Strings To His HEART

By kojaesfanfic

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" EXCUSE ME WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME I AM A GROUPIE " The music industry is tough place not made for the weak tho... More

Character introduction
First impressions
In the Dark
Her assistant
Small talk
In the mix
Think about it...
Tempted Kiss
Vibe with Tae
Tae's Plus One
On The Blogs
Only The Beginning
No destination
Tae's Jeep
New Scandal
Seventeen Twenty one
The House Warming
Just sittin' in the studio
Authors note
Heard It On The Radio
Deals, Brand and opportunities
Helping Hands
Author note
Unfazed or Tempted
Texas Temptress
Authors note + surprise

The Tangled Threads

55 3 0
By kojaesfanfic

A two days later

"Are you sure, okay?" says Y/N, waiting for Jungkook to respond as she lays beside him.

He sighs, "No, but what choice do I have? You have to get this PR stunt done with your signed contracts, and you have to get your money's worth and make a living. I can't stop you from getting in your bag," he says, showing some compassion.

"I can't believe it, you won't see me for almost two months with all these promotions going on," Y/N says, and Jungkook sighs again. "Yeah, I hate the fact that you're going to be in Korea. I would come hang out with you, but the Korean media ain't no joke; they would end us, and then we both won't hear the end of it from Neani," he says.

"Wait, is the Korean media that bad?" she asks, and he nods. "Especially if we are being stalked by dispatch media or Saesangs, they are stalkers, basically plus I am popular and so is Tae , it will not end well," he explains, and she frowns. "Nosy ass dispatch," she says, and he chuckles.

"Then you have no choice but to spend the week with me since you did say your schedule is free for this week," Jungkook suggests. Y/N thinks about "Aren't you busy this week?" she questions, and he shrugs. "Nope, I'm in control of my schedule; if I don't want to do something, I won't, plus I can. Get things rescheduled for next week. I'll tell them I have family matters to focus on," he says, coming up with a Good excuse

"Okay, I guess I will stay with you only to stay with BAM, ain't that right?" she says, and BAM barks at her for some scratches, so she rubs and scares him's neck. Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Hey, what about the dude who you are secretly seeing?" he says, pouting, and she laughs, kissing his forehead. "So cute, is somebody jealous?"

"Im already being forced to share you away with someone else, and now I gotta compete with the homeboy over there, and he is a dog. This is why I got him his own bitch since he wants to flirt with my girl," says Jungkook.

Y/N grins, "My girl," she says, blushing, and he nods. "Well, of course, in the future, once that PR stunt is done, your all mine," he says, and she looks at him. "I'm not a prize," she says, defending her independence and her rights, and he chuckles. "Yeah, your not a prize, but your going to be mine, I don't share," he says, being possessive.

Y/N looks at him, "possessive much," she jokes, and he nods. "Gimme me a kiss," he demands, and she looks at him, teasing him. She pecks his lips, and he pulls her in, trapping her in one of his addictive kisses, as she couldn't deny the fact that he was a good kisser. Jungkook had also become obsessed with the mango-flavoured lipgloss, which was heavily applied, but to avoid getting himself carried away, he broke the kiss.

"Let's go and grab something to eat," he said, resisting the urge to go back into his fuckboy ways. He stands up, and Y/N frowns, wishing to go back on her words, tempted to break them. She stands up. "Okay," she says, feeling in another mood here.

"This wait better be worth it all this teasing and getting none when im in the mood," she mutters, and Jungkook overhears some of the things she said. "What?" he says, and Y/N pretends to repeat, which is her word, "This wait better be worth it all this feasting. I want to get more than some light food. Im starving in the mood for good food.".

"Ohh," he says, confused, thinking he has heard something different.

Y/N looks at Bam and apologises. "Sorry, Bookie, I'll come back with food that you can eat, "she says as she places her shoes and hat on. Jungkook helps her with her coat, and they hear Bam pouting, barking, and sadly whining.

Jungkoook gives Bam a few treats, then he and Y/N leave driving off in Jungkook's car. The ride is silent, so Jungkook feels the auaro decides to ask what's up while the pair are at red light. He asks, "What's wrong?"

"Do you find me attractive?" she asks, and he gives her a serious look. "Why would you think I wouldn't?" he questions, and she shrugs, feeling embarrassed. "Nothing," she says, and he looks at her "I want to know," he demands.

"Why don't you want to sleep with me?" she blurts out, looking away, and he looks at her, finding her cute. "Again, who said I don'tant to sleep with you?"?he asks amd she looks at him " then why won't you anytime we're caught up in the moment you pull away as if you don't want to " she says and he looks at her " because it's not the right time and I don't want to make you regret things let's just go with the flow you know I've been wanting but I've been trying so hard not to just rip your clothes off i notice your littl motive to tease me and I'm doing everything to avoid it as a man has needs " he explains and she scoffs " but you are quick to rip off that prune coochie Neani's asss "" she says expressing the hint of her jealous not that she sees neani as her competition but her curiosity to why she can get jungkook in bed easier than her attempts

"That's different. She's a hoe that gives it up for free; that's not my girl, and we were messing around, so there's no meaning, no feels just on my dick, I don't want that with you because I haven't even asked you out that ain't very gentlemen like I that want to get to know your vibe and everything about you first before anything," he explains, reassuring her he is pretty much interested.

"Then hurry up and ask me out or something. A woman has her needs in my hands. I can do so much, but it gets lonely," she says, pouting, staring at him, throwing hints, and he chuckles, "You're so cute."

Arriving at Chipotle, Jungkook orders a large menu for him and Y/N and bams while Y/N is in the car. She texts Taehyung, seeing Neani's message. She mocks her, and Taehyung responds, laughing his head off, so he calls her.


Taehyung: Hey stranger

Y/N: Hey, tae bear.

Taehyung: What are you doing this week?

Y/N: Nothing much, why?

Taehyung: Let's hang out on Thursday. I missed you.

Y/N: Awww, I missed you too. Yh, sure, we can hang out where you are taking me.

Taehyung: You'll see when we're there.

Y/n giggles

Taehyung: How's our assistant, Lovie? I haven't heard from her for a while.

Y/N: Our assistant, hmm, boy, bye, but yeah, she broke her phone, so she has a small trap phone, and she's on holiday since I got the week off. I also gave her the week off, and she's spending time with her family.

Taehyung: You are enjoying the holiday.

Y/N: It depends on how my weeks have gone so far.

Taehyung: We'll have a good time, and btw, I pulled some strings and hooked you up with spa day Friday from MGE service.

Y/N: Really, how do you know that place is overbooked?

Taehyung : I have my resources.

Y/m: Thank you, tae bear.

Taehyung: Your welcome I'll text you later. My break, sadly, is done. I just wanted to spend the last few minutes talking to you before I get back on set.

Y/N: That's fine. Thanks for calling. Have fun on set and look sexy for me.

Taehyung chuckles

Taehyung: Bye

˚˖° ˚˖° ˚˖° ˚˖°

He hangs up just before Jungkook arrives, and she smiles, placing her phone off, looking at him enter the car. "Sorry, I took long; the food was being grilled, but it's a good thing that place is always empty at this hour; no one recognised me," he explains, and she smiles. "That's fine. I spoke with Taehyung G. while waiting. Neani will be sending us bullshit, and I may have to go somewhere Thursday with Tae for our PR relationship," she explains, telling the partial truth.

Jungkook frowns. "It's okay; I have you for the other days. I got everything you asked for. Do you still want to get dessert?" He changes the topic, not wanting to hear about her relationship with Taehyung.

"Yeah, let's get dessert. I want you to taste this pancake shop since you said you miss the pancakes from Korea." y/n suggests, and he smiles. "Put the location down," he says, and she places the location on the GPS.

Arriving back home, Y/N and Jungkook hear Bam shuffling closer to the door as Y/N opens the door. Bam barks happily. "Hey big boy, I made sure we ain't too long as I missed you, bookie," she explains, rubbing Bam.

"Yeah, and we have food for you, big fella," Jungkook says.

Y/N sets up a plate for bam-bam. "Damn, you are eating better than your relatives; they don't get shit like this you expensive, "she jokes whilst handing him his bowl. Jungkook laughs. "Yeah, he has a rich palette like his daddy," he explains.

" so what movie are you putting " y/n asks and jungkook smiles " some Sufi and thriller but you will love it " he justifies .

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The next day

Jungkook's phone rings, and he wakes up, removing himself from Y/N, who is fast asleep and curling up like a baby. He picks up the call.


Jungkook. : Why are you calling me in the middle of the morning?

Neani : Why did you cancel your shoots and interview for this week? I tried coming to your apartment to talk, but your assistant said you weren't there and haven't been there for days. Where are you?

Jungkook: I'm home, just not that home or in that city. Plus, why are you bothered? I paid the company money so that it could be rescheduled for another time. I've been working on things and focusing on the sh*t that matters.

Neani: Like, what?

Jungkook: taking care of my baby's. You know, my boy bam. I haven't been with him in a while, so I have to make sure he is good.

Neani chuckles

Neani : You're telling me you cancelled your shoot for a dog.

Jungkook: Yeah, my baby's here with me, and that's all that matters.

Neani: Then can I come see you?

Jungkook: bam don't like strangers and random people he'll bite you so no but see in two weeks for the meeting right

He hangs up

˚˖° ˚˖° ˚˖° ˚˖°

"Ahh, she's so annoying, dick hungry as a bitch, always wanting something," he says before looking at the time. Seeing it's seven in the morning, he decides to head back to sleep, pulling you closer to cuddle.

A few hours past, and Jungkook yet again is wake-felling bored. He wakes up y/n, who complains, "Ifs too early in the morning for this," she says, and Jungkook chuckles. "It's  after noon; it's past twelve, "he says, and she sighs, slowly batting her lashes.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head. I was waiting for you to wake up. I even served you some breakfast," he explains. Y/N turns to face him, and she rolls her eyes. "I'm awake," she says, and he smiles. "Go shower; we have somewhere to go," he says, and she nods, getting up.

She grabs a towel, wanting to tease him. She looks at him. "Do want to join," she seductively says referring to them being together in the shower naked knowing it will rattle him up , and he clears his throat. "Uh," he says, and she smiles. "I said, Did you feed Bam the soften bones? You know the doggy treats," she says, changing her words.

After her shower, she walks around the Jungkook room, watching him avoid eye contact with her while also observing the silhouette of her body. She sighs, "That shower was so relaxing; I feel so squeky clean," she says, walking closer to him as he rests on the bed.

"Kookie," "she says softly to him.

"Yes," he replies, staring at her. She hands him a bottle of oil. "Could you massage me? My back and legs have been a bit sore," she asks, and he looks at her, sensing she is working overtime to tease him. He smirks. "Okay, sit down, "he says.

Y/N sits down, exposing her back. Jungkook reads the label of her oil, seeing that it is scented. Artful opens the lid, placing some liquid on her back and massaging her bare skin. "Mhmmm, that feels so good. Could you go lower?" she asks.

Jungkook continues to massage her back once he believes his finish. He hands her back the bottle, and she turns to stare at him with her naked body facing him. "I also said my legs," she says, handing him back the bottle and watching him struggle to keep his composure.

She grins at him as Jungkook starts to rub her leg, wondering what he got himself into. "Could you go higher?" she asks.

When Jungkook pauses, she turns to face him again, waiting for him to continue. "Ahh, I'm going to enjoy this week," she says, smiling, aware that she is playing a trick on him and waiting for him to give in.

Once he is done, she gets dressed, and they make their way to their date, which is a long drive. Standing on top of the roof, Jungkook looks back at you. "Do you have a fear of heights?" he asks, and she shakes her head. "I don't think I do," she says and smiles. "Why are we rock climbing?" she asks.

Y/n couldn't help but feel liberated and excited as the chopper took off into the sky after spending the previous few weeks putting up with Neani's constant antics, including signing contracts against her will and attempting to establish herself. In the meantime, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the contagious laughter filling the tiny cabin and the sparkle in her eyes. The chopper flew across the sky, painting a picture of memories against the backdrop of the setting sun with every turn and twist.

She exclaims, "Wow, we're so high up," and Jungkook smiles.

With the city lights starting to twinkle like stars, the two became lost in discussion, laughing and telling stories and dreams. Their little haven turned into a magnificent place where they felt as though time had stopped—the helicopter. Two kindred spirits were beginning to join, forging a tie stronger than earth, wind, and fire, with the soft hum of the rotor blades serving as the background music.

Y/N and Jungkook found a love for the small pleasures in life and a common enthusiasm for adventure with the city below them and the stars above. The trip through their emotions, with its highs and lows and twists and turns, was foreshadowed by the helicopter ride, symbolising the potential of their partnership.

The darkness threw its entrancing spell over the city as the chopper descends back to the helipad. Y/n surveys the area. "Gosh, it's getting dark already," she remarks, as Jungkook surveys the night sky. He says, "Yeah, at least you had fun, right?" and she grinned. "It was an absolute blast."

"What are we going to do next?" she queries.

"Our rides is here ready, I have another surprise for you," he says and she follows him as the crisp evening air envelops them in a reassuring embrace. Upon seeing a private open balcony garden roof, Y/n squeals were taken aback by the fairy light décor. The crew had been ordered to decorate by Jungkook.

Under the canopy of stars, the moon's reflection shimmered like diamonds on the water's surface. They sat down on a ready-made blanket, their shoulders brushing against each other as they gazed up at the night sky. The picnic basket revealed an array of delectable treats—fresh fruits, artisanal cheeses, and a bottle of their favourite wine. They savoured each bite, the flavours mingling with the sweet taste of their budding romance. The night was filled with stolen glances and shared smiles.

In the gentle glow of moonlight, the pair opened up to each other in ways they never had before. Jungkook sighs " I try to make the most of my twenties ,gaining back all the freedom that felt lost , I feel like a sacfriced my all of teens to make something for myself. There was a lot that I couldn't do, and I hated that I hate to act a certain way," he reveals some of his traumas growing up.

"I get it; it must have been hard, but I hope you don't feel this way anymore. I hope you feel free and get to do things that your inner teen would thank you for," Y/n consoles Jungkook as They shared their hopes, fears, and dreams, each word spoken carrying the weight of their newfound connection.As the night wore on, they found themselves lost in each other's company, laughing and talking until the early hours of the morning. Time seemed to stand still as they revelled in the magic of the moment, knowing that they had found something special in each other.

Eventually, the chilly night air reminded them that reality beckoned, and they reluctantly made their way back to Jungkook's private residence. After a long day in their car, Y/n is fast asleep, laying her head on Jungkook.

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Two day later


Not sure what to expect Y/n found herself aboard a luxurious yacht, the sea breeze tousling her hair as the boat glided smoothly through the sparkling waters. The azure expanse stretched endlessly, mirroring the open possibilities of the day. Her companion for this adventure was Taehyung. Although she had lied to Jungkook that she was on a PR stunt date, she did take Willow's word into consideration about not putting your eggs in one basket and exploring until she knows what she wants. There was a carefree joy in being swept away by the sea and the charm of the yacht, and she allowed herself to revel in the spontaneity of the experience.

Taehyung, with a playful grin, suggests they explore the yacht's interior, revealing hidden corners and luxurious lounges. Each space seemed to tell a story of luxury and indulgence.

"I'm glad I can tick off being on a yacht. I kind of want to shake some ass for the vibes, of course," she says, and Taehyung gives her a thumbs up, approving. "Let me play some music on the speaker," he says, and she laughs, seeing he is serious as he plays some city girl. "Ouuu, this is my jam," she says, and Taehyung dances to make sure she feels comfortable being herself and letting loose. He extended his hand to her, a silent invitation to dance.

Feeling comfortable, Y/N began to twerk, letting loose and dancing on Taehyung, who holds her waist, following her rhythm and accepting his invitation to dance. keeping a playlist running, the music had changed into a more sensual song for couples, and Taehyung held y/n closer as the music enveloped them, a melodic embrace that swayed with the gentle movements of the yacht. They began to dance, their steps light and synchronised—a dance of connection and shared moments.

After their enchanting dance, Y/N and Taehyung decide to take advantage of the tranquil night and dive into the crystal-clear sea. With laughter bubbling between them, they descended the yacht's ladder, their fingers brushing as they made their way into the cool embrace of the water.

The pair both squealed, playfighting in the water. swimming side to side, making sure there is no distance between the pair caught in the moment. Y/N blushes  as she glance at Taehyung, admiring his facial structure.

"Come closer," he says, drawing her closer and enchanting her with his eyes, gently allowing their fingers to intertwine. Their lips met in a soft and lingering kiss. The taste of saltwater lingered on their lips, adding an extra layer of sweetness to the moment.

Breaking away, they surfaced, gasping for breath as they looked into each other's eyes. "We should head back in before it gets cold," Taehyung suggests. Now, as the waves gently rocked the yacht, guilt gnawed at Y/N's conscience. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had betrayed Jungkook, who had no solicited relationship title between them. She closed her eyes, attempting to make sense of the tumultuous emotions swirling within. The guilt weighed heavy on her heart, creating a knot of remorse that tightened with every passing second.

Taehyung returns with a bottle of wine and notices Y/N has retreated, being silent. He can sense the turmoil within her, the unspoken guilt that hangs in the air like an invisible barrier. Without uttering a word, he reached out and gently touched her arm.

"Hey, your back," she says, forcing a smile, and Taehyung looks at her. "What's wrong? You seem kinda down," he says, and she apologises. "Sorry, it's just that I am hungry," she lies.

"If that's the case, we can eat now; the chef is almost done, but we can be served," he offers, grabbing her hand so they head inside the yacht. The aroma of a carefully prepared dinner wafted through the air as the yacht's chef presented a culinary masterpiece.

Taehyung poured Y/N into a glass of chilled white wine, the crystal-clear liquid catching the light as it swirled in the glass. They raised their glasses in a silent toast to the beauty of the evening and the promise of the meal ahead. The dinner began with a symphony of flavours—a delicate seafood appetiser followed by a savoury main course.

Each dish was a work of art, a testament to the chef's skill and creativity. Y/N's mouth watered as she took in the feast before her, her stomach growling in anticipation. Taehyung smiled as he watched Y/N's reaction, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hungry?" he teases, reaching for a platter of succulent grilled shrimp.

Y/N laughed loudly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Starving," she admits, eagerly reaching for a piece of bread and dipping it into a bowl of fragrant olive oil.

"Wow, this is really good. What is this called?" she says, pointing at her plate. Taehyung smiles. "I'm glad you like it. This is Coq au Riesling, made with the finest white wine imported from Italy," he informs. The yacht's chef, a culinary maestro, had crafted a menu that mirrored the sophistication of the evening.

For dessert, Y/N had fed Taehyung her caramelised apple crumble pie, showing him what he was missing. The pair enjoyed a delightful dinner; they found themselves wrapped in the warmth of the night. The sea breeze whispered tales of distant adventures, and the rhythmic lull of the waves seemed to beckon them into a peaceful slumber.

As they settled into a cosy nook on the yacht's deck, the cushions cradling them,Y/N's eyelids grew heavy. The sound of the water against the hull and the soothing ambiance of the night created a tranquil lullaby that invited her to surrender to the embrace of sleep.

Taehyung, sensing her weariness, draped a soft blanket over her, their fingers briefly intertwining. The yacht became a sanctuary, a floating haven where time seemed to slow down. The distant city lights blinked like distant stars, and the yacht gently rocked with the ebb and flow of the tide.

Y/N had no idea that her recollection of her encounter with Jungkook—who was waiting for her at home—was starting to fade. Taehyung gave her a gentle grin as she fell into a quiet sleep, her head propped on a cushion. She had a calm atmosphere surrounding her as the moonlight created a gentle glow on her features. They are taken into a dreamlike world where imagination and reality collide as the boat navigates through the night.

Back on land, in the meantime, Jungkook waited patiently, oblivious to the calm that was gradually developing on the yacht. However, his anxiety increased. As the hours passed, his concern grew since Y/n hadn't come home or answered his calls or messages.

Unable to shake the feeling of unease,Jungkook  finally decided to call her again. His fingers hovered over the phone as he took a deep breath, his worry manifesting as a knot in his stomach. The phone rang, each tone amplifying the concern in his heart.

Her eyes stirred from sleep, blinking as she saw the screen. Realising it was Jungkook including noticing the time, she answered with a sleepy yet concerned voice, "Hey, what's going on?" She says she is moving away from Taehyung.

Jungkook's voice, filled with a mixture of relief and worry, came through the phone. "Where are you? I've been trying to reach you. Are you okay?"

"I'm on a yacht with Tae," Y/N explains, still a bit groggy from her nap. "I must have fallen asleep. I'm sorry I didn't let you know. Everything's fine; I just lost track of time." The tension in Jungkook 's voice began to ease as he heard Y/n's explanation, but a trace of concern lingered. "Are you sure you're okay? It's late, and I was getting worried bam is looking for you; you ain't back."

"I appreciate your concern, Kookie. I'm safe. I was just enjoying a peaceful night on the yacht. I'll get a text you when I leave on the way back. I'll be home soon later on, okay?"she replies

Relieved yet still feeling a twinge of jealousy, Jungkook sighs. "Alright, just be careful."he says before hanging up

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Ahhh it's been a while but I'm back love yall

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