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By janxxe_rcjchai

30.9K 1.2K 106

Joong and Dunk had always kept their relationship light and casual, just a fling without any serious commitme... More

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574 15 2
By janxxe_rcjchai

Hey everyone! ❤️

I hope you're all doing well. 🥹

I wanted to apologize for my absence this past week. I was visiting my hometown and didn't have my laptop with me. It was great to catch up with family and friends, but now that I'm back, I've been finding it challenging to get back into the flow of things.

Since returning, I've been struggling to find the motivation and inspiration to continue this story. I've been brainstorming ideas, but my mind feels unusually blank right now. I'll be taking some time to recharge and explore new avenues of creativity.

In the meantime, I'll try to start a new story to keep the momentum going until I regain my interest and motivation for this one. 

Thanks for your patience and understanding! 🤗

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