Embrasse-Moi ("Kiss me") | Le...

By rvbvcxa

395 43 111

This story is about Her. [Modern!AU] A troubled woman who has led a life that was not her own. She tries her... More

I - Prologue
II - The Brauns
III - Tissues
IV - "All Yours."
V - Search
VII - Holy Shit
VIII - Missed You
IX - Margherita and Doughnuts
X - Duty(!)
11 - Madeleines
12 - Concussed
13 - Liar
14 - I was.
15 - Kyojin Entertainment

VI - Ceremony

21 1 0
By rvbvcxa

8 years previous

"Levi!" She yelled as he tackled her onto the soft mattress of her dormitory. Her hair spread flat on the bed as she lay there awaiting her fate. "I'll kill you if you ruin my makeup. I need it perfect for the ceremony."

"Shhh..." Levi hushed as he stopped tickling her and bent down to cuddle her close to him. "You're being so loud... I'm not even supposed to be here." He chuckled in a low voice. Tonight was the 100th Anniversary of Institut le Pivoine. Everyone was dressed in gowns and suits. As both Y/N and Levi were in the Student Council, they were invited along with a few people they knew. Like Mikasa, Levi's cousin who was fully focused on her studies.

Although she was a year younger, she was still admirable and we all expected her to graduate as a valedictorian.

"Levi, please." She pleaded as he began to plant kisses on her cheeks. His arms hugged her tighter. "I don't wanna redo it, we only have an hour. We need to go rehearse." She spoke out of breathy giggles. It was cute. Although he restricted her movement she still managed to wiggle around.

"Stop squirming." He muttered in between kisses. "Just let me kiss you." He frowned when she pushed his face away.

"No," She said after a moment of hesitation. His frown was extremely tempting. "Unless you're a makeup artist and can fix it perfectly, no more. Not until later on tonight." He pushed himself off of her. But he remained standing in between her thighs. He admired her up and down, from her face to her hickey-covered thighs. She stared back shamelessly. "You look handsome in this suit." She uttered as she smiled. Levi smiled slightly and pulled her into a sitting position.

Levi has a dimple on his left cheek. It never shows cause he never smiles. It's terrible. But now, Y/N keeps his dimples a secret. Because it's like it's her own little thing to treasure.

"Thanks, baby." He smirked. "Come, let's rehearse these speeches as you said." Levi held onto her soft hand. She soon stood up, following Levi to her desk. Their speeches sat on the wooden desk and he grabbed hers, handing it to her before grabbing his own. He knew she struggled to pick up things with false nails, so he tried his best to pick things up for her. She noticed this as soon as she got her nails redone. It's the small things that he does which keep her completely in love with him. "I'm sure Erwin and Hange are already downstairs in the garden rehearsing."

He started to guide her to the door but she slowed down. "Wait wait wait," She lugged. He looked back at her in confusion. "I have no shoes on... Can you perhaps..." She muttered.

"Help you put on your shoes?" He interjected. "Sit." He ordered and she obliged. Y/N sat down on the cushioned desk chair and waited for him. He grabbed the Louboutin box which sat on the bed and brought it to the floor by her feet. Levi's mom gifted these for her to wear. Even after refusing so many times, she insisted on Y/N wearing and keeping them.

Kuchel didn't wanna let it go. It wasn't until she finally took it in her hands that she smiled. Kuchel was so polite to Y/N. She wondered if this was how a real mom acted. She treated Levi so well, that Y/N started to assume maybe it was because he was a son. Everyone loves a son.

He opened the box revealing crisp, black, Iriza Louboutins with red bottoms. It matched perfectly with her outfit and most of all they were beautiful. Levi gently took them out of the box while kneeling on one knee. He gestured for her to bring her foot to him and she did. Y/N got a manicure and a pedicure for the ceremony so she was comfortable with him to even suck her toes if that's what he felt like. He held her left foot first, gently massaging it with his left hand as he took out the left heel with his right. Levi brought her foot to his face and kissed her ankle before putting the shoe on her. Her foot slipped right in. It was Levi who told his mom of Y/N's shoe size.

He did the same with the other foot. He stood up as soon as he was done. Y/N looked at him with pure love and took his hand as they walked towards the dorm room door so that they could go downstairs to practice with Hange and Erwin. Y/N had the longest speech, unfortunately, because of how many extracurriculars she was a part of. Swimming, Visual Arts, Theatre, Tennis and occasional cheer. Hange also had a long speech because of her passion for Science. Levi's speech was a few lines short of Y/N's because he was captain of the fencing and football team. He also does Theatre in French and English.

Erwin's wasn't too long as he was mostly absent this term. The rest of the student council would be attending but not speaking. The student council ranged from 15 to 18. The few fifteen-year-olds won't be able to drink and will have to leave early but the rest of the students are permitted champagne, or whatever they're serving.

Jean, unfortunately, wasn't invited. He's an airhead at academics but he's great at Visual Art. He's an assistant to the Student Council because of the boredom he has with all his free time. He's usually useless and just chills in the council room as we do all the work but sometimes he has elaborate ideas.

Levi led Y/N out to the garden where Hange, Erwin and Miche sat. Miche was opening and closing the event along with our Principal, Mr Pyxis.

Hange noticed them first. She raised her head and her eyes met them as they entered the brightly lit garden. The garden was so beautiful in the evening and it's such a hidden treasure during events. You can count that no stranger would walk in aimlessly interrupting them all. The warm garden light illuminated them and gave them both a nice glow. "Levi! Y/N!" She caught the attention of the two others sitting waiting for them. Erwin and Miche just waved quietly. "Y/N, You look amazing! Your dress is so beautiful!" Hange yelled in pure excitement.

They were still a little distance away, but she could hear her compliments loud and clear. "You look amazing too!" Y/N yelled back, completely matching Hange's energy. Hange was dressed in a loose suit with a grey turtle neck. The jewellery was gold and made her look so put together. If you see Hange, she looks like she smells good. Like Vanilla or Honey.

Erwin wore a deep blue suit, His hair in its usual nature. Slicked back and his diamond stud earrings were in. Miche was the same with the earrings. They both recently got their ears pierced because Mary said she liked guys with ear piercings. Miche dressed in just a dress shirt and a suit vest.

As they got closer, Erwin and Miche stood up. Y/N ran to Hange, jumping in her arms in a tight hug. Levi walked away and greeted Erwin and Miche with a handshake.

After all the compliments and small talk, they began analysing their speeches for the last time. They were free to go off script to fit the mood, the written speech, that each of them made with the help of mentors, was going to be used as a guide in front of them.

It took them 45 minutes to be fully confident in their scripts. They heard people already arriving. Many other councils from other schools will be attending, the mayor might even show face. There was distinct chatter that could be heard. "Right, Let's go before they start wondering where we are." Erwin suddenly stated, standing up followed by Miche and Hange. Levi stood up after, leaving Y/N the only one sitting down on the stone garden bench. Levi took her hand, helping her up with his guidance.

As soon as Y/N was on her feet, Levi pulled her close slightly, "You're so beautiful," He muttered in her ear. "You'll do great."

She didn't know how much she needed those words of encouragement. She thought that being cherished like this only happens in storybooks. He showed her that love is real. Their love is real. "Thank you." She smiled up at him. She gave him a quick peck. She immediately took his hand after and tried to catch up with the pace of the rest of the group. They were already walking a couple of metres away.

As soon as the Principal called her name, she walked confidently across the state, her shiny satin dress flowing gracefully with every step. Her hair, styled to perfection, added to her overall elegance, making her stand out in the crowd. It expressed her elaborate personality. She greeted the crowd as soon as she was met with the podium. She waved and flashed a charming smile. The crowd clapped at her presence.

"My name is Y/N L/N," She proclaimed. "I'm the representative for the Student Council and the Juniors of Institut le Pivoine. We are here to celebrate the wonders of this school in the past one hundred years..."

Levi could only see her from the side of the stage. She illuminated the stage. Levi stared at her with pure awe until Hange tapped him out of it. "She's good, right?" She commented in awe. "I can't believe you were able to ask her out."

Levi whipped his head to her with a click of his tongue. "What the fuck does that mean?" He asked lowly offended.

"She's so intelligent, beautiful..." She pondered. "I was so shocked when I found out you actually asked someone out. Normally you were reserved and never acted on your attraction."

Levi settled down and looked at Y/N once again. "Do you want me to be honest?" He asked. Hange responded with a quick "Mhm", so he continued. "I didn't want to see her smitten with someone else. I want her to myself."

Hange paused for a second. "Wow, Levi! You're so protective! I've never seen this side of you before." she laughed. Levi shot her a genuine glare.

"I am because it's her." He admitted. "I need her so much more than she needs me. She has absolutely no idea."

"You didn't tell her?" Hange asked. "I thought..."

"No," Levi cut her off. "She knows about my past. I just don't want her to be worrying about how it's affecting me. Especially when I'm trying to get rid of Petra."

Hange's eyebrows furrowed. Petra has been bothering Levi and Y/N for some time. Levi talks to her every once in a while strictly about math in math class because they have no choice. Y/N isn't in their class and Petra keeps getting moved to the empty seat by Levi. But she tries to flirt with him to no avail.

"What did she do this time?" Hange asked. Her hands moved from behind her to on her hips.

"She texted Y/N," Levi sighed. "She told her that she's going to go after me no matter what and that if I end up with her, she won."

Y/N showed the message to Levi with a giggle of disbelief. There was no way someone could be as passionate as Petra.

"She told people that she'll be your future wife. I think she's kinda creepy. Maybe she just needs you to turn her down in person. Do it in math class." She suggested.

Levi hummed in acknowledgement before he straightened out his suit.

"...Captain of the Fencing and Football teams, Aspiring Actor, Levi Ackerman!" Y/N presented. Levi's name was already known in the Acting industry because he acted in a few films as a kid and teenager. He's taken a break from high school but voiced that he would pick it up as soon as he was done with academics. There were claps, lots of them. Some low cheers could be heard too.

Y/N smiled at him as she walked across the stage positioning herself where the student council would stand. The audience could still see her so she tried her best not the fidget.

Levi stepped up onto the stage sparing a few glances at Y/N. He started off staring across the huge crowd of almost 3,000 people. He cleared his throat and the speech proceeded. He talked about the history of sports and theatre in the school. The huge protectors showcase icons and actors who have studied all up from 100 years ago. Levi's part of the ceremony was Y/N's favourite because she got to stare up at the presentation that had his face in a lot of the pictures. She adores his face.

The speeches kept going from 7 PM to about 7:50 PM. They went through many people and then it was finally time for them to have food and drinks. The underaged people were to leave at 8 PM. Jean had a plan to sneak in as soon as the underage students were leaving.

Y/N was just excited to get off stage and be able to fidget in peace. Levi stood next to her throughout the whole thing and held her up by having his hand around her waist. Y/N just couldn't stand there for 50 minutes without moving. Levi didn't even care if it would show in pictures, and neither did Y/N. Her dad would care but she didn't.

"Mmmm," Y/N groaned, a complaint was coming. "I'm so thirsty... and hungry."

"Do you want a drink?" Levi asked as they walked off side by side. "And I can get you some better food, they only have sandwiches here."

Y/N nodded. "Let's get the free champagne first though," she laughed. "The alcohol they buy is so sweet, I love it."

Levi gave her a look and led her to the drinks table, now hand in hand because they were among the crowd, no one would notice. "Only one drink. You get so..."

Y/N was alert now. "So... What?" She raised one eyebrow, fighting the urge to stop in their tracks and question him about how she is when she's drunk. "Am I a bad drunk?"

"No, you're just vulgar." Levi clarified with a smirk. Y/N's knees almost buckled.

"...Vulgar," she repeated. He nodded without a second thought. Y/N's face flushed in complete embarrassment. This was the first time she heard of all this. Levi didn't notice her face until they stopped at the drinks.

"What's wrong?" He asked, clueless about why she was quiet and flushed. He put his hand on her forehead to check if she had a fever. "Your face is so warm-"

"Why didn't you tell me?!" she exclaimed in pure horror.

"About what?" he looked at her in confusion.

"About being a vulgar drunk?!" She was horrified. "That is so embarrassing. I'm never showing my face ever again." Her hands came up to her face.

"Baby, stop." He ordered. "It's not as bad as you think. You just get a little brave that's all. Take your hands off your face, it's too pretty to be covered like that." He gently took hold of her hands and took them off. "So dramatic..." he muttered as he brought her close.

He took a drink for her and one for himself. Y/N almost downed hers in one go. Levi chuckled at her in disbelief and followed suit.

"Y/N!" someone yelled. They were standing a few feet away from them when a voice suddenly pierced through the air, causing him to let out an audible sigh. It was Jean, stumbling towards them in a tuxedo. He seemed to be heavily intoxicated, as he was cackling and swaying unsteadily on his feet.

"Oh my god, Jean..." She facepalmed.

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