bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilber...

By RideWithTheDevil

69K 951 3K

There's a random phone number written in the bathroom stall and Jake is the only dumb ass willing to text it... More

CH.1- How did you get my number?
CH.2 -i wanna get to know you
CH.3- weekend
CH.4- concert
CH.5 we're all gay or?
CH.6 -Can you spend the night?
CH.7 - Party
CH.9 - back to normal
CH.10 - ... trying to keep things normal
CH.11 - I can't continue like this
CH.12 - the truth comes out
CH.13 - Some things never change
CH.14 - Can I say "I love you" without it being weird?
CH.15 - hungover
ch.16 - just fuck off
CH.17 - Getting help
CH. 18 - I feel like dancin'
CH.20 - using you (Valentines Day date)
CH.21 - what are we?
CH.23 - Dance, Dance
CH.24 - All your fault
CH.25 - breathe in, breathe out
Ch.26 - Flesh
CH.27 - bad feeling
CH.28 - N.M.E
CH.19 - Coming out
CH.29 - dose he love me?
CH.30 - Peach
CH.31 - you don't need to protect me
CH.32 - problem solved
CH.33 - end of the year
2nd book

CH.22 - A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"

1.5K 23 65
By RideWithTheDevil

Jakes pov:

I've been dating Johnnie for a week now and I couldn't be happier! He's been practically living with me and has brought some of his own clothes to shove into my closet. He also brought his makeup over and oh my God does he have a lot. If mom ever came home and took a look in my bathroom she'd think I have a chick staying here. I love watching him do his hair and makeup in the morning and how much he wants everything to look perfect, even though to me he always looks perfect.

"Sooooo....your wearing my clothes again?" I laugh as johnnie puts on one of my hoodies

"Y-yeah." A smile forms on his face

After getting dressed we walk outside and met Sam and Colby waiting for us. We get into the car and make our way to school. I smile as I watch Johnnie look out the window. I blush as I look down at him wearing my hoodie. I honestly love when he wears them, he's recently been spraying his cologne on almost all of my clothes. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose but I don't mind. The hoodie I'm wearing right now, he wore still smells like him and it's comforting in a way. the school day was normal except for the fact that there were posters everywhere.

"School dance?" I say out loud, confused
"Why would there be a school dance in the middle of February?" I scratch my head

"Maybe it's a Valentine's Day dance?" Colby says, looking more at the poster

"No, it says nothing about Valentine's AND there's no pink or even red poster out from what I can see." I say looking around at the other posters to see if there's anything different about what's written on them

"Also Valentine's Day has already passed. It'd be a pretty late dance that I doubt anyone would care about." Sam adds

"You guys like the posters?" Tara says, scarring the shit out of all of us

"Holy shit!" I jump as I grab Johnnies hand
"Uh, yeah. I'm just wondering why there's a party at such a random time." I keep holding of Johnnies hand

"Oh, well everyone in student council (student council is a thing right??? Like the mfs that plan the school events??? Idk I never paid any attention to those ppl but we're calling them student council bc I'm to lazy to Google if that's a thing and I know u guys will bully me about it) thought that there wasn't very many school dances sooooo that lead us to planing one." Tara smiles

"Wait, your apart of student council?" Johnnie says, surprised

"Yeah? Why do you think that I don't sit with you guys at lunch all the time?"

"I don't know, I just assumed you had better shit to do." Johnnie scratches his head with his free hand

"Yeah, I do. It's called student council." Tara laughs as Johnnie rolls his eyes

"Anyways, why didn't you guys do a Valentine's party?" Sam asks

"Because we already knew about the house party so we expected that no one would choose a school dance over a house party." Tara shrugs

"True." Sam nods his head in agreement

We keep talking until the first class bell rings. We all say our goodbyes and go in our separate ways. This time Johnnie walks me to class and gives me a kiss goodbye before leaving to his own. I blush and make my way into my own class.

Every time Johnnie kisses me I blush..I know I've kissed him dozens of times but each kiss feels new. He keeps giving me butterflies and makes me nervous when I'm with him. I fucking love how he makes me feel. When I'm not with him I feel like I'm going through withdrawals, it's like he's a drug and I'm addicted. It's sounds crazy but I don't think I can live without Johnnie in my life. Like, I was fine before I knew about him but now that he's been in my life there's no way I could ever go back. The amount of light he brings me is irreplaceable. The joy that I get from even just the thought of him is a type of joy that can only be brought by him. Anyways, enough with me being sappy! I guess I have to ask Johnnie if he wants to go to this dance with me. I mean it's the first school dance that we've ever been to together AND most importantly, the first party that we'll go to together as a couple. Like an official couple! None of that "friends with benefits" bullshit. He's no longer a boy that I can kiss and have to explain that it's not weird to kiss the homies! He's been upgraded to a boy that I can kiss and tell people that he's the love of my life and that we'll one day live together and get married.....okay maybe I'm moving too quickly but still. I really do love him and I would love to spend the rest of my life and grow old with him next to me, right by my side.

Lunch comes around and i decided that it's my time to ask if Johnnie wants to go to the school dance. I know that it's just a random dance so I don't need to make a big deal about it. I also know that Bryan will probably be there because he's the janitor but I don't care. I hope Bryan sees us together.

"Johnnie?" I ask as we take out unassigned seat at the table

"Yeah?" He looks at me with a smile, making my heart pound

"Did you want to go to the school dance?" I ask

"Yeah, it would be nice to finally go to a party with you and both of us have to be sober." He giggles

"Whatever." I jokingly roll my eyes
"It'll be out first party as a couple." I give him a kiss

"So you guys are finally dating? Why didn't you tell me!!" Tara practically yells as she sits at the table

"Holly shit! you need to stop sneaking up on me!" I jump, once again holding onto Johnnie
"And yeah, were dating." I smile
"I didn't tell you because I just didn't find the time I guess. Also I just didn't really think about telling anyone?"

"Why wouldn't you tell anyone? Jake your one of the many popular people that goes to our school meaning that people give a shit about who your fucking. It might not seem like it to you but people talk. This will be a big thing at the dance."

"I guess. I mean I just assumed that people already thought that we were dating so-" I scratch my head, looking down at Johnnie who seems to be frozen in place
" okay?" I ask as I wrap my free arm around him

"Y-yeah." He stutters
"It's just I...I knew that people were looking at us when we would walk down the halls but I didn't think that it was that big of a deal that we were so close." His voice shaking

"Johnnie, it's okay." I smile
"I promise no one really cares, right Tara?" I say looking at Tara hoping that she'll agree with me just so Johnnie doesn't have a panic attack

"Yeah, sure." She says making me roll my eyes

Johnnies pov:

2 weeks. I've been dating Jake for 2 weeks now and I couldn't be happier but I'm also very anxious. I mean when it's just us and our friends I'm fine but at school I know that everyone's eyes are on us. I can hear whispers and laughs. Sometimes people don't even try to hide the fact that there looking at us and point in our directions. Even when I'm not with Jake I know people are talking about me. I hope that it's nothing bad but I will never know I guess. I shake as I make my way to class. I don't know how Jake doesn't care. As I make my way to my 2nd period I can hear people whispering.

"Do you think there actually dating?" A girl asks looking at me

"I don't know why Jake would want to date him.." another girl says

"Yeah, what does he see in him?" The first girl agrees

"I heard that jake's pretending to date him just because he feels bad. There probably going to break it off by the dance." The 2nd girl laughs

People think that Jake is dating me because he feels bad....I mean I've thought that exact thing. Shit. I'm sure he's not. Jake likes me? Right? No, how could he? I bring nothing to our relationship! Fuck, I can't believe I actually fell for it. It feels like my world is spinning, crumbling. They think he'll break up with me by the dance? That's in 2 weeks. Fuck fuck fuck. What do I do? I mean...I guess I could talk to someone..? But who? Not Sam or Colby..they'd tell Jake everything and I don't want that. I guess I could talk to Tara. Problem is, I don't have her number and the school day is about to end. Fuckkkkk.

The final school bell rings and I start my walk to Sam's car. I get nervous as I get close. Once I get into the car I start to think about how people assume that Jake is soon going to break up with me.

"Sam, uh, do you think you can drop me off at my house instead of Jake's? Mom wants me home for the week." I force a smile

"Awwww she does?" Jake frowns, breaking my heart

"Y-yeah." I lie
"Just making sure that I'm doing okay because she's noticed that some of my clothes are gone."

Sam drops me off at home and I spend the rest of the day rotting in bed.

The next day comes along and I see Tara walking down the hall. Just as I'm about to walk up to her I get stopped by Bryan.

"What do you want?" I question

""I just wanted to apologize." He frowns

"Look.." he starts
"I confess, I'm messed up..Droppin' I'm sorry like you're still around."

"Bryan, stop. What are you trying to do?" I question him

"I know you're dressed up.. dating Jake and all of that can be full of pressure." Bryan starts. I just walk away. I don't want to talk to him anymore and I don't care about what he's about to say."

"Hey kid you'll never live this down!" He yells back at me

The whole day I spent my time running away from Bryan and trying to keep out of the halls when Jake was walking. I really hope he doesn't notice....

Okay! It's exactly a week the school dance will happen...I'm fucking scared.

I walk into campus and tell Jake that Im going to the bathroom. Instead of actually going I start walking around, looking for Tara. After a few minutes I finally found her.

"Tara?" I ask as she turns around

"Oh, hey Johnnie!" She smiles

"Um...can I talk to you?" I ask, messing with my hoodie strings

"Yeah, go for it."

" you know how you said that people will talk when they find out that Jake is dating me? Well I can't stop hearing people whispering about me in the hallway." I frown

"Aww johnnie." Tara gives me a hug
"People will soon grow up and stope caring. Give it a week." She smiles

"But I've felt like people have been looking at us in the hallway since we started hanging out. And even worse people are saying that Jake is dating me because he feels bad and is going to break up with me at the dance." I feel my eyes full with water

"Johnnie, that's not going to happen." Tara then looks around
"Don't tell him I said this but without you his life would turn to shit. Whenever your not around, your all he can talk about." She smiles

I blush as I thank he for making me feel better.

"Also, why do you think he wouldn't like you?" Tara.adds before I walk away

"Because, he's just a boy all the girls want to dance with.. and I'm just a boy who's had too many chances." I frown

"Why don't you just drop dead?" I hear a voice say as they walk past me

"Well Johnnie. I think your perfect for him." She gives me a quick smile before walking off to class.

I sent the last 2 days at home. I've just been so nervous and my anxiety won't let me go to school. I told that to Jake and he just keeps feeling bad for me. he asked if he can come over to make me feel better but I said no.. I honestly don't think that anyone would make me feel better. Just in case Jake actually does care about me though, I have been eating full meals. Something I haven't done in a while at home. I can tell it make some happy to so I guess it's a win, win.

The weekend comes around and I just rit in my room the whole time. I know I should tell Jake about how I feel but I just can't. I can't bring myself to do it.

Monday....I wake up early and get a call from Sam asking if I'm going to school. I say yes and instantly regret it. But I have to do I guess there no turning back. Everyone smiles as I get into the car. Jake looks at me with a pink tint on his cheeks. We get to school a little early but that's fine. Once we finally decided to get out of the car Jake takes me away from the group.

",Why didn't you want me to come over?" Jake frowns

"I-i just...I didn't want you to feel bad.." I say

"Johnnie, I'm your boyfriend. I can help you or - try to help you whenever you feel like this. It's my job." He chuckles

"I guess it's just been that I've been hearing whispers about us and about you breaking up with me and I just let it get into my head..." I frow

"Johnnie! Why would you believe any of that stuff?" Jake says but I can't tell if he's mad or not
"Look...I don't blame you for being you. But you can't blame me for hating it." Jake takes a deep breath
"So sat, what are you waiting for?" He smiles as he pulls me into a kiss

Jake's pov:

(I set my clocks early because I know I'm always late)

I watch a blush form on Johnnies cheeks as I let go from the kiss. He gives me a soft stand walks me to class. I give him another kiss and watch as he walks down the hall. I smile my whole class. I love Johnnie. He may be an anxious wreck but I still love him. When lunch comes around I can instantly tell that something happened to Johnnie. His hand are shaking and hes picking at his nails.

"Johnnie what's wrong? Did something happen?" I ask as I sit down next to him

"Write me off, give up on me. Cause darling, what did you expect?" His voice rasp, like he's been crying

"Johnnie, I would never give up on you..what happened?" I ask again

"I'm just off..a lost cause. A long shot, don't even take this bet." His eyes are red and puffy

"Babe...." I freeze at that fact that I just called him babe
"I love you." I smile, putting my hand in his

"You can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights." He starts
"Get all the sighs and the moans just right."

Just then a person runs past us screaming
"Why don't you just drop dead?"

What the fuck? Is this what he's been dealing with? I can't believe that people are so fuck up. I don't know what to do though? I know I told Johnnie that it's my job as his boyfriend to take care of him but...-but I honestly don't know how.

"I don't blame you for being you." I start
"But you can't blame me for hating it." He looks up at me

I pull him into a kiss. I can feel a smile form on his lips. I blush just thinking about a cute little smile on his face.
(I set my clocks early because you know I'm always late)

Johnnies pov:

We let go of the kiss before anyone come and sits at our table. I feel much better now.

"You said you'd keep me honest." Jake says. I look over to him and he just smiles
"But I won't call you on it."

The rest of the day was uneventful and I decided to go back to staying at Jake house after school.

"So, we still going to the dance?" Jake asks as we sit in the couch

"Yeah, I still wanna see if you break up with me or not." I giggle

"Oh fuck off. If imma break up with you it has to be iconic..not at some shitty dance." He jokes

We both smile and talk about things...I smile as I think about how lucky I got with meeting Jake.

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