A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

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Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Forty-Eight

334 9 33
By bb2410

-Jenna's P.O.V.-

"This year at Alpha Chi Omega wasn't exactly how I planned for it to be, we did lose our spot as number one party sorority to Zeta Theta Nu." I almost spat at saying their name. I couldn't even believe myself how I allowed my group to be pushed down to priority number two, in just a matter of months.

My Alpha girls listened to me intently as I spoke, this was our last meeting until I was going to let everyone off for summer vacation and I knew how anxious they were to get out of here and off to wherever they were going to get their fake tans. But I came first since I was the president of this lovely establishment and they were going to stay until I had my last word.

"Next year I hope you all will put a great amount of effort into making us number one again, I will not lose to the Zeta's again!" I said.

The girls fearfully nodded their heads.

I smiled. "You're all are dismissed, have a great summer." They all got up and left quickly heading in all different directions, some grabbing suitcases, others grabbing swimsuits, most of them heading out.

I was giving myself some time before I left and headed up towards my bedroom but stopped when I heard noises coming from one of the girl's room. I would have ignored it if it had sounded like regular noises that people would make when they are packing and ready to go on vacation, but right it sounded to me like someone was having a little bit too much fun in there with an unidentified source.

I switched my path right over to the room, not caring who it was or what they were doing because I made the rules around here.

I barged in not surprised to see little slutty Sara getting her brains fucked out by some black guy who had an insanely huge belt.

Caught in the act Sara snarled over at me. "What the fuck are you doing, get out!" She yelled.

I smiled. "This is my sorority Sara, I'll get the fuck out when you tell your guest to leave you know they are not allowed up here." I said to her.

She flipped me off.

I put my up hands. "Hey, if you want to fuck your life away be my guest...but do it somewhere else, okay." I looked over at the guy who was giving me an unreadable stare, and with that I turned back around, being the rude bitch that I was I left the door open on purpose.

"Fucking Bitch!" I heard Sara's voice yell from over the room and that filled my face with a smile. It was always a pleasure to make someone's day more miserable than mine. It made my life feel more...fulfilling.

I headed into my room closing the door behind me and slid into my desk where I casually browsed the internet and waited for 3'o clock to come. Some would ask me why I was waiting for that time to come, and it was a simple answer really.

I knew at 3'o clock Jayden and his "buddies" went out and played basketball by the park. It was the time I'd get doll'd up in pumps and a really short skirt and accidentally happen to be there. Some might think it was my pathetic excuse to get Jayden back.

I scoffed to myself.

I had better plans. So when I noticed the digital clock beside my desk flick and change to 3, I quickly hopped into my closet picking out a black leather, mini skirt, a matching crop top and a pair of cute heels. I walked over to the mirror and casually circled around admiring my physique. I couldn't lie to myself, I looked hot.

I slapped on some bright pink lipstick and headed out the door. As I left I noticed Sara and her unidentified friend was gone, which was good because I hated repeating myself. When Jenna repeated herself all hell broke loose.

I managed to get outside and it was pouring heat, it was ridiculous how hot it was getting in a short amount of time. Despite that I proudly strutted in my heels down to the park that was only a couple blocks from the house.

At the park it was filled with people. Parents with their kids playing in the sprinkle fountain and kids yelling and screaming at the jungle gym. To the further side of the park where the older type of people swinging, then the basketball court.

I could feel all the sweaty and aggressive stares of the men looking at me as I passed their way to head towards the court where I recognized the boys playing. I slowly made my way there being careful not to get trampled by the balls flying everywhere.

On the court Jayden, Ron, Chase, and another unrecognizable face playing with their shirts off, sweat was dripping off their backs as they shouted and passed the ball to each other ultimately resulting in someone making a score in the basket.

My eyes found their on way getting a bit lost at the sight of the guys getting down and dirty in the court I twirled my hair absently keeping my eyes focused on Jayden, he was pretty ripped since the last time I saw him which wasn't so long in Jenna time.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard a voice yell and I shook out of it maybe a second too late before I noticed a ball flying my way. I closed my eyes and pushed out my hands and braced myself for impact which never came. Instead I felt a presence of someone in front of me and then nothing.

I opened my eyes to identify the person who stopped the ball from hitting me in the face.

My eyes met with Tessly's eyes. What was she doing here?

I looked down at what she was wearing which consisted of some sweat pants and tank top, then to the ball in her hands and I snarled.

She was such a man.

She smirked at me like she knew exactly what I was thinking and she fake pumped the ball in my face and I squirmed at the thing touching me.

Tessly looked down at my outfit. "What the hell are you doing at the park in heels?" She asked me.

I frowned. "Why not?" I asked her.

She scoffed and then shrugged. "Never mind." She took herself back over to the guys who were patiently waiting for the ball. I took the opportunity to follow behind her.

"You guys ready? Loser buys lunch." Tess passed the ball to Ron who caught it effortlessly.

"Uh...why is she behind you?" Chase asked nodding towards my direction.

All the guys turned and looked at me, their gazes flickered down to my outfit and then back to me. Honestly I was appreciating the attention I was receiving. I flipped my hair just to add to the effect.

Tessly turned back around to look at me. "What are you doing?" She asked me.

I arched my eyebrow. "What? I can't watch the game?" I asked her.

Her eye twitched momentarily. "No, you're going to get fucking hurt...they're balls flying everywhere." She said.

I touched my hear. "I am truly grateful for your concern but I can take care of myself." I said to her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Jenna, what the hell are you doing here?" Jayden walked up towards me. He had an annoyed look playing on his face.

I batted my eyelashes. "Can't a girl come and watch a few guys play basketball?" I asked him cocking my head to the side.

He sighed. "Jenna, you are into zero sports stop acting like you care, what do you want?" He asked me.

I smirked and touched his arm. He looked down at my outfit.

"Why are you wearing leather, it's like 80 degrees out here?" He stated.

I pouted. "You seem so worried about me, Jayden...I'm pretty sure your girlfriend is going to get mad." I said to him.

I watched his dace do a series of changes before it turned to something unreadable.

"Misty and I aren't together anymore." His face drooped a little as he said it.

I gave my best 'I'm surprised' look, "Oh?" I said. "What happened?" I asked him.

He cleared his throat. "None of your business, Jenna now get out of here before you get hit by a ball." He began pushing me towards the exit, but I stopped him.

"No, I'm curious and baffled how Misty made it her mission to steal you from me then break up with you, kind of cruel actually." I sympathized with him.

He licked his lips lightly and looked away for a moment. "It's my fault." He said suddenly.

I patted his arm. "I'm not surprised." I stated.

His head snapped back and looked at me. "What's that suppose to mean?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Whatever you want it to." I replied.

He gave me a long hard stare before he shook his head and proceeded to head back to his friends, I grabbed his hands before he made it another step.

"Aren't you going to ask me how your best friend, Sara is doing?" I asked him.

He sighed. "I don't care." He said.

I cocked my head again, "You don't? That's crazy because Sara is still crazy about you."

Jayden frowned. "Sara is a liar." He stated.

"And a slut but it's all about forgiveness in the Alpha Chi Omega house." I said.

"Wait? She's at your place now?" He asked me curiously.

I smirked. "I'm guessing, you're still not over her?" I asked him.

"You're not answering the question." He said.

"And neither are you." I responded.

"This conversation is over." He made sure I didn't have a grip on him before he headed right back to the game he was playing.

I smiled. "Don't think just because it's quiet now, it's not going to get heated later, Jayden!" I yelled to him.

He didn't turn around although I knew he heard me.

I spun around and went about my way.

It wasn't too long ago when Sara came crawling over at the sorority house looking for a place to stay. At first I wasn't going to let her stay, I didn't like her and from what I heard she was a problem amongst other people. It wasn't until she told me that she use to go out with Jayden that I thought. Hmm...this girl could be useful. She'd be my weapon I'd use her to do my bidding and when I was done I'd kick her ass out.

On the other hand I knew she had something up her sleeve about me. I knew she didn't find my presence uplifting but she did her best to contain it until she could find her footing around the Alpha Chi Omega House.

With my head held high and my heels clicking against the stone pavement, there was one thing for sure about this summer.

It was heating up for sure.


-Sara's P.O.V-

"You said Misty live around here, right?"

I looked up from putting my skirt back on and snarled. "I said she did, you didn't hear me the first time?" I asked.

The guy buckled up his pants and looked me once over. "I'm just making sure you're not fucking me over is all...I know how you white chicks be." He fixed his shirt obsessively like he had to get pimped up for someone.

"Why are you so worried about her anyway?" I asked him.

He stopped fixing his shirt. "Let me worry about my business and you about yours alright? We made a deal, now keep that mouth of yours shut." He said.

I stood silent for a moment. Curiosity was getting the best of me. Fuck, I didn't even know the guy's name. He just stayed here for the time being, fucked me whenever he felt necessary and left.

"What's you name anyway?" I asked him.

He looked up again from his shirt. "Goddamn you ask a lot of questions." He said.

I continued to stare at him waiting for an answer.

He smirked. "My name is Kurt." He said.

Kurt? Interesting in some fucked up way. Whatever, I still wanted to know what he was up to. Why he was so interested in Misty and her life. I mean I fucking hated the bitch and I wanted my payback with her and he said he'd help but I couldn't touch her.

Kurt finished getting dressed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Correction, where are we going?" He said.

I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "It's like you forgot the whole entire conversation we just had...Misty's house." He reminded me.

I really didn't appreciate his rude and sarcastic behavior but in some weird messed up way it was turning me on. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door with him.

"Yeah, I'll show you." I closed the door behind me as we left. It was only a couple of blocks before we made it to the Zeta Theta Nu house. The house was just how I left it, big, expensive looking, and filled with tons of girls who rejected me the first chance they got. It was like everyone was your friend until they figure something about you, then it's like they never knew you.

Two of the Zeta girls brushed past me without a single glance but as soon as they figured they were out of earshot one of them whispered to the other and they both giggled.

I frowned. Those were the kinds of people I had to deal with back in 7th grade. The girls who talked shit, who always made me feel like shit, and the girls who were shit because of how they treated me. I always counted the days until I could finally leave and when I did I had to sacrifice the one thing that meant everything and more to me. Jayden.

Now just like the girls, he was over me like old news. No one cared about me except myself. But because I had this strong hatred and antipathy for these people I was still here in Indiana plotting my revenge instead of going back to my glamorous life of modeling.

"This the place?" He asked me. His eyes focused on the house like if he took his eyes off of it for one moment it would be gone.
"Yeah." I replied to him.

He nodded. "Thank you, I'll take over here for now." He waved me off.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about it, Misty is my problem I'm going to take care of it." He said.

There was something about this Kurt guy that seemed "shady" like. He didn't like being asked questions, he just wanted people to do as told. It was also pretty weird how he'd show up in the middle of the night and hop into bed like nothing, but I'd know he did something. I wasn't with him for long but he was doing some dark shit.


Today, was a lazy day I didn't exactly have a plan, or an idea of what I was going to do today, so I decided on heading to the park. It was hot and everyone always seemed to go there when the weather was like this. So when I got there I wasn't surprised to see families playing in the water, kids sliding down slides, and dogs running about.

I continued my walk inside the park and found a seat on a random park bench near the basketball court and just felt the sun on my skin for a while. I just let myself go and just accepted where I was for this time.

I probably looked like an idiot with my face just focused up to the sun not saying or doing anything, but I was used to not caring what people thought anymore.

"Sara?" A voice called out.

My eyes fluttered open and there was Jayden looking at me with a curious gaze. I stopped facing the sun and turned to look at him. He had his shirt completely off and it was slung over his shoulder, he looked like he just finished a game of basketball with his friends.

"Jayden." I said.

It was silent, we both just looked at each other.

He began to walk away and I got up abruptly to stop him.

"Hey...It's been a while, do you want to talk?" I asked him anxiously.

He looked towards the exit. "Nah, I was just leaving." He said. He looked a lot sadder than the last time I saw him. Like he just wasn't in it.

My smile faltered. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him.

He looked annoyed at that question and gave me a look. "What's wrong?" He scoffed and looked away for a moment before his eyes stopped on me again. "That's funny how you ask me that, because of you my girlfriend..excuse me ex-girlfriend won't take me back and she's flying back and forth from L.A. To Indiana living out her newly famous life with her famous best friends." He said best friends sarcastically.

My eyes stayed focused on him for a moment. "Well screw her, you have me." I smiled.

"God, I can't believe I use to be in love with you...it was a mistake honestly." He stated.

I was taken back like someone just stabbed me in the heart with a knife.

"What do you mean use to be?" I asked him outraged.

He shook his head, "You use to be sweet and kind to everyone, now you were using that to get ahead to remove any competition, you used me and I let you. I'm an idiot I'm just getting used to that status and now I'm not sure if the girl I love, loves me back anymore." He confessed to me.

I stopped breathing.

He didn't love me? I shook my head and thought that maybe he was out of it and just needed to rest or something it was really hot outside and maybe the heat was getting to him.

"Jayden...I couldn't help it that I wanted you back, Misty didn't deserve you." I reasoned with him.

"No Sara, I don't deserve Misty and now I'm paying the price because of you, if you hadn't come back and ruined what we both had going on I'd be a happy man right now enjoying a game of basketball with my friends, not a depressed man wondering and hoping if he'll ever get to see the love of his life ever again. You ruined me. You ruined me when you left without another word 7th grade, and now you ruined me again. Do me a favor and go back, go away, because yo being here is nothing but more problems for everyone." And with that he turned on his heel and walked away.

I stood there stunned and shocked at what he had said to me. Jayden has always been a nice, sweet guy. He brought me flower, took me on special dates, he was a romantic always said the right things at the right time, and now the only words he was spitting at me are words of hate and remorse.

I was his regret now.

I stood there breathing hard to myself, confused and suddenly the sun didn't feel so warm on my face, it was cold and brittle as ice. My face and body didn't dare move in fear that it break from all the pain that was radiating through me.

I broke him.

-Misty's P.O.V.-

"ALRIGHT SUMMER JAM GIVE IT UP FOR MISTY!!!!!!" They announced me on stage.

I smiled at Larz, I wasn't even scared to get up on the stage thanks to his pep talk. I was literally anxious to get up on there, I couldn't even sit still and now finally this was my chance. My debut before my debut and I was feeling pumped.

"Good luck, Mist." Larz lightly kissed my forehead and I stopped moving around for a moment to stare right into his crystal gray eyes. The vortexes that swept me up whenever they got a hold of me long enough, it was addicting just like this feeling of me wanting to get up on stage. I don't think it will ever get old.

"Thanks." I whispered to him just before I stepped onto the stage. Where thousands...no hundred thousands of people were screaming and hollering. When I stepped onto the stage there screams and hollers intensified and I felt it ring throughout my entire body kick starting my adrenaline.

The music started up, just as my backup dancers came into play and I just did what Andre taught me how to do. I had to say that man was a genius he worked my ass into no assistance but now this ass could sing this song 30 times back to back without a break on this stage including the dancing.

"Can feel it in your heart,

It's making my thump,

I can feel it in my chest come on make it jump jump jump,

I've been working all day a life with no play,

I kind of just want to dance,

It's like I'm in a trance trance trance,

The beat is getting louder,

Hope you're not spastic cause this beat is gonna make you heart thump thump." I sang effortlessly on the stage and the crowd screamed, I could see they were feeling this beat really hard because some were throwing their hands up in the air dancing to it as if they were in their own world. Others had their eyes connected to mine just hoping they could get some for of contact with me.

I smiled and headed over to them, not hesitant to make myself comfortable and connected with them. They all jumped around and pulled out their hands for me to touch them which I did singing my heart all in the process, it was amazing.

"I can feel it all inside me, I don't want this night end,

Come on DJ play this song,

Cause I want to hooommmeeee!" I hit the high-note with no problem.

"Can feel it in your heart,

It's making my thump,

I can feel it in my chest come on make it jump jump jump,

I've been working all day a life with no play,

I kind of just want to dance,

It's like I'm in a trance trance trance,

The beat is getting louder,

Hope you're not spastic cause this beat is gonna make you heart thump thump." I danced along with my background dancers feeling the music myself. I don't know if I thanked Red and Brendan enough for how perfect this song came out, they were magicians with talent that basically made this song.

I finished this song with a bang and the crowd erupted into a loud and energetic applause. I bowed and thanked them repeatedly before I made my way off of stage where I jumped on Larz awaiting me. He held me tightly and I honestly felt like I could do anything at this point.

"Mist, you were amazing out there." He complimented me.

"Mistyyyy!!! Brendan and I were watching you on the big screen, you were too perfect!" Red came over pushing Larz out of way so she could attack me in a hug. When she was done squeezing me to death it was Brendan's turn at attempted murder.

"I'd marry you right now, Misty you know that?" Brendan said wiping a fake tear from his eyes. I laughed so hard at how dramatic Red and Brendan were being right now. I knew myself that I enjoyed myself but did I think it was anything special. Nah...

"This calls for a celebration!!!" Red said pumping her fist heading for the door.

"I sure hope you mean we aren't drinking!" I called out to her.

She stopped abruptly and turned around. "I just thought we were going to enjoy a nice quiet evening out at dinner as we talked casually over the moonlight." She sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes knowing she met the exact opposite.

"She's going to throw a party isn't she?" I asked both Larz and Brendan.

They both nodded their heads simultaneously.

I shook my head. "Let's get to it then."


After than really unnecessary party that left me leaving Larz's place at like 2 in the morning. I creep'd back inside my mother's house quietly, trying not to make a sound. Since I was way to awake to even bother to sleep I thought I'd just wear myself out in the piano room, where I'd get some music and song ideas out the way to clear my head.

I found the room easily making sure neither Maria or my mother were alarmed by me being in here and so far it seemed that no one noticed. I dropped my bag on the floor and slid into the piano bench and got to it playing random songs I've been thinking about at first, then I stopped and began playing my mother's song out of the blue.

"Ahhhh Yeahhhh!

I wish I could go to sleep tonight

but it's hard I keep thinking about you,

and I got a baby that wakes up early in the morning,

wonderin' where you at?

So long for me, I think this is the end of the road,

It's the truth I can't even lie to myself there,

I got all the whole word up against me now,

So this is just to say, it's the end of my road." I sang getting into it, even going as far as adding my own lyrics to it.

"I try hid this part of me inside no one wants to see,

It's fine I tell them but I can't believe,

Why she won't talk to me,

It feels like the end of my road,

Falling behind I can't see the tears stinging my eyes,

No one to wipe them away except myself,

Hey Yeahhh I guess this is the end of my road." I added.

Ohhh. I liked that, I quickly pulled out my song book and added that part to the song abandoning the piano for a moment. I was so caught up in adding the part to my song that I literally screamed when I heard a voice.

"Where did you get that song?" My mother's presence said from nowhere.

I literally jumped and yelped and searched for where the voice had appeared. I squinted my eyes and then I realized the part of the room where I did not light, was where my mother was sitting quietly with a glass of dark liquid in her hand swaying it back and forth. Her eyes weren't looking at me, they were staring up at the ceiling in a contemplative mode.

Part of me wanted to counter her question with my own asking her why she was up at this time in this random room drinking. Instead I stood there for a moment embarrassed and guilty for being caught with her song.

"Well...." She dropped her gaze to me awaiting an answer.

I fidgeted. "Um....Aunt Jackie gave it to me." I replied to her.

She didn't say anything for a while and I was getting tired of standing up and waiting for her to talk so I went back to the piano and continued to play the tune. It was quiet only the sounds of the piano's hum could be heard my focus was playing on the keys, getting lost in every stroke.

"I was thinking.....of using the song on my album...with your permission of course." I asked her suddenly. I couldn't even hear a stir from her glass as she sat over by the couch and I was almost afraid that she didn't hear me until she spoke up.

"No." She responded.

"No?" I wasn't fazed by her answer.

"No." She said again.

"Can I get a reason?" I asked her.

"The song is private." She stated.

I continued playing.

"Then why did Aunt Jackie have it?" I asked her.

She was silent. "Just...don't use the song." She said.

I stopped playing and spun around on the piano bench to look at her.

"What are you afraid of, huh?" I asked her abruptly.

She looked at me sternly. "I'm not afraid of anything." She said.

I scoffed. "Then why won't you let me use the song?" I asked her.

She sighed deeply and then took another chug of her drink. "Because...I wrote it for your father." She said.

"I could tell." Again I was not fazed by her answer.

She looked at me seriously. "Nana, always did say that you were a bright girl." She mumbled more to herself than she did to me.

I closed my eyes. "We're going to see my father." I stated.

I could hear voice sounding taken back. "What?!" She yelled.

"You afraid of seeing him or what?" I opened my eyes to look at her.

Her gaze remained steady on mine.

"I'm busy." She said.

"Bullshit." I've been seeing my mom around her more lately than usual. I don't know if she was just taking some personal time off or blowing work off either one of them. She never really seemed happy or content with herself and we were going to get to the bottom of it because I was so tired of this.

"We're going tomorrow...and if you don't come with me, then it's true you are a coward." I said to her. I took my bag abruptly and all my things and headed up the stairs two-by-two up to my room. Inside I closed the door and slumped into my bed.

About a week or two ago, I was scrambling for names for my album. Something to reach my mother's deadline but also give me some sort of meaning. Some reason to stand out. I was stressing thinking about it while I did some puzzles randomly in my room when it all just came to me.

Broken in one piece.

It just made so much sense to me. I was suppose to keep it all together, but really all I was is a broken child. I try to fix myself so much putting glue on all the fallen pieces, just trying to put it back but in reality I was just a broken mess. People could see the cracks of where I tried to fix myself, how I tried to fix myself. This was how I was going to debut my album with all my emotions and feelings into my music. I wanted them to feel my soul, my hurt, my happiness, it was all in there.

When I approached my mother with the name, she seemed a bit confused and I didn't explain to her. She'd get it once she heard the album. If she heard the album and she would when it releases because I know her....

She's like me.

That's why I know she's going to come with me tomorrow. Because we don't back down from a fight.


"How do I look? Do I look crazy?" My mother asked me as I stood against the door frame crossing my arms over my chest ready to go 20 minutes ago but she was throwing shirts here and there changing her outfits constantly asking me for my opinion. She looked fine in the first damn thing she put on.

"You look fine, let's go." I pressed her.

"But is it to casual, or is it too business?" She asked me.

I groaned. She was wearing a white blouse with a gold belt, some simple blue jeans, and I'm pretty sure brown Gucci buckle boots. Me, I just plopped on anything that was in arm's reach which consisted of a pretty pinkish tank top, a light pink vest, I had some blue faded ripped jeans, on my feet I had some brown heels, and a animal printed bag. Casual. I had my album cover photo-shoot after this so I wasn't going crazy.

"Why are you so worried about what you like, you're fine...we're just going to talk to him not take pictures." I said to her.

My mother stopped obsessing over her clothes and cleared her throat. "I suppose." She agreed and I silently thanked God and we both headed into her Aston Martin parked out in the driveway out front.

I hopped into the passenger seat, while she got into the driver's seat. I shut the door and she got in and she just sat there.

"We don't have to do this." She turned and looked at me.

I sighed. "Do you want me to drive?" I asked her.

She nodded.

My mother was acting like such a kid right now it was ridiculous. I got out of the passenger seat and switched into the driver seat while she slid into the passenger seat.

I slid the key into the ignition and headed off to the house. I already knew the address by heart, I remember staring at that thing for too damn long until I had the address printed into my mind.

It was quiet in the car my mother didn't say much but you could tell she was fidgeting a lot by the way she kept moving, kept touching things, kept staring off into the distance. I have never seen her act like this. She always had this facade up that she was strong, and that she could take care of herself. I don't think I've even seen a tear fall down this woman's face.

I turned up some music to erase some of the awkward tension brewing inside the car.

"So what's the game plan?" I asked her.

She turned to me and arched her eyebrow, "Game plan?" She asked me.

I nodded and made a turn onto the highway. "Yeah..we can't just walk up in there with no mission, what are we trying to accomplish. What do we want ask. Do we want him to be apart of our lives, does he want to be part of ours?" I cut a glance to her for a moment and she had on a brittle stare.

"He doesn't want to be part of our lives." She stated.

I pursed my lips. "Why is that?" I asked her.

She scoffed. "Look at us right now, you're going to meet him for the first time in your life, and I haven't seen him in more than 20 years." She said to me.

"People can change in twenty years, mom." I said to her and then my eyes widened at what I had just said.

I called her mom. I always was caught up in call her mother, that woman, or her. But mom. I shook my head, it's cause I was up in L.A. A lot and I see her very often that I got caught up in. I wondered if she noticed.

I cut another glance at her and she didn't seemed fazed about what I had just said instead her eyes were focused on the highway in front of us.

"Let's just hope for our sake, he did."

About 20 minuets of driving later we arrived at the place. It was a really nice, modern looking with a car parked in the driveway. I parked the car but I didn't turn the car off just yet. I looked over at my mother she was taking deep breaths to herself. Just seeing her in the sort of panic made me want to...console her.

"Look...I'm going to be there, so don't sweat it alright? Besides I'm the one with the most questions and you know it. Let me do the talking." I said to her.

She inhaled a deep breath and then nodded. I cut the engine and hopped out of the car. My mother followed behind me, her heels clicking was the only indication to me that she hadn't run off in the other direction.

"I wonder if he's here." I mumbled to myself as I approached the door.

"Oh he's here." My mother replied.

I arched my eyebrow for a moment before I rang the doorbell. It was quiet for a minute or two before I heard footsteps approaching the door. I took a breath. This was now, I wasn't holding it back anymore.

The door opened and my eyes immediately went up because the man was tall. The next thing I caught about him were his eyes. They were the color of amber leaning towards a mix of green and gray. He had a 5'o clock shadow and dark colored hair curling in some places.

He looked down at me. "Um....can I help you?" His voice was a bit deep and rumbled when he spoke.

I stood there stunned for a moment and it was like I almost forgot how to breathe but I shook out of it but not fast enough because my mother beat me to the punch.

"Hello, Allen." Her voice sounded mature and calm all of a sudden.

His eyes looked away from me and over to where my mother was standing behind me and then his eyes glazed back over to me, his eyes were now widened and he seemed shocked into silence.

"Misty?" He said to me.

He knew my name?

I looked up at him, I didn't know what to say so we all just stood there looking at each other until Allen shook his head and opened the door wider for us to past.

He cleared his throat. "Come in." He gestured.

I walked in past him and his constant stare and I could hear my mother coming in behind me as well. Inside I looked around, it was a nice house...seemed like family would live in here but it was quiet like he was the only one in here.

I found the living room quickly and plopped down onto the couch keeping to myself for a moment, my eyes seemed more interested in looking around the room instead of what was going on.

My mother sat by on the couch placing her bag on top of her lap.

"Nice place you have here." My mother complimented Allen as he took a seat adjacent from where we were sitting.

He looked around. "Thank you." He said.

It was silent.

"It's good seeing you two....I was a bit surprised to see you Misty I haven't seen another picture of you since you were a kid." Allen said.

Again I didn't know what to say.

So much for the taking over, Mist.

I could feel my mother's gaze on me but she didn't say anything to me, she continued the small talk.

"Is Brenda here...how are the kids?" She asked him.

Brenda? Other kids? Well of course he had other kids, he had another life.

I probably looked like an idiot over here I was having an internal battle with myself.

"Uh...Brenda and I are divorced..the kids are in college." He said.

I turned and looked at him. He wasn't looking at my mother he was staring right at me.

I'd think after all these years my mother said she hasn't seen my father he'd be looking at her, nope. He was looking at me.

"Oh. That's too bad." My mother's voice had no emotion to it.

He scoffed and turned his head from my gaze. "We all knew it was coming." He said.

For some reason I felt like I shouldn't even be listening to this conversation right now. My eyes made contact with the door for a moment. My father's eyes turned and looked back at me and where my eyes were focused.

"Are you thirsty, Misty?" Allen asked.

"No thank you." I responded, the first word I managed to say to him.

"How about you Eveline?" He asked politely.

"I'm fine, thank you Allen." She replied denying his offer.

The room went silent again.

Allen sighed. "Look...this is hard I know, and I know you've come here with questions so don't be afraid to ask them, Misty." He turned my attention back to him.

I gulped. Gee, I had all the questions rally'd up in my had not 10 minutes ago, and suddenly I'm coming up blank. I can't believe how much of a fuck up I turned out to be in such a short amount of time. Maybe I was overwhelmed and I just couldn't think straight. For Christ's sake I was seeing my father for the first time.

He looked at me pushing me along to ask him anything. His eyes seemed so sincere, but I knew from a very young age that you can't trust anyone so early in the game. Especially the guys with the candy eyes.

I folded my hands together.

"How about you start from the beginning."

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