MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Kil...

By NerezaAddington

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𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗔: Exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing. Moving back into... More

first glance
convenience store
the chemistry assignment
sharing cigarettes
missing posters
Take matters into your own hands
Mischief and eavesdrop
cross my heart
Hope to die
Stick a needle in my eye
Watch me make this solemn oath
Pearce my skin
break my bones
If i shatter this hope
The aftermath
Case closed
Allies formed
Important announcement


744 37 24
By NerezaAddington

Y/n's mother woke up by the ringtone of her phone and she grumbled into her pillow as she tried to block out the blaring sound but to no avail. She caved in and reached for her phone. It was not her alarm that had woken her. But Ben. Also known as Sheriff Whitelock. she groaned and answered the call.

"What is it Ben?" she inquired "Layla..." The woman frowned slightly at the mention of her first name, the sheriff only used it when there was something serious. The woman widened her eyes in horror as she took in the information. " broad daylight?!" she yelled out. multiple voices were heard from the other line and the h/c haired woman sprung out of her bed.

She held her phone by the support of her shoulder while she hurriedly put her work outfit on "Yes, I'm coming as soon as possible Ben." she proclaimed and hung up speeding down the stairs




Y/n and Elio were sitting in the h/c haired's room when abruptly his mother burst in. She was wearing Grey jeans with a white blouse and a layered brown blazer. Y/n raised a brow, Why was she in her work outfit? She didn't have to go to work for another hour.

"I've been called in to work for an emergency, I most likely won't be home til late, I'll leave my card here, you can order yourself something for dinner." The woman breathed out running a hand through her messy hair.

"Emergency?" Y/n quizzed, his mother waved her hand in dismissal "Nothing. I'll be going so-"

"Can I invite Elio, Roy, Ezra, and Nova over for dinner?" Elio snapped his head toward the h/c haired staring at him in astonishment.

"Why would you want to invite us here?" The black haired spoke out barely believing his ears. Y/n looked Elio's form up and down and fidgeted with his own clothes "I just want to spend time with you guys." He whispered 'And see if I can get some information about Avery. The best lies are the half-truths.'

Y/n's mother hastily nodded, not giving it a second thought, and handed the h/c haired her card "Sure, don't make too much of a mess." she warned. Y/n chuckled "Who do you take me for?" The woman gave her son a scrupulous look "You're teenage boys." she said carefully. "Oh come on Mom I mean, just look at Elio!" The boy exclaimed gesturing towards the obsidian eyed male who stood next to him.

"He's a goodie two shoes. He'll keep us in check." Elio gave him a tight expression but left no comment. "mhm...Well ok then, bye Y/n love you, see you later." His mother gave him a hug and quickly left the room.

Y/n smirked at the black haired boy and put his hand on the male's shoulder sending pleasant shivers up Elio's arm "Well then looks like the two of us are going shopping Eli~" Y/n winked. Elio stayed silent. "Well let's pack up our study session for today!" Y/n started picking up pens and papers scattered around.

Elio stood glued to his spot. He lifted up his hand to rub his shoulder where the h/c haired's touch had been, feeling tingly from the interaction.

you were so... heavenly. Every small touch, every word that came out of your mouth. The way you prided yourself. to the hues of your eyes to the texture and details of your skin. You were nothing short of perfection.

Elio knew the others felt the same. To all four of them, you were utter and complete perfection.

"Hey come help me, I'm not cleaning up your mess."

Elio snapped out of his daze and looked down at the h/c haired who was crouched down facing him with an expectant scowl. "Well?" Y/n repeated. Elio stirred into movement and started packing up his equipment.

After a few minutes, the two had cleaned up their stuff. Y/n stood up and dusted off his hands "That's done! I'll call Ezra and ask if he and the others wanna come over later." Y/n said eyeing the other boy "They aren't busy, are they?"

Elio frowned in contemplation "I know Ezra isn't busy, but Roy and Nova had some business they needed to attend to, something about skipping a certain class too much, and now that particular teacher is 'on their ass' apparently." Elio recalled. Y/n gave him a skewed look. "Their words, not mine." Elio clarified

"I think they are rubbing off on you Eli." Y/n scoffed which earned him a smack on the head by the black-haired "joking...joking" He tittered "But I must say I'm not surprised that just they are in trouble with a teacher." Elio shrugged nonchalantly "Those two have always been rebellious goons."

"Can't argue with that."





The h/c haired woman stepped out of her vehicle and adjusted her blazer as she walked up to a redhead man standing off the sidelines discussing something with another officer. His gaze shifted to the woman approaching "Detective Evans, You're here." He greeted and the other officer swiftly walked away from the pair allowing them to privately talk.

The woman nodded "Yes. So you told me over the phone that there's been two teenagers murdered, right?" she stated. The sheriff nodded gloomily "Indeed." The sheriff walked over to a bus stop that was sealed off with yellow tape, officers, News reporters and crime scene investigators were present everywhere as well as police cars and an ambulance. The sheriff and Detective pushed past the officers and bucked under the tape.

An investigator dressed in a white overall was taking pictures of the scene. There was blood spattered against the glass of the stop and a boy was lying on the ground, his head had been bashed in beyond recognition. The sheriff cleared his throat "The victim is Wesley Moore." the man handed her the folder, she opened the folder to the first page and saw a photo of a boy with hazel eyes.

"He was on a call with an operator, he told the operator his friend had been murdered, the line cut off a few minutes later, when the officers came to scene Wesley was dead and his mobile device was smashed." Sheriff Whitelock informed. The woman hummed and looked up at the corpse, the blood dripped off the glass wall. "The blood is still wet. When did this happen?" She inquired.

"The call was made at quarter past eleven am this morning. we suspect both victims were killed between eleven and eleven fifteen." The man gestured for the detective to follow him. The two adults walked over to the ambulance where a girl was sitting with a trauma blanket around herself, her eyes were red-shot and puffy suggesting she had been crying.

"This is Morgan Da Silva, She found the second victim, A classmate of hers, Rachel Garcia, dead by the park restroom." The sheriff looked between the young girl and the Detective. "I'll leave you alone." He said and walked away. The h/c haired woman took out a notebook and pen from her bag and slowly approached the traumatized girl. "Hello Morgan, I am Detective Evans, could you allow me to ask some questions?" The woman regarded softly.

The girl glanced at the older woman and stayed silent for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Thank you, Could you explain to me what happened?" Detective Evans asked. Morgan lowered her head, her dark hair covering her face "I...I was supposed to have a meet-up at eleven am with Rachel and the park, we were gonna discuss a presentation we had together." The girl hiccuped as tears started welling up. "Take it slow..." the h/c woman softly whispered.

"I... I was late because I had to look after my little brother for a little while." The girl's voice began cracking as she thought back to the mortifying sight that burned into her mind. "I came to the around ten over eleven, and I waited on a bench for them, I thought they were late too, I tried calling Wesley, but he didn't answer. Eventually, I had to go to the toilet, so went to the park restroom. And outside the restroom, I saw Rachel's body."

"I see." The woman focused on her writing as she wrote up the girl's statement, Morgan spoke up once more, her voice was shaky and she seemed on the verge of breaking down. "She was gutted.." she whispered. The detective lifted up her head. "I'm sorry?"

The girl started violently shaking, gripping her hair and sobbing "Rachel was gutted! She was left to rot..from her lower body to her was sickening, gods...I'll see that for the rest of my life. Who the hell would do something like that?!" Morgan shrieked

"Morgan, Calm down you'll start hyperventilating." The woman reached out her hand to indicate for the girl to take a deep breath. Morgan hiccuped as tears streamed down her cheeks.

After a few moments, she managed to gather herself. "I called 911..." she murmured, her voice hoarse. "after that, I tried contacting Wesley, i thought he might have gotten away because I didn't see him anywhere." her voice became somber "But That was false hope...his body was found by this bus stop."

The woman finished her writing and closed the notepad. "Thank you for your time Morgan-" she began "I had a crush on Wesley," Morgan said. The detective looked at her sympathetically "I was planning on confessing today." The detective lowered her head in respect "I'm very sorry for your loss." with that, she walked away

When the woman was a few meters away she reopened her notebook and scanners her writing 'The first victim was gutted.' She peered back to the bus stop 'And the second victim's head was bashed in.' She narrowed her eyes in contemplation.

'Why would the killer use two different weapons? it doesn't add up.'





Elio and Y/n were sitting in the living room, Y/n was scrolling through the channels on the television. The h/c haired was about to give up on finding something interesting to watch until he landed on the local news and he paused. Elio's eyes locked onto the screen as well. There was a woman holding a microphone with police officers behind her seemingly discussing something.

"The Runswick killer has stricken once again. On March eighteen **** early morning, two teenagers attending Runswick High School by the names of Rachel Garcia and Wesley Moore were found dead in the local park. We're sending out our condolences to the families of the victims. The police are doing everything in their power to-"

Y/n angrily shut off the television making Elio glance at him in perplexity. Y/n laid down the remote and crossed his arms "It's getting late I'll call Ezra." he grumbled and strode out of the room. Elio took note of his frustrated behavior but said nothing about it.

Y/n closed the door to the living room and took a deep breath. 'Calm down, you can't let this get to you.' after composing himself he took out his phone and pulled up Ezra's number.

the phone rang for a few seconds but the other line eventually picked up. "Hello Y/n, is something the matter?" a soft voice sounded "Do you, Nova, and Roy wanna come over for dinner? Elio is already here." Y/n asked.

Ezra's perfect composure momentarily faltered "What?"

"Do you guys want to come over for dinner at my place? my mom won't come til late so she agreed that I could invite you guys over." Y/n repeated

"Why would you want to invite us?" Ezra inquired monotonously. Y/n scrunched his face up in confusion at the ash blond's question "Because you guys are my friends and i want to hang out?"

There was silence, but before Y/n could say something again, Ezra's normal attitude was back "I understand, we would love to hang out with you, Y/n. What time do you want us to be there?" His tone was amiable. "Uh..." Y/n glimpsed at the clock hanging on the wall "Four pm."

"Okay, i'll inform the others, see you later Y/n."

Ezra hung up and Y/n put his phone back in his pocket turning around to open the living room door and regard the black haired boy sitting on the couch.

"Ezra and the others are coming at four pm, should we go to the store to get what we need?" The h/c haired queried.

Elio looked up at him through his glasses and nodded "Sure why not." he replied.




Elio and Y/n walked down the street to the grocery store. "What type of snacks do the guys like?"

Elio tightened his lips "Ezra and Roy like salty snacks, Nova likes sweets." he answered. Y/n glanced at him "And what do you like?" Elio stayed quiet for a while "I am not a particular fan of junk food."

Y/n focused his gaze on the male "You look like that type of person." Elio shot him a blank look. the pair entered an unconscious staring match, after a while the h/c haired chuckled "I'm joking Eli~" the black haired boy furrowed his brows into a soft glare but didn't respond.

The two males reached the store, Y/n grabbed a cart and went in, Elio trailing behind him. "So something salty, something sweet and..." Y/n eyed Elio one more "Salty and sweet." Y/n happily skipped through the aisles of the store, purposely avoiding the alcohol aisle.

The boys entered the snack aisle and Y/n grabbed popcorn, chips, and chocolate then slung it in the cart. He scanned the rows full of chips, chocolate, and other foods until his eyes landed on one specific thing "Elio! Look!" Y/n pointed "They have (favorite snack)!" The boy giggled giddily and shook his hands before taking up the bag, showing it off in the black-haired's face.

"I didn't know they had this here! I've only come across it in the city in one store!" The boy swayed the product in the air triumphantly earning glances from passing customers.

"I'll take that too," Elio said. Y/n stopped in his tracks and gave him an incredulous expression "But i thought you said you don't like junk food?" The obsidian eyed male hummed "I don't. But, i like this one." he smiled. Y/n looked at him before shrugging "Okay, two bags it is!" The h/c haired male took up another bag of the chosen food and threw both bags in the cart.

After optaining their respective snacks Y/n led Elio to the soda aisle. "What sort of drinks do the guys want?" Elio glanced at the drinks displayed on shelves as an awareness sparked up in his mind "I think Nova will bring the drinks." he bitterly let out. "He is?" Elio nodded "Yes, unfortunately, although Ezra would like some type of soda." Y/n took up a soda can "Does he drink cola?" Y/n asked. "Don't know if I'm honest." Y/n laid the can on the shelve and took out his phone.

Y/n: Ezra

Y/n: Ezra!

Y/n: Ezra!!!


Y/n: E

Y/n: Z

Y/n: R

Y/n: A


Y/n: yo Ezra

Y/n: Dude


Y/n: ayo answer

Y/n: bro i gotta ask something

Y/n: Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra Ezra

Ezra: Yes Y/n?

Y/n: Finally

Y/n: Do you likr cols

Y/n: Dp You lije cola

Y/n: Help

Elio watched over the boy's shoulder and rolled his eyes before snatching the phone out of Y/n's hands and began typing.

Y/n: Do you like Cola?

Ezra: Yes i do.

Elio handed back the device to Y/n and the boy wordlessly put it back into his pocket and grabbed two cans of cola off the shelves and put them in the cart.

After they scanned their purchases and paid they made their way back to Y/n's house.

they got back into the house and Y/n put the grocery bags down in the living room and stretched his arms "Well that's done." Elio walked up to his bag and took his supplies out "What are you doing?" Y/n asked.

"Since we gotta wait for around four hours til the others get here, it's a good time to throw in some work on our assignment" Elio concluded. Y/n groaned "Do we have to?" he whined. Elio gave him a look.

"Okay fine." Y/n defeated.






Four passed by agonizingly slow. Just as Y/n was on the verge of falling asleep out of boredom, a knock was heard at the door "Fucking finally!" Y/n grunted and got up to open the door, There stood Ezra, Nova and Roy as promised "Hey Y/n." Ezra greeted. Y/n smiled and gestured for them to come in "Hey guys." The trio walked into the threshold, Roy was the last one to walk in, as he passed Y/n he took the boy by the back of his neck and ruffled the h/c male's hair "What's up pretty boy?" he bantered.

"I'm fine." Y/n snickered and walked to the living space where to others were. Roy seated himself on the couch while Ezra took a seat at the dining table and Nova stayed standing. Suddenly Nova lifted up cradles in the air "Guess who brought the good stuff?" he exclaimed. Elio rolled his eyes at the predictable action "Of course you brought alcohol. I'm surprised you haven't been arrested for your fake identification card yet." the black haired murmured.

Nova stuck his chin up in smugness "They got nothing on me. Trust me." He bragged. Y/n stared blankly at the cradles as unwanted memories crept up " brought.." Y/n whispered under his breath. Ezra looked at him with concern "Y/n, you okay?" the boy snapped out of his daze and stared at Ezra. "U-uh? Oh yeah, i am." Nova shifted his gaze to the h/c haired male

"You look like you just saw a ghost, man. You sure?" he questioned, Roy and Elio moved their eyes to Y/n.

Y/n nodded vacantly and almost stumbled out of the room "I...I need to use the bathroom, be right back." he quickly moved out of the room and up the stairs, the four males shared a look of confusion.

Y/n staggered into the bathroom and locked the door, leaning his hands against the sink 'Pull yourself together.' The boy let out a shaky breath as his mind started running in circles replaying the same memories over and over again. 'Damn it.' Y/n turned on the tap and splashed water on himself 'I can't be doing this right now.' a knock at the door startled him.

"Hey, Y/n are you sure, you're okay?" Nova's concerned voice seeped through. Y/n quickly turned off the tap. "Yes!" He called out, more harshly than he intended. "Can i come in?" Nova softly questioned. For a few moments, Y/n stayed still, not moving an inch but after a while he caved in and turned the lock.

Nova stepped inside and closed the door back up, his expression worried. "Did I do something to upset you?" He asked. Y/n shook his head "No! It's- no! You did nothing I just... I just needed some time alone" the h/c haired breathed out leaning his frame against the sink. Nova appeared to see through his front and walked behind him. The ash blond put his palm on Y/n's back and rubbed in comforting circles.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Nova assured. Y/n lifted his face to meet eyes with Nova's ice-blue ones, in the mirror. Nova looked at him with sympathy, it seemed like he could see right through him, Y/n felt like everything and anything he would say, any lie he would tell Nova to explain his semi breakdown would be immediately debunked by the ash blond.

'Why am i acting like this, why does my brain react like this by just seeing some bottles of booze?' Y/n felt his eyes start to burn from his pathetic state but refused to embarrass himself further. He spun on his heels to face Nova and looked at the ground "I'm sorry." Y/n whispered.

Nova smiled sympathetically and tucked a strand of h/c hair behind the boy's ear. "You don't have to be sorry Y/n. I don't know your situation, but just know that we are here for you. We will always be here for you."




Nova had stayed with Y/n til he was able to collect himself and walked him downstairs. The other males didn't question anything to Y/n's relief.

after around ten minutes of talking and joking around Y/n pulled out his phone "So I'm thinking we can order pizza, everyone in?" he asked, the others nodded in agreement " Sounds good to me." Roy approved. "Okay then, I'll order five pizzas, I'll ring the place now so it doesn't get too late and curfew sets in before we can get our food." the h/c haired added. Y/n

Y/n dialed the pizza place "Hello, Yes i would like to order five pizzas?" Y/n listened to the person on the other line "The address is _____, yes, thank you." the call was hung up "The food is on the way, I'll get the snacks, be right back." Y/n informed and took the grocery bags to the kitchen, he took out bowls and a tray from the cabinets and opened the bags of food filling the bowls, he put the filled bowls on the tray and balanced it to the living space, placing the tray on the coffee table.

"The food is coming in around an hour and a half, so you wanna play a video game, a few weeks ago i started this one RPG game, it's a thriller slash horror game where you play as a killer and you need to kill different people to progress through levels." Y/n internally rolled his eyes " The morbid irony is not lost on me. But i can't deny it's a fun game, the graphics are insane" Nova popped a piece of chocolate into his mouth. "Sure, sounds fun."


'Ugh...I've been stuck on this level for like what? an hour and some more now. This is impossible." Y/n complained and glared at yet another 'GAME OVER!' screen before grabbing a handful (favorite snack)and chewing on it.

"Y/n, you kinda suck at this level," Nova said listlessly taking another gulp out of the bottle of liquor he had opened up. Y/n gave him a scowl "Gee thanks, didn't know that."

Y/n glanced at the screen once more "Maybe i need to pick another weapon." he wondered out loud.

"I do think that would be a logical move." Elio said taking a small hand of your chosen snack.

A knock was heard and Y/n shot up from his crossed-legged position "Pizza guy is here!" Y/n patted down his pants "Do any of you have a tip i could give the guy?" He asked the group. Ezra reached into his pocket and gave the male a few bucks "Thanks man, I'm not getting mugged today after all." Y/n joked and saluted towards Ezra, making Roy snort.

Y/n opened the door "Here you go sir." The delivery man said and Y/n took over the stacked-up pizzas from the worker and gave the worker their tips "Thanks, have a nice evening" Y/n bid goodbye and closed the door.

"I'm back!" Y/n announced walking into the living room and putting down the pizzas and opening the lids. all of them slowly each took a piece of food. Roy took a bit of the pizza and swallowed before regarding the h/c haired "Perhaps you could ask Ezra for help, He's pretty good at this game." The red head advised.

Y/n looked at Ezra in frustration "You have played this game before and you didn't bother saying anything?!" he frustratedly hissed at the ash blond. Ezra shrugged "I wanted you to figure it out for yourself at first." Ezra stood up and took a sip from his soda then walked over to the h/c haired and took over the controller, he seated himself on the sofa, leaned forward on his forearms, and pushed the 'RETRY' button.

Ezra selected the axe and pressed start. Y/n crossed his arms and watched the screen but after a few minutes, his jaw dropped. Ezra was beating the stage, fast. The male found the programmed Npcs quickly and managed to kill them before they could escape. hacking off their heads, slicing their torso in half, and more tactics that basically guaranteed a steady win.

Ezra beat the level in around ten minutes, marking a new record for y/n's dashboard. The h/c haired boy stood jaw dropped staring at the 'VICTORY" that had popped up on the screen.

Ezra stood up and gave back the controller to a speechless Y/n gave him a warm smile, patted him on the shoulder, and went back to his seat. Roy smirked smugly "Told you, Y/n." Y/n glared at the scarlet-haired "Shut up."

Despite the group's small quarrels, Y/n found himself enjoying their company. perhaps because it reminded him of their childhood. whatever the reason was, he was glad he invited them over.

Completely forgetting to heed Clark's warning.

Me writing an angsty scene:

Me writing murder:

Author note: BTW! How do you guys find the story so far? it's the first story I've ever written so tell me what you think! criticism is allowed :) hell, who am i to tell you what's allowed, you can hate dunk on this story if you want to lol

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