A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

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Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Forty-Nine

397 14 17
By bb2410

-Misty's P.O.V.-

"The Beginning?"

I nodded. "The beginning, you know the start of a story, where it all began." I replied to him.

My mother scoffed, "She has a thing for sarcasm, just wanted to let you know." My mother chimed in.

Allen cleared his throat and looked down at the floor for a moment before he began to speak.

"Well...I was about 25 when I met your mother at this jazz type club." He started.

My mother rolled her eyes, "First of all it was a regular club, and if anything it was R&B themed...that's what I sang." She interjected.

I cut my mother a glance so that Allen could continue to speak despite his poor understanding of music genres. Allen seemed like the type to keep his nose in a book rather than his ears plugged in with music. I wondered how my mother and him got along back then. They were two different people.

My mother noticed my intense stare and fixed the bag she had on her lap quieting herself in the process. I allowed Allen to continue speaking, he seemed somewhat...amused at the relationship between my mother and I and it was creeping me out.

"Anyway, I was at the club getting a couple of drinks and while I was doing that I couldn't help but hear an amazingly beautiful voice behind me singing..." His eyes cut briefly to my mother. She wasn't looking at him, more like she was looking outside like she wanted to be anywhere but here. I was getting a mixed feeling that he was trying to win her affection by what he said, but my mother didn't seem the least bit fazed by his words.

"I turned around and that's when I saw Eveline-your mother. I listened to her sing the entire night. I'd come back almost daily just to hear her. Then one night we finally met each other...our eyes locked from across the stage and later on I got speak to her. We became quite familiar with each other." He said familiar in way that could only mean one thing. God, this was embarrassing. But I wanted to know, I had to know why this happened between my parents.

"I was a bit dishonest with your mother when I met her...I neglected to tell her that-." He was cut off by my mother.

"You were married and had a child." My interrupted him again.

I glared at my mother. "Let him speak, will you?" I said to her.

She arched her eyebrow, "Can't help it, I get so fired up when I hear this story it's like I'm reliving it again." She said sarcastically.

Allen chuckled. "I see where she gets the sarcasm from." He said to my mother.

We both looked at him seriously and he cleared his throat for the second time.

"The point is that I was dishonest with her and eventually it resulted in you. I made stupid selfish mistakes and only thought about myself..." He trailed off and looked away.

I nodded, "I get it...I was a mistake, I know I've lived with that realization my entire life no need to rehash it." I said to him.

He turned to me abruptly and his eyes widened at what I said but before he could speak my mother spoke, catching me off guard with what she said.

"I never regretted you in my life, Misty. Was I unhappy that I was pregnant? Yes. But that doesn't mean that I didn't want you." She said.

I turned to her and saw for once in my life her eyes spilling with sincerity. It was something rare I saw in her, something almost forbidden, something I only dreamed about. It was weird seeing her rustic brown eyes twinkle and dart at every part of my face in disbelief and what I was surprised to see was...sadness.

I held my breath and looked up at the ceiling, just imagining myself somewhere different for a change. I wish I was with Larz right now. He'd know how to make it all better with his words and kisses. He made my fast life slow down and take a break so I could breathe. I needed him right now.

"Misty." Allen started causing my head to drop from looking up at the ceiling to his face.

"Yes?" I replied to him.

"I know this is hard to believe coming from me or your mother but we both have something in common with each other." He said.

I scoffed, "Yeah, what's that?" I asked him. I hadn't realized how tense I was right now until I finally found the courage to release my tense body and lay my back against the sofa. It was clenching so hard now my back hurt.

"That we both love you." He replied.

I stared at him blankly.

"And each other." He added.

My mother put the breaks there. "I think that has had its time and expired, Allen don't fill the girl with a lie like that. Remember who you chose and because of that I chose not to be part in your life anymore." She said harshly, she seemed suddenly angered by what Allen had said to me.

His amber-orange flecked eyes flashed with what looked like hurt at what my mother said. If there was one thing that she was good at it was hurting someone's feelings and not looking the least bit bothered by it. Sometimes I wondered if my mother was just born with a cold heart like that.

"Evie-." He started.

Wow. He even had a nickname for her.

My mother furrowed her brows and her face scrunched up in frustration. "Don't call me that." She hissed.

Allen's eyes was locked on my mother looking confused, frustrated and just sad all in one face. It was almost sad to look at, then again I've never met the man until today and it was hard to feel sympathy for him. I honestly did know who trust at this point.

I listened as my mother and father went back and forth which just consisted of my mother pushing away and hissing at him and Allen trying to convince her to listen until I've hand enough for the moment and stood up abruptly.

They both looked at me, both of them were shook into silence.

"WHERE is the bathroom?" I asked Allen seriously fed up and almost seriously regretting this trip. He licked his lips lightly, his eyes trailed over to my mother for a moment who resumed in looking out the window before he turned back to me.

"Down the hall 3rd door to the left." He stated. "Are you alright?" He asked me.

I turned towards the direction. "I'm fine." I replied before I made my way to the bathroom. It was quiet all the while I walked to the restroom and just assumed they were going to wait for me to close the door before they started speaking again.

In the bathroom, I gripped the sink tightly as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked frustrated, tired, and just plain over it. I took the opportunity to splash some water on my face and tousle my hair a bit to get my mind of things for a moment. After I was done I grabbed the nearest towel and patted my face dry.

Was this going to be my life? Going back forth from parent to parent trying to figure out who's lying and who's not. What there motive was? It was giving me this deep sinking feeling that we could never truly be a happy family. I wasn't going to get that picture perfect life that I always dreamed about as a kid, the kind I'd always seem my other friends have. How both parents could be in their lives and I could barely have one.

I left the bathroom after I was done and instead of directly heading back into the living room where my mother and Allen were frantically whispering to each other, I stopped and looked around the hallway filled with pictures of Allen's family. His kids, his wife. Pictures of them as little kids, he had a daughter with blonde hair and green eyes, and a son who had matching eyes like him. In all the pictures I saw a happy smiling family spending time with each other. Shit, they even had a dog.

I wondered where was I when all of this was happening.

Locked in my room with my head leaning over a puzzle yet to be completed by myself, sitting alone at the dinner table with a meal I cooked myself. Graduating out of elementary school hoping for a miracle that my mother would show up just for a couple of minutes to see me, see the awards I got.

My throat clenched up as I remembered the disappointment of constantly looking through the crowd constantly all the way until the end of my graduation when I finally gave up and just accepted the hugs and congratulations I got from my Aunt Jacqueline and Joe.

I fought back the stinging in my eyes and sucked it all back in and replaced the weakness I allowed myself to reveal into the stone cold everyday face.

I summed up all my courage and walked back into the living room where Allen and my mother stopped speaking abruptly. They both turned to look at me and watched as I took a silent seat on the couch.

"Don't worry about me, just go back to your whispering and pretend I'm not even here." I said to them.

My mother sighed and laid back on the couch.

"Sorry, Misty...your mother and I were just discussing somethings. Let me finish telling you what happened." He suggested.

Part of me wanted to put my hand up and say, No thank you I've had enough. But instead I said nothing and allowed him to speak. For about 45 more minutes I listened to him explain how the only real physical time he got to see me was when I was born and he held me in his hands, then at times my mother would send him photos of me as a baby, then his wife got angry and forced my mother to stop sending anything relating to me. My mother didn't speak the entire time he did, her head was focused on whoever she was texting and avoiding this entire conversation.

When he was done it was a long and tense silence.

"Any questions?" He asked after he realized I wasn't going to say anything else.

I got up. "No...it was nice talking to you." I said to him politely.

My mother looked up noticing that this was as far as the conversation was going and she got up as well, slinging her designer purse over her shoulder. Allen got up as well noticing and he silently showed us to the door.

My mother was the first out the door and I trailed behind her.

"Maybe we should have some dinner sometime...you know catch up?!" He called out to her. She waved her hands but that was clearly a no, she wasn't interested. Allen stopped me as I followed my mother out to the car.

He grabbed my arm gently and spun me around. "Will you just give me a chance to get to know you a little more?" He asked seriously.

I sighed. "I don't know." I shrugged.

His eyes darted for my mother in the car to me in that pattern. He then dug into his pocket and pulled out a random card and pen and wrote something down onto it before he handed it to me.

It was a number. "Is this yours?" I asked him.

He brushed some hair away from his face. "Yeah, just call me if you change your minds." He said to me.

I gave him a uncertain face. He stopped me before I said anything else. "Just promise me, you'll consider it." He said to me.

My mother honked the horn.

I turned towards the car. "Look, I'm going to be late to my photo shoot if I keep this up. I'll see ya around." With that I headed into the passenger seat of the Aston Martin since my mother suddenly felt better enough to drive. My mother pulled off and I couldn't help but glance at the receding view of Allen standing outside watching us drive off, hands in his pockets, mouth in a sad frown. I turned back around and focused on the view in front of me erasing the picture in my mind.

Like I said, it was hard to feel sympathy for someone I barely knew.


"Yes! Right there Misty! Perfect!" The photographer said to me as he flickered pictures at me continuously. There were lights everywhere and if I stared directly into them I was going to go blind at any moment. Either way I was happy that I was taking pictures for my album right now, it made me think of all the good music I was making and how I was excited to release it.

For the photo shoot I was wearing this black leotard looking thing with a sheer v-shaped opening at the front. I was posed and pressed against a blank white wall with my hands up looking off into the distance. The people doing the pictures were going to add the visual effects later to the picture but for now they needed the actual thing.

After taking pictures for almost 3 hours, I was officially let go which was a good thing because I was tired and ready to go to bed but I had about another hour worth of a session at the studio so I wasn't going nowhere. Ginger and I headed over there after grabbing something good to eat at this really cool diner and then finally we were at the studio.

I spent my extra time recording and going over my songs for my album and I almost had it all together, pity though I wouldn't be able to add my mother's song to it. It would have just been the cherry on the top to the album. Anyway, when I was done at the studio I headed back to my mother's place and was ready to turn in for the night. I stopped by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before I went upstairs but my mother scared the shit out of me showing up out of nowhere.

"You can have the song." She said suddenly.

I cracked the top of the water bottle open and drank a bit out of it before I questioned her. I looked over her with her satin-silk night robe holding a glass of what I assumed was more alcohol, she was wearing a serious look on her face so I knew she wasn't playing around with me.

"Can I ask why the sudden change of heart?" I asked her.

She shrugged and took a seat by the kitchen counter. "I just realized how much I didn't care anymore." She replied.

I quirked my eyebrow. "Oh? So you don't care?" I questioned her.

She nodded. "That sounds about right." He said.

I scoffed, "It's funny how about a week ago you were against me using it and now it's just up in the air." I responded to her.

She took her glass and drank more of her dark liquid. "Look, I gave you the song are you going to keep asking me questions, or do you not want it." She said with an aggravated voice. I looked her over and shook my head.

"So are we ever going to have dinner with my father?" I asked her changing the subject.

"Hell no." She replied as I finished my sentence.

I laughed. "What's the problem? He just wants to get to know us more." I said to her.

She pointed her finger at me. "Correction, he wants to get to know you. He already knows me, he doesn't need to know anymore. I'm done." She stated.

My smile faltered, "Are you seriously saying that?" I asked her suddenly.

She put her glass done and stared at me intently. "I'm a woman of my word. Your father and I have no business together anymore. He has a life, I have mine." She said to me.

I didn't say anything. Instead I started heading up towards the stairs and to my room. My mother's voice stopped me before I took a step further.

"Your birthday is on the fourth of August, right?" She randomly asked me.

I twisted my head and narrowed my eyes in suspicion as to why she asking me.

"Yeah...what about it?" I asked her.

She scoffed. "Nothing, night." She got up bringing her glass with her and disappeared through some double doors leading to the backyard. I shrugged and headed up the stairs to my bed and to my well deserved sleep.

I had a long day.


-A couple days later-

"Here, Happy Birthday." My mother abruptly pushed something to me on the kitchen counter as I was having a conversation with Maria, eating my cereal as I passed time before my flight back to Indiana. Alex insisted that I come back so I could spend it with Tess, Chris, and her. I accepted of course because I missed my friends and L.A. Could do without me for a couple days. But as I was putting myself into Zen mode for my birthday, my mother came out of nowhere and gave me a present.

"Uh...thank you, what is this?" I asked her curiously.

She looked at me like I had a four heads. "A present, open it and figure it out..Adios, Maria." She waved to Maria who in return responded with a respectable. "Adios Senora."

Maria and I both made eye contact since we both were surprised and then finally I shrugged and opened it up. It turned out to be a really nice Michael Kors bag and a lovely pair of Gucci heels.

"Ohh Fancy Fancy!" Maria nudged me as she came over and took my left over cereal that I wasn't having anymore.

I really didn't know how I felt about the gift at this point, but I appreciated the gesture. I just found it quite odd how she was doing these things for me all of a sudden. It was weird.

"Maybe, she has finally come around." Maria suggested to me.

I gave her a look. "Good one, I'll save that joke for April fools." I replied to her.

She chuckled. "Anyway, how does it feel now to be 20 years old?" She asked me.

I put the gift down and smiled softly. "Like nothing. I don't even feel a little bit older, but here I am." I said to her.

She nodded. "I would have make a cake for you, but you are leaving today to go back to Indiana, no?" She asked.

I nodded. "Thanks, Maria...I appreciate it. Everything. I mean it." I said to her.

She looked over at me briefly pushing her curly brunette hair away from her light face and smiled. "Don't mention it, Misty. You know I'm always there for you." She responded.

That was a while ago, later on I stopped at Larz's place to see if he wanted to hang but he wasn't there and he wasn't answering any of his calls so I decided I was just going to head to the airport and blow the rest of my time there. I sat at the lounge, lazily scrolling through my phone not paying attention to anyone around me until I felt a light tap on my arm. I looked up wondering what the person could possibly want.

The person that tapped me was a girl maybe around 17 years old, she had curly black hair and a pair of hazel eyes. She was smiling eagerly at me and I was not too sure why.

"Can I help you?" I asked her curiously.

She was clenching something in her hand very tightly as she spoke. "You're Misty, right?" She asked me.

I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah." I replied.

She squealed through clenched cheeks. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm like you're BIGGEST fan!" She started jumping up excitedly.

I smiled. "Wow, thank you...what's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Katija!" She responded. I slowly put my phone into my back pocket and stood up.

"Can I get your autograph?" She asked pushing up the notepad she seemed to have been clenching really hard in her hands. I took it from her never really giving my autograph to someone before, but I tried my best at my signature. I had simple clean script handwriting so it wasn't anything special. When I was done I gave her the notepad back.

She squealed again. "Can I get a hug?" She requested.

"Sure." I came over to her and gave her a friendly hug.

"Well Katija, thank you for coming up to me it really made my day." I smiled to her.

Her eyes widened. "Really?" She asked me.

I nodded, "I don't really consider myself famous, you know." I said to her.

This time her eyes bugged out. "Are you kidding me?! You have to be the best singer I've heard ever! Your song is still charting on the billboard 100. You're a celebrity, I was so lucky to even see you today." She cheesed.

I smirked but before I could say anything else I could hear whispering beside where Katija and I were speaking. I turned briefly and saw the crowd forming, pointing and trying to get a view of what was going on.

"Is that her?" One person whispered.

"I can't tell...should we ask?" Another said.

"That looks like her, we should see."

I turned to Katija who was noticing as well. This was going to get ugly really quick if I didn't get out of there quick. "I'm going to leave now before this turns into a mess." I gestured to the crowd and Katija nodded and waved. "Bye." She said to me.

I waved back, grabbing my things heading to the terminal were my flight was located. Slowly but steadily I noticed the crowd following me so I sped up my pace and they did the same until they were on my heels, literally. I had to stop anyway because they were cornering me from escaping.

"OH MY GOD, it is her!" A girl screamed.

Oh God indeed. So for maybe 20 minutes I signed autographs, took pictures, and got a ton of birthday gifts and wishes. It was really sweet to see my fans, but exhausting and I haven't even reached Indiana yet and I was ready to throw in the towel. Eventually all my fans left and that allowed me to catch my flight quickly before it left me and I finally got go home to spend my birthday with my friends.


"SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISTY!!!!" The entire Zeta sorority as well as the boys from Sigma Phi screamed to me as I entered the house frazzled and tired. It sure as hell scared the shit out of me. I was just expecting to spend sometime with Alex, Tess, and Chrishell and nothing more but it seemed they had an alternate plan for me.

"Happy Birthday, Sierra Mist!" Chrishell attacked me in a hug. Tess and Alex joined in as well almost threatening to bring me down to the floor since they were all hanging onto me for dear life.

"Thanks guys, you really got me this time." I said after they let me go.

They were grinning widely. "Haha! I planned this entire thing!" Alex laughed evilly.

I rolled my eyes. "I knew you'd be the source of all evil." I nudged her.

"Well...I took the privilege of making the gourmet meals everyone is having." Tess gushed to herself.

"If you mean the barbeque me and Asher are pulling then that would be a no." Ron pipped in.

I laughed and he came over to me and gave me a tiny kiss on the cheek. "What's up birthday girl?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing, but I heard barbeque so you know I'm there." I responded.

Everyone laughed.

"Angel Voice!" Brendan's familiar voice rang through the room, before I could bat another eyelash he was attacking me in a fierce hug. It felt like forever since I last saw Brendan and Red even though I was in L.A. I was there working and that meant studio, food, sleep, and repeat.

Red came over and tousled my hair like she always did when she had the chance. It was her thing with me and I didn't mind. When Brendan let me go, Red came over and gave me a tight hug as well. "Happy Birthday, Mistella." She whispered to me.

"Thanks...where's Lazaro?" I asked her curiously.

She frowned but Brendan spoke, "He couldn't make it love bug...he wanted us to tell you Happy Birthday, though." He said to me.

My smile faltered a bit in disappointment and I sighed. "It's fine." I looked around and noticed that everyone was wearing their swim trunks and bikinis and I was the odd one out.

"Let me go put my stuff upstairs and put on my bathing suit." I said to them.

They all nodded and allowed me to pass and head up towards my room and put my things away. I quickly opened my door and screamed when I noticed who was in here.

Fucking Lazaro.

I don't think I got to him fast enough throwing my things in the opposite direction and landing straight on him. He chuckled at how happy I was to see him. I really thought he wasn't going to be here. He wasn't at his house or answering any of his calls so I really didn't know where he was.

"I'm happy to see you too." Larz said, when I noticed something crinkling under me I pushed myself off of him for a moment.

"Happy Birthday, princess." He handed me the bouquet of orchids. He knew my favorite flowers like the back of his hands and I loved that about him. I took them from him gratefully and smell them. They had the sweet and fragrant smell of fresh flowers which loved.

"These are beautiful, thank you." I put the flowers down and attacked Larz again this time with kisses. It's been a while since I felt the warm, comfort of them on my lips. This had to be the best birthday ever. When we broke the embrace, I began questioning him.

"How did you get here?" I asked him.

He smirked, "Some might say I came by a flying object called a plane." He said sarcastically.

I smacked his arm. "I think there is a possibility that you are more sarcastic than me." I said to him.

He touched his chest in a shocked manner. "Me?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes you." I replied.

He laughed.

"Come on really how did you get here?" I asked him curiously.

"Me...duh!" Alex appeared at the door her hands firmly on her hips. She had an evil smirk on her lips like she planned the entire thing which I'm pretty sure she did, including the whole Larz thing.

I turned to her and quirked my eyebrow. "How did you get his number?" I asked her.

"Believe it or now, Mist...Alex knows some people." Larz answered.

I sighed and shook my head. "Thanks, Alex...this was really nice of you." I gave her a hug again.

She rolled her eyes, but I could still see those eyes filling with tears. She fanned them away when she let go of me. "It's nothing, you're best friend you deserve it." She said to me.

I scoffed. "I think I deserved a cupcake with a candle on it, but nothing like this." I said modestly. Larz and Alex both gave me a look like: please fool.

Alex shook her head. "Anyway, hurry up and get downstairs a lot of people want to see you." She said before she turned around closing the door behind her and leaving. I turned to Larz. "I'm going to freshen up, you don't mind waiting?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "For you, never." He replied.

I smiled before I grabbed some stuff and headed into the bathroom, where I took a quick shower and threw on my bathing suit. It was a cute purple twisted top bikini with frilly ends. It was so cute. When I was done playing around with my hair and deemed myself presentable I walked back out into my room where Lazaro was waiting for me patiently.

I twirled around in my bikini. "What do you think?" I asked him as he looked up from his phone. He smiled and licked his lips when he saw what I was wearing.

"I don't think it's legal to be that sexy, honestly." He flirted with me.

I laughed. "You are too much." I picked him up from my bed and pulled him up and down stairs to where the party was situated. Alex and the girls really out did themselves with the decorations and everything was perfectly placed. I think the theme was just my really fruity colors, with tons of balloons outside in the pool area. Chrishell told me later on that it was going glow in the dark when night came. There was so many people here, some people I wasn't sure I even knew. There were people from other fraternities and sororities, and then friends of other friends. Either way I enjoyed my party it was so much fun. When night time finally came the glow sticks, glasses, and drinks came out. The music turned up louder and at that point I think more people were showing up.


Birthday it's your birthday!

If I die bury me inside the Louis store!" Everyone sang and cheered.

This DJ was throwing nothing but bangers out which resulted in people never leaving the dance floor. Larz and I danced majority of the night it was amazing. But it was stupid when Tess and Alex found me and put this tiara on me. I didn't want to wear it but when I protested they threatened to throw me in the pool and I couldn't let that happen to me again so I wore it.

After the dancing slowed down for a bit, it was time cut my cake and blow out my candles. Alex had my cake specially made to look like Louis Vuitton bag with makeup around it, that read: Happy Birthday Misty! It was so cute and looked absolutely delicious.

"Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday dear Misty!

Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone sang. I waited for Tess to take the picture before I blew out my candles and everyone cheered. Then it was time for some cake which I enjoyed heavily maybe too much.

"Relax, Misty...that cake ain't going nowhere." Chrishell nudged me as I sat by the pool with the crew including Larz, Brendan, and Red. They laughed at me when they saw how much I was enjoying the cake.

"Y'all can't judge me, this some good ass cake...thank you Alex." I said to her.

"No problem." She muffled through her cake causing everyone to erupt into laughter.

"No joke this is some really good cake." Ron commented as he snuck a fork full of the stuff from Chrishell. When she realized what he had done she glared at him.

"Stop eating all my food!" She whined.

Ron laughed and I kicked up some water with my feet and splashed him the face for messing with my girl.

"Hey!" Ron yelled.

Chrishell and I hi-fived each other.

"Hey, Larz are you going to perform that song for Misty or are you punking out?!" She splashed some water at him, he in return glared at her seriously.

I looked over at him curiously. "You wrote me a song?" I asked him.

Larz turned and blushed at me when I asked him causing the girls to go. "Oohhhh...." I flipped them off continuing to stare at him intently.

"Uh..." He looked away for a moment before he nodded. "I did." He stated.

I smiled. "Will you perform it for me?" I asked him nicely.

He stared at me intently when I asked him, it seemed that whenever I requested something from him it was difficult for him to deny it or anything like that.

"You might think it's stupid." He whispered to me.

"I don't think anything you do is stupid." I whispered back.

He licked and bit his lips before he nodded and stood up from where he was sitting down beside me. Everyone cheered and got up and walked over to where the stage was so we could here him. As we waited for Larz to get set up, Alex who was beside me nudged me suggestively.

I looked at her. "What?" I asked her.

She was holding back a childish grin. "He really likes you, you know that?" She asked me.

I nodded my head, "I know." I agreed.

Alex shook her head. "No...he's on that different level with you, Misty. I called him a couple of days ago to tell him about the party and I didn't even have to say it twice he'd say he'd be there despite the fact that I got through his manager and he said he was busy." She told me.

I briefly glanced back up at the stage at Lazaro and when our eyes locked he winked at me. I couldn't help but release that big cheesy smile. I like when he looked at me like that, like he had so much to say but was keeping it all in. I turned back to Alex and frowned.

"Alex...I'm afraid." I said to her.

She gave me a confused stare and cocked her head to the side, her golden locks twirled into bouncy curls fell to her shoulder flawlessly as she did that. "Afraid of what, Mist?" She asked me curiously.

I sighed. "Of falling in Love with Larz...every time I'm around him, he makes me feel so beautiful and safe, he's always there for me...he really cares about me. But then I think about Jayden and I sort of feel guilty, that maybe in the end what Larz said about the girl always going back to the guy comes true. I don't want that to happen. So I'm afraid." I said to her.

She looked at me for a moment and then nodded to herself. "I understand, Misty...to hell with Jayden he's was the one kissing Sara not you! This is your life and you got to do what makes you happy! You're always saying that to me..why don't you do that for yourself for once. Stop worrying about disappointing others because in the end it all comes down to you. Your decision. If you love Lazaro, love him! Jayden's eventually going to have to get over with and move on, it's clear you have." She said to me supportively.

"So your backing me up on this?" I asked her.

She smiled and patted my arm. "Since day one when I saw you two looking at each other like that. You deserve to be happy every single day of your life." She reassured me.

I smiled back to her suddenly feeling really confident about how I felt about Larz.

She scoffed. "Besides I'm your best friend, Jayden and I are only friends because of Tess, which means I know you longer and I always got your back." She said.

"Thanks, Dara." I said to her.

She shoved me lightly. "Now, go on and listen to your man!" She started dancing when the music started up, when I heard that guitar start playing I couldn't look away. My eyes were focused up on the stage where Larz was.

"It's 3 in the morning,

You're at my door tears streaming down your face,

Don't you know it hurts me girl,

To see you sink back down to that place,

It gets me every time!

I let you in and I don't regret it not once,

But I got to know if this is real it feels like a dream,

I'm just hoping nobody wakes me up,

Cause I think I'm in love with it,

Don't look at the clock baby waste time with me,

Don't look down at your watch I slow time if it makes you stay,

I just don't understand how you get me every time!

All you got to do is touch, all you got do is smile,

All you got to do.....

I just give in to you." Larz sang to me, his eyes never left mine as soon as he began the song, making sure that I fully understood that this song was for me. My heart began racing as I heard the words to it, it was like he captured every single moment we share together perfect in a musical way I could hear.

Whenever he got into the music, electricity zapped its way through his body and shocked mine, I felt it pulsating through my body, kicking my adrenaline up at that point my heart was racing and my body sizzled for more as he sang.

His voice was like honey, every word and tone sounded sweet next to his guitar. It was like he was made for music.

I could feel Chrishell nudging me on the other side but I just couldn't release my gaze from him, it was like I was locked in a spider's web. Stuck, glued to where I was standing and no one was going to come except for Larz.

"Shit, Mist...he got it bad for you." She whispered to me when she realized I wasn't budging.

Yeah...he does.

When the song finished with an epic bang, everyone cheered and hollered, of course the people outside of the circle didn't know the song was for me but I could tell they enjoyed it because they were screaming in happiness. Lazaro just did that to people, make them feel alive with his music.

When Larz managed to get down from the stage he went directly to me.

"What did you think?" He asked me.

I smiled softly. "I love it, everything you make is special...especially this one." I said to him. His eyes never averted from me as I spoke and I loved how they always gave me 100 percent of his attention and nothing less.

"That means a lot to me, Mist." He said to me.

"And so do you." I responded.

His eyes widened when I said that, maybe shocked that I was being this bold in front of my girlfriends, who were quietly listening to us in the background. Larz took and held onto my hand gently.

"What are you saying, Misty?" He asked me.

I felt the butterflies pat against my stomach as I tried to bring my courage back up, but my eyes could not help drifting away from his from embarrassment and shyness. He took his other hand and brought my face back up to his.

I took a deep breath.

"What I'm saying is...I'm going to stop playing around. I know what I want now and it's you." I started.

He continued to watch me with a steady gaze, his jet-black hair blew lightly as a wind passed us. I wanted so much to just run my hands through it.

"I love you, Larz. Let's be serious now."

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