Nerd in Disguise: Blood Bound

By lystrandra

16M 531K 151K

As the only daughter to one of the most powerful Mafia families, Shay has sought to figure out her own path d... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: EPILOGUE <3

Chapter 36

264K 8.6K 4K
By lystrandra

"Has it ever occurred to you that this could be a trap somehow? That Jacob could be a double agent or whatever you call it. He could be faking nice the entire time." Sky voices my doubts. Damn him.

"Yes, it has. In fact, I think about that almost every single second. Thank you very much." I add a bit of sarcasm. 

"I don't know. I wasn't sure since you could be under his bad boy charm." His lips pull into a smirk. 

"Bad boy?" I snort rather unladylike. The things that spew out of his mouth sometimes. 

"Well, isn't he the epitome of bad boy-ness, or whatever people call them these days? Don't girls like you like boys like him?" He glances up from his laptop and asks, not knowing the hole is starting to dig. I genuinely cannot tell if he is serious or not. 

"Girls like me, huh? Do continue please." I lean on the side door and cock my head interestedly.

"Don't girls-" He begins but shuts up as Dante starts coughing dramatically. Sky and I wait for him to finish coughing.

"As I was saying..." Sky begins again.

"Man, you don't want to start this now." Dante groans and shoots a glare at Sky. "Shut up man." 

Sky opens his mouth, but decides against it and turns away. He fiddles around with his laptop a bit. 

"Wow, are you actually sounding mature?" I gasp jokingly towards Dante. I mean it nicely.

"You shut up too." He grumbles and looks back at the road. Somebody is feeling a bit grumpy...

"Are we there yet?" I lean next to his seat and glance around. Nothing looks familiar. I see us drive past a sign with an airport on it. Dante takes the next exit. "Never mind."

"Anyways, onto my question.." Sky starts again.

"Shut up Sky." Dante and I say at the same time. He doesn't need to state the obvious. Of course I have thought multiple times that Jacob could be some double agent. I've thought back to the time when we were both capture. I couldn't even break free without his aid. I wonder how he broke free so easily. It seemed a bit suspicious. Then, there were multiple incidents that occurred that made me question his allegiance. Still, he always seemed to make it up by saving me, saving my family, or just helping in general. 

I really want to trust him, especially after all we have been through. I do trust him, but sometimes I have doubts that worm its way through my mind. It comes with this life. You never know who you can trust until the very last moment when you're either dying..or dead. I like to say I've placed my trust in a number of people who haven't killed me yet and may never want to kill me. 

"Alright, we are here. Follow me." Dante parks the car a good distance away from the private airstrip. I grab the binoculars in Dante's hands and point it in the direction of the planes. I manage to spot a plan with some security guards around. I assume that's the plane that Alfredo is on or getting off. 

"Wow. This doesn't look too much like a airport." I murmur as I spot a lot of huge rectangular shaped buildings scattered around. They have multiple metal containers surrounding the buildings. The place seems to be stuck between an airport and a junkyard. Then again, it's still separated orderly enough so the airplanes have plenty of space to fly and land. 

"How are we going to get close?" I frown upon realizing that once we reach the airplanes, there is virtually no cover for anyone. 

"Do you see Jacob?" Sky whispers into my ear suddenly. I jump a bit in surprise and almost drop the binoculars.

"Geez. Why do you do that?" I grimace. "This binocular is expensive af. You almost made me drop it." 

"My bad." He sounds apologetic for a split second before asking curiously, "Can I take a look?" 

"Have fun." I give it to him before going to the back of Dante's car. He opens the trunk and takes out his arsenal.

"Dammmmnnnn," Sky gives a low whistle as he sees the guns and grenades around. "It looks like you guys are going off to battle. Well, technically you are. Perhaps I should stay behind. Then again, I can't stay behind because I'm not missing this fight for anything..." Sky starts reaching for the Beretta Model 38A. 

"Uh no." Dante slaps Sky's wrist away. "Stick to your computer stuff."

"Now, that's highly offensive." Sky folds his arms and gives a glare. "That's really stereotypical too. Sheesh. I didn't get these guns from typing away on my keyboard all day." He flexes his biceps a bit. It would have been more impressive if he had not been standing next to my sinewy-muscled older brother. Sorry Sky, but you're lean frame looks a bit skinny next to Dante.

"Yeah, sure." Dante shrugs as he concentrates on arming himself. 

"Whatever, I have my own." Sky pulls out a Remington 1911 out of nowhere. 

"Do you know how to use that?" I ask skeptically. I'm kind of worried he's going to shoot himself.

"You too?" His tone of distress is over exaggerated. I roll my eyes and concentrate on arming myself. I forget Sky can be that annoying little brother when he wants to be. 

"Here." Dante passes me a Colt M1911 .45 ACP. I stare at it as if I've seen a foreign object. I do my homework so I know what it is. However, I've never actually used it. Like I said before, I like my knives. 

Dante reads my expression and sighs. "You're going to be hit by a bullet before you have a chance to throw your knife. Humans can't throw faster than a bullet."

"Yes, they can." I frown. 

"Well, not with a Colt M1911 .38 Super." Dante hands me another gun. "Just take it. We don't have time to argue. And yes, I know you love knives. Here's a box for you." He grabs a black briefcase and opens it. A collection of beautiful knives are cushioned inside. Now, that's more like it. I pocket the two guns before grabbing all the knives.

"Ready?" Sky says behind me. I turn around and look at him. He seems ready and equipped. The bulletproof vest he wears underneath his shirt makes him look bigger. 

"Yep." I put on my own vest and check all my weapons once more. I move around, adjusting to the added weight of my equipment.

"Same." Dante nods as he loads some huge ass weapons onto him. Is that even smart to do? I feel like it'll slow him down and make him an easy target, but Dante knows best.

"Alright, I have some gadgets and tech for you guys." Sky grabs his backpack and places it in front of us. He lifts a moderately large silver case. Unlocking the case, he opens to show a bunch of gadgets, like he says. He passes Dante and I an ear piece. Then, Dante and I are given watches with a square screen.

"I have a watch," I refuse Sky's watch.

"It's not just any watch." Sky hands it back to me. "It has the basic functions of a watch, but it also has a lot more functions. One, it can track Jacob's tracker coordinates. That is, once I upload and sync the coordinates to my computer. There are other functions but I do not think they will be necessary or needed. Actually, you might just need the laser, in case you are captured or in a tight situation. Press here," He motions to a button without pressing it, "and you're good for now i think."

"Thanks Sky. You're bloody brilliant. Now, let's go meet up with the bros." Dante signals us to follow him. "Tread carefully and silently." He looks at Sky as he says this.

"I'm careful and silent." Sky shrugs. 

"We've never really seen you on the field so don't take offense." I whisper to Sky, who gives a murmur of understanding.

"let's go catch some bad guys." Sky announces a little bit louder than I expect. I cringe a bit.

"We aren't catching any bad guys. They are already caught." I sigh once more.

"You know what I mean. I've always wanted to say it too." 

I choose to ignore him.

It doesn't take too long to find my brothers who are staying hidden inside a nearby building. The airport seems to be privately owned too. I don't know what building we are in, but it has a bunch of equipment perfect for hiding behind. Leo and Tony acknowledges our presence before turning their attention back on the plane. 

"The plane just landed." Tony says as soon as we crowd near him. His eyes never leaves the plane.

"We have yet to spot Jacob. He's here though. I don't know what exactly he is waiting for." Leo scans the surroundings.

"Has Alfredo Acerbi exited the plane yet?" Dante grabs Leo's binoculars and scans through them.

"Not yet. It seems the door is locked shut or something. Technical difficulties they say." Leo says with an entertained look as his eyes land on Sky.

"I have everything to do with it." Sky confesses a bit proudly. We glance at him in mild surprise as Sky sits on the ground with his computer on his lap. 

"Since when?" I ask curiously.

"Since we got here?" He stares at me as if I'm dense. He does that sometimes.

"Anyways, it's not going to last long." Sky explains, "so we need to find Jacob's ass and drag it back to base. I've located his tracker and downloaded it onto your watches, so let's go." 

"I'll go with V. You stay here and guide us through the ear piece." Dante commands before we leave to search for Jacob. He doesn't waste a single second as he starts moving on without checking to see if I am following.

"Be careful." I hear my brothers whisper. 

I follow Dante, moving silently and carefully. Dante continues to glance at his watch every few seconds. I assume the beeping red circle on his watch screen is Jacob. I blink before realizing I have the same watch too. I glance at my screen and notice we are approaching Jacob soon. He's coming closer. Dante and I stop before a bunch of metal containers, large enough to hide a cargo plane. 

Dante nods slightly toward the right, indicating for me to flank his right. We make eye contact and nod; our nonverbal communication is pretty awesome. Dante lifts up one finger, two..., and three. We both get up and Dante splits to the left of the metal container just as I head to the right. We aim our guns at the middle as soon as we get around the container box. 

Jacob is nowhere to be seen. Dante and I glance at the watch again. He should be here. His dot is supposed to be right in front of us. 

Then, I aim my gun towards the roof of the metal container. I wait for the slightest bit of movement. Dante and I nod to one another before approaching the container discreetly. We stand with our backs pressed to each of the metal sides. 

"Took you guys long enough." Jacob suddenly speaks up as he lands onto the ground between us. The container is like ten feet tall and he manages to land quietly and stealthily. The dumb guy surprises the hell out of Dante and I that we fire in surprise. Thank goodness we manage to divert the bullet with a bit of a nudge. The two bullets fire to each side of Jacob's head. I cringe a bit at the noise despite the silencers on our guns. 

"Shit." Jacob freezes as he glances at the bullets to the sides of his head. 

Dante doesn't bother with any small talks and grabs Jacob's arms. Before I know it, Jacob is restrained with zip ties around his wrists. 

Way to go Dante.

"Hey now. I even waited for you guys." Jacob complains.

I can't decide whether Jacob knew we were coming along or he was bluffing his way through this situation. I know he is no superman so there's a 50/50 chance of him finding the bug. Ah, why does he make me question everything?

"Watch the wrists. Those are quite uncomfortable." Jacob winces a bit as Dante shoves him back towards our brothers. 

"Why didn't you go and attack him? " I ask candidly.

"Me against all them buff dudes is equal to dead Jacob." He shrugs.

"And so you felt like handcuffing me to a car and speeding along to kill Acerbi just to stop and wait for us to catch up? Fess up because my fingers have been twitching to play with my knives." I slide my knives down my sleeve and into my hands. I put on a bored expression as I start to twirl the knives around. They're just flashy little tricks I learned a long time ago. 

"Yeah...about that..." he trails off, probably cooking up another lie or excuse. I assume that he actually didn't know about the bug. He 

"Yeah...enjoy your ride back to...somewhere not here." I falter as I realize I don't know where he could go. I give him an added shove on the way back. I don't miss the look Jacob shoots me, but I don't really care anyways.

"That was quick." Sky chirps as he sees us coming. 

"Are we good to go now?" I ask my brothers. I guess this was somewhat of a retrieval mission. It was quick and easy. Hm, a little too easy.

"Yes. Take him to our van." Tony nods toward Sky and I.

"While you three do what?" I narrow my eyes at them. There's something they are not telling me.

"We shall clean up, but we have something we need to do." Leo answers evasively. I believe it's not meant for the ears of Jacob and Sky. Perhaps they will tell me when I come back.

I grab Jacob's bicep and drag him into our totally inconspicuous white van. It's one of those typical vans I see in the movies. It was Tony's idea to buy the van because he thought it was hilarious. 

"I know you like it rough, but you're..." Jacob begins. I stop him mid way as I stuff a shirt into his mouth. I briefly wonder if the shirt is clean or not. It's just a random shirt on the floor of the van. I hope it isn't clean.

"You wanna take watch?" I ask Sky. 

"And where are you going, missy?" Sky frowns. "I don't want to get put on babysitting duties."

I assume the muffled protests coming from Jacobs are along the lines of, "I'm not a baby." 

"Do you have to answer questions with questions?" I huff.

"You did that just right now." He points out.

"Whatever. Just watch him and make sure he doesn't escape. Tie him up twice with the ropes and ziptie him a few times." I start to leave. As a second thought, I add, "Maybe strip him to make sure he isn't hiding anything else." 

"Peace." I nod towards Sky before rushing towards my brothers. 

By the time I reach them, they have already packed up everything. I'm a little shocked they did not leave. 

"So what's your plan?" I look to Leo.

"Knowing you, you'd want to be included and informed about the plan. Dad has ordered a hit on Acerbi." Leo says plainly.

"What?" My mouth falls open. 

Dante shuts my mouth with two fingers and chuckles slightly. "Close your mouth, young lady." He mimics our mom's tone.

Leo directs his serious glance towards us, kinda killing the light vibe. "Yes. It is what you just heard."

"Are you serious? This is ironic!!" I throw up my hands in defeat. "Well, what now?"

"Tony is going to use his modified sniper rifle to aim at Acerbi's head. One shot and we are done. He's already scoped out his parameters and everything. Simple but effective. We will need to get as close as we can first though. You'll just help with providing cover and guard for Tony." Leo explains.

"And boring..." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Leo leans in.

"Nothing." I shrug. 

After a few minutes, my brothers and I start to approach the airplane, stealthily finding cover behind multiple buildings and containers.

"Alright. I've got my position." Tony announces as he sets up his sniper. I glance at the airplane, which is now empty. Acerbi is walking towards his other airplane that is several feet away. He's flanked by a team of officers. There are multiple people surrounding him. Plus, some of Acerbi's men trail slowly behind them.

"Your window will be closing in a minute or two." Leo says as he continues to watch the targets.

"Are we really going to go through the plan?" I lower my voice and whisper into Dante's ear. 

"Boss's orders." Dante repeats simply without emotions. His hard expression indicates that the discussion is over. I do not want to appear squeamish, but I am feeling more uncomfortable and upset than I am letting on. 

"I've got a clear target." Tony peers through his scope. "Leo?"

"You're good." Leo confirms, but suddenly speaks out, "Wait-WAIT." Leo's voice rises. Something is going on. Something or someone is approaching them. A building is in the way so hold looks like our van...." His tone becomes questioning as he makes eye contact with me. Dante grabs the binoculars and stares at the van. 

"Jacob is driving. There is no sign of Skylar." Dante observes. 

"I swear Jacob was like double zip-tied and stuff...I don't know how he got loose." I stammer anxiously.

"We need to get down there immediately." I stand up and start rushing towards Alfredo Sauce. 

"Wait-ughhhhh," Dante groans as I run right past him. I'm not completely dumb so I run away from the men's view as I seek cover behind other things. 

I think Jacob and the dudes are on a "shoot first, ask questions later" plan as Jacob fires a couple rounds as he drives towards them.  I cringe as several bullets ricochet nearby. 

Obviously, if Jacob fires first the men will fire in response. He speeds straight towards the men, forcing them to dodge the car. I duck and watch the scene as Acerbi and the officers around him scatter for cover. Jacob rolls out of the car easily as the van rams into the side of an airplane. I sure hope that is not the airplane they need to leave on. An explosion follows the crash, rumbling the ground and air. I hold on to the side of the container to steady myself.

Once more, I crouch and survey the scene. Jacob has found cover behind a wall as several men fire at him. I watch as six men with Alfredo Sauce and other criminals hid behind another building. 

 I'm torn between going after Alfredo Sauce for myself or aiding Jacob. 

I choose Alfredo Sauce. Despite everything, I have a vendetta against him that is not easily quelled.  Seeing him a few feet away, I remember all he's done quite vividly. I want to be the one to kill him, not Jacob or anyone else. I take a few steps toward him before someone yanks my entire body back.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Dante screams furiously over the sound of gunfire. His eyes flare dangerously as he connects the dots. "YOU ARE NOT TO GO AFTER HIM. YOU HEAR ME?" 

"YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME." I huff before shrugging his hand off my shoulder. "I'M NOT GOING TO MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO END THIS SON OF A BITCH." With that, I go charging towards Alfredo freaking Sauce.

At least, I try to but they take cover inside a building. Dammit Dante, I missed the chance. It's your fucking fault.  

I look for Jacob but do not see  him anywhere. He disappeared on me. Well, I wasn't really paying attention to him in the first place. 

Carefully, I eventually get close enough to the building I last saw the officers and prisoners enter. I slowly get close enough to hear bits of the conversation. What I am hearing currently does not sound good for Jacob. He's going to get himself killed. 

Currently, Jacob is about to be either shot or arrested for interrupting government business. I'm thinking that he may be killed soon.

Then, there is the fact that Jacob has two open bullet wounds: one in his leg and the other in his arm. They both don't look too good. He may bleed to death. Jacob barely manages to balance on his knees as two men grip his arms. I wish I was close enough to hear what the people surrounding Jacob is saying. 

When I see the man in front of Jacob point a gun at Jacob's temple, I take a deep breath before stepping out in the open. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." I smirk as I point my guns at the men across from me: one at Alfredo Sauce's head and the other at the highest-ranking officer person. I am assuming the man in the front who looks mean is the commanding officer. 

"Little girl, do you know what you just stepped into?" The commanding officer scoffs a bit as he appraises me. The fact that I have a gun pointed at his head does not faze him is a bad sign. As soon as I enter onto the "battlefield," they aim their guns at me. Wow, they have quick draws.

"I'm going to give you one warning: put your weapons down on the ground and kick it away." 

"Bitch please." I frown and step next to Jacob. The swear word does not go unnoticed as the corner of the officer's lips pulls into a scowl. Jacob's eyes still look sharp enough, but his breathing is cause for alarm.

Oh, I accidentally make eye contact with Alfredo Acerbi. Yep, nothing has changed. He still looks like the cocky son of bitch I first met. I don't understand why he remains confident when he's arrested. His eyes still suck all the happiness and warmth within me. Very nice. He face grows into an attractive half smile that only a villain like him can pull off. "You came all the way for me? You shouldn't have, babe." Alfredo Sauce says.

I fake gag. Gross. "Shut up."

"Do you know each other? Who are you?" The officer narrows his eye dangerously at me. This time he directs his gun straight at my head. I break eye contact briefly as I glance at his badge: Spencer. Is this his first or last name?

"I'm nobody." I respond in clipped tones. "Never seen that man in my entire life." I nod to Alfredo Sauce, who only gives me creepy look. Okay, it's not creepy but whatever.  

Spencer unlocks the safety and raises his gun closely to my face. "I'm not going to ask again. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Wait, first of all, isn't there some law saying you can't point a gun at a civilian? At least, something along the lines of that. I think I qualify as a civilian..." I raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner. I don't know what the laws are for this state. 

Spencer's lips pull into a thin line as he suddenly shoots the ground. I look at the hole a few inches to the right of my right foot. Ah, I think he's serious. 

"My name is Shay." I state. There's not too much harm if they know my name.

"Guns." Spencer orders. 

I wait a few seconds to think about what I just got myself into. Sometimes the plans always seem better in my mind. I thought out the steps until this part. I didn't really think it completely through. Then again, all I could think about is making sure that Jacob wasn't going to die. It'd be great if Sky wasn't here either so I don't need to worry about him dying either. 

I place the guns on the ground with a sigh. Where are my brothers?  Then again, I shouldn't always rely on them.

An idea pops in my head. There's a 50/50 chance it'll work. As they wait for me to kick the guns over, I think back to the few times I played soccer. I hope this works.

I kick my guns in the air and towards Spencer and another dude's face. The guns whack them in the face, throwing them off guard for a split second. Success! I slide out my knives and target the men holding Jacob. Throwing the knives, they land just at their necks, where a small slit of skin shows unprotected.

I throw two more knives in rapid succession before the two guards near Jacob even slump to the ground. Do you see that Dante? No, you probably didn't because the knives were traveling so fucking quick!!

Four down in less than a few minutes. I'm on a roll. 

"Nuh uh. Weapons on the floor." Spencer says as I feel a gun pressed to my temple. Damn it. "Actually, hands up." 

I raise my hands as another guy checks my pockets. He does it a little more handsy and rough than I like. He's going to regret that.

I frown as he takes away pretty much all my weapons except for the knives hidden in the soles of my combat boots. 

"Get the fuck away from my sister." A very familiar voice commands. I try to glance to the side, but they are behind my peripheral vision.

"That's it. Slowly." Tony's voice comes from an opposite direction. I see him approach ever so confidently. 

Two shots ring out and the guy next to me hollers in pain as he clutches his thigh. He's the guy that was a little bit touchy with me. Good riddance. 

"Anyone else want to try anything funny?" Leo states calmly. 

"Who are you?" Spencer repeats his question. He must be tired of all these people showing up. "Wait..." A look of recognition passes Spencer's face. 

"You're the Riccas." Spencer immediately gets defensive as a hard look comes into his eyes. Ah, so he knows us. I don't like that judgmental glare he has. 

"The tables have turned. You have five men down. There are only two remaining by your side. The other guards hold priority over the prisoners." I cannot help but grin a bit in victory. 

"Actually, make that thirteen men down. There were some outside. They were quite troublesome." Dante frowns. 

"Alright, what do you want?" Spencer's face falls in defeat.

"Give me Alfredo Acerbi and his men. Then, we will leave and never see each other ever again." Tony jumps off from a stack of packages and bounces over. 

"I have strict orders that--" Spencer begins.

"Oh, shut up." Dante holds up his hand. "We're taking them, and you can't do anything about it."

"And one of us needs to treat Jacob before he bleeds out." I elbow Dante to get his attention. We all glance at Jacob, who lays there palely and sweatily. He does not look good. 

Spencer and his men step aside as my Tony and Leo head over and grab Acerbi. I don't miss the small smile he shoots in my direction as my brothers bring him outside. 

"There you are, Sky!" Dante snaps his head at the entrance. Sky walks in looking the same as before. I wonder what happened. 

"We got Jacob." Dante and Sky tenderly lift him up. 

"I'll tell you what happened later." Sky mouthes before leaving.

"Huh." I turn in a slow circle. There are dead bodies on the ground. I collect my weapons they took away. Otherwise, I think I can leave. I have nothing to do. I exit the building and jog back to the group.

"We've got a runner!" Someone exclaims suddenly. 

"Shit!" One of my brothers cries in alarm as a gun shot rings out. I see Tony drop to the ground as a figure runs past him. 

It's all reflex from there with a tinge of anger at the fucker who shot my damn brother. Before I know it, I have drawn my gun and aimed the gun at the back of the person's head. Before I realize who the runner is, my finger has already pulled the trigger. 

Wow. I glance at the gun in my hand and the person on the ground. I walk hesitantly towards the man slumped on the ground. I drop the gun at the floor next to his head in disgust. 

I don't know how long I stand there staring at his corpse, but soon I find myself in Tony's grasp. 

"T-tony?" my lips involuntarily quiver. "You were-weren't you shot?" 

"Bulletproof vest, though it hurts like a fucker." Tony grimaces.

"Oh yeah..." I wrap my arms around him. 

"It's okay." Tony sighs. 

"But I didn't mean to...I mean..." I trail off as he shushes me. 

I look at the man I just killed. Goodbye, Alfredo Acerbi. 




I'M SORRY. (for this chapter and the wait) Summer school and work is killer. I'm dead tired by the time I come home.

It wasn't a dramatic death for the character. Still, I did it. I killed an antagonist. Spoiler alert. 

Oh my, i had all these ideas and then my fingers just kept typing. Next thing I know, he's dying this way. We can't all have elaborate deaths. 

Plus, this is my story and characters. I'm the writer. What I say goes. mwahahaha >:D 

Anyways, I entered the WattyAwards! Excited for the results! Good luck to all who have entered.

Tell me how you liked or didn't liked the chapter.


fyi: remember this entire story is unedited. i try to edit and correct punctuational and grammatical mistakes. still, i do not catch everything. also, i would appreciate if you refrain from commenting on every single error. plus, in the beginning, i typed on my iPhone 5, which has a tiny keyboard and screen. there is also something called autocorrect that screwed up some of my chapters.  just letting you know!

Comments :) *NICELY

Criticism *only constructive

Vote if you liked <3

Thank you for waiting.

Also, I'm entering a Wattpad scholarship. I will be posting a short one chapter story tonight (in an hour or so). If you would like to take a peek about how my life has been, please take a peek. However, be warned, it's not as happy as it seems. Can't just a book by it's cover. The story is called "Bubbly." I named it Bubbly because that's who I became and am right now. hahah. i thought it suited the story. you don't need to comment, but yeah..enjoy :D 

Love, Lystrandra

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