35. eleven remain

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35. eleven remain

The realization hits the people in the auditorium soon after as well. Everyone in the Capitol knows and fears rabies. For good reason, too, since it spread like wildfire during the war.

June remembers that doctors were scarce during that time. After her grandfather's passing, her father took on his position as head of the Health Department. Even as a little girl, she remembers rabies being one of his bigger worries during that time. Rabies killed at least a dozen people in the Capitol, too, until a vaccination program was finally introduced and put a stop to it.

But everyone knows the warning signs. Everyone remembers the warning posters plastered across the Capitol during the war. And with her father being the President's physicist, Lyssie makes the connection quickly as well. At least that's what June assumes based on the look on her face.

She can't tell what Coriolanus and Lyssie are saying, but considering their tribute's alliance, it doesn't take an expert to figure out that they're scrambling for ideas on what to do next. Jessup, as horrible as it sounds, is a lost cause, but his pursuit of Lucy Gray is relentless. He's completely fixated on her, as if she's the cause of his infection. But it seems that's what he believes.

Lucy Gray scoots backwards as much as she can, making use of Jessup's weakened state. The cameras catch a glimpse of Lamina on her beam in the background, sitting up and observing the scene in front of her as well. It seems even she noticed. June can't help but wonder what this must look like for her. Does she know? They were in the zoo for a long time; surely the others have seen the way Jessup held a handkerchief to his neck almost the entire time.

June hears the audience as well, murmuring among each other how Jessup might have contracted rabies. The knowledge that it must've been here in the Capitol is unsettling all of them deeply.

The mentors sit up straighter in their seats as well. Jessup is Lucy Gray's only protector in the arena. With him likely on the verge of succumbing to his infection, her odds of surviving another encounter with the alliance are slim. And yet, June can't help but worry. Treech seemed fine, but what about some of the other tributes?

What if he somehow gets infected, too?

She's forced to push her worries aside when Lucky finally finds his voice again. He hasn't said a word about the obvious rabies infection, at least not yet.

"Mr. Snow, reaching for his communipad!" He announces and gestures towards Coriolanus, who is already going through the options he has available.

June wonders what he's doing right now, out of all times, sending out the unreliable drones towards Lucy Gray. Doesn't she have enough to worry about with Jessup still after her? But then again, he hasn't had a real opportunity to send her anything in a while. No matter what, she must've been starving in there.

❝𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀❞ ━ TREECHWhere stories live. Discover now