25. preparations

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25. preparations

Treech can't recall the last time he anticipated something this much.

While some of his fellow tributes are getting more and more hopeless with every hour that passes, though some are good at hiding it while some not as much, the prospect of seeing his mentor again is what keeps him going for the rest of the day. A part of him hopes she'll stop by during the evening but even when she doesn't, he pushes away how much he misses her.

He knows June is doing something dangerous. For him. And if it means not being able to see her before the Games to increase his chances at winning, he'll take it. After that's over and done with, he'd love nothing more than to go back to Seven, maybe even with her by his side. Would she visit? Surely her family might not allow it, but perhaps if her brother were to accompany her?

Truth be told, Treech only knows little about Cas. But from what he can tell, having a heart of gold is a trait the twins share. They're both brave - though June would probably disagree and insist her brother is braver - and they've been among the nicest mentors out of all of them. All in all, he wouldn't mind spending time with him as well so long as it means June will be there, too.

When they're rounded up the next morning, at least those that agreed to participate in the whole interview nonsense, he can't help but feel some relief. Every minute spent in the back of that van is a step closer to her. The prospect of almost spending an entire day with her makes him feel giddy.

Is this what Flint and Oakley meant when they told him about the way their wives make everything better, brighter? His brothers are both not that much older than him but when they were around his age, they introduced the women they later on married to the family. He didn't give it too much of a thought back then but now he certainly does.

Meeting her has to be the best thing that has ever happened to him. Even if he knows his time might be limited, though he knows they're both giving it their all so he'll win, she has managed to make everything so much more bearable for him.

When his name was called at the reaping, he dreaded going to the Capitol. Now there's a part of him that dreads having to leave if he does end up becoming the winner. He doesn't want to leave her here. Treech knows it's rushed, they've barely known each other for more than a week, but he can't deny that he feels something for her.

Something that he doesn't want to forget about. If they had more time, perhaps they'd be able to explore it together.

They separate him and the other tributes, two Peacekeepers accompanying each of them to separate classrooms, and when they finally remove his shackles and handcuffs, he almost feels like a free man. Almost because there's still Peacekeepers with him in the room, watching him warily. He doesn't bother hiding his disdain as he takes a seat behind the table. There's an ax made of plastic on the table and he almost laughs at the sight of it.

❝𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀❞ ━ TREECHWhere stories live. Discover now