(Warriors/Bloomlight AU)Stars...

By ShadowRaven_26

467 12 13

What happens when instead of three cats being chosen for a prophecy, what if six cats were chosen? Six cats... More

Things to know
Miscellaneous Territory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

11 0 0
By ShadowRaven_26

Moon: 2 ¼

Longpaw: 6 moons old



"Emphasizing or yelling"



(Longpaw's 3rd POV)

As soon Longpaw stepped out of camp he was met with a harsh leafbare wind.

Longpaw swallowed back his shivers as he continued and began to followed his brother and Blizzardpool.

Up ahead, Wavepaw was trotting through the snow as he kept asking Blizzardpool questions.

"When will we begin training? Will I always go out with my littermates? How are we going to practice fishing and swimming if the river is frozen?" Wavepaw asked.

Blizzardpool just chuckled. "All your questions will be answered once we officially start training. For now, we're just taking a tour of the territory."

Wavepaw slightly pouted but nodded none the less. 

"That would make sense, since we would have to know the territory before we do anything." Longpaw thought.

As they walked they reached a large field of ice. As Longpaw walked around a bit to see few rocks making a path to the other side.

"Wooah, look at all that ice!" Wavepaw exclaimed as he to a few steps onto the ice, only to get pulled back by Blizzardpool.

"Yes, ice that can break. This place is the river that marks our border with Moonclan, and it is very important that you two don't go out on the ice without a warrior around." Blizzardpool warned.

"He's right you know, I've heard stories about cats getting pulled under and drowning in the currents. I don't want the same thing to happen to you."

Both Wavepaw and Longpaw nodded. "What a terrible fate to happen to a Rainclan cat! To think that the same thing that supports us could also kill us!" Longpaw thought.

Continuing to their tour around the territory. They reached a large black rock path. 

Longpaw's nose scrunched up as he smelt a rancid stench.

"Yuch! What is that smell?!" Wavepaw yowled as he covered his nose with his paw. 

"That, my friend is the thunderpath. This one marks our border with Sunclan. Sunclan territory is on the other side." Streamscar explained.

"Like the ice, you should take caution as a lot of cats have been killed by monsters here. Be sure to stay off the thunderpath and stay on the grass."  Blizzardpool said.

As they walked, they reached a thicket of trees with a clearing.

"This place, is the Beech Copse. We'll use this place to learn how to fish and hunt for our prey, as well as fight our enemies."  Streamscar explained.

He and Blizzardpool walked forwards the clearing as they stood on the edge of clearing.

"How bout you and Wavepaw show us what you two can do?" Streamscar exclaimed as he flicked his tail to the center of the clearing.

Wavepaw perked up at this as his tail started to swish from side to side. "Really? You mean you're really going to let us do some battle training?"

Blizzardpool nodded. "So that way we know what we need to work on for you guys. But make sure to keep your claws sheathed."

Wavepaw nodded as he raced to the center of the clearing and got into a battle pose.  Longpaw was hesitant but agreed nonetheless. He wanted to make a good impression on Streamscar. 

Getting into a battle stance of his own he met his brother's eyes. Wavepaw nodded at him signaling that that he was ready, Longpaw took a deep breath, before he nodded back.

After seeing Longpaw nod Wavepaw dashed towards Longpaw as he leaped at him. Longpaw took this as an opportunity to dodge as he stepped to the side. He quickly leaped at Wavepaw swiping at him with his front right paw, making sure to keep his claws sheathed as he hit Wavepaw right in the muzzle.

Wavepaw shook off the hit as he leaped at Longpaw again. Like last time Longpaw dodged, but what he didn't expected was for Wavepaw to kick his legs back, causing Longpaw to get kicked in the face.

Longpaw stumbled back from the impact of the kick holding his muzzle with his paw. Looking up he noticed Wavepaw looking at him with a concerned and sorry look. Longpaw flashed him a small smile, signaling that he was fine before he got back into a battle stance. Wavepaw copied him as he crouched down before he leaped up, this time it Longpaw's turn to copy Wavepaw. 

As they made contact with each in the air, they tumbled onto the ground until Longpaw pinned Wavepaw down by placing a paw onto his chest, keeping him down on the ground.

"All right's that's enough for today. How bout we head back to camp, so that way you two can get settled in the apprentices' den?" Streamscar said.

Longpaw got off of his brother as Wavepaw got to his paws and shook the snow out of his fur. Wavepaw and Longpaw followed behind their mentors as they began to walk back to camp.

"Just for the record, you only won back there because I let you." Wavepaw explained as he looked the other way, a light blush visible on his face.

Longpaw chuckled as he playfully nudged his brother. "Sure you did."

Wavepaw's blush deepened as he looked down. Longpaw looked at his brother with a sincere look. "Hey, its nothing to be embarrassed about. It just means you have more to improve on." Longpaw said.

Wavepaw looked at him, before he turned his head to say something before he slightly jolted back in surprise.

"I think you might want to get your nose checked out again..." Wavepaw said with a somewhat guilty tone.

With confusion, Longpaw put his paw to his nose, only to see a familiar red liquid on it. Which caused him to groan.

"Again?!" Longpaw groaned.

"Sorry." Wavepaw whispered"

"It wasn't your fault."

"Yeah, but that kick sure was..."


This caused Blizzard pool to look behind him, to see  Longpaw's bleeding nose. "Make sure you see Frogfoot and Silentgaze for that." Longpaw just nodded at him.

As they made it back into camp, Longpaw went right into the medicine cat den to see Silentgaze sorting herbs while Frogfoot was tending to Mousewhiper, Pearlpatch, Waterpelt and Thornpelt, who were all sick with whitecough.

Silentgaze looked towards Longpaw and saw his nose. "Again?" Silentgaze deadpanned. 

"Sorry." Longpaw said. Silentgaze just sighed and walked towards Longpaw with a soaked mossball. Silentgaze placed the soaked moss in front of Longpaw. "Just be more careful. We can't keep using our resources on a bleeding nose."

"I know, I know, and I will." Longpaw said. Silentgaze smiled at him. "You better or else I'll ask Duskstar to make you a medicine cat." Silentgaze joked.

Longpaw just chuckled at that. "As if that's supposed to keep me from getting hurt." 

Silentgaze shrugged. "Yeah, you're probably right. You trip into the river trying to get some marigold."

"Hey! I'm not that clumsy!" Longpaw retorted.

"Whatever, now get out of here before, I decide that I might actually make you a medicine cat."  Silentgaze said.

Before Longpaw could say another word he was cut off by a loud yowl.

"Nightleaf's having her kits!" Tallfur yelled as he ran into the den. Silentgaze and Frogfoot followed him to the nursery. Longpaw followed as he walked into the clearing, shivering at the cold leafbare air. Wavepaw walked up to him with a concern look.

"Soo, is your nose okay?" he asked.

Longpaw nodded, which caused Wavepaw to let out a small sigh of relief. "That's good." They both looked over to the nursery. "Nightleaf's finally going to have her kits."

"How many do you think they'll be?" Longpaw asked, looking at his brother.

"To be honest, I think she's having at least two kits." Wavepaw responded.

Longpaw chuckled. "With the size of the flank, there has to be at least three."

Wavepaw smiled at him, but then frowned and looked at the ground. Longpaw then nudged him gently. "Hey, what's wrong?" Longpaw asked.

"It's just...doesn't feel weird that Nightleaf's having kits right now, since it feels like...we're her kits?" Wavepaw responded.

Longpaw froze at this. "Nightleaf has always taken good care of us, more than Coralheart has." 

"Tallfur." the soft voice of Frogfoot snapped the ginger-white tom out of his trance. Turning their attention back to the nursery they saw Frogfoot talking to Tallfur. After a few words Tallfur's face lit up with joy before he slipped into the nursery. Silentgaze emerged from the nursery right after him. Silentgaze looked down at the smaller black furred she-cat, before she smiled and made her way to the medicine cat den, Frogfoot following not far behind the gray tabby she-cat.

Longpaw and Wavepaw walked into the nursery to see Tallfur curled around Nightleaf, as he was staring at the four kits at Nightleaf's flank. Dovepelt was smiling as she stared at the family, her gray tail wrapped around her own kits.

Longpaw and Wavepaw slowly made their way to the black furred queen.  At her flank were four tiny bundles of fur, each different and unique from one another.  

"What are their names?" Wavepaw asked as he tilted his head slightly.

Nightleaf looked down at her kits with a tired look on her face. "The gray tabby tom-kit's name is Seedkit. The black furred she-kit's name is Lavenderkit." 

"The gray furred she-kit name is Needlekit and finally the white furred kit with gray speckles name is Frecklekit." Tallfur finished for her as he wrapped himself around his mate and kits more.

Longpaw smiled seeing how loving Nightleaf and Tallfur were to their new kits. He was happy for the kits after all, Nightleaf is very kind and calm, while Tallfur is very loyal and honest, as well as fun to be around in general.

Looking out of the den he saw Crystalpaw and Eaglefur entering camp. Crystalpaw bowed her head down to Eaglefur before she made her to apprentices' den. Longpaw excused himself from the conversation as he followed his sister into the apprentices' den. Entering the den he saw her weaving some reeds into a nest.

"So, how did it go?" Longpaw asked.

Turning around Crystalpaw faced him. "Great! Eaglefur gave me some hunting tips along with a small sparring session!" she exclaimed. "How about you and Wavepaw?"

Longpaw shurged as he sat down near his sister. "Not bad, me and Wavepaw had a small sparring session as while, though he tried to convince me that he let me win, I still think his just a bit embarrassed."

Crystalpaw let out a small chuckle as she playfully nudged him. "Go easy on him, you've improve since were kits, we all have."

"Speaking of kits, Nightleaf had her kits."

Crystalpaw lit up at this. "Really! I'll have to visit her then."

Longpaw looked down at her nest, seeing that it still had some weaving to be done. "How bout this? I'll finish your nest while you go see Nightleaf, in return you'll make my nest."

"Deal." she said as she gently pushed her nest towards her brother and left towards the entrance.  

"Thank you." she purred with a grateful look in her eyes, as she left for the nursery. 

Longpaw smiled at his sister before turning his attention back to half finished nest, as he began to weave some reeds in the nest, making sure to add some shells to the nest for good luck.



(1827 words for chapter 13)

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