huh?

(He notices that the dragon eye is rolling and falls into the hole. But luckily he manages to catch it)

Gustav: No, no, no, no! Whew. A little help here, Fanghook? A little help?

(He starts to slip but Y/n catches him in time and lift him up)

Gustav: Y/n! I can explain.

Dragons Edge

(All of the riders are gathered at the clubhouse with Gustav in the middle. Y/n walks in very angry)

Y/n: Of all the irresponsible, insubordinate...

Tuff: Don't forget idiotic, imbecilic, inane. What? I've heard a lot of words for stupid. I mean, come on, people say that more than my proper name.

(Hicca butts in just as angry as Y/n is)

Hicca: Of all those kinds of stunts you could have pulled, this was the worst. Do you know what Dagur would do to get his hands on the Dragon Eye?

Gustav: I just thought if I came back here with the treasure, you guys would accept me.

Hicca: First of all, there is no treasure. Second of all, we've already been there. And that entire island is honeycombed with the most unstable caverns we've ever encountered.

Gustav: I'm sorry, I just...

Hicca: You could've been killed, Gustav. Fanghook could've been killed. Look, this isn't Berk, Gustav. The rules are different out here. You have to be smarter than this.

Gustav: I just wanted to prove myself.

Y/n: Oh, you have. You have proven that you are not responsible enough, you're not mature enough and you're not trustworthy enough to be one of us. Now, it's been a long day. We all need some rest. We'll talk about this in the morning.

(The gang all exit the clubhouse leaving Gustav alone with Fanghook)

-----Time Skip-----

(Gustav is feeding Fanghook while being grumpy at the stables)

Gustav: Talk about it in the morning. Like there's anything left to say.

(Fanghook just continues to eat his fish)

Gustav: That's right! It's not fair. I did everything they asked. I shoveled dragon poop for two years without a single complaint! For what? So they can tell me I'm not good enough?! Well, I am good enough. We're good enough. And someday they'll find that out, but it'll be too late. We're leaving.

(He mounts Fanghook and fly away)

Open Seas

Gustav: They're gonna be so sorry when they wake up in the morning and see that we're gone. Once they realize that we're missing, they're gonna be begging us to come back to Dragon's Edge. Those huts were lame anyway.I can't wait to get back to my...

(A net is fired at them)

Gustav: Whoa! Fanghook, dive! Ha ha! Missed! Aah!

(Another net is fired this time capturing them)

Gustav: Aaaah!

(On Dagurs ship Savage approaches Dagur)

Savage: We captured a Dragon Rider.

Dagur: Which one is it? Oh, I sure hope it's brother Y/n. Or I suppose the girl or hicca would work, too.

Savage: Which girl?

Dagur: There's more than two?

(Dagur shoves his men away and sees Gustav)

Dagur: This is not one of Y/n's Dragon Riders. Who are you?

Gustav: Larson, Gustav Larson. And that's all you're getting out of me.

Dagur: Hmm. Fine, feed him to the eels.

(His men are about to throw him overboard)

Gustav: But I know Y/n, I know the Dragon Riders, and I have information!

(They drop him to the ground)

Dagur: Oh? What kind of information?

Gustav: I can get you the Dragon Eye.

Dagur: And what's the Dragon Eye?

Gustav: That. That's the Dragon Eye.

(Gustav points to something and when dagur turns he sees that he is pointing a picture of the dragon eye)

Dagur: Oh.

(Dagur starts to chuckle insanely)

-----Time Skip-----

(Gustav and Dagur are eating)

Gustav: Mmm. Mmm.

(Gustav throws a peace of meat to Fanghook)

Dagur: So, are you enjoying your meal?

Gustav: Mm-hmm. Mmm!

Dagur: Good. Good, good, good, good, good. So, here's the plan. We'll draw Y/n and the Skrill into the open, neutralize the other riders and seize the Dragon Eye by lethal force, as if there is any other type of force. I mean, really, come on. Then the Dragon Eye will be mine.

Gustav: Yeah, that's one way to do it. And you might get the Dragon Eye. Or Y/n could crush you just like every other time you faced off against him.

(Savage pulls his sword but Dagur stops him)

Dagur: Mm. You have a better idea, Gustav?

Gustav: Can you hand me the sauce, please? I do, one that will guarantee Y/n delivers the Dragon Eye right to us.

Dagur: More mutton thigh, friend?

Gustav: Mm-hmm.

Dragons Edge

(Y/n and Hicca land in front of the others)

Hicca: Anything?

Astrid: I checked the clubhouse, Y/n's hut, even the stables. He's not there.

(Fishlegs and the twins land)

Fishlegs: Nothing else is on fire around here, so he must be gone.

Y/n: Well, we have to find him.

Tuff: Or... do we?

Snotlout: Yeah, why are we worried? Shouldn't we be celebrating the fact that he's gone?

Hicca: Not until we know he's safe.

Ruff: Well, we could ask Fanghook.

Snotlout: And, Ruffnut, how do you suppose we do that?

Ruff: Turn around.

(Snotlout turns around to see Fanghook landing in distress. Fafnir runs up to him)

Tuff: Fanghook, where's Gustav, boy? Where's Gustav? Ah! He's not talking, you guys. He's completely shut down. Typical.

(Y/N tries to calm him down)

Y/n: Hey, hey, Fanghook. Hey, it's okay. Easy, boy, easy. Well, doesn't look like he's injured.

Fishlegs: But he's definitely upset. You guys, look.

(They see a note tied to Fanghook's neck. Y/n takes it and reads it causing his eyes to narrow)

Y/n: Dagur. He wants to make a trade. The Dragon Eye for Gustav.

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n is putting stuff into a bag that is on Fafnir. The others come up to Y/n)

Astrid: I don't like this, Y/n.

Y/n: Well, we have no choice.

Tuff: You sure we have no choice? Like, none? Zip? Zilch?

Y/n: This is all my fault anyway.

Tuff: Ninguno?

Y/n: I never even gave the kid a chance.

Tuff: Ni Portugal?

Hicca: Tuff, that's really not helping at all.

Tuff: Yeah.

Y/n: If I wasn't so busy tinkering with this thing, I don't know, maybe I could've kept him busy.

Fishlegs: Uh, yeah, nobody can keep Gustav busy.

(Y/n mounts Fafnir)

Hicca: At least let us back you up out there.

Y/n: Dagur was very clear. I have to come alone. We don't know what he'll do to Gustav if I don't follow his demands to the letter. No, we can't risk it.

(Astrid and Hicca look worried about Y/n)

Y/n: I'll be careful, I promise.

(Y/n, Fafnir and Fanghook fly off)

Ship Graveyard

(Savage looks and spots Y/n, Fafnir and Fanghook closing in)

Savage: There!

(Y/n lands and Fafnir lets out a snarl)

Gustav: Fanghook!

(Gustav runs up to Fanghook)

Gustav: Oh. I was worried about you, boy.

Dagur: Aww, dragon and Dragon Rider love. Makes me want to hurl. Blech!

(Fafnir snarls with lightning crackling all around him but they see that they are surrounded)

Y/n: Yeah, I see 'em, bud. Gustav, are you okay?

(Gustav nods while Dagur starts to approach Y/n)

Y/n: That's close enough, Dagur.

(Y/n places his hand onto the hilt of his sword)

Dagur: Oh, wow. Where's the trust. After all we've been through together? No? Nothing? No Y/ny barbs, quips, snappy comebacks? But I really love those. We've developed such a nice shorthand, you and I.

Y/n: Dagur, let's just get on with this. Send them over.

Dagur: You first. You have no choice. One false move and my men will take out you, the Skrill and the kid! So roll it over and I'll let him go.

(Y/n considers his words for a moment then rolls it to dagur)

Dagur: Oh. It... It really is one beautiful artifact. And I hear it can be very useful to those who possess it? Hmm? Is that true?

Y/n: Gustav, let's go. It's okay.

(Fafnir roars. Gustav looks uncertain)

Gustav: Yeah, about that, Y/n. I've been treated much better by these guys than I ever was treated by you and the Dragon Riders.

Dagur: Ooh! And the plot thickens.

(Y/n glares at Gustav)

Y/n: Gustav.

Gustav: You could've given me a chance, you know? All you guys ever did was tell me I wasn't good enough, tell me I didn't belong. Well, I belong here.

Y/n: Gustav, you have no idea what you're getting into!

Gustav: Oh, yes, I do, Y/n. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Dagur: Awkward! Well, I'd say your work is finished here, brother. Ordinarily, this is where I would double-cross you and fill you full of arrows. But the kid is squeamish. He made me promise to let you go, and in return, he's gonna take me to a treasure.

Gustav: That's right, Y/n. We have the Dragon Eye and Fanghook's fire. And you know what that means.

(Fanghook growls)

Gustav: Untold treasure awaits.

(Y/n turns around and mounts Fafnir)

Y/n: You are going to regret this.

Gustav: I don't think so, Y/n.

(Y/n flies away while looking back at them. Gustav and Fanghook then start to play)

Gustav: Whoo!

Dagur: You know, I'm actually gonna feel bad when I kill this kid.

Treasure Island

(Dagur's ship stops at the Treasure Island)

Gustav: This is it.

(Before they can enter the caves Gustav stops)

Dagur: Why are we stopping?

Gustav: No reason. I was just kind of impressed that you trusted your men enough to show them exactly where the treasure is hidden. Especially when there's so much of it.

(Dagur turns to his men)

Dagur: Stay here.

Savage: Why?

Dagur: Oh, uh, let's see, uh... I don't know. Maybe because... I said so!

Savage: Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here.

(Dagur gives Gustav the dragon eye)

Gustav: Fanghook, slow burn.

(Fanghook does that and the dragon eye projects again the same map)

Dagur: Ah, I see. You outdid yourself, Y/n. I love this thing.

(Dagur walks to the cave with Gustav. They stop as the cave shakes)

Dagur: Uh, so, does that happen a lot?

Gustav: You get used to it.

(They continue to walk)

Dagur: Are we there yet?

Gustav: We're close, very close.

Dagur: Good, that's what I wanted to hear.

(Dagur is about to attack Gustav but he turns and shines the dragon eye into his eye)

Dagur: Aah! Aah! Oh, bright light, bright light, bright light! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

(Then Dagur sees the light of the dragon eye. And walks in front of him)

Dagur: Gotcha!

Y/n: No...

(Dagur turns to see Y/n and Fafnir ready to balst)

Y/n: We've got you. Good work, Gustav. Oh, what's the matter, Dagur? No barbs, no comebacks? I thought we had a shorthand, I thought you loved that stuff.

(Dagur takes the dragon eye from Gustav and shoves him to Y/n)

Y/n: Dagur, you hand over the Dragon Eye.

Dagur: I don't think so.

Y/n: I wasn't asking.

(Fafnir snarls and blasts a beam of lightning in front of Dagur making a deep hole)

Dagur: Oh. It's a long way down, isn't it?

Y/n: Dagur, you've got nowhere to go. It's over.

Dagur: It's over? Really? Whoops.

(He drops the dragon eye)

Gustav: Oh, no! Ah!

(And Gustav dives after it)

Y/n: Gustav!

(Y/n and Fafnir dive after him)

Gustav: Come here. Got it! Y/n!

Y/n: There, Fafnir! Ah! We got you, Gustav. Let's get out of here.

(Y/n and Fafnir fly to a hole but a rock hits Fafnir. That makes Y/n and Gustav fall off of his back)

Gustav: Oh!

Y/n: Aaaah! Fafnir!

(Fafnir roars)

Y/n: Don't worry, bud. Hang on, bud!

(Y/n manages to get back on Fafnir's back)

Y/n: I'm gonna have to come up with something in case that happens to us again.

(Gustav screams and falls past Y/n but Fanghook catches him)

Gustav: Fanghook! Yeah! Thanks, boy.

(The cave is crumbling more and Y/n and Gustav fly to a hole on the ground to safety)

Y/n: Whew!

Gustav: Whoo!

Y/n: You okay?

Gustav: Yeah. Y/n, I'm really sorry.

Y/n: I'm sorry, too, Gustav. You're still irresponsible, immature and reckless, but the way you handled yourself with Dagur, maybe you do have what it takes to be a Dragon Rider... someday.

Gustav: Someday? I will take someday.

(The cave starts to shake more)

Y/n: What do you say you and me find a way out of here?

(Y/n then spots a chest. He walks towards it and opens it, what he sees inside makes him gasp)

Y/n: What the Thor is this?

(The cave starts to crumble, Y/n closes the chest and mounts Fafnir)

Y/n: Let's go, bud.

Dragons Edge

(The gang and Gustav are all gathered saying their goodbyes to Gustav)

Astrid: Gustav, I...

(Gustav puts a finger on Astrids lips causing her to glare at him)

Gustav: Uh-uh, stop right there, sweets. I can't stay. My mom would kill me. She usually notices I've been gone after about three days. All right, Fanghook, let's go. You take care, babe. Don't worry, Gustav will be back soon!

(He and Fanghook fly away. Y/n opens the chest)

Hicca: What's that?

Y/n: Oh, just something I found at the bottom of that cave.

(Y/n takes out a new lens for the dragon eye)

Fishlegs: Oh, a new lens.

Y/n: Yeah, there was treasure in those caves after all. The Dragon Eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along. We just weren't looking in the right place.

Fishlegs: And if there's one of these out there, that means there has to be more. Ooh-hoo-hoo!

Hicca: Huh. And to think, you never would've found that without Gustav.

Y/n: Awesome, so let's just tell Gustav.

All: No! No, no, no!

(They all wave to Gustav as he flies away)





Word Count: 3600



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