How to Train Your Dragon x Ma...

Da Hauntez

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Follow the story of Y/n L/n, a young viking man who is quite famous in Berk as one of the strongest and smart... Altro

Bio + Love Interests
How to Train Your Dragon
M1, Chapter 1
M1, Chapter 2
M1, Chapter 3
M1, Chapter 4
M1, Chapter 5
M1, Chapter 6
M1, Chapter 7
M1, Chapter 8
Dragons: Race to The Edge
Bio + Love Interests
Season 1
S1, Ep 1: Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1
S1, Ep 3: Imperfect Harmony
S1, Ep 4: When Darkness Falls
S1, Ep 5: Gone Gustav Gone
S1, Ep 6: Reign of Fireworms

S1, Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2

793 31 2
Da Hauntez


Ship Graveyard - The Reaper

(We see Hicca, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the Twins stuck in a cage in the sinking Reaper)

Fishlegs: Get us out of here!

(The gang continue to scream for Y/n)

Snotlout: Y/n!

Ruff: Get us out of here!

(Dagur is laughing while looking at Y/n who is still in the air looking at the sinking ship and Dagur)

Dagur: Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?

(Y/n decides to save his friends and zoom off on Fafnir to the Reaper)

Dagur: Hmm. Disappointing, but oh, so-typically Y/n.

Gang: Get us out of here! Y/n, help!

(Y/n and Fafnir land on the deck)

Y/n: Move back from the door! Fafnir, blast it.

(Fafnir blasts the door of the cage, but leaves it without a single scratch)

Fishlegs: Dragon-proof bars?! Oh, fascinating.

Hicca: Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing.

(The ship rocks to a side, tossing Snotlout onto Fishlegs)

Snotlout: Whoa!

(The ship rocks to the other side, tossing Fishlegs onto Snotlout)

Snotlout: Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!

Y/n: Fafnir, now!

(Fafnir fires two more shots, but to no avail)

Y/n: We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls!

(The gang begins calling their dragons. Then Giant eels emerge, hissing and squirming towards them all)

Snotlout: Why'd it have to be EELS?!

(Fafnir fires more shots at the eels)

Y/n: Come on! Aah!

(A giant ell grabs Y/n's leg)

Y/n: Fafnir!

(Fafnir fires at the eel, freeing Y/n)

Y/n: Thanks, bud.

(Y/n takes out his sword and tries to open the cage by force)

Snotlout: Uhh! Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Hicca: Toothless!

Ruff: Barf, belch, get your butts over here!

(Y/n is now clinging onto the cage for his life on the now-vertical ship)

Y/n: Uhh. Fafnir help would be appreciated.

(Fafnir is snarling and gets ready to blast before realizing that he used up his shots. He roars to call the other dragons. Then the other dragons arrive)

Gang: Ahhhh!

(The cage's door opens and they fall out of it, clinging onto Y/n)

Tuff: That was great. Ahhh! No! Aah!

(Tuff is fighting off eels before Barf and Belch emerge and fire at the eels)

Tuff: Oh, so now you decide to show up.

(The riders get on their dragons)

Fishlegs: That was way too close.

Astrid: Y/n, what are we doing?

Y/n: You guys go back to berk. I'm going after dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is, i know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be i his hands.

(Y/n flies after Dagur)

Dagur's Ship

(Dagur is staring at the cylindrical object)

Dagur: Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this.

Savage: Me, neither. What do you suppose it is?

Dagur: Don't ask ridiculous questions, Savage! Just know this... it's mine now, all mine! Now, what exactly is it that you do? Tell Dagur, now. That's it. Don't be afraid. Tell Daddy Dagur.

(Savage spots Y/n and Fafnir flying towards them)

Savage: Uh, dagur?

(He points at Y/n)

Dagur: Uhh! What now?! Another stupid question?!

Savage: More of an observation.

(Y/n flies over them and grab the object from Dagur and flies off)

Y/n: Thank you kindly.

(Dagur gasps and gets really mad)

Dagur: Aaaaaaaaahh!

(He throws a crew member firing at Fafnir overboard while the other immediately jumped into the water)

Dagur: See what you did? You distracted me. And now my pretty, cylindrical, mysterious object is gone. Good for you, Y/n! Good for you! But I got all the gold! You hear me? All the gold! All! The! Gold!

(He pushes savage to the ground while laughing)

Dagur: You know, you can never have nice things around that guy.

Savage: Uhh!


(Gobber is trying to open the object while Y/n and the others are watching him)

Y/n: Have you ever seen anything like this dragon eye before?

Tuff: Dragon eye? How do you know it's called a dragon eye?

Y/n: Because I named it.

Snotlout: Whoa, whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?

Y/n: Fine. All in favour, say "Dragon Eye".

(Everyone but Snotlout raise their hands up)

All but Snotlout: Dragon Eye!

Snotlout: Just wanted to make sure we voted.

Hicca: Can you open it, Gobber?

(Gobber is still trying to open it without any success)

Gobber: "Can I open it?" I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha! I think it's going to be... Huh. Aha.

(A dart shoots out of the dragon eye and it hits Tuff in the chest)

Tuff: Ugh. What is that? That looks like a...

(He passes out and falls to the ground. Ruff starts to laugh at him)

Gobber: Well, that was... something, maybe.

Y/n: Gobber, maybe you shouldn't...

Gobber: Trust me. I'm... it's all right.

(Then Zippleback gas sprays out of the dragon eye. They all cover thier mouths and noses so they wont breath in the gas. Then Tuff wakes up)

Tuff: I'm okay. I got hit with something, but now...

(He inhales the gas)

Tuff: No, scratch that.

(He falls down into a spasm)

Hicca: Yeah, i'm thinking we should probably go get Gothi.

Astrid: Definitely.

Gothi's Hut

(Gothi shoves some medicine into Tuff's mouth)

Tuff: My teeth are itching. My teeth are itchy.

(Tuff starts to scratch his teeth. Gobber translates Gothi)

Gobber: She says that's a good sign. Means it's working.

Y/n: Thank you, Gothi. We really appreciate this.

Gobber: Huh.

(Gothi's eyes widen in shock as she points to a keyhole on the dragon eye. She turns away, troubled)

Y/n: Gothi, are you okay? What is it?

(She points to a scar on her arm and leaves)

Y/n: Gothi... her... her scar... it matches the keyhole.

Fishlegs: Yeah, and it looked like a dragon bite to me.

Gobber: Oh, it is. But she doesn't like to talk about it.

Fishlegs: She doesn't like to talk about anything.

Tuff: Oh, that's why she writes in the dirt with her stick. I thought that was just, like, her thing.

Ruff: Yeah, like Snotlout being a woman repellent.

Tuff: Maybe we could use the stick to itch the teeth.

(Y/n and Hicca start to walk away)

Gobber: Where are you going?

Hicca: After her. We have to find out what kind of dragon made that scar. It could be the key to opening the Dragon Eye.

Gobber: Hold on. I have ways of making her talk. Well... scribble, anyway.

-----Time Skip-----

(Gobber opens a pot of stew in front of Gothi)

Gobber: It's the old bat's weakness, isn't it? Come on. You know you can't resist Gobber's home-made yak noodle soup.

(Gothi quickly downs the soup)

Fishlegs: Ho ho! She downed that like a yak in a heat wave. That makes sense, right?

Hicca: Now, tell us about this bite mark.

(Gothi starts writing in the dirt)

Gobber: When I was a turkey neck...

(Gothi hits him in the head)

Gobber: Ow! Teenager. Sorry. I had a longing to climb Glacier Island to find pure glacial water known for its healing properties. So, I went with two vegetables.

(He gets hit again)

Gobber: Ow! Vikings. Sorry. I'm a bit rusty.


(Gothi is climbing up a mountain with two other vikings)

Gobber: "We had only been at the summit for a few hours when we were hit by a terrible snowstorm. That's when it attacked."

(A huge snow storm appears)

Gobber: "It was vicious. Relentless. And impossible to see in the white-out."

(Gothi is cornered by the Snow Wraith and then it lands behind her)

Gobber: "The Snow Wraith."

(The snow wraith bites Gothi's hand as she hits it with her stick. It hurls her into a mound of snow before walking past her)

Flashback End

Gobber: I'll never know why it didn't finish me off that day. I left knowing only one thing... that I never wanted to smooch that dragon again. Smooch?-

(Gothi hits him yet again)

Gobber: Ow! See! Never wanted to see it again. You know, your drawing ain't what it used to be, old woman.

(She prepares to hit him)

Gobber: But your swing, strong as ever!

Y/n: Gothi, a tooth from the Snow Wraith is the key to unlocking the Dragon Eye. You have to help us find it.

(She frowns and scribbles in the dirt)

Gobber: I can't say that to him!

(She erases her scribbles and rewrites)

Gobber: She says, no way she's ever going back. And besides, Berk needs her. It's true. She's the best healer we've got.

Hicca: Well, Gobber can cover for you. Huh?

Gobber: Oh, well, uh, of course, I can. I've watched Gothi work so many times, I know this place like the back of my hand.

(He lifts up his hook, before lifting up the other hand)

Gobber: Uh...

Y/n: You remember the viciousness of the Snow Wraith. I get that. But you also remember how it was to be our age, to want to explore, to need to see what else is out there. To get answers to questions you haven't even asked yet. This will help me do all of that. But only... only if you help me unlock it.

(Gothi smiles and taps her stick in approval)

Open Sea - Glacier Island

(Y/n and the gang are flying towards the glacier island)

Hicca: Look at the size of that island.

Y/n: It's big.

Fishlegs: Oh! The Book of Dragons mentions the Snow Wraith but doesn't have any information on it. Can you believe this? A brand-new dragon. It's been so long, I've forgotten what this feeling is.

(He notices that Snotlout and the Twins are looking at him)

Fishlegs: Sorry. Excited about the new dragon.

Astrid: You mean the dragon that single-handedly wiped out Gothi's entire search party.

Fishlegs: That would be correct. So worth the long flight!

Snotlout: Speak for yourself! Your neck hair's not covered in old lady drool!

(Gothi is sleeping on Snotlout's back)

Astrid: Okay, here we are.

Y/n: Oh, thank Thor.

-----Time Skip-----

(Snotlout lifts a hand to help Gothi down Hookfang, but as she holds his hand, Snotlout retracts it, sending her tumbling down)

Snotlout: Oh! Yak hands. Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Uhh!

(He gets tripped by Gothi)

Snotlout: Fair enough.

Astrid: You know, we should bring her along more often.

(Gothi inspects the island before shrugging)

Snotlout: Great, just great! She's got nothin'. Someone else is wearing that bag of bones home. She's all knees and elbows.

(Suddenly wind starts to pick up as Y/n and the gang try to shield themselves against it)

Snotlout: Can we please do something? My mouth is starting to freeze shut.

Astrid: Don't get our hopes up.

Y/n: Well, then we should work fast to find this Snow Wraith. Because we're not leaving until we do.

Hicca: Let's split up so we can cover more ground.

Y/n: Good idea. Dragon call if you come across anything.

Snotlout: Quick, Hookfang, before she sees us!

(He sees that Gothi is all ready sitting on Hookfang)

Snotlout: Ah! Hi. I was just talking about you.

(They all take off not noticing theSnow Wraith behind them opening its eyes and growling)


(Gobber is at Gothi's hut looking through some of her notes)

Gobber: Hmm. Hmm. Okay, you got this, Gobber. Just follow the steps. Listen, diagnose, heal. Just like riding your first wild yak. Ohh, you never forget that first kick.

(He throws a jar and then he hears a scream)

Gobber: Ahh. I'll have to heal that later. Ahem. Okay, first sick, nasty Viking, Doctor Gobber is in the house.

(A viking walks in with a dragon trap stuck on his foot)

Gobber: Magnus, what seems to be the problem?

Magnus: The problem?! My leg is caught in an old dragon trap, Gobber.

Gobber: Oh-oh, yes, of course it is.

(He whacks away Magnus' walking stick)

Gobber: Ah, I remember my first leg break.

(He twists Magnus' leg, and then a bone cracks)

Magnus: Aaaah!

Gobber: Let me clean up that wound for you.

(He pours jar of liquid on Magnus' leg)

Magnus: Aah! Aah, it burns! It burns!

Gobber: Ah, that just means it's working.

(Gobber then sees that he's leg is on fire. He splashes water on it, while hitting Magnus knocking him out)

Gobber: Cured.

(He drags him away and comes back)

Gobber: Next.

Glacier Island

(The dragon rider gather in one place)

Y/n: Anybody find anything?

Ruff: All we found was some scattered yak bones.

Fishlegs: I-I didn't see anything, but I had this weird feeling that something was watching me.

Snotlout: Oh, I had a weird feeling, too. Like this old lady was stuck on my back.

(Gothi looks over Snotlout's shoulder making Tuff scream)

Tuff: Aah! Two heads! Oh, sorry, guys. I mean, on you two, it works. I've seen it before. I'm used to it.

(The storm begins to form)

Astrid: Y/n, maybe we should get out of here. That looks like a huge storm.

Hicca: I agree. And I want this too Y/n.

Y/n: No. We should dig in here and wait for the Snow Wraith to show itself. Remember, it likes to attack when you can't see it.

Fishlegs: Great. Just great.


(Gobber is looking through a magnifying glass at a foot)

Gobber: Mm-hmm. My official diagnosis is... a thorn.

Viking Patient: Yes, I told you that already!

Gobber: Not to worry, I can remove it right quick.

Viking Patient: The thorn?

Gobber: The foot. Hmm, no. Uh, no. No. Aha!

(He takes out an axe)

Gobber: This was what my mother used to do for me.

(He turns around to see that the viking ran away)

Gobber: Some people just don't appreciate the practice of medicine.

Glacier Island

Y/n: Use your dragons as extra protection from the wind!

Fishlegs: It's the Snow Wraith!

(Fishlegs hides under a tent)

Fishlegs: Oh! Okay, I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay.

(The tent is blown off)

Fishlegs: Ohh!

Y/n: Hold your ground and fire back!

Astrid: Fire back where? We can't see it.

Y/n: Actually, you know what? Take cover!

(Snotlout gets hit by the Snow Wraiths blast)

Snotlout: Uhh!

Hicca: Whoa.

(The Snow Wraith roars. It is trying to find Snotlout but can't find him because he's covered in snow. The Snow Wraith comes close to Snotlout and sniffs him)

Snotlout: Aah!

Hicca: Toothless, warning shot.

(Toothless fires before Snow Wraith and the others follow suit with Stormfly's fire almost hitting Y/n and Fafnir)

Y/n: Cease fire! Ceasefire!

(Astrid is knocked off the cliff by Snow Wraith)

Astrid: Stormfly!

(Stormfly is able to help Astrid up)

Y/n: All right, I've had just about enough of this dragon, bud. Do your thing.

(Fafnir uses his lightning based echo-locate and spots the Snow Wraith)

Y/n: Fafnir, now! Multiple blasts!

(Fafnir blasts the sown wraith but it ducks and leaves for now)

Y/n: I think it's gone. Everybody okay? Everybody here?

Ruff: What do you mean by "here"?

Snotlout: I have a question, Y/n. What exactly is your plan to get a Snow Wraith tooth? Take it out of one of our dead bodies?

Tuff: If all goes well, it'll be Ruffnut's dead body. And the Wraith tooth.

Hicca: Hold on, quiet. Gothi wants to tell us something.

(Fishlegs goes over to translate Gothi)

Fishlegs: She says we should've left when we had the chance.

(They all hear the distant roar of the Snow Wraith)


(We see Agnar throwing up into his helmet while Gobber is making some kind of medicine)

Gobber: Don't you worry, Agnar. I've seen her whip this stomach cure up a thousand times.

(He places ingredients into a cauldron)

Gobber: One dab, eye of yak. Would that be one eye or a dab of an eye?

(He knocks over a bottle of green liquid into the cauldron)

Gobber: Ah! Whoa.

(Then he sneezes into the potion twice takes a bit of it and gives it to Agnar)

Gobber: Drink this three times a day and come back and see me if it doesn't kill you.

(Agnar gasps worried)

Gobber: I'm just kidding.... Hopefully.

Glacier Island

Snotlout: Okay, that thing was gnarly.

Y/n: Hicca, Astrid, are you okay?

(They are shivering a little)

Astrid: Yep.

Hicca: Barely.

Fishlegs: Y/n, you know I want a shot at this as badly as you and Hicca, but maybe we should get out of here. We're just sitting ducks in this storm.

Y/n: W-Wait a minute. What did you just say?

Snotlout: He said we're sitting ducks. And for once, I agree with him.

(An idea pops up in Y/n's head)

Y/n: Sitting ducks. Yes, yes! Yes, that's exactly what we need to be.

Astrid: Excuse me?

Hicca: Please don't say what I think you are going to say.

Y/n: What if we could make the Snow Wraith think it sees us when we're not here?

(Hicca groans and shakes her head)

Hicca: And you said it.

Tuff: You can make yourself invisible? Why does he get to do all the cool stuff? I just have to sit here with you as a sister.

Snotlout: Will you two be quiet for ten seconds?!

Y/n: Tuff's not that far off. Look, the Snow Wraith didn't have any trouble seeing us until Snotlout got buried in the snow. And Gothi said it couldn't find her when she fell into a snow bank. I think that's because it sees body heat in the same way Fafnir and Toothless can find things with sound. We'll use this to our advantage to confuse it. Then, while it's distracted, we'll net it and get that tooth.

Astrid: And you're sure it will work?

Y/n: Uhh...

Hicca: Of course not.

Snotlout: I hate you. You know that.

Y/n: Yes, I am aware of that. All right, gang, let's get to work.

-----Time Skip-----

(Several dummies constructed by Y/n and the gang stand in the snow while they all hide in a ice ave not far off)

Y/n: Pretty good. Now, if I'm right, when we light these on fire, the Snow Wraith will think they're us and attack. Then we'll have the drop on it.

Snotlout: Wait, wait, wait! Look at how realistically gorgeous my statue is. I can't in good conscience send that into flames.

(Snotlout's statue's head is blown off by the wind)

Astrid: I'll work through the pain and do it for you.

Snotlout: Wow, you'd do that for me, Astrid?

Hicca: All right, Toothless, light 'em up.

(Toothless blasts the dummies lighting them on fire)

Snotlout: Somewhere in the world, a silent tear was just cried.

Fishlegs: Y/n, I don't know if this...

(The Snow Wraith swoops over)

Hicca: Wait, look!

Y/n: Okay, next time it comes in, we go.

(The Snow Wraith roars and destroys Snotlout's statue making him mad)

Snotlout: Oh, no, you did not!

(Hookfang lights up a fire jacket in anger, causing the cave to melt. Fafnir rushes forward to protect Y/n, sending them both tumbling out and trapping the rest of the gang in the cave)

Snotlout: Hookfang! Get over here now!

(He tries to break out of the cave)

Y/n: Thanks, bud. Fafnir, look out!

(The Snow Wraith swoops over them)

Y/n: If it can see our body heat, then we are way too easy a target out here.

(Y/n and Fafnir walk in the middle of the blazing statues)

Y/n: This should even the odds a little. It won't be able to make us out within the heat of these fires. It won't be able to make us out within the heat of these fires. Do your thing, bud.

(Fafnir tires to echo locate it but picks up nothing)

Y/n: Easy, bud. Nothing. Where is he?

(The snow wraith is clearly making out Y/n's and Fafnir's image)

Y/n: Keep going. Keep going, keep going.

(The snow wraith lands behind them. The dragon can see the two more clearly now.)

Y/n: Keep going. Keep going.

(Y/n spin around and see the snow wraith, he takes his sword out. Then Gothi comes and rushes to it)

Y/n: Gothi, no!

(Gothi is attacking the snow wraith beating it with her stick)

Y/n: Fafnir, lightning blast! And careful not to hit the crazy little woman with the staff!

(Fafnir blasts the snow wraith and it let go of her as a fire ball hit it)

Snotlout: Oh, yeah, that's right. Snotlout got us out of the snow.

Hicca: Yeah, and you're also the one that got us buried in it, to begin with.

Snotlout: Ah, details.

Y/n: Okay, we have him surrounded. Let's get that tooth.

(The snow wraith flies away when it realizes that it's out numbered)

Y/n: No! We can't lose him.

Tuff: Actually, he lost us.

Astrid: Y/n, we should get out of here while we can.

Y/n: Not yet. This isn't over.

(Gothi taps Y/n's shoulder)

Y/n: Not now, Gothi. Gang, we came here for a Snow Wraith tooth and...

(Gothi taps his shoulder again)

Y/n: I-I said in a minute, Gothi.

(Gothi shows him a tooth on her staff)

Y/n: And we are not leaving... Gothi! Without... Oh. Oh, a tooth. A tooth!


(The riders are back at the Blacksmiths Stall)

Hicca: So, Gobber, how was it being Gothi?

Gobber: Well, I didn't get to wallop anybody with my staff, but...

(Angar runs up to Gobber)

Agnar: Gobber! Gobber! I must have more of that potion you made me earlier.

Gobber: So, it cured your stomach ailments, did it?

(Agnar then throws up onto the ground)

Agnar: Far from it! But it cured something else. It's made my hair grow back!

Snotlout: Congrats, Agnar. You look so... good.

Gobber: Well, at least you got only one of the side effects.

(Then Agnar farts loudly)

Gobber: Ugh...

Y/n: Ugh... Well, Gobber, just whip up some more of that potion for him.

Gobber: Uh, well, it was very complicated, and I'm tired. Gothi, why don't you take this one?

(Gothi whack him with her stick and walks away with Agnar)

Hicca: You really have no idea what was in that potion, do you?

Gobber: No, not a drop. But here's your key.

(Y/n takes the Snow Wraith tooth and fits it into the keyhole. Nothing happens)

Snotlout: We almost died... for that?! No, there's gotta be more to it than this.

Y/n: It just doesn't make any sense.

Tuff: Welcome to my world, sister. Nothing makes sense and you got itchy teeth.

-----Time Skip-----

(After a long day of trying to unlock the dragon eye, its night and Y/n is exhausted)

Y/n: All right. That's it, I'm calling it a night. Maybe tomorrow. Fresh eyes.

(Fafnir fires up his stone slab where he sleeps. Y/n notices the dragon eye projecting a faint purple glow)

Y/n: Fafnir, come here.

(He comes to Y/n)

Y/n: Do that again, bud. Give me a low flame.

(Fafnir breaths a low flame into the dragon eye and it projects maps onto the wall)

Y/n: Whoa. This changes... everything. I need to show this to Hicca!

(Y/n crabs the dragon eye and runs out of his house with Fafnir and to Stoick's house)

Stoick's House

(He runs inside and climbs upstairs. He knocks on Hicca's door, she opens it and looks at Y/n visibly clearly tired)

Hicca: What is it Y/n... Its really late.

Y/n: I figured out what the dragon eye does.

(Y/n walks inside and goes to Toothless)

Y/n: Toothless mind giving me a low flame.

(He does that and it again projects maps onto the wall leaving Hicca stunned)

Hicca: Amazing. We need to show this to the others.





Word Count: 3648



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