Destroyer? Or Savior? (Kamen...

By trooper19000

14.4K 490 563

The world is a cruel and unforgiving place. That couldn't have been more true for a guy who crossed over from... More

New World
Through The Slums
Unexpected Developments
Death In A Family
Mission End... (End Of Season 1)
Colder Than Ice
The Chilling Lullaby
Power To Terror
Sing Me To Sleep (End Of Season 2)


441 27 28
By trooper19000



Ch'en: Change of plans, we wont be rendezvousing. Lungmen... Lungmen is in danger. 

Amiya: Is it a Reunion attack? 

Then more static as the signal is being interfered with. 

Amiya: Madame Ch'en! Please respond, Madame Ch'en! 

Kadoya, who was listening into the conversation also is cut from the line as well. As there is some signal interference. 

Take: ...The Yetis... 

He then walks off the edge of a roof as he then inserts his transformation card in his driver.



He lands on the ground, cratering it. Then, he looks at Faiz's Axel Brace on his wrist. Then he presses the activation button on it. 


He takes a running stance and proceeds to use his speed to search for Amiya and the rest of Rhodes Island, and hopefully, Frostnova too. 


Yeti #1: Sister, we lured them away! They'll be here soon. 

One of the members of the Yeti Squad says to Frostnova through her earpiece. 

Frostnova: Good work. The enemy may have backup. Stay frosty. 

Nesti: They're here. 

Then, Amiya and the rest of the team run over, but soon realize they are surrounded. 

Frostnova: This is as far as you go, Rhodes Island. Sleep forever. 

She points the palm of her hand, but, something confuses her. 

Frostnova: What is the enemy commander waiting for? And where is their ally that can transform?

The the sudden sound of a chainsaw as Frostnova turns and looks up to see Blaze coming down at her with her chainsaw and Arts which are a counter to hers. She manages to block it with her own Ice Arts while Blaze tries to pummel her into the ground with her own flame Arts. 

Blaze: Between your cold and my heat... Let's see which one is stronger! 

But, Frostnova starts to cough. 

Blaze: You--


Decade arrives in time to see the contest of power between Blaze and Frostnova. His sudden appearance causes Frostnova to look over at him.

Natsumi: Take-kun--

She then cough again which causes Decade to clench his fists. And shake his head to snap out of his hallucination. Before running toward Frostnova. 

Frostnova: All units evacuate! Leave this place right now! 

Nesti: Sister, stop this! 

Frostnova: Stand down, Nesti! We can't let them get away...!

The road underneath them starts to freeze over a radius of a block. Still, Decade is left undeterred as he leap, and backhands Blaze away from Frostnova. 


He lands and before he stands face to face with Frostnova. 


He however ignores her and pins Frostnova to the ground. He then immediately takes out Build Genius's card at the same time the ground under them cracks. But, Frostnova shoots away the card with her Arts, causing Decade to look behind him. 

Decade: DAMN IT!

Then, the ground under them shatters to pieces and they all fall. While falling, Decade yanks Frostnova into his arms, and holds her tight as they fall.


Frostnova: Dad... Dad... Daddy... It's... It's so cold... No... Don't leave me... Don't ever leave me again... 

Then, a pair of arms embrace her, and pulls her close, cradling her in their arms. She looks to see it's Kadoya, out of suit. 

Take: He's not here... But I am. 

She gasps and feels his chin is on the top of her head. 

Frostnova: Don't touch me! 

She suddenly yells out, but instead of getting startled, Kadoya just lays her down. 

Take: Alright, relax. 

She looks to see that Kadoya didn't suffer any frostbite. Which causes her eyes to widen a little. But, he still sits by her. 

Take: You okay? 

She tries to get up, but just ends up falling backwards once again. 

Take: I wouldn't try to get up if I were you. 

He says while looking at her with the most sympathetic look he's given anyone in a while. 

Frostnova: ...Why didn't you kill me while I was out? Are you pitying me? 

He stops looking through his cards for a moment. 

Take: Do you feel like I'm pitying you? And besides, you seemed like you were freezing. 

Frostnova: Hmph... As if I could feel cold... 

In response, Kadoya blows a little air on her from his mouth, causing her to shiver, and give him a stern look. 

Take: Told you. 

He then aims his camera and takes her picture. 

Frostnova: ...I wont kill you for now. That makes us even. 

He nods at this arrangement. 

Take: Appreciate it. 

He then gets up while looking through his Rider Cards. 

Frostnova: You look like you're trying to find a way out. 

Take: We're blocked in. I make one wrong move and I could bring the entire thing on top of us. I might survive. You? Eh...

Frostnova: I can hear some faint digging sounds... 

Take: They're trying to rescue us. 

Frostnova: Us? If help does arrive, one of us is going to die here. 

Take: I wouldn't be so sure about that. 

He says while putting cards back in and out of his Ridebooker. Trying to find the best option to get out of there. Putting away the more destructive ones. 

Frostnova: Hey... I know I said we're even but, could you do me a favor? 

Kadoya looks up from his Rider Cards and immediately goes to Frostnova to help. 

Take: What is it? 

Frostnova: I have candies in my pocket. Take one out and put it in my mouth. 

She wanted to say to not touch her skin, but he held her in his arms without dying of frostbite. She wanted to see if it wasnt just a one time thing. So, Kadoya goes into her pocket, and takes out one of the candies. And slowly unwraps it. 

Frostnova: What's your name? 

Take: Take Kadoya. 

He then reaches to the side of her head, so Frostnova closes her eyes preparing to see if he's dead. But, his warm hand is put on the side of her cheek, and lifts her head up a little. She opens her eyes in time for Kadoya to put the candy in her mouth. 

Take: There we go. 

Then, he gently sets her down. 

Frostnova: Thanks... That calmed me down. 

He nods and sits down next to her. 

Frostnova: Would you like to try one? 

He turns his head toward her, and slowly picks up a candy and unwraps it.

Frostnova: No hesitation...

 He throws it in his mouth, and sits there, seemingly unaffected. But soon it's seen that his eyelids are twitching as he tries to put on a strong front. But unfortunately he couldn't. 

Take: AH, DAMN IT! 

This causes Frostnova to laugh at his reaction, much to his dismay. 

Take: That's goddamn spicy! You're horrible. 

Frostnova: It's your fault for eating it without a second thought. 

He thinks about it for a moment.

Take: ...Okay, fair enough. You got me there. 

She chuckles a little more and sits up. 

Frostnova: I've played that prank so often that no one on my team falls for it anymore. 

Take: I bet they dont. 

He grunts a little and lays back. 

Take: The Yetis. They sure do trust you a lot huh. 

She turns away and looks at the glowstick in front of her. 

Frostnova: They all look up to me as their older sister, regardless of our actual ages. We've been together since we were kids, like family. 

Take: Your parents? 

Frostnova: The adults were all killed. Decided by lottery, one by one. It was in those tiny mines... A labor camp where lives were taken for fun... We were born and raised there. Then came the day when we drew our lots and were going to be killed. But we survived... Buldrokkas'tee, once the hero of Ursus came and rescued us. The man now known as Patriot is my father. 

Upon hearing that, Kadoya takes out his notebook, and starts writing his name down. Letting his guard down around her. 

Frostnova: Although the way we view this organization has drifted over time. 

Take: About that... Why did you join Reunion in the first place? 

She silently turns to him and he stops writing. 

Take: Sorry. 

He closes his notebook and puts it away in his coat. 

Frostnova: She was the one who made me this candy. 

Take: ...I see. 

He acknowledges who she's talking about, already knowing who it most likely is.  

Frostnova: She... Used to be a true friend. When we first met... She was completely powerless. Everything she said was idealistic nonsense. Even so, she said, "Come with us." There wasnt a hint of deceit in her eyes. But now... Everything has changed. Chernobog was destroyed by the Catastrophe, everyone either died or became infected. If this is what she wanted all along, then the gaze I saw then, those days we spent together, were they all fake? If so, I'll make her pay for betraying us. That is...

She turns her head to Kadoya. 

Frostnova: If you dont do it first. 

Take: ...What makes you think I can. 

Frostnova: She thinks you can. You scare her. I didn't think she could be scared of anything. 

He looks back down at his Rider Cards and starts to look through them again. 

Frostnova: ...Who are you? 

He stops moving. 

Take: ...Kamen Rider Decade. A passing through rider. 

Frostnova however, believes what he says. But knows it's not the whole truth. 

Frostnova: I've been at this for most of my life. And I know the smile of a man who's done terrible things. And your allies... They trust you, they depend on you, and they like you. But... At the same time, they fear you. 

Take: Coming from you, that's a bit rich. 

Frostnova: Nothing I've done has ever scared Talulah. 

This makes him sigh, knowing she's right. 

Take: Yeah, fair enough. 

He then finds a card that could get them out. But just stares at it. 

Frostnova: That night when we first met, you held me in your arms. 

Take: ...I did. 

Frostnova: Why?

Take: ...You remind me of someone I knew. 

He takes out his transformation card and looks at it. 

Frostnova: She was special, then. 

Take: ...You have no idea... 

He then inserts it in his driver. 



He's no longer in his Violent Emotion state...

Decade: ...I guess I'm back on track. 

Frostnova: One thing... She's planning to take Lungmen and turn it into a city of infected through and through. 

Decade: ...Well this is a curveball. I thought I was going to have to convince you to talk. 

Frostnova: Based on what I've seen and heard... 

She turns to Kadoya.

Frostnova: You wont become another executioner. 

Decade: ...If I'm this monster that even Talulah feels nervous about. Then the opposite should be true. 

Frostnova: Maybe... But... A question... How can someone who has committed great sins show great kindness? 

He perks his head up. 

Frostnova: I may not know you. But, that doesnt mean you're not ki--

She then coughs again. Causing Decade to become worried, he even reaches out to touch her. 

Frostnova: Dont! You might have gotten out without a scratch twice... But there's no guarantee it'll happen again... My body goes colder than winter itself... I can feel neither cold nor warmth from the air... 

Decade: That means... The candy you eat, isn't just a small treat.

Frostnova: Even if I drink hot water, it'll only burn my insides... Only these can provide me with a brief moment of warmth. 

Doctor: You shouldn't use your Arts anymore. At this rate, you'll die. 

Frostnova: Whether I use them or not... I don't have much time left. 

In response, Decade sits her down. And he sits along with her. He then turns his head and looks at her in the eyes. 

Decade: I'm from an alternate universe. 

Frostnova widens her eyes a little at his confession. 

Decade: As for... What you saw in me, you don't even know the half of it.

Frostnova: ...What happened? 

Decade: Well... There was a war. Well sort of, the war happened at the end. But, I fought in it.

Frostnova: Why did the war happen? 

Decade: The war was against one person. The Destroyer Of Worlds. You can probably guess from that. 

Frostnova: ...I can. 

Decade: Anyway, it doesn't matter. As for my part? Well... Let's just say that what I did, I did without choice. 

She then looks down and scoffs a little at the clues she was given. 

Frostnova: Fighting in such a large scale war... 

Decade: I lost in the end anyway. 

Frostnova: What must everyone else look like to you? 

He thinks about it for a moment, since he hinted at such a large scale war, she probably thinks he looks at them as insects. 

Decade: I think you look like giants. 

The response surprised her a little, but before she can question further. Water droplets fall on her head, making her look up. And hear the sounds of both the Yetis and Rhodes Island yelling at the fact that they found them. 

Decade: Well well, what do you know? 

Frostnova: They really searched for us together... 

Decade: Vindicated. 

He simply says in response, which makes Frostnova chuckle a little. 

Frostnova: Heh... What I childish bunch. 

He then gets out one of OOO's rider cards. And inserts it into his driver. 





He then picks up Frostnova bridal style, and using those same six wings of flame, he flies out of the hole. And levitates in the air as Frostnova looks at the view, then comes to a realization as she slowly looks at Decade. 

Frostnova: ...You could've gotten us out of there any time you wanted. 

OOO: I could've. But I wanted to have a nice chat first. 

Frostnova: ...You are the strangest person I've met. 

OOO: You wouldn't be the first to say that. 

He then slowly levitates down. And puts her on her feet. She walks to her squad and Decade to Rhodes Island. 

Amiya: Take...?

OOO: ...Yeah. I'm here. 

Then he gets smacked on the shoulder. 

Blaze: That backhand hurt!

She says pouting. Which makes him chuckle. Then he looks at Amiya and the Doctor. 

OOO: Amiya. Doc. 

Amiya: Please dont do something like that again...

OOO: No promises. 

She sighs. 

Frostnova: You're headed to Lungmen aren't you? 

Amiya: Yes...?

Frostnova: Next time we meet, we'll be enemies. 

He turns and faces her. 

OOO: But?

Frostnova: ...But not right now. 

She then throws a small bag to him, which he catches, and looks at it. 

Frostnova: Give that to her. It's a special remedy for frostbite. It relieves that burning pain. 

OOO: Huh. 

He then turns to Frostleaf, and tosses it to her. 

Frostleaf: Thanks... 

Frostnova: That was some excellent fighting, Rhodes Island. 

She then turns around to leave. 

OOO: You sure I can't convince you to stay? 

She looks over her shoulder as Decade ejects OOO's card from his driver. 

Decade: You and the Yetis can receive treatment. Maybe... 

He wants to say something else but can't so, she chuckles a little. 

Frostnova: Then try and beat me. If you manage to, I'll consider it. 

Decade chuckles as he then cancels his transformation. 

Take: I'll take you up on that challenge. 

Frostnova: I would imagine so. Goodbye, Rhodes Island. 

Take: Right. 

Blaze: Hey, Yetis! Let's get a drink next time! We'll drink 'till we drop! 

Some of the yetis chuckle, liking the idea. 

Blaze: Oh, and that flask on your waist! Let me have a taste next time! 

One of them panics a little from being outed making both Blaze and Kadoya chuckle. They all then go their separate ways, with Kadoya taking a picture of Frostnova with the Yetis for his photo album. He stays there for a moment before grunting a little. 

Take: Ugh... Oh... Right...

He puts his hand under his suit jacket, on his side. Then pulls it out and looks at his hand. 

He's bleeding. 

Take: Right... Forgot that happened... 

He looks back to when he and Frostnova fell into that hole. He passed out and his transformation got cancelled. He woke up to a small piece of rubble stabbed into his side, and he pulled it out. Since then, he's been hiding his injury. 

Take: Maybe... It will be a fair fight after all. 

But, he gets a bad feeling and inserts his transformation card in his driver. 



He then runs after the others and looks at Blaze. Who just listened into a conversation between Swire, Ch'en and Yuisha. Along with the others. 

Blaze: This can't get any worse... Let's go! 

She says as she runs past Decade who nods and runs after her. While jumping on roofs, they notice a large chunk of ice coming out of a section of the town. 

Blaze: Oh no... 

Decade holds his side, still feeling a little pain. But he gets out one of Build's cards. And quickly inserts it in his driver. 







Build: Get on my back! Don't ask, just do it! 

Blaze quickly jumps on his back and wraps her arms around his neck. Then, with a quick burst of super speed, and takes a huge leap toward the chunk of ice. Making a 132 meter jump, quickly covering distance. 

Blaze: WOAH! Speedy jumper! Makes sense! 

They land right next to the chunk of ice. Then, Blaze gets off his back and pushes him. 

Blaze: I'll only slow you down! Go! 

He quickly nods and speeds off, hitting a maximum speed of 280 miles per hour. All while Blaze heads in the other direction. All she can find in her search... are bodies. Then... She comes across the L.G.D surrounding Yetis who were previously surrounded by the Black Coats. Out of fear and duty, they fire. 

Slaughtering them. 

Even worse, Decade was watching the entire thing from a nearby roof. He never yelled, he never made a noise, he never made his anger known by just words. So he slowly, takes out a certain card. 

He inserts it into his belt and prepares to push in the handles to unleash Build's Hazard form onto them, and destroy everything he sees without prejudice. But, he suddenly stops as he sees Natsumi standing in front of him. 

Build: ...Get out of the way, Natsumi. 

Natsumi: Take-kun--


Natsumi: ...You're sad. Not furious. 

Build: What do you know...

Natsumi: If you really wanted to destroy everything in sight... Then why didn't you go into Violent Emotion again?

He may ignore it, but his hands are shaking. Almost as if he doesn't want to do it. And he knew why.

Build: I... I... 

He couldn't answer. He knew Ch'en likely never wanted this to happen. And he turns his head down to see Ch'en standing up to some people in red robes. Asking if they are enjoying the farce that took place. So he makes an Aurora Curtain down there as the ones in red robes walk away. Ch'en and the rest of Rhodes Island look at Decade, in fear of what he's going to do. But... He just drops to his knees. Not cancelling his transformation. He wanted to walk to their bodies and properly give them a resting place, but he didn't move or talk... 

Because he dared not to out of shame...

Ch'en stands in front of him, then hugs his head into her stomach. All as he sobs silently. This was the first time anyone has seen him vulnerable. He then silently opens his hand to reveal a candy he secretly got from Frostnova. 

And he clenches it in his hand. 

Build: ...No more.

No more...

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