31. countdown

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31. countdown

June is surprised that she’s able to fall asleep and yet not at all. While she’s nervous for the Games, her exhaustion catches up to her once she’s in the safety of her bed.

She falls asleep that night dreaming of Treech and the way his lips felt against hers.

When she wakes up, it’s only because of her little brother’s loud voice. It seems he’s the only one in the family that’s actually excited for the Games. At least that’s what she concludes from the way he jumps on her bed and tears her blanket away.

It’s by no means cold in her room but June still curls up anyway. “It’s too early for this, Max,” she mumbles and yawns. Every inch of her is tired — but she knows she can’t stay in bed forever.

That doesn’t mean she can’t try to enjoy her last moments in bed though. But with him here, it’s impossible.

“But it’s today!” Max climbs off the bed and starts tugging on her legs. “Mom and dad said I can watch them this year, too!”

And that’s that. “Leave my legs alone,” she complains and finally manages to sit up when he does. She rubs at her eyes and looks at him, still trying to process his words. “And what are you even saying? You know you’re not allowed to watch the Games.”

After all, that was an unspoken rule in the family. It’s not that June or Cas were ever forced to watch them but with how short the Games have been in the previous years, they’ve both seen some of it. And considering the fact that they were both twelve when they were first allowed to watch, it seems drastic to let Max watch them now. He’s younger.

“Just the recap…” Max concedes and it’s obvious that this bugs him from the way his bottom lip juts out. He shakes his head. “But it’s something! I told mom I wanted to watch them because of Treech!”

“He’s your favourite?” June questions. She forces herself to get out of bed and walks over to her closet. “How come?”

“I loved his interview!” Max scrambles to his feet and looks around. He picks up a pencil on his sister’s desk. “And the way he used the ax! He was like swoosh!” As if for emphasis, he begins wildly swinging the pencil around and tries to imitate Treech’s movements.

June forces a laugh at his attempt though she has to admit it doesn’t leave a good feeling in the pit of her stomach. Dr. Gaul’s plan is clearly working if Max is suddenly so invested. It’s not that he didn’t have an interest before, it’s just that it seems to be so strong this year that his parents caved in and at least allow him to watch some of it.

“I’m pretty sure he’s not a wizard,” she says with a shake of her head.

Max pouts and sets the pen aside, watching as his sister takes the Academy uniform out of her closet and closes the door. “But you know what I’m trying to say! He’s so cool!” He exclaims. “When he wins, I want to meet him!”

❝𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀❞ ━ TREECHWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt