A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

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Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Twenty-One

597 22 1
By bb2410

-Misty's P.O.V.-

"Now! Now! Tanya, that isn't really nice be blurting things like that out of now where." Aunt Jacqueline came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She came up right to the door pushing Tanya out of the way and greeting Jayden and I with a smile.

"Baby girl." She said giving me a huge hug and kiss. Baby girl was her nickname for me ever since I was little and I secretly loved it when she said it.

When she finished hugging me she looked over to Jayden who was quite nervous on the other side, his cheeks were pink indicating that he was blushing aggressively. She smiled brightly at me and nudged me silently telling me that she approved.

"And you are?" She went up to Jayden curiously.

Jayden cleared his throat and took out his hand. "Jayden Bastile, mam." He said politely.

Auntie Jack laughed at his formal attitude. She shook her head. "We don't shake hands here in the family we give hugs." She said going in for the big one with him.

Jayden's eyes widened in shock as she did that, he stood there uncomfortably for a second before he relaxed and hugged her back.

"I'm Aunt Jacqueline, but everyone calls me Auntie Jackie." She mentioned.

"Can I call you Auntie Jackie." Tanya joked behind her.

She turned around and gave her a face. "You're done pushing my buttons these days girl." She said then she turned back to us and pushed us in.

"Go on take your things off my home is your home, Jayden." She said.
Jayden took his coat off and helped mine off as well and I could hear the squeal of Tanya and my Aunt as he did so.

"Mama! Look he takes her coat off for her!" She whispered frantically.
We both heard them.

The thing about my family was that as hard as they tried to be quiet, their attempts always failed because they were a bit loud, or maybe was the southern accents they had that made me feel that way, whatever it was it was loud enough to hear.

Jayden turned to me his cheeks still tinting a bright pink. "I'm nervous." he told me.

I touched his cheek. "You'll be fine, they're can be a little different at times but you'll get used to it." I assured him.

He nodded and I gave a smile.

"What's all the ruckus down here, now?" Uncle Joe came trotting down the staircase. I knew his knees were bad so he came down a bit slowly. Everyone's gazes looked up to where his voice came.

"What ruckus dad, you heard us all the way from the room?" Tanya asked.

"Anyone one with at least ¼ of hearing can hear you two ya'll like loud..." He trailed off as his eyes averted to us.

He gave a big smile. "Misty baby you're here!" he said happily coming over to me. I closed the distance that separated us and gave him a big hug. Uncle Joe was like a father to me, since I had no idea where my actual one was. He was always there for me and helped me to where I was now, there wasn't nothing more that I could ask from him he was amazing.

"My God you've grown." He whispered.

"And you Papa you've seem to be getting younger every time I see you." I joked.

He caught on and laughed along with me. I broke the embrace and pulled Jayden to my Uncle.

"Uncle Joe this Jayden my boyfriend." My cheeks rose with heat as I said this but I kept my composure.

Uncle Joe looked from me to Jayden for a critical second before he smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Jayden." He said.

"You too, sir." He replied.

He nodded to himself like he checked something off his mental list. "Good manners." he said to himself.

He walked away and into the kitchen I gave a sigh of relief glad that my parents liked and accepted Jayden easily.

"Come on you two, we were just about to have some dinner." She said pulling Jayden's arm into the kitchen, I followed behind in pursuit. We past the kitchen and walked into the dinning room on the left where the plates and utensils were set. Jayden and I grabbed a seat together. Aunt Jackie across from us with Tanya and Uncle Joe. I looked around the room.

"Where Jules?" I asked Tanya.

She chirped and rolled her eyes. Aunt Jackie tapped her on the arm. "Don't do that with you mouth, Tanya." She scolded her.

She made a face then turned to me and answered my question. "Probably sleeping as usual." She headed for the food but Aunt Jackie tapped her hand again.

"JULES GET DOWN HERE BOY!!" Aunt Jackie ordered Jules. A couple of seconds passed before we heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs, then the sliding off feet. it stopped than the fridge opened.

"Jules." Auntie warned.

He the fridge door closed and he finished the walk into the dinning room where his sleepy gaze met everyone's patient and waiting ones. Jules was always tired boy he went to Syracuse and played basketball there, when he wasn't playing basketball, and when he wasn't playing basketball he was eating. The life of a baller.

Besides that he was still my cute little cousin. He had a caramel complexion, dark curly hair, and deep chocolate eyes, he also had a pair of deep dimples that I know girls went head over heels for, but he rarely focused on girls he was the kind of guy that wanted to be stable before he wanted to think relationships and being stable meant being a NBA player. I admired Jules's determination he made me want to work harder.

Tanya was a year older than all of us, she went to Brown despite her creeper personality she was on scholarship there, she was pretty smart if I do say so myself. Crazy, but smart.She had a matching skin tone as her brother and her was out and natural in an Afro that suited her completely, her lips were painted a bright red that brought out her light eyes that seemed to twinkle when she had a crazy idea or something, but right now the only thing they seemed to be twinkling of were annoyance that she wasn't eating.

Jules slowly scanned the room and the faces in it. His eyes stopped at Jayden then he looked over at me still looking pretty dazed then he shrugged and took a seat beside me, heading for the food but Aunt Jackie beat him to it and tapped his hand.

"Boy did you see us pray yet? And since you were the last one you now have the honor of leading us." She said.

Jules groaned in response and with lazy hands took mine and on the other side took his mothers. I took Jayden's hand in mine and he took Uncle Joe's hand who lastly took Tanya's hand. We waited for Jules to start.

"Uhhh.." He started.

His mother glared at him as he spoke. He cleared his throat.

"Dear God, please bless this delicious food that my mama prepared for us today, please help me get into the NBA I'm tryna make it." His deep voice dragged on and on about being a star and everything.

Jayden was trying to hide his laughter. I nudged him.

"Jules." Uncle Joe cut him off.

"Oh-yeah, amen." He finished.

"Amen." We all said. We proceeded to dig into the delicious food Auntie Jackie prepared. There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, mac and cheese. Its been forever since I've eaten a meal like this so you would imagine how I was gulping everything down.


Jayden seemed to be enjoying himself as well seeing as he was infatuated with the food as he ate. The table erupted in talk about college, Jules was either talking about basketball or falling asleep at the table, that boy was something.

"How are you doing at school Misty, join any clubs?" Auntie Jacqueline asked me and I was about to deny it until Jayden spoke up for me.

"As a matter of fact Aunt Jackie she is, she's president of a sorority." he blurted out before I could stop him.

I glared.

Tanya clapped. "Ohhh girl! I knew you had some of that Greek in you." She laughed hysterically.

Auntie Jacqueline shook her head but had a knowing smile on her face, Jules looked over at me with an arched eyebrow but said nothing.

"When did this happen?" Uncle Joe asked curiously.

I sighed, I couldn't lie now. I thought for a second, "Maybe a 2 months or so." I said.

They all nodded impressed at what I had accomplished so far. I shyly remained quiet, I wasn't all about the attention being on me so I let Tanya take the floor again rambling on and on about what she did at school, it was all nice but I was spacing out quite a bit when she spoke.
Aunt Jackie tired of hearing Tanya turned back to Jayden.

"So Jayden do you go to the same school as Misty?" She asked him.

Jayden looked up from his food. "Yes, mam." he said.

"Lovely, what do you major in?" She asked him.

He brushed the hair out of his face. "I'm an art major." he replied. "I also play Soccer." He added.

Jules's ear perked up at the mention of sports. My body froze as I turned to look at Jayden, why was it out of all the things we spoke to each other about his major was one that never came up. I never knew he was the he was the artistic type. I was so curious right now.

"You play soccer?" Jules perked up.

Jayden looked over at him and nodded.

"How good are you?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Good enough to be captain." I muttered.

Jules's eyes widened and I could feel Jayden's gaze blazing into the back of my head. He wasn't the bragging type as well so this was payback.

I turned and winked at him. He didn't say anything.

The rest of the meal went on pretty great besides the fact my family was basically drilling Jayden and his background it was pretty good. A little bit later Tanya and I were helping Auntie Jackie with the dishes, Jayden and Jules were outside playing basketball despite the fact that it was freezing but they seemed to be happy challenging each other so it was good.

After Tanya and I finished helping Aunt Jacqueline with the dishes we headed up towards her room. It was still the same as when I came back here a couple months ago. Her walls were painted a light beach color and her furniture were a dark ebony color that complimented the room in its own way. I plopped myself onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling as Tanya moved around the room searching for something.
When she was done looking for whatever she was looking for she plopped down on the bed with me.

"Little sis, since when you get a delicious looking boyfriend?" She asked me.

I gave her a look. "Since I got him." I said.

She pouted. "Oh you leaving me out now?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

I took a deep breath and watched as my hair flew up as I did. I fixed it and pushed it behind my ear. "I'm not leaving you out." I started.

"Oh?" She asked me sarcastically.

"Well at least tell me where you met this sexy piece of Italian meat." She growled as she did causing my eyes to widen then we both busted out into laughter. Tanya was something that was for sure.

I thought, it wasn't too long ago that I remember meeting Jayden and being a complete mess talking to him, I guess when we first met he thought I was nowhere interested him and it was pretty...ughhh, I sort of hated myself for pushing away potential with my demeanor.

I shrugged. "I guess he was a friend of another friend of mine." I explained to her.

"Who?" She asked curiously.

"My friend Tessly she went to school with Jayden and some other boys we sort of met through her." I said.

She nodded listening intently to me, but I wasn't the one for sharing stories like Tanya was, were two different people although we got along pretty well together.

She sighed knowing I wasn't going to go any further than what I just said so she changed the topic.

"So did you like...do it with him?" She asked abruptly.

My eyes almost popped out of my eyes. We did not change the topic, it escalated if I did say so myself.

"What?" I asked dumbly not sure if my brain processed it at all.

She chuckled. "I said did you have sex with him?" She clarified with me.
Too stunned for words I remained quiet.

Her eyes widened. "SO YOU DID!?" She yelled.

I shook my head repeatedly. "No-Wha-TANYA! I DID NOT!" I said keeping her voice down in fear of anyone walking past the door and hearing us. She stopped bouncing around the bed like someone having a seizure and she calmed down.

"So why didn't say something-you're hiding it for me." She teased.
Heat rose to my cheeks as she spoke. God, I haven't thought about being physical with Jayden until now. I hope didn't expect it from me now that we were together and all. Tanya watched my facial expression and she sat on her legs.

"I'm taking you didn't." She said softly.

I shook my head. She watched me, "Sorry about that....I just assumed you did." she explained.

I shooed her off. "It's fine, Tay...I just was surprised is all." I flopped back down on the bed and covered my face with one of her pillows.

"Cuz...you know you can come to me if you're having any sexual problems or need any advice." Tanya advised me.

I took a peek at her she was watching me with a pitiful stare that I knew all to well.

I threw the pillow off my face. "Are you sorry for me?" I asked her.
She covered the smirk that was increasing on her face. "No." She lied.
I threw the pillow at her face.

"I'm sorry I'm not as sex-hungry as you are." I stuck my tongue out at her. She caught the pillow effortlessly and set it beside her gently.

"I'm not sex-hungry...I just know how to get the d if you feel me." She replied.

I rolled my eyes. "That categorizes as sex crazy." I stated.

"Whatever, cuz....is underwear the problem...cause I got out of lingerie if you need it." She said going into her dresser and throwing me some thongs, lacy panties, bras etc. I picked them up and looked them over in my opinion they were just pieces of fabric.

As Tanya informed at all the different ways I could try to seduce to Jayden the door bell rung, both of us thought none of it until my Aunt called us both down.

"TANYA....MISTY!!" She yelled.

Tanya groaned as her lesson was interrupted, but I was thankful for the distraction, Tanya and I came down the stairs two-by-two carelessly wondering what Aunt Jackie had for us this evening but as my eyes glazed over at the person standing at the door my face dropped.

The last person I would ever think that would step foot in this house was here.

Tanya froze as well with me on the steps.

"Mom?" I said to the woman.

She turned around and with brightly colored lips smiled.

"Fancy seeing you here, Misty."

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