10. blood

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10. blood

TW: panic attack, blood uh. yeah. RIP arachne

Within a second, the previously much welcome warmth of the sun becomes unbearable.

It’s like the sun is suddenly trying to burn through her clothes. It’s just like back then. The scorching heat, though this time it’s not fire and only the sun.

The screams.

The cries.

The blood.

Arachne’s face pales almost immediately as she presses her hand to her throat. Even though she knows she wants to, Junia can’t tear her eyes away. Her body doesn’t — refuses —  to move. She can’t do anything except stare helplessly, her eyes wide as Brandy lets go of Arachne, but not without giving her a final shove onto the ground.

The people that were previously entertaining themselves by watching the tributes, enjoying the efforts some were putting into getting food from the audience, almost leave in an instant. Much to Junia’s horror, the TV crew remains, the camera broadcasting everything that’s happening in the zoo for all of the Capitol to see. Livia Cardew is one of the first people to make a run for it and soon enough, the visitors are screaming, even trampling one another in an effort to get away. Food is discarded, stomped over on the way to the exit.

Much like most of the mentors, Hilarius and Felix step away from the bars. Festus and Persephone seem equally frozen in place, Coriolanus’ hand gripping onto the bars in front of Lucy Gray. He’s breathing heavily, his eyes wide open in fear.

Then, Junia sees Lucy Gray’s mouth opening and within a few seconds, Coriolanus is the first to reach Arachne. Cas rushes past his sister, almost tearing off his jacket, crouching down next to Arachne as well. The girl is holding onto Coriolanus’ shirt, her eyes however are beginning to dull slowly. Blood pours out of the wound on her neck and onto the floor. Cas bunches up his jacket, pressing it over her throat in an effort to stop the bleeding.

Coriolanus’ voice rings through to Junia. “Medic!” he cries out. His hands are shaking, both of the males trying to stop the blood from flowing. “Is there a doctor? Please, someone help!”

Junia feels like she can’t breathe.

Her eyes dart around, trying to focus on something — anything that might be able to calm her down —  but all she sees is chaos. Chaos and blood. So much blood, she knows in an instant that Arachne won’t make it. Even with the Peacekeepers approaching, she knows none of them will be able to help her. It's like they're walking in slow motion while the rest of the scene is unfolding at its messy fast pace.

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