Secret of the Snow Queen (Fir...

By GabriellaGwenGalaxia

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16 + For mature themes such as war, gore, violence, triggering content such as mental health issues, brief me... More

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A Letter to the Reader
*Content Warning* 🌢️πŸ”ͺ❗
✨ Awards ✨
CH. 1 Midnight Maneuvers
CH. 2 The Price of Resistance ❗❗
CH. 3 Confrontation and Compromise πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 4 Hostages πŸ”ͺ❗
CH. 5 Nicolas
CH. 6 Bad Omens
CH. 7 Decisions and Responsibility
CH. 8 Dancing with the Devil πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 9 A Shadow of an Apparition ❗
CH. 10 Kai-gons, Snow Queens, and Other Nonsense
The Beginning of Act 2
CH. 11 Ruffians, Vodka, Wolves, and More Nonsense
CH. 12 Revelry and Revelations
CH.13 Entangled Hearts and Hidden Agendas 🌢️
CH. 14 Whispers in the Wind πŸ”ͺ❗
CH. 15 Confessions
CH. 16 Whispered Enchantments
CH. 17 Talking Wolves, Separation, and Even More Nonsense
CH. 18 The Chill of Reality 🌢️🌢️
CH. 19 Fractures, Rifts, and Reconciliation
CH. 20 The Summer House
The Beginning of Act 3
CH. 21 Mercenaries
CH. 22 The Snow Queen ❗❗❗ πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 24 The Tides of Morality
CH. 25 Just a Monster
CH. 26 Ben
CH. 27 Temptation's Lure
CH. 28 Live Bait
CH. 29 Stupid Courage
CH. 30 Day Two and Day Three
CH. 31 The Lion's Judgment
CH. 32 The Nilsen Secret
End Credits/Cast Pictures.
End Credits/Cast Pictures (Continued)
Bonus Scene: Chapter 1
Bonus Scene: Chapter 2
Bonus Scene: Chapter 3
Book 2 Coming soon!

CH. 23 Unveiling Memories

39 17 33
By GabriellaGwenGalaxia


The world seemed to blur around me as I watched Aurora disappear over the cliff's edge, her form vanishing into the raging waters below. Despair threatened to suffocate me as I grappled with the devastating realization that she had chosen to end her own life.

Memories, long buried beneath the surface of my consciousness, surged forward with startling clarity, each image a painful reminder of the bond that had once united us. I saw flashes of our childhood, moments of laughter and joy intertwined with the innocence of youth. But amidst the warmth of those memories, a chilling revelation emerged, casting a shadow over everything I thought I knew.

I recalled the days when Aurora and I would play in the snow, the cold air filled with laughter and the sound of our voices echoing off the frozen landscape. She had always loved the snow, her eyes sparkling with wonder as she danced among the swirling flakes, her laughter ringing out like music in the crisp winter air. I remembered the time when Aurora had first discovered her powers, a mere babe in arms reaching out with tiny hands to conjure snowflakes from thin air.

I had watched in awe as she wielded her magic with an instinctual grace, her eyes alight with wonder as she marveled at the beauty of her creations. In that moment, I had known that she was special, touched by a power beyond comprehension.

As the weight of this revelation bore down upon me, I fell to my knees, my heart heavy with the burden of guilt and remorse. How could I have failed her so completely, to have missed the signs that were so glaringly obvious in hindsight?

And yet, amidst the tumult of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me, another thought emerged, a puzzle piece in the intricate tapestry of my fractured memories. What had kept these memories hidden from me until now? What force had clouded my mind, obscuring the truth until the events of today had forced them into the light?

As I grappled with the sudden flood of memories, a troubling thought wormed its way into my mind: had Aurora been aware of the truth all along, or had she, like me, only just uncovered these long-buried secrets?

The possibility gnawed at me, a nagging uncertainty that refused to be ignored. If Aurora had known the truth, why had she kept it hidden from me? And if she had only just discovered it herself, what had triggered her powers?

As I wrestled with the enigma of our hidden memories, a troubling question lingered at the forefront of my mind: who could have orchestrated such a profound deception? The idea that someone had purposefully concealed our past from us seemed almost unthinkable, yet the evidence of our forgotten memories spoke volumes to the contrary. Whoever had woven this intricate web of deceit possessed a keen understanding of our identities and the power to manipulate them to their advantage.

But the more I pondered this mystery, the less clarity I found. The possibilities seemed endless, each one more ominous than the last. Was it the work of Morgana, lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings from afar? Or perhaps it was the machinations of someone closer to home, someone with a vested interest in keeping our true selves hidden from view.

As I grappled with these unsettling thoughts, a chill ran down my spine, a premonition of the dangers that lay ahead. Whoever had tampered with our memories was still out there, their motives and intentions shrouded in darkness. And until we uncovered the truth, we would remain at their mercy, puppets in a game whose rules we did not yet understand.

Before I could act, a shadow fell over me, and I looked up to see Dimitri standing before me, his eyes filled with malice and triumph. With a cruel smirk, he gestured to his men, and before I could react, they descended upon me, overpowering me with their superior numbers.

Fear is your worst enemy; hope is your closest friend. Don't give up hope, my son, for hope is the only thing stronger than fear. My mother's words from my childhood rang in my mind as Dimitri's men bound my hands and dragged me away. I took them to heart and clung to the glimmer of hope that still burned within me.

We won't yield.


The crackling of the fire offered little warmth against the chill that settled within me as we sat in the dim light of the campsite. Shadows danced around us, twisting and contorting like specters of doubt and fear that haunted my every thought. Dimitri and his mercenaries huddled together, their faces etched with weariness and frustration, mirroring the turmoil that churned within my own heart.

As the night wore on, a few of the mercenaries trudged back to camp, their footsteps heavy with exhaustion. My gaze followed them warily, a silent prayer echoing in the depths of my mind. But as they approached, I could sense the weight of disappointment that hung in the air like a shroud.

"Any sign of the Princess?" Dimitri's voice cut through the silence, his tone tinged with urgency. My heart leaped into my throat, hope mingling with dread as I awaited their response.

The mercenaries exchanged uneasy glances, their silence speaking volumes as they struggled to find the words. Dread coiled in the pit of my stomach, a heavy weight pressing down upon me as I braced myself for their answer.

"No, sir," one of them finally spoke, his voice heavy with disappointment. "We searched high and low, but there was no trace of her." The words landed like a blow, the air heavy with the weight of our collective failure. Despair threatened to consume me, a suffocating darkness that threatened to snuff out any remaining hope.

Dimitri's jaw clenched in frustration, his fists tightening at his sides as he processed the news. For a moment, the camp fell silent, the weight of their failure hanging heavy in the air.

I glanced at Luca; his head hung low, but I knew what he was thinking.

She can't be dead, not after coming all this way. The thought of losing Aurora, of facing this life without her by my side, filled me with a sense of dread, unlike anything I had ever known. Not since Lily... I blinked away the tears that threatened to flood my eyes. I would not give up hope yet.

The princess had survived the great fire; she'd survived years in captivity in the clutches of Ignatius and Morgana. She could certainly survive this... right?


The first light of dawn pierced through the veil of darkness, casting a pale glow upon the desolate landscape as we were roused from our fitful slumber. The clinking of chains echoed through the stillness of the morning air, a grim reminder of our captivity as Dimitri and his mercenaries set about their task with ruthless efficiency.

With heavy hearts and weary souls, we were shackled together, the cold metal biting into our flesh as we were forced to march in chains towards the Crystal City. Luca's men, the kai-gons, and I walked in silent solidarity, our spirits weighed down by the burden of our captivity.

Dimitri's presence loomed over us like a shadow, his eyes gleaming with a cruel satisfaction as he watched us trudge along the snow-covered terrain. He probably had us chained and shackled because he was afraid of us escaping. Or it was some sort of power game to show us who was boss. We were at his mercy, and he wanted us to be constantly aware of that fact.

As we trudged forward through the snow, Luca's voice came out in a small sob. "I never should have put so much pressure on her," he confessed, his words heavy with guilt. He sniffed, his breath hitching as we continued our slow march. "It's my fault she took her destiny into her own hands."

"Don't blame yourself," I offered, hoping to provide some semblance of comfort. "There's still a chance she could be alive."

"Don't do that to him Kelvin, she jumped off a cliff, there's no coming back from that," Ramon interjected, his tone bleak.

"Silence!" Dimitri barked, his voice cutting through the somber atmosphere. I glanced at him, still unable to shake the surreal feeling of seeing his face, so similar to mine yet twisted with malice. "Be quiet or I'll have to take extreme measures," Dimitri's voice rang out, sending a shiver down my spine.

Despite the weight of our chains and the despair that threatened to consume us, a flicker of defiance burned within me. I refused to surrender to the despair, to let Dimitri's tyranny crush our spirits. We may have been bound by chains, but our resolve remained unbroken.

The snowstorm's fury was unabated, and a sudden realization dawned on me like a bolt from the blue. If the snowstorm continued to rage with such intensity, there was only one logical conclusion—Aurora, our beloved leader, and the Snow Queen herself, must still be alive.

The storm, her domain and manifestation of her power refused to relent, echoing her presence even in her absence. It was as if the very essence of Aurora was intertwined with the swirling snowflakes and howling winds, guiding us through the treacherous landscape.

This revelation filled me with a glimmer of hope amidst the despair of our situation. Despite the perilous circumstances and the chains that bound us, the knowledge that Aurora's influence still reigned over the storm.

With each step forward, I clung to the belief that Aurora's resilience would see her through, leading us to safety and salvation. For as long as the snowstorm raged on, there remained a beacon of hope.

As we trudged onward, the snowstorm gradually began to relent, revealing glimpses of the horizon beyond. Through the swirling veil of snowflakes, a faint outline emerged—a city, distant yet unmistakable in its grandeur.

"There," someone murmured, their voice barely audible above the howling wind. We followed their gaze, squinting through the haze to catch a glimpse of the Crystal City in the distance. Its towering spires pierced the sky, casting long shadows over the snow-covered landscape.

Hope surged within me at the sight of the distant city. The Crystal City, renowned for its beauty and splendor, beckoned to us like a beacon of hope amidst our imprisonment. Its crystalline towers sparkled in the faint light, promising refuge and sanctuary to those who sought it.


Dimitri led us into the city, and as we entered, the scene before us was nothing short of a nightmare. The once vibrant streets were now overrun by Ignatius' army, their presence casting a dark shadow over the city. People shuffled along the cobblestone streets, their faces drawn with exhaustion and fear, their bodies bound in chains as they were forced into labor.

I couldn't bear to look away as I witnessed the atrocities unfolding before me. A child, no more than ten years old, was being mercilessly beaten by a soldier, his cries echoing through the streets. My heart clenched with anguish at the sight, a surge of anger and helplessness coursing through my veins.

The soldier continued his assault, heedless of the child's suffering. I was reminded of when I had run away from my father when I was fifteen years old and stumbled into Ignatius' part of Juvelia. I had been detained in one of his boy's work camps for about a year before escaping toward the south and crossing the border into Jura, where I had started out as a common thief.

"Keep moving," Dimitri ordered, his voice laced with authority. But I couldn't tear my gaze away from the scene unfolding before me; the image of the child's pain seared into my memory like a brand.

As we arrived at the imposing palace in the heart of the city, a sense of dread washed over me like a tidal wave. The grandeur of the structure was overshadowed by the oppressive atmosphere that permeated its halls, a stark contrast to the vibrant city it once presided over.

Dimitri wasted no time in issuing his commands, his voice echoing through the courtyard with an air of authority. The kai-gons and Luca's men were swiftly ushered away, their fate sealed as they were led towards the dungeons.

Ramon's protests fell on deaf ears as he was dragged along with them, his desperate pleas for mercy and bribe offers drowned out by the clanking of chains and the shuffle of boots against stone. There was no leniency to be found in Dimitri's cold gaze. I could only watch in helpless silence as my friends were taken away, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of my stomach as the reality of our situation dawned upon me with crushing weight.

As Dimitri prepared to lead Luca and me to the cells personally, another guard appeared seemingly out of nowhere, interrupting his plans with an urgent message.

"Your Majesty," the guard addressed Dimitri with a tone of deference, "Morgana would like you to bring Luca and Kelvin to her now."

Dimitri's expression shifted imperceptibly, his eyes narrowing as he processed the message. Without a word, he motioned for us to follow him, his demeanor betraying no hint of emotion as he led us deeper into the palace, towards an uncertain fate in the presence of Morgana herself.

We were led through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, our footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls as we followed Dimitri. As we ascended higher into the heart of the palace, the air grew heavy with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to our meeting with the famous witch who changed all our lives forever ten years ago.

Finally, we emerged into a grand chamber, its opulent decor a stark contrast to the grim reality that awaited us. At the far end of the room, Morgana stood on a balcony overlooking the city, her silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the sprawling city below.

Her presence was commanding, her gaze piercing as she turned to regard us with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Something in her had changed from the last time I'd seen her. She looked a lot younger and there was an air of power about her, a palpable aura that sent a shiver down my spine as I stood before her, feeling small in her presence. Dimitri bowed low before her, a show of deference that spoke volumes of Morgana's authority.

"Your Excellency," he intoned, his voice respectful yet tinged with an undercurrent of unease. "I've brought the prisoners." Morgana's eyes flickered over us, her expression inscrutable as she took in our presence. For a long moment, there was silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city below.

"Luca," Morgana's voice cut through the stillness like a knife, her tone cool and calculated. "And Kelvin. How delightful of you to join me. Why hasn't Aurora graced me with her presence? I thought she'd be happy to see me."

I couldn't hold back the question any longer. "Hey, I've got a better question: why does Dimitri look exactly like me? I mean, what's the deal with that?" Both Morgana and Dimitri turned their attention to me, their expressions revealing a mix of emotions—amusement on Dimitri's face, and a hint of disgust on Morgana's.

Morgana let out a heavy sigh before she slowly approached me, her movements deliberate. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman. This woman conceived and gave birth to twin boys. She cherished her babies deeply. However, one fateful night, another woman, consumed by jealousy for not having a son of her own, broke into their home. In her envy-fueled rage, she snatched one of the boys and fled, disappearing into the night. She raised the stolen child as her own son, far from his rightful home."

As I glanced at Dimitri, I noticed a flicker of uncertainty dancing across his features. His usually composed demeanor seemed momentarily shaken as if my question had unearthed a hidden layer of doubt within him. It was a subtle shift, but one that didn't escape my notice, leaving me to wonder what secrets lay buried beneath his enigmatic facade.

Dimitri's reaction struck me as peculiar. It was as if the tale Morgana had just spun was entirely foreign to him as if he had never heard it before. His brows furrowed slightly, his gaze drifting into the distance as if he were searching for some elusive memory. It was a subtle but telling sign, leaving me to question just how much he truly knew about his own past.

"Now, darling, Aurora, where is she?" Morgana's voice sliced through the air, demanding an answer. But Dimitri remained silent, his gaze still fixed on the ground, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, caught off guard by Morgana's direct inquiry.

"Dimitri!" Morgana's sharp tone jolted him back to reality, and he straightened up, attempting to regain the composed facade he had earlier. The mask of indifference slipped back into place, but there was a flicker of unease lurking behind his eyes, a subtle indication that all was not as it seemed.

"Unfortunately, while attempting to detain Aurora, a snow colossus ambushed my men. We struggled with the colossus and finally decapitated it but it was too late when I reached Aurora. She jumped off a cliff," Why was Dimitri purposefully omitting details?

"That can't be! Are you sure?" Morgana's skepticism hung heavy in the air.

"The Snow Queen intervened, freezing some of my men in the process," Dimitri added. Something wasn't right; why wasn't he saying Aurora was the Snow Queen?

"That cannot be true." Morgana stormed over to the table at the room's center, yanking away the tablecloth to reveal a crystal ball. She peered into its depths with an intensity bordering on madness.

"She's bewitched you, Dimitri! She's found out." Morgana's accusation crackled with urgency.

"Found out what?"

It struck me then that someone had tampered with Dimitri's memories. But why had mine remained untouched?

"Mother, perhaps we can talk this through," Dimitri attempted to reason, but Morgana's resolve was unyielding.

"Take Luca and Kelvin to the dungeons," she ordered firmly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. Dimitri hesitated, a flicker of conflict crossing his face, before he acquiesced with a resigned nod.

"As you wish, Mother." Turning to Luca and I, he gestured for us to follow, his expression troubled yet determined.

As Dimitri led us down the dimly lit corridors of the castle, the weight of the past two days' events settled heavily on my shoulders. Each step felt like a descent into uncertainty, the echo of our footsteps a grim reminder of the impending doom awaiting us in the dungeons.

I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Dimitri's conflicted expression hinted at a deeper turmoil beneath his stoic facade, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay buried within my brother's troubled mind.

The flickering torches cast eerie shadows along the stone walls, illuminating the grim reality of our situation. Despite the chill in the air, a bead of sweat trickled down the back of my neck as we ventured further into the labyrinthine depths of the castle.

My thoughts raced, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. But with each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that our fate was sealed, trapped within the confines of Morgana's evil grasp.

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