Safe With You || Seth Cohen

By potterheadtwihard17

34.4K 916 91

Everyone knows the story of Ryan Atwood, but what about his twin sister Ally Atwood. This is based on the TV... More



172 8 3
By potterheadtwihard17

I sat in the Range Rover beside Seth in the back seat as we pulled up to Newport Union. It was where Marissa would now be attending for her senior year.

"Newport Union- Orange County's answer to public education." Seth stated, glancing at the school through the window. It looked pretty standard for a high school. I had no reason to complain, it looked way nicer than Chino High School where Ryan and I'd attended our freshman year.

"You know the parking lot looks spacious." Seth remarked.

"Yeah and well lit " I added with a nod.

"Yeah, plus you're up on a hill. It'll probably get a good breeze." Ryan added.

I sighed and glanced at Marissa, who was just staring out the window at the school.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Mariss?"

"Look, I don't really have a choice, Ally. I mean even if I hadn't gotten kicked out of Harbor, my mom can't afford private school anymore."

I wondered how Marissa and her mom were going to adjust to their financial situation. Sandy had told us that at the reading of Caleb's will, it was revealed he was bankrupt. One good thing came out of the will reading, though. Kirsten finally got closure from a letter Caleb had left her and she was able to come home. It was a very happy reunion when she'd came home last week. It was so nice to have her back around the house.

"Well I told you, you can always homeschool with me." Ryan told her.

"I know, but I really think this is going to be fine,  I mean honestly its kind of nice to be somewhere where everybody doesn't know every little detail about your life and you don't have to be stared at all the time."

"I get that." I told her, smiling slightly.

"Okay, I'm gonna go." Marissa said, unbuckling her seatbelt and grabbing her bag.

"Alright, I'll pick you up this afternoon." Ryan told her.

"Bye, Mariss." I stated and Marissa smiled at us before getting out.


We watched as she walked through the crowd of kids and made her way to the lockers.

"And that was the last they ever saw of her." Seth muttered and I glanced at him, then back at Marissa. She'd be fine, right?

I walked into the student lounge with Seth and saw Summer sitting on the couch surrounded by lots of binders and fliers.

"Wow, Miss Social Chair, look at you." I remarked, making Summer look up at me. 

"I always thought that social chair was a ceremonial position like Rose Bowl Queen or President. How'd Marissa do it all?" 

"I have no idea, but if you need any help, I'm always here." I told her with a smile. 

"Well, since you're offering, I could use some help with figuring out what decorations we need for the dance." 

I smiled and nodded, sitting down beside her on the sofa. I glanced up as Dean Hess walked over to Seth.

"Cohen. I took a little tour of the boys locker room last night. I'm surprised the entire track team doesn't have trench foot, so I'll see you there at three."

"Ok. You sure this is detention? It's got more of a work release feel." Seth stated and Dean Hess glanced at him, then over at Summer and I. 

"Like I said, you give up the person who helped you steal the tiki hut and this can go easier on both of you."

"I'm sorry, it's just me." Seth told him, making me look away guiltily.

"Three o' clock, just start with the toilets." Dean Hess stated, glancing at me once more before walking off. As soon as he was gone, Summer turned to me. 

"What was that about?"

"Seth and I borrowed the tiki hut for Ryan and Marissa and Seth got caught. And now he's being an ass and making Seth suffer for it."

"I'll be fine." Seth told me and I sighed. "Why can't I just tell him and make it easier on both of us, like the dean said?"

"No way. Look, he's just upset still because Ryan humiliated him at the carnival. You just help Summer plan the dance and leave the rest to me." 

I nodded before he walked away, hoping that this was the right decision. 


I walked into the classroom that the social committee was now using to work on decorations for the End of Summer dance. Summer had called me and asked for my help with the dance. I noticed her in the distance and smiled, walking up to her. 

"Hey, Sum. How's it going?" 

"Hey, Ally. Um, it's going sort of well." Summer said, looking down to where some girls were working on the banner. "Hey Beth, that's supposed to be an octagon, eight sides, not three."

Beth smiled and walked off, taking the banner with her. Summer turned to me. "See what I mean?"

I nudged her as Taylor walked into the room and to the two of us. 

"You need something?" Summer asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Hi, I thought I'd see if you needed any help with the dance?"

"No." Summer said quickly and Taylor frowned.

"Okay, Summer, look. I know I can be a pain.."

"A pain? Taylor, you staged a power play at the Kickoff carnival. You tattled to the dean and got my brother expelled." I told her and she looked down. 

"I don't have any friends."

"There's a shocker." Summer muttered and Taylor looked up at her. 

"I know and it's my fault. I don't trust people and so I try to control them which then drives them away, ergo no friends. I'm working through it with my therapist."

"Well, don't quit now." Summer stated.

"But I decided that this year was gonna be different and I thought if I was social chair then people would like me but I screwed that up.. as usual."

"Okay, is there where we're supposed to feel sorry for you?" Summer asked her.

"Okay, look, I'm sure people write prose poems in your yearbook about what an incredible friend you are. You know what I get, 'Have a nice summer.' But it's my senior year and I wanted more, I wanted someone to write, 'I'm glad I finally got to know you." 

I sighed and glanced at Summer. Had Taylor actually succeeded in making me feel bad for her? Possibly.

"Go show Beth what an octagon is." Summer said and Taylor grinned widely before walking off. 

I watched her walk off, trying to quell the uneasy feeling I felt. Maybe Taylor really did want to change. Maybe. 


I was walking through the school hallway, about to go and meet with Summer to talk about plans for the dance when I heard my name being called.

I turned to see Taylor walking up to me. "Ally, come here."

I glanced at her oddly as she motioned for me to come to where she was standing by the lockers. 

"What is it, Taylor?"

"Okay, um, if I tell you this, you did not hear it from me. This has to be a secret."

"What is it?" I asked her, not really wanting to know any of her secrets, but attempting to at least be civil. 

"I was walking by the teacher's lounge and I heard Dean Hess talking to Dr. Kim. He said that he knew Seth hadn't stolen the tiki hut alone-which by the way I totally forgive him for-"


"Okay, but if Seth didn't tell him by the end of the day who the other person was, he was going to suspend him."

"What? Are you sure that's what you heard?" I asked her, suddenly concerned for Seth. There was no way I was letting him get kicked out over me. 

"What's going on?" Seth asked as he walked over to the two of us.

"Oh, hey, Taylor was just telling me that the DJ we were going to book is a drug dealer, so we have got to tell Summer about that immediately." I stated, then glanced at Taylor. "Thank you for telling me."

"Yeah no problem, I'll see you later." Taylor said before walking away.

"I still can't believe you and Summer are letting her help with the dance." Seth muttered and I glanced at him.

"You know, she's not so bad."

"A drug dealer? How did Taylor know he deals drugs?" Seth asked and I shrugged, trying not to look guilty. 


I took a deep breath before walking into Dean Hess's office.

"Dean Hess, may I speak with you?" I asked in a very forced tone.

"Ally, as you can see, I'm very busy-"

"I helped Seth steal the tiki hut."

"I knew he didn't do it alone." Dean Hess stated with a smirk.

I just stared at him for a moment before he leaned forward.

"You know, Ally, with this being on your record, I can't really allow you to help with the dance anymore. And seeing that you and Miss Roberts are such good friends, I can't rule out her involvement in you and Cohen's crime. So, I can't allow her to be social chair anymore, you understand."

"Dean Hess, please don't do this. I perfectly understand you punishing me, but please don't punish Summer. She had nothing to do with this. Besides, she's the best person in this school for the job of social chair. I mean who even is going to replace her, Taylor Townsend?" I asked, and it was then it hit me.

Taylor and the dean had set this all up. And I'd fallen for it.

"Well, Taylor's pretty qualified for this position, I'll let her know you suggested her."

"You were never going to suspend Seth, were you?" I asked him, feeling anger at my stupidity fill me.

"You're late for class, Ally."

I glared at him for a moment before forcing myself to leave his office. How could I have been so stupid?


I sighed as I walked up to Summer's locker.

"Hey Sum, I-"

"I already heard." Summer stated sadly and I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Summer, I am so sorry. If I'd only been smarter, I would have realized that bitch was just playing me. I know you've really grown to love being social chair and I'm sorry you lost that because of me."

Summer's face softened and she sighed.

"Don't blame yourself, Ally. It's not your fault Taylor is a lying bitch who obviously has no soul." Summer stated, her voice growing louder. I turned to see Taylor walking by us, and hearing Summer's words, she turned around.

"Looks like I'm the lying bitch with your position, Summer."

"Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? Where do you get off trying to make our lives hell?" I asked, turning to her.

"You two were the ones who started this. You two stole social chair from me. It's not my fault you weren't smart enough to see through my plan. I have to say I'm surprised, I took you for the smart friend, Ally."

"And I took you for a fake bitch. Guess we were both right."

"Okay, I'm done here." Taylor said, rolling her eyes and going to walk away. Summer reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her and surprising me.

"Listen, Taylor, you and the dean may have won this round, but the war is not over."

Taylor snatched her arm out of Summer's grasp and stalked off. Summer turned to me and I smiled.

"Didn't know you had that in you."

"I suffer from rage blackouts, remember?"


I walked into the kitchen with Seth and Ryan. Kirsten and Sandy were there unloading groceries.

"Hey, are you two cooking something?" I asked, walking up to the counter.

"I'm making Sandy lamb ragoo, or at least I'm gonna try." Kirsten said with a laugh, then noticed mine and Seth's attire. I was wearing a blue sundress and had a white flower tucked in my hair. Seth was wearing a button down shirt with shorts and flip flops to go with the beach theme.

"Where are you headed?"

"A dance at the school. Beach theme." Seth stated to explain our outfits.

"And I'm gonna drop by and see Marissa, see if she needs a study break, maybe grab a bite." Ryan told them.

"Well you're welcome to join us." Sandy told him.

"You three have fun." Kirsten told us and I smiled at her.

"You too." I told her, grabbing Seth's hand before leaving the kitchen.

Ryan, Seth and I pulled up to Summer's house, where Marissa had been staying since Julie and her had been kicked out of Caleb's old mansion.

Seth and I were going to ride to the dance with Summer and Ben, who I saw standing outside. Marissa was also outside, dressed very nicely and walking towards a jeep and a group of people. Marissa noticed us and glanced over at us.

"I thought Marissa was studying." Seth said.

"So did I."

Seth and I exchanged a glance before climbing out the car. Ryan walked over to Marissa while we walked over to Summer and Ben.

"Who are they?" I asked Summer, gesturing to the three teens standing near the jeep.

"Coop's friends from school. They invited her to a dance."

I looked back over as Marissa waved goodbye to Ryan as the Jeep drove away. I sighed and walked over to Ryan, seeing that his smile fell as soon as Marissa left.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You guys have fun." Ryan said with a forced smile.

"We don't have to go, we can hang out, get some food from the diner..."

"No, this dance is important to you, you should go. I'll be fine, Ally, I promise."

"Okay, Ry. I'll see you later." I told him before walking over to Summer, Seth and Ben.

"You guys ready?" Ben asked and I nodded, glancing back at Ryan once more before going to get into Bens car.

When we arrived at the dance, I was amazed at how great it looked. Even with all the planning Summer and I did, I still didn't think it would turn out so great.

"Do you like it?" I asked Seth, who was looking around at the decorations.

"Ally, it's incredible. The two of you did a great job." Seth said to me, then Summer. I smiled at her and she smiled back, though I could tell she was still upset about social chair being stolen from her.

"He's right. It's amazing." Ben said and Summer smiled at him.

I looked towards the stage as Taylor Townsend stepped onto it and grabbed a microphone.

"Hi everybody. I'm Taylor Townsend your social chair and I would like to thank you all for coming."

Everyone clapped, except Summer and I, who just shared an angry look.

"Relax, she's not taking credit for it." Seth told me and I glanced at him.

"So this dance has been my baby for a while." Taylor stated and I glanced at Seth, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, she's taking credit for it."

"I am going to kill her." Summer said, making Ben look at her quickly.

"But there is one person without whose help none of this could have happened." Taylor said. I glanced at Summer, wondering if she was actually going to give Summer credit.

"Dean Hess."

I scoffed as everyone clapped for the dean, who made his way to the stage and stood beside Taylor.

"Thank you."

"I am going to kill the both of them." Summer said angrily, going to walk towards the stage, but Ben grabbed her hand.


"So everyone have fun because this really is the end of summer." Taylor stated. As everyone clapped, she looked over at Summer, grinning smugly at her.


I sighed, glancing over to where Summer and Ben were dancing. Seth had left the dance, going to check on Ryan. I couldn't help but look around the dance and notice two people were missing.

I looked back over at Summer and Ben, then walked over.

"Can I steal her away for a minute?" I asked Ben, who nodded, looking a little confused.

"We'll be back." Summer said as I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the gym and down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" Summer asked.

"To see if I'm right about something." I stated and Summer looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Ally look." Summer stated, looking forward. I saw Taylor Townsend walk into a room and begin kissing someone. The other person wasn't visible, but I had a pretty good guess who it was.

"Oh my God." Summer stated as the other perosn stepped into our line of sight, revealing none other than Dean Hess.

"I knew it." I whispered, then quickly grabbed Summer's hand, pulling her behind a corner as Taylor left the room. I glanced over at Summer, who was stunned.

"You want to be social chair, Sum? I think we just found a way to get it back."

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