โ๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐๐„๐“๐Ž๐Œ๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐€โž โ”...

By wistfulthoughts

21.4K 1K 7.6K

drapetomonia - the overwhelming urge to run away. โ” When Junia Beaumont, her brother and their classmates get... More

00. prologue
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐„๐๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
01. the fourth of july
02. rigged
03. cattle cars
04. the monkey enclosure
05. hypotheticals
06. consequences
07. back at the zoo
08. the questionnaire
09. mentor and tribute
10. blood
11. grief, sorrow and anger
12. afternoon sun
13. a proposal
14. somber morning
15. arachne's funeral
16. the arena
17. the hospital
18. wounds
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐“๐‘๐€๐ˆ๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
19. a visitor
20. the spare key
21. a nightly visit
22. test subject C
23. guns and axes
24. of snakes and antidotes
25. preparations
26. last steps
27. backstage
28. the interview
29. closer
30. one last measure
31. countdown
32. murder and mercy
33. rescue mission
34. kiss of life
36. Lamina
37. what it means to be human
38. a deal with a snake
39. the grand finale
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐•๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
40. reunion
41. clash of views
42. the future
43. dread
44. the hypocrisy of it all
45. don't be a stranger
46. a sister's guilt
47. goodbye, capitol
48. home
49. family line
50. survivor's guilt
51. the market
52. sketches
53. Rachis
54. the Pine
55. a broken boy
56. Happy birthday, Treech
57. twins
58. the wedding
59. epilogue

35. eleven remain

229 15 188
By wistfulthoughts

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35. eleven remain

The realization hits the people in the auditorium soon after as well. Everyone in the Capitol knows and fears rabies. For good reason, too, since it spread like wildfire during the war.

June remembers that doctors were scarce during that time. After her grandfather's passing, her father took on his position as head of the Health Department. Even as a little girl, she remembers rabies being one of his bigger worries during that time. Rabies killed at least a dozen people in the Capitol, too, until a vaccination program was finally introduced and put a stop to it.

But everyone knows the warning signs. Everyone remembers the warning posters plastered across the Capitol during the war. And with her father being the President's physicist, Lyssie makes the connection quickly as well. At least that's what June assumes based on the look on her face.

She can't tell what Coriolanus and Lyssie are saying, but considering their tribute's alliance, it doesn't take an expert to figure out that they're scrambling for ideas on what to do next. Jessup, as horrible as it sounds, is a lost cause, but his pursuit of Lucy Gray is relentless. He's completely fixated on her, as if she's the cause of his infection. But it seems that's what he believes.

Lucy Gray scoots backwards as much as she can, making use of Jessup's weakened state. The cameras catch a glimpse of Lamina on her beam in the background, sitting up and observing the scene in front of her as well. It seems even she noticed. June can't help but wonder what this must look like for her. Does she know? They were in the zoo for a long time; surely the others have seen the way Jessup held a handkerchief to his neck almost the entire time.

June hears the audience as well, murmuring among each other how Jessup might have contracted rabies. The knowledge that it must've been here in the Capitol is unsettling all of them deeply.

The mentors sit up straighter in their seats as well. Jessup is Lucy Gray's only protector in the arena. With him likely on the verge of succumbing to his infection, her odds of surviving another encounter with the alliance are slim. And yet, June can't help but worry. Treech seemed fine, but what about some of the other tributes?

What if he somehow gets infected, too?

She's forced to push her worries aside when Lucky finally finds his voice again. He hasn't said a word about the obvious rabies infection, at least not yet.

"Mr. Snow, reaching for his communipad!" He announces and gestures towards Coriolanus, who is already going through the options he has available.

June wonders what he's doing right now, out of all times, sending out the unreliable drones towards Lucy Gray. Doesn't she have enough to worry about with Jessup still after her? But then again, he hasn't had a real opportunity to send her anything in a while. No matter what, she must've been starving in there.

At least by now, the drones don't take as long to arrive anymore, and even as she's trying to get away from Jessup, Lucy Gray spots the drone flying right at her. She looks up, about to reach out, but when the drone flies right over Jessup, he grabs a rock and hurls it right at it in his state of panic. Despite the fact that his aim is off, he manages to hit the bottle anyway due to the drone's wonky flight.

The glass shatters, shards, and water rain down on the ground, and while Lucy Gray manages to evade the drone that was sent tumbling by the impact of the hit, Jessup seems even more agitated now. He stumbles and falls, tearing his pants and scraping his knees on the rubble. But he doesn't stop his relentless pursuit of Lucy Gray, even though he's hurt too.

What would she do if she was in Lyssie's shoes right now? June's eyes can't decide whether to stick to the screen or to keep themselves locked on her friend's face. It's barely noticeable, but when Lyssie reaches for her own communipad, there's a single tear running down her cheek.

Lyssie is one of the mentors who got the most attached to her tribute. Not only did he save her life, she also grew to care for him in the way a friend would. She can't imagine being in her position right now because even June can tell what Lyssie is about to do. Jessup has a fair amount of donations, and even though she can't hear what Coriolanus and Lyssie are saying, she sees that even Lucy Gray's mentor is shocked by Lyssie's quick thinking and acting.

With how protective Jessup has been over his district partner until the infection spread, it makes sense. He'd want Lucy Gray to win.

The sight of the drones practically swarming the arena leaves no doubt regarding their plan either. They're trying to scare Jessup away from Lucy Gray with the water bottles, and it seems to be working. He stands up, trying to swat at them with his hands, though his attempts are futile. Some of the bottles land on the ground and break immediately, but there's one that's particularly stubborn, trying to get to him anyway. It looks like Lucy Gray is trying to warn him, pointing with her finger at the drone that's coming right at him from behind, but it's too late.

Right as he turns around, the drone hits him in the back, and Jessup goes tumbling. His arms flail, and Lucy Gray pushes herself up, trying to reach for him, but she's not fast enough. Jessup loses his balance, and June clasps her hand over her mouth when the boy falls, landing on his back on a pile of rubble below. For a second, she almost thinks he's dead. With the way his bones snapped upon impact, she's surprised to see his chest still rising and falling.

Lucy Gray shudders and finally manages to get up, sliding down until she can be by his side. The silence in the auditorium is deafening when she crouches down next to him, brushing her hand over his forehead. Lyssie is still on her communipad, using the rest of the donations to get food to Lucy Gray.

"It's okay, Jessup. I'm not going anywhere," she whispers. It's a surprise the camera is able to catch it, but it zooms in anyway, showing the girl's crestfallen expression. Lucy Gray is trying to force herself to smile for Jessup, but her eyes show nothing but sadness. "You go to sleep now, you hear, Jessup? You've been watching over me; now it's my turn to watch over you. Sleep now, Jessup, sleep."

June feels herself tearing up as well once Jessup's chest stills and a buzzing sound in the auditorium announces his death. She swallows, watching the way the girl in the rainbow dress takes one of the water bottles the drones dropped and pulls a handkerchief out of her dress. She looks up warily at the sight of the drones dropping the parcels of food around her but ignores them at first, soaking the handkerchief and cleaning Jessup's face with it.

A shaky breath escapes her lips, and she turns to look at Lyssie, already gathering her things, a heavy feeling in her chest. All this time, she tried to forget that making Treech the victor would mean so many other people - children - would need to die first.

Lucy Gray covers Jessup's face with the handkerchief before she takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut. The camera focuses on her face, but with the sound of approaching footsteps, she snaps herself out of it, quickly collects the parcels of food and a water bottle, and runs off in the direction she came from. June wonders just how long it will take for the alliance to find Jessup's body and go after Lucy Gray again, now that she's unarmed and without a protector.

For a second, she even fears that might be next, but she can't help but sigh in relief at the sight of Reaper emerging from the other side of the arena. He spots Lucy Gray running off but makes no move to go after her either. He only stops briefly as he passes Jessup's body but continues on his path soon afterwards. She wonders if he's looking for something. Or someone? But that can't be, Dill is in her usual spot.

June watches as Lyssie gets forced into an interview with the TV crew further near the stairs of the auditorium and heaves a sigh. Deeming it safe, she pushes herself off her chair and quietly trails after her, with Coriolanus following from behind. The last thing she hears is the interviewer comparing Jessup to a protective dog, and she shoots him a glare, though she knows he can't see it. Once the crew leaves her alone, she quickly approaches her friend.

"I'm so sorry, Lyssie." Is the only thing she can say, wrapping her up in a tight hug. It's obvious Lyssie is trying to remain as composed as she always is, but she allows herself to lean into the hug anyway, letting out a shaky breath like she's trying not to cry. "I'm so, so sorry. I can't imagine how awful this must've been for you. I know you liked him a lot."

She feels Lyssie nod and gives her a slight squeeze. Lyssie pulls away, and she rests her hands on her lower arms. "You did the right thing," she adds softly. "He'd want her to win."

"I think so, too," she replies. "I think he'd be happy to know the rest of his donations went to Lucy Gray. He'd want her to win."

"Thank you, Lyssie. Really," Coriolanus also says, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You should stay with us. Dinner will be in a bit."

Lyssie immediately shakes her head. "Oh, no. I just want to go home," she answers. "I think I'd rather be alone."

June frowns but lets go of her, deciding to respect her wishes. Some of the other mentors have also left their seats to bid Lyssie their goodbyes as well. It's obvious she's in a hurry to leave, though, and so June is one of the first to follow Coriolanus back to their assigned seats.

She eyes him carefully, taking note of his attempts to appear uninjured and unbothered. "How's your... biking injury?" she asks quietly.

Appreciating her attempts not to blow his cover, Coriolanus forces himself to smile. "I'm alright," he manages to rasp out. "Just a bit sore."

She shoots him a smile and a nod, retreating to her seat in silence, but she can feel his eyes on her back anyway. Is he still thinking about last night? She hopes he knows she won't tell.

Either way, once everyone is back in their designated spot and a few more minutes of Reaper just pacing around the arena pass by, the screen flashes brightly, and Lucky takes his microphone again, much to everyone's dismay.

They seem to be doing a rundown of the tributes that are left, with a split screen showing a picture of the mentor on one side and their tribute on the other. A groan escapes most of them as they realize the pictures of their student ID were taken. The images of the tributes displayed on the screens on the sides and the communipads aside, it seems they've chosen to take pictures of the tributes at random instead.

They go chronologically by district, showing the pair from Three that haven't shown up in almost a day now next to their mentors first.

"Our tech district tributes have us all wondering, what did they do to those drones?" Lucky muses aloud.

Next up are Coral and Mizzen, the former being shown at the interview a few days ago, holding the broomstick in her hand with a determined expression on her face. The shot of Mizzen is of one of the boy at the zoo sitting on a rock with his knees pulled up to his chest. Persephone and Festus are lucky enough, though, with their ID pictures being fairly decent.

"The District Four tributes are sailing high as we enter the final Eleven!" Lucky announces.

A picture of Lamina on her beam follows next to a picture of Pup, making him cheer loudly. June finds herself looking up, too, only to sigh when her picture is displayed. They took a flattering shot of Treech at the interview as well, with his face clean and a surprisingly confident look on his face. She's almost a bit embarrassed that just a picture of him is enough to make her stomach flutter and her cheeks redden.

She didn't think having a crush would make her act like this. She would probably feel a little more embarrassed if she didn't know he felt the same way, though.

"And crowd favorites Lamina and Pliny Harrington are joined by the District Seven boy, Treech, and his mentor, Junia Beaumont!"

She's relieved that Lucky is going over the remaining tributes so quickly, even though she'd really like that picture of Treech. It'd look nice in a frame, she thinks.

A picture of Wovey asleep at the zoo next to Hilarius' ID picture are next, and she grimaces. Taking a picture of him during his acne outbreak is just mean. That, and she's sure he'll go on another rant about it during dinner.

Maybe she should've brought earplugs because, with Lucky's talking and the risk of a headache caused by some of the other mentors being ever so present, her ears would thank her.

"Wovey from Eight with Hilarius Heavensbee as a guide!"

She wonders if his little interview in the morning did him a favor. Wovey really is stealthy, though, and very lucky. She has been able to avoid the alliance without stepping out of the tunnels once. Dill is lucky to have Reaper by her side, and previously, so was Lucy Gray with Jessup.

Tanner and Domitia follow. It seems they're using shots of tributes from their interviews if they did them; otherwise, just whatever they could find from the zoo or, in Lamina's case, the arena. "The boy from Ten can't wait to put his slaughterhouse techniques to good use!"

A picture of Dill follows with that of Felix Ravinstill, and June frowns. With him still in the hospital, she's relying on Reaper to get food and water for her since she doesn't have a mentor, or even if she did, there are almost no donations for her.

Then there's a picture of Reaper in the arena with Clemmie's ID picture right next to him. Even in a picture, she looks flawless in comparison to the others. What the snake venom did to her is really cruel.

"Dill and Felix Ravinstill are joined by Reaper and Clemensia Dovecote!" Lucky exclaims and looks around the auditorium. "It seems District Three, Four, Seven, and Eleven all have both their teams intact!"

Last but not least comes a flawless picture of Lucy Gray at the interview, accompanied by that of Coriolanus. He's probably just glad it's not a recent one because, with the bags under his eyes, he'd resemble a raccoon more than anything.

"And the award for most popular goes to Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray from Twelve!"

Well, that's not a problem. Treech still has the second-highest amount of donations, and she won't be struggling to deliver food and water any time soon. And now that the number of people in the arena is slowly decreasing, some of the deceased tribute's sponsors might flock to him instead.

Is this really how she's going to see this? From a detached perspective? A feeling of guilt overcomes her, but before it can take over, Persephone's voice snaps her out of it.

"There they are!" She exclaims. "I was beginning to wonder why they were hiding in there for so long."

When June looks up, she spots the alliance coming out of the tunnels. Reaper has already left, presumably when Lucky was showing everyone who was still in the Games, and they gather in the middle of the arena. Lamina watches them from her beam, curled up with the sun shining down on her. They don't seem to pay her any mind, though.

Much to her surprise, Coral and Mizzen turn towards the camera first and make eating motions with their hands. Tanner looks up as if expecting something as well, and June feels a smile tug on her lips when Treech raises both of his hands, indicating hunger and thirst. He remembered the signal they agreed on.

"Well, we better send them something," Festus says, throwing a look over his shoulder. "Because I think we're about to get food, too."

As discussed, they send in what they agreed on. While the rest of the mentors are quick to leave their seats, they stay behind and make sure nothing goes wrong with the delivery of the food and water. Again, the alliance brings her a sense of relief. Not that she'd be struggling to get food to Treech without them; it'd just be a bit harder since he might hesitate to come out of the tunnels. But for now, the alliance is giving him safety.

And it's comforting to see them sharing their food and water while talking, too. She can't tell what they're saying, but from the looks of it, he gets along well with Tanner. Even through the flawed quality of the camera, she can see that he's smiling and laughing with the others, like they're not in the Hunger Games but on a camping trip instead.

She hopes this will last a while longer. It must take some stress off his shoulders, too. They've been taking turns sleeping and keeping watch all day until now, and they must've waited out whatever was happening in the main part of the arena. There's no good fighting when you're hungry and/or thirsty, not to mention that they don't even know for sure what happened.

As Coral walks around and takes in her surroundings, she seems to be pointing out Jessup's body to the others. However, they don't pay it much mind.

When Domitia calls for her, June leaves her seat behind and follows the other mentors to dinner. They're served lamb stew with dried plums, along with various fruit juices. She keeps herself busy and her thoughts as peaceful as possible when she sits down in between Clemmie and Domitia with her tray, keeping the conversations light.

In the back of her mind, though, she finds it hard not to feel a bit more alone now. Sure, she has Festus, Persephone, and Domitia here to talk to, and they don't seem to mind since their tributes have formed an alliance. But with Clemmie not being herself due to the snake bites, Cas at the War Department doing whoever knows what, and Lyssie now gone too, she can't help but feel lonely. She hasn't heard anything from Sejanus, but she assumes he will be okay since his mother sent a breakfast package over to them just this morning.

There's still Pup, but since Treech and Lamina aren't directly allies, it's different. Hilarius complains too much for her liking at the moment - she really wonders how her brother always puts up with it - and Coriolanus has his own things to worry about. Her options are scarce.

She misses them. Treech, Cas, Lyssie, Sejanus, and Clemmie's normal self - not necessarily in that order. But she misses them already. She just wants things to be over so she can be reunited with Treech. He's her priority at the moment, and when she returns to her seat with her dessert, vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce, she spots him with his head turned towards the camera.

She wishes he knew she was watching him right in this moment and heaves a sigh. While it's awful for her, she can't imagine how horrible he must be feeling right now. June tries to comfort herself with the fact that at least he didn't have to hurt anyone today.

After supper, it takes a long while of nothing until Lucky eventually releases them around nine o'clock. It seems June is the only one who brought something to sleep on, but she doesn't mind having the auditorium all to herself.

It's a bit awkward at first, being all alone in the big auditorium with no one else around, but she eventually finds it within herself to spread out her blanket and pillow on the stairs. After going to the restroom to change and get ready for bed, she curls up on her makeshift bed, and despite its initial discomfort, she finds herself dozing off quickly. The last thing she sees is Lamina on her beam in a position similar to hers. She keeps Treech's neck scarf by her side the entire time, holding it to her chest as she sleeps.

It has a strange irony to it. Both girls are asleep in the same position, just that one of them can sleep soundly with the knowledge that she's safe where she is. The moon is high above the Capitol that night, casting a faint silver glow upon the arena.

And for some, it might be the last time they'll ever get to see it.

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

Thanks to her alarm clock by her side, June wakes up around an hour and a half before the other mentors have to be there. A quick glimpse at the screen tells her nothing has happened. Everyone is in almost the same position, even the alliance.

Treech is fast asleep, his ax resting next to him while he uses his arm as a pillow. Coral is asleep, too, but there's a clear gap between them. Tanner and Mizzen are keeping watch, keeping themselves entertained by tossing a rock among the two of them.

She quickly gets up and removes her blanket and pillow, putting them back into her bag along with her alarm clock, before she grabs her uniform and a smaller bag and heads off to the restrooms. She freshens up in there, brushing out her hair, brushing her teeth, and putting on the uniform.

Day Three of the Games. With only one Jessup dying yesterday, the Games might go on for a long while if they remain at about one tribute death a day. When she puts everything back into her bag, she's almost relieved to see that the first people are already coming in. It's just the Avoxes setting up everything for the morning tea; however, there are also some people from the camera crew who have been accompanying them the entire time as well. Since she has nothing better to do except wait, she asks if she can help them set up the cameras, and they happily accept the offer.

By the time they're done, Lucky and the first mentors are already entering the auditorium. Since the alliance is still in the tunnels, it must mean they're not hungry or thirsty, so she gives up on trying to get breakfast to Treech for the time being. She makes brief small talk with Persephone, ignoring Hilarius, who seems to be complaining so much that even Coriolanus is glaring daggers at him, but what truly catches her eye is the sight of her brother coming down the stairs, a sleeping bag in his arms and a paper bag in his hands.

She quickly excuses herself from Persephone and hurries over to him, unable to mask her joy. "Cas!" She exclaims happily. Since she hasn't seen him in the last twenty-four hours and hasn't talked to him much since the Games started, it's a welcome surprise.

Him wearing the lab coat must mean it'll be a short-lived visit, but that doesn't mean she's any less happy about it. Did he know that he missed her? Some feeling, perhaps? Or he really, really just missed his sister. Whatever the case, she's happy to see him here.

"Hey, June," he says once he finally makes it to the bottom of the stairs. He extends the hand holding the bag towards her. "I got you breakfast," he says. "And I found your sleeping bag, too. It took me a while, but it was all the way up in the attic. No wonder you didn't find it."

"Oh, thank you!" She smiles and gratefully takes the little bag, somehow fitting the sleeping bag under her arm the way he did it before. "I didn't even think of breakfast. My mind is all over the place."

Cas nods. "I figured as much." Since she's eager to put the sleeping bag down, he follows her over to the mentor seats and eyes the communipad. "It's a shame I never got to use one. Or maybe it's for the better; I don't know."

She's about to frown when his hand reaches for the controls, and she swats his hand away, which earns her a laugh from Pup. "Stop it; I don't trust the drones in the tunnels," she says, and he raises his hands in defense. "I'm surprised you're here. I can't tell if you're starting early or late today, actually."

"A bit earlier," Cas replies. "Even if things are busy in the arena, we've got our hands full. Lots of stuff to take care of." He places his hands on his hips, eyeing the screen.

If things were different, perhaps he'd be sitting here with his friends right now, fearing for Sheaf's life. With how busy he has been, it's probably what kept him from having another emotional outburst. But seeing her icon with the Academy logo over it, indicating her deceased status, he can't help but frown anyway.

Pup, either suddenly very aware of his friend's feelings or simply having good timing, speaks up. "How is the internship anyway? You've been so busy; we haven't seen you in forever," he says. He gives the sleeve of the white coat a little tug. "I thought I'd see you wearing this sooner or later. I'm just surprised it's the Gamemaker's lab and not a hospital."

"Trust me, we were all surprised." June half-heartedly agrees and shoots her brother a little look that he doesn't catch. As much as she's grateful for the things he has done for her and how he helped her, she still thinks he's being reckless.

"Things are busier than I thought. With how Dr. Gaul can be, I'm not sure if it's more or less intense than I imagined," Cas says, ignoring the little jab his sister made at him. He looks at Pup, then at the screen that's displaying Lamina on the beam. "She's a favorite, by the way. It's a good strategy to stay up there and wait it out."

"They'll come for her sooner or later," Festus says from his seat, eyeing Cas' get-up with an amused smile on his face. "She can't stay up there forever."

"No one can climb up there the way Lamina did," Pup insists firmly. He eyes June for a moment, figuring her tribute is the only one capable enough of doing so, but says nothing about it further. "And even if someone tried, they'd take so long she'd be able to get away."

"You've got a lot of faith in her," June says with a little smile. "But I think she surprised most of us. I've never seen anyone climb so fast."

She still wonders if Treech could do it, too. Most likely, but she wonders what it'd look like if he scaled it the way Lamina did two days ago. It looked almost effortless, but she knows that's not how it works. With the new layout of the arena and the rubble scattered everywhere, high places might actually be what saves them.

If the snakes won't be able to climb that high, at least. It has been two days, and she wonders when - the if isn't a question anymore - they'll be released. When things get too boring? She doesn't know. She doesn't know if she wants to know either. As long as Treech can outrun them and find a safe spot, he'll be okay. She has trust in him.

"Let's hope that faith isn't misplaced," Festus comments, egging Pup on further.

If this goes on, steam might come out of his ears soon. But it's touching how much he believes Lamina can win. Two weeks ago, that didn't seem to be the case.

Two weeks. The realization hits her that it has only been two weeks since she met Treech. In fact, two weeks ago, around this time, she was getting ready to meet him for the first time, with water bottles and chocolate chip cookies in her book bag.

It feels like so much longer than that.

Ignoring the on-going bickering near them, Cas hums. "By the way, mom has been turning the house upside down," he says, instantly making June look at him with wide eyes. Does she know someone who tampered with the antivenom? "She's looking for grandma's necklace. I thought you might know where it is since you had it on you last."

June lets out a deep breath of relief and gives him a swat on the shoulder for the heart attack he almost gave her. "I know where it is," she then answers, turning towards the screen. Thankfully, it switches from the arena to the tunnel the alliance is in, showing all of them now awake and talking quietly. "Right there."

Cas sighs but lets out a laugh anyway. "I had a feeling. Should I tell her before she loses her mind, or should I not tell her and risk her losing her mind anyway?" He ponders aloud, making her shoot him a glare. "What? Why did you give it to him anyway?"

"He said he likes lavender," she says, her voice growing a bit more soft. "I filled it with some lavender flower buds. I thought the scent might calm him down if things get hectic; I don't know."

There's a silent moment that follows, but June barely takes note of it. Cas watches the way his sister looks at the screen, the way her eyes soften but fill with longing at the sight of Treech, and he grimaces. He knew she liked him, but he might have underestimated how deep her feelings already go. But is he surprised? He can't say he is. It's just unfortunate under their current circumstances, though.

"Alright, fine. I'll tell mom it's in the hands of her future son-in-law," Cas says a bit more quietly, but it's enough for his sister to turn back to him anyway, her face almost beet red and her mouth agape in shock. "What? You look like you want to turn into a bird, fly in there, and get him out yourself. You can't lie to me, June."

She heaves a sigh, feeling the heat crawl up her neck. However much she missed her brother, it disappears in an instant whenever he starts to tease her. There's no disapproval of her feelings when he speaks, though, not that it matters to her.

She knows she likes Treech. And she knows, he feels the same way. What her parents or anyone else says doesn't matter. At least that's what she'd like to say. She doesn't care about her parents's approval, but knowing she has her twin on her side makes it easier and the agony of having to wait it out more bearable.

"She'll get it back after the Games," June says. "Speaking of which, how is Max taking it?"

"Surprisingly well, I think. He seemed very bored yesterday, though," Cas says. He's still unsure how to feel about it as well since he doesn't think their little brother should be watching, but what can he do? "But as far as I'm concerned, he's Treech's number one supporter."

"Number two," she corrects him with a slight nudge to the side, and he laughs. She looks up at him. "Are you sure you're alright, though? Isn't it draining to be with mom all day? And Dr. Gaul?"

"You have no idea," Cas says with a shake of his head. "But it's worth the experience. It's all very interesting, too. They were scrambling to send off the drones faster when they noticed how long it took to get to the arena. It was really hectic."

June hums, "Any chance you can come by again soon? I miss having someone to talk to."

"If you'd like, I can send Hilarius over. He looks like he has a lot on his mind," Cas jokes. He grimaces at the way his friend is muttering to himself. "I'll see what I can do, but I'll definitely bring you breakfast tomorrow. If the Games are still going on by then, at least."

"It looks like it," June says. "But that's good. You should probably go before mom really loses her mind, though."

They hug briefly, and she gives him a slight squeeze before she watches as he makes his way out of the auditorium slowly but with purpose. She can't help but feel bad for him.

All he wants is to help her so she doesn't need to go through what he did. But is that really worth the headache of being under Dr. Gaul's care?

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

i miss you
in ways not even words can understand

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

"that's not how it happened where's the pack attacking lucy gray" this is where i completely went off the rails and combined the book and movie the way i wanted

I PROMISE WE'LL GET THE ICONIC TREECH SLIDE 🙏🙏🙏🙏 i won't let you guys down

that aside i apologize for how little actually happened in this chapter lol. but it's day three so a bunch of stuff is about to go down i promise <3

we're also about halfway through the games so!! stay strong everyone, we'll get through this torture together lol

tysm for 5.1k reads!!!<33

anyway, have a nice day! until sunday!!<3


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