Secret of the Snow Queen (Fir...

By GabriellaGwenGalaxia

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16 + For mature themes such as war, gore, violence, triggering content such as mental health issues, brief me... More

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A Letter to the Reader
*Content Warning* 🌢️πŸ”ͺ❗
✨ Awards ✨
CH. 1 Midnight Maneuvers
CH. 2 The Price of Resistance ❗❗
CH. 3 Confrontation and Compromise πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 4 Hostages πŸ”ͺ❗
CH. 5 Nicolas
CH. 6 Bad Omens
CH. 7 Decisions and Responsibility
CH. 8 Dancing with the Devil πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 9 A Shadow of an Apparition ❗
CH. 10 Kai-gons, Snow Queens, and Other Nonsense
The Beginning of Act 2
CH. 11 Ruffians, Vodka, Wolves, and More Nonsense
CH. 12 Revelry and Revelations
CH.13 Entangled Hearts and Hidden Agendas 🌢️
CH. 14 Whispers in the Wind πŸ”ͺ❗
CH. 15 Confessions
CH. 16 Whispered Enchantments
CH. 17 Talking Wolves, Separation, and Even More Nonsense
CH. 18 The Chill of Reality 🌢️🌢️
CH. 20 The Summer House
The Beginning of Act 3
CH. 21 Mercenaries
CH. 22 The Snow Queen ❗❗❗ πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
CH. 23 Unveiling Memories
CH. 24 The Tides of Morality
CH. 25 Just a Monster
CH. 26 Ben
CH. 27 Temptation's Lure
CH. 28 Live Bait
CH. 29 Stupid Courage
CH. 30 Day Two and Day Three
CH. 31 The Lion's Judgment
CH. 32 The Nilsen Secret
End Credits/Cast Pictures.
End Credits/Cast Pictures (Continued)
Bonus Scene: Chapter 1
Bonus Scene: Chapter 2
Bonus Scene: Chapter 3
Book 2 Coming soon!

CH. 19 Fractures, Rifts, and Reconciliation

55 26 43
By GabriellaGwenGalaxia


As Luca's guards surrounded us, tension thick in the air, Kelvin and I dismounted the horse at Luca's command. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of fear and uncertainty swirling within me as I faced Luca's wrath.

With a steely grip, Luca seized Kelvin by his shirt, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "I told you to find her and bring her home, not to take her farther away from safety!" His eyes were wild, and his face contorted with rage.

Kelvin's jaw tensed as he met Luca's gaze, his own expression a mix of defiance and remorse. "I was only trying to protect her," he protested, his voice tight with emotion. "We couldn't just stand by and do nothing while the Snow Queen's power grew stronger."

Their exchange crackled with tension, each word a testament to the complex web of emotions that bound us together. I watched silently, my heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty, knowing that I was the cause of this rift between them.

But as the confrontation unfolded, I noticed something strange amidst the chaos. Willow, Juleljus, Juljá, and the rest of our group stood among Luca's men, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. It was a jarring sight, seeing familiar faces amidst the sea of unfamiliar soldiers, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief at the sight of them.

"Willow?" I called out, my voice trembling with emotion. "What's going on? Why are you here with Luca's men?" Willow's eyes met mine, her expression grave as she stepped forward to address me.

"We were captured by Luca's guards while we were searching for you," she explained, her voice low and urgent. "They've been holding us prisoner, waiting for Luca to return with you." My heart sank at her words, a knot of guilt tightening in my chest. I had led my friends into danger, putting their lives at risk in my reckless pursuit of the Snow Queen.

As Luca pinned Kelvin against the tree, my heart pounded in my chest, a whirlwind of fear and desperation swirling within me. His words cut through the air like a knife.

"I have half a mind to kill you for tarnishing her name!" But before Luca could act on his threats, I found myself standing between the two men, my body trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"Aurora, this is none of your concern; get out of my way," Luca demanded, his voice laced with anger and frustration. I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks as I struggled to find the right words to defend Kelvin.

"He hasn't done anything wrong," I insisted, my voice barely above a whisper. "All he's done is do right by me." My words seemed to hang in the air, a fragile plea for understanding amidst the chaos and uncertainty. I recounted the countless times Kelvin had come to my aid, his unwavering loyalty and selflessness.

"He disobeyed my orders; you disobeyed my orders!" Luca's roar echoed across the snowy valley.

"He saved my life three months ago," I continued, my voice trembling with emotion. "He believed me when no one else did. He helped me find Willow. When the wolves attacked us, he saved my life at the risk of his own. He was going to let himself die for me!"

Tears blurred my vision as I spoke, the weight of my words heavy upon my heart. "He's my best friend," I confessed, my voice cracking with emotion. "He's my only true friend. There is nothing more between us than that. Leave him alone."

"Get out of my way," he growled, his voice low and menacing. Luca's resolve remained unyielding, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he glared at me with accusing eyes.

"If you're going to kill him, you have to get through me first." I stood my ground, my voice barely above a whisper, as I met Luca's gaze with unwavering determination.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the tension between us palpable as we faced off in the snow-covered wilderness. But despite the fear and uncertainty that gripped me, I knew that I couldn't back down—not when Kelvin's life hung in the balance and not when my own convictions demanded that I fight for what I believed in.

"Aurora, don't test me further than you already have. Get out of my way, or there will be consequences." As Luca's frustration boiled over, his words cut through the frigid air like a bitter wind, each syllable laden with a warning of impending consequences. My heart sank as he addressed me with a mixture of anger and disappointment, his eyes flashing with a fierce intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Aurora Ariana Nikolaevna!" Luca's voice rang out like a thunderclap, his tone filled with a sense of urgency and desperation. I squared my shoulders, refusing to yield to his demands, even as he loomed over me with an imposing presence.

"Rory, do what he says," Kelvin urged, his voice tinged with concern. But I couldn't bring myself to back down.

"We're in this together, remember?" I reminded Kelvin, drawing strength from his unwavering support as I stood my ground beside him. Something snapped in Luca's eyes, and after a moment, he broke the tense silence.

"Alright," he conceded, his voice tinged with defeat. "You've crossed the bar; watch and see what happens when you disobey me, Aurora." I frowned, a sense of unease settling over me at Luca's ominous warning.

"What do you mean?" I pressed, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"You know exactly what I mean," Luca retorted, his tone sharp and biting. "I can't protect you if you keep throwing yourself into danger. There is a threshold, Your Majesty." His deliberate omission of my name stung like a slap in the face, a painful reminder of the growing divide between us.

"Can't you see? I'm okay!" I protested, my voice rising in frustration.

"Yes, for now," Luca conceded, his expression grave. "The feeling of security is only temporary; your actions will come back to bite you later." He said as he adjusted his saddlebag. "You'll see, it's much like sin." Heat rose to my cheeks as I remembered my dream last night. I glanced at Kelvin awkwardly before looking to the ground. His words struck a chord deep within me, a nagging sense of doubt gnawing at the edges of my resolve. I felt my eye twitch with anger then; his suggestions were really pushing my buttons now.

"Sin?" I said as if I didn't know what he meant. He came close again so that our faces were a mere few inches apart, and I braced myself.

"Because of what you're doing, leaving your son behind for Kai-gons and Snow Queens, the people's tongues are wagging," he whispered. "They think you're mad. Do you want to know what I think?" he asked, staring at me for a moment as if he were searching my eyes. "I'd be inclined to agree." Tears welled in my eyes at his harsh words. He turned to lead his horse towards a tree. The rest of the men were already setting up a makeshift camp, probably awaiting his next orders.

I couldn't help but wonder if he was right—if I truly was walking down a path of madness and folly, risking everything for a cause that seemed increasingly uncertain with each passing moment.

I'd be inclined to agree. I wiped my eyes and took a defiant step forward.

"I challenge you to a duel!" I declared, my voice quivering with emotion. Luca turned slowly, his eyes widening in disbelief at the audacity of my words. "The loser will be declared mad for the rest of the armistice period." Shock flickered across his features; I held his gaze with unwavering determination.

"You really think that you can win in a duel against me?" Luca's chuckle echoed through the clearing, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "I'm the one who trained you; I know your movements better than I know anyone else's."

"Is the Regent of the land afraid of a sixteen-year-old girl?" I challenged, my voice trembling with emotion. The question hung in the air like a dare, daring him to confront the truth of his own fears and doubts.

For a moment, Luca's expression flickered with uncertainty, a shadow of doubt crossing his features. But then, with a determined set of his jaw, he stepped forward, his eyes blazing with a fierce resolve.

"I accept your challenge," he declared, his voice low and steady. "But know this, Aurora: I will not hold back. If you truly wish to test your mettle against me, then prepare yourself for the consequences." I gulped at the possibility of death. He cocked a brow at me, and I mirrored him.

"I'm fully aware of the consequences of a duel Luca." With a flick of his wrist, Luca drew his sword, the steel glinting in the pale light of the winter sun. It was then I noticed my sword wasn't with me.

"Someone bring me my sword!" I cried out, tinging my voice with authority; determination pulsed through my veins as I saw Peter walk over to Kelvin's stallion and unlatch my sword.

"Aurora you shouldn't do this, not on my account." Kelvin's protest fell on deaf ears as I refused to let anything deter me from this course of action. I waved my hand in dismissal.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for me. Stay out of my way," I insisted, my voice firm and resolute. With Peter's assistance, Luca and I moved away from the group, the snowy ground beneath our feet serving as the makeshift arena for our confrontation.

As Peter created a ring in the snow, Luca and I squared off, our swords raised in readiness. The air crackled with tension as we braced ourselves.

At Peter's signal, we lunged forward simultaneously, our blades clashing with a resounding clang that echoed through the clearing. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves through my arms as I struggled to keep pace with Luca's relentless assault. Luca faltered for a moment, and I began my own assault—not showing any mercy. The duel raged on, the line between attacker and defender blurred, each of us fighting with all our strength and skill to gain the upper hand.

Suddenly, Luca swung towards my head, and I ducked, nearly missing a killing blow. I rolled onto the snow, kicking his leg in order to throw him off balance. It worked, and I panted in satisfaction as he rolled onto the snow next to me. I quickly stood up, trying to trap him, but he was quicker. He grabbed his sword, and our swords clashed once again.

"Done yet, little sister?" he panted, and his eyes showed a glimmer. It was then that I realized Luca had been bluffing earlier.

You can tell a lot by looking into someone's eyes; that is your first key to success in any sword fight. The words from Luca's first sword lesson rang in my ears. I thought back to when I had stood between him and Kelvin.

He'd never hurt me.

"No, I was just getting started!" I attacked again, trying to tire him out. Maybe I could win this duel after all.

However, after the seconds dragged on, Luca's skill and experience were simply too great to overcome. With each clash of our swords, I found myself struggling to keep pace with his relentless swings, my movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated under the weight of exhaustion and defeat.

It became increasingly clear that victory was beyond my grasp. After a hard blow to my sword, I watched as Luca's blade found its mark, knocking my sword from my grasp and sending me sprawling to the ground in defeat.

For a moment, everything seemed to blur together—the sound of steel against steel, the sting of snow against my skin, the ache of exhaustion that coursed through my body. But amidst the haze of pain and disappointment, there was a sense of clarity—a moment of perfect stillness as I stared up at Luca from where I lay on the ground.

At that moment, I saw not the Regent of the land but my brother, my mentor, and my friend. As he stood over me, his expression softened with a mixture of pity and remorse; I knew that despite everything, he still cared for me in his own way.

"You're dead and... mad." He said, a ghost of a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. He cocked a brow, and I pursed my lips. Maybe he wasn't trying to be funny. Without a word, Luca extended his hand, and after a moment's hesitation, I accepted it, allowing him to help me to my feet. As we made our way back towards the makeshift camp, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at my insides, a bitter reminder of my failure and humiliation.

Kelvin's concerned gaze met mine as he walked up beside me, his eyes scanning me over with a mixture of worry and apprehension. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

I furrowed my brows, hugging myself tightly against the chill that seeped into my bones. "I'm fine," I replied, my voice hollow and distant as I walked ahead, bracing myself for what was about to happen next.

But before I could steel myself for the inevitable confrontation with the rest of the group, Richard appeared as if out of thin air, his sudden presence sending a jolt of fear coursing through my veins. He took hold of my arms with a firm grip, producing a length of rope from his belt with a flourish.

"Sorry, orders," he muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of feigned regret. "Gotta keep you tied up on account of your illness." He smirked at me as he pulled out his rope and began preparing it in order to tie me up. My eyes caught the sight of the dagger in his belt. With a quick movement, I pulled out his dagger, cutting his hand in the process.

Drops of blood fell to the snow below us as he cried out. I pointed the dagger at him.

"Don't move another muscle, or I'll stab you; I don't care if they're watching." My voice was barely above a whisper. Luca and Kelvin were next to us in an instant; both of them looked upset.

"Give me back my dagger, Princess." Kelvin slowly pushed my hand down, took the dagger, and handed it to Richard. I looked on in satisfaction; it was the same dagger he had used the day he had put it to my throat. I shared a look with Kelvin before Richard broke the silence. "Thank you." I narrowed my eyes as he looked from Kelvin to me.

"I'll take it from here, Richard," Luca said sternly as he took the rope. "Thank you, Kelvin," Luca and I looked on as Kelvin awkwardly walked away. I looked at the rope in Luca's hands.

"Luca, please, don't tie me up; I promise to go quietly." He searched my gaze for a moment. He was doing the eye thing too.

"I'm sorry, I can't trust you right now." I pursed my lips as he quickly tied my wrists and led me to my mare. "Up." He said as he lifted me to my horse.

"What if I fall?"

"You won't because you won't be trying to get away. We're riding to the Summer House; there, we'll regroup and make the next decision."


As we journeyed towards the summer house, tension hung thick in the air; each step weighed down by the weight of the winter storm brewing. Luca and Kelvin huddled over the map, their brows furrowed in concentration as they debated the best route to take.

"We'll take the left fork," Luca declared, his voice tinged with stubborn determination.

"But that way is more complicated, and the terrain is more dangerous!" I called from two horses behind them. But Luca brushed off my concerns, his pride getting the better of him as he sought to prove a point. "Luca!" I called but he rode on as if he had never heard me.

I didn't have a choice as I followed along, tied to my mare, who was being led by Peter, my newly assigned bodyguard. Luca led the group down the left fork; my heart was heavy with apprehension as we ventured deeper into the winding mountain paths. But as the hours passed, it became painfully clear that Luca's plan had led us astray.

With a sinking feeling in my gut, I watched as Luca's confidence faltered, his expression shifting from determination to confusion as he realized his mistake. But instead of admitting defeat, he doubled down on his stubbornness, insisting that we press on despite the dead end looming before us. It was only when the dead end was right in our faces that my stubborn brother relented.

With a huff, he rode out hard, his pride doused with humiliation. The rest of the party followed him slowly. Richard passed by me with a glare while Kelvin shot me a sympathetic look. I looked away, hating how trapped I felt having to be tied to my horse and led by a bodyguard. It was then that Ramon rode up next to me.

"Princessa, everything will be alright. We will reach your mansion soon," Ramon's reassuring words broke through the quietude of our journey. His kindness touched me deeply, eliciting a soft smile despite the tears welling in my eyes.

I blinked away the tears, determined to maintain composure as we pressed on through the rugged terrain of the northern mountains. The landscape unfolded before us, a vast expanse of snow-covered peaks and shadowy valleys, the chilly air biting at our skin with each gust of wind.

As we retraced our steps through the rugged mountain terrain, Ramon regaled me with tales of his romantic escapades with a mysterious Andorian woman he affectionately referred to as "Chica." But despite his animated storytelling, I found myself unable to focus on his words, my mind consumed by thoughts of escape.

"Princessa?" Ramon's voice broke through my reverie, pulling me back to the present moment. I forced a smile, trying to feign interest in his stories, but my attention was elsewhere.

As I glanced around at the others, I noticed Ramon's hand casually resting on his lap, a glint of metal catching my eye. My heart skipped a beat as I realized he was concealing a dagger beneath his cloak.

"Do you wish to be free?" His words were barely a whisper, but they rang loud in my ears. I glanced around, ensuring that no one was paying attention to us, before nodding subtly in response.

With practiced ease, Ramon slipped the dagger into my hand, his movements smooth and calculated. I gripped the handle tightly, my heart racing with anticipation as I began to work at the rope that bound my wrists.

Each movement was careful and deliberate, my fingers working quickly to unravel the knots that constricted my hands. As the rope fell away, I felt a surge of relief wash over me, my hands finally free from their bindings.

I glanced up at Ramon, gratitude shining in my eyes as I mouthed a silent thank you. He simply nodded in response, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips, before turning his attention back to the path ahead.

With a determined gaze fixed on the path ahead, I seized the opportunity to take charge of my destiny. Delicately, I drew my new dagger and skillfully sliced through the rope that bound my mare's neck, freeing her from her makeshift tether. As the rope fell away, I reached out and grasped the reins, feeling the rough texture of the leather beneath my fingers.

"Hey!" Alexie's voice echoed behind me, but I paid it no mind. It was now or never.

That's my cue.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I urged my mare forward, her powerful strides carrying us swiftly past the men who stood in our path. As we galloped ahead, I stole a quick glance over my shoulder, catching the flash of Kelvin's encouraging smile before we disappeared from view, leaving a stunned Luca in our wake.

In that fleeting moment, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me, the wind whipping through my hair as I rode forward into the unknown. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a newfound sense of determination to seize control of my own fate.

As I rode on through the dense forest, the sun began to peek out from behind the thick storm clouds, casting dappled shadows across the snowy landscape. In the distance, Luca's figure emerged, gradually closing the gap between us. With a playful smile, I glanced back at him, silently inviting him to join in the game.

A moment of unspoken understanding passed between us as Luca drew alongside me, his laughter echoing through the trees.

"The end of the forest!" he called out, marking the finish line of our impromptu race. With a shared grin, we spurred our horses forward, our competitive spirits igniting as we raced towards the imagined goal. As we crossed the imaginary finish line, I surged ahead, the exhilarating rush of victory coursing through my veins. Luca's laughter filled the air as he conceded defeat, his playful teasing belying the warmth of our bond.

Our attention turned to the surroundings, noticing that the storm had dissipated and the snow was melting under the burgeoning heat of the emerging sun.

"Odd," Luca remarked, furrowing his brow in contemplation. I shrugged, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

"Maybe the Snow Queen has realized Morgana's bad intentions," I suggested, my voice tinged with hopeful optimism. Luca chuckled softly.

"Or maybe she's taking a nap," he mocked, his playful banter eliciting a smile from me. Despite our earlier tension, Luca's lighthearted demeanor eased any that remained. "I'm still mad at you," Luca admitted, his tone teasing yet sincere. "But I think I'll be able to forgive you."

"Really?" My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yes," he affirmed, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "If you let me drink from your canteen, I'm parched." With a grin, I handed him the canteen, watching as he took a sip before playfully pouring the water over himself. I couldn't help but laugh at Luca's antics, my lips curving into a fond smile as we shared a moment of playful camaraderie amidst the tranquil beauty of the forest.

I gazed into the distance, my eyes fixated on the familiar silhouette of the Summer House nestled amidst the landscape. A rush of memories flooded my mind, filling me with a sense of nostalgia and excitement.

"I remember! We used to play there as kids!" I exclaimed, the fond recollections bringing a smile to my lips. However, Luca's response cast a shadow over my joy, his words carrying a weight of sadness and unspoken longing.

"You did," his voice held a somber tone, reminding me of the stark differences in our upbringing. While I had enjoyed the privileges of royalty in the first few years of my life, Luca had endured the hardships of life as a servant boy, often marginalized and overlooked for being the son of an unmarried maid. I had only joined the rank of the servants after my mother was beheaded and that didn't last very long after Morgana and Ignatius murdered our family... I shuddered at the memories and pushed them away. I met his gaze, silently conveying my empathy and affection for him.

"I love you, Luca," I spoke softly, hoping to offer him some solace amidst the complexities of our shared past. His reaction took me by surprise, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he returned my gaze.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know," he confessed, his words resonating with a depth of emotion that touched my heart. We continued our journey towards the mansion in solemn silence, the weight of our unspoken bond and shared history lingering between us like a gentle breeze, carrying us closer to the home that held both cherished memories and untold secrets.

As we finally arrived at the summer house, relief flooded over me like a warm embrace. I spotted Camilla standing on the porch, her figure silhouetted against the soft glow of the setting sun, cradling baby Nicolas in her arms. With a rush of emotion, I dismounted my horse and hurried over to them, my heart swelling with love as I embraced my son.

Camilla welcomed us inside, her demeanor calm and composed, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach. As we entered the familiar surroundings of the summer house, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the homecoming I had longed for.

It's nothing. I told myself as I sat on the sofa in the living quarters. Everything's going to be okay.

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