17. the hospital

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17. the hospital

When she opens her eyes again, the first thing she feels is a throbbing pain in her head.

And, for some reason, her nose tickles.

Junia's eyes squeeze together at the strange feeling. It's like someone is repeatedly caressing her nose with a finger or something soft like a feather. She hears a hushed voice but can't quite make out where it comes from either.

Her eyes open, though it takes her a moment or two, and the first thing or rather person in her field of vision is her little brother's face. He's hugging her, saying something but she can't understand, she only sees his mouth moving. She blinks again, squeezes her eyes shut and then opens them again. By then, Max pulled away and eyes his sister worriedly.

This time, her vision is a bit more clear. She's not at home nor is she in the Academy's infirmary. Is she in the hospital? She must be.

The pain in her head subsides slowly but despite that, an unpleasant sting remains. She groans and brings her hand up to her head, rubbing at her face. It seems to be early evening by now, the sunset casting the entire room in a soft orange hue. It's better than the sterile light she usually knows from hospitals. This is warm, comfortable even. But her head still hurts.

"Max?" She manages to croak out and is almost shocked by how hoarse she sounds. She coughs. "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"You hit your head!" The boy exclaims so matter-of-factly she has to suppress a smile. He furrows his brows and looks at her like she has three heads. "You don't remember anything?"

"Just give her a few minutes, Max," a gentle female voice reprimands him. "Her memory must be foggy. Why don't you give her something to drink?"

It takes Junia a good moment to recognize that voice. In fact, she can't remember the last time she heard it either. It's been too long. She carefully leans her head to her right, wincing at the throbbing pain but persisting anyway, and blinks in confusion as she takes in the sight next to her.

"Tigris?" Junia asks in confusion. She looks at the young woman confusedly, her brows knitted together. Tigris looks as beautiful as ever, however, she looks exhausted and Junia wonders how long she must've been here.

For her? No, that can't be it. Did something happen to Coriolanus?

Before she can ask another question, her brother almost thrusts a bottle into her hands and demands she drinks it. She doesn't resist, however, feeling more thirsty than she ever has in her entire life. She takes it and takes a long swig, the sugary and fizzy drink running down her throat almost overwhelming her taste buds. It feels like she ran ten miles in the desert and is getting her first sip of water in hours.

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