Love & War

By ChrisElizondo7

5.8K 209 175

Spencer and Olivia are happily married and life couldn't be better for the couple these past 6 years. They ha... More

Ch. 10


260 12 8
By ChrisElizondo7

Spencer's P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since I had taken a paternity test that would determine if both Gianna and Kiara were in fact my daughters.

A part of me gets that Liv said this because of the accusations of me having an affair with Rochelle. Still, after everything we've been through, before and after we got married, it was stupid of her to even think I did something so selfish to jeopardize our marriage or family.

While I was watching T.V. I noticed a photo on the side of the wall; it was a picture of me and Gianna when she was a toddler.

When I looked at it, I couldn't help but shed a tear. I don't want to assume the worst possible outcome, but it's going to break my heart knowing that I'm not the girls' biological father and Liv had multiple affairs after all these years.

"You remember when that photo was taken?" Liv walked in surprising me.

"I do. It was the day Gianna was born. One of the best days in my life and the first of me officially being a father."


"Okay, Olivia I need you to start pushing."

Liv was screaming as it was very painful for her.

"Come on baby push!" I said while holding her hand.

"I can't Spencer! It hurts!"

"Yes you can Liv, you're almost there, I see the head."

"I can't!" She said as tears were falling from her face.

"Olivia Maria Baker. Look at me. You can do this, you were able to accomplish so much in your career as a journalist for the L.A. Tribune and have influenced many people who looked up to you. Before we got married, there was no doubt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. There is no other woman in this world that I would want as the mother of children than you. I have faith in you Liv. Just a few more pushes and our baby girl will be here okay? I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay." She nodded and started pushing again.

After a few more pushes and possibly facing a broken hand injury as Liv squeezed it as hard as she could, it was all worth it because the cries of our baby girl filled the entire room.

"Congratulations! Here is your beautiful baby girl.

The doctor handed our daughter to Liv and I was at a loss for words once I looked into her eyes, realizing that I was officially a father. I was truly blessed as this was the beginning of our family.

"You did it Liv. She's finally here. Our baby girl is here."

"She's beautiful Spencer."

"She looks just like her mother."

Liv couldn't help but smile and blush at the same time.

"Do you want to hold her?" I nodded.

Liv handed me our daughter and I couldn't help but get emotional again.

"Hi, baby girl. I'm your daddy and I promise to love and keep you safe."

"Do you guys have a name picked out?"

"We do."

"Gianna Laura James."

A few hours after Gianna's birth, both families and friends came in to welcome Gianna to the world and everyone was so happy to see her.

"Hi Gianna, this is your favorite Auntie speaking." Simone said while Kia and Layla were teasing.

"Girl. If you don't stop hogging me niece-" I cut them off.

"Ladies. Can we please keep rated G in here?"

"Relax Spencer. We're just teasing, and for real though, we couldn't be happier for you and Olivia." Kia said.

"Yeah. You and Liv have been through a lot and you guys are going to be amazing parents to Gianna." Layla added.

"Here, hold Gianna. I want to take a picture. Simone handed me my daughter while Kia took the picture.

"This is amazing. One to keep for sure." I said and handed Liv the photo.

"Many more memories to come Liv." She couldn't help but smile.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I said as I kissed her with passion.

End of Flashback

"That was a day to remember Liv. One of the happiest in my life. It's irreplaceable. I felt so proud. My mom told me that if Corey were here, he'd be proud of me and would want me to be a better father. That's one of the important things I've tried to do for you Liv. And to be honest, I don't know if we can get past this."

"Spencer, you have every right to be mad at me. I was out of line. I know you've been waiting for the paternity results, and here they are."

Liv handed me the envelope and I opened it.

When I unfolded the papers, the DNA diagnostics showed that 99.9999% stated that I am both Gianna's and Kiara's father. Once I saw the results, tears were falling from my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"They're mine. The girls are mine." I said emotionally. "This is what the outcome was all along. I'm such a fool."

"You're not the fool, Spencer. I am."

"I'm going out."

"Wait. Spencer I-" I cut her Liv off.

"Liv I need you to leave me alone right now."

" I know I fucked up Spencer but I-"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" I yelled at Liv punching the cabinet so that it created a hole and catching Liv off guard as she was now crying.

"Daddy. What are you doing?" Gianna asked as she and Kiara walked in on us.

"Uh, girls. Get your things. Daddy just needs to be alone right now."

"Liv. You're not taking my kids. They're safe with me."

"We want to go with Mommy." Gianna and Kiara said to me

Gianna and Kiara hugged Liv feeling protected and it broke my heart.

A few minutes later, Gianna and Kiara were in the car as Liv was about to leave.

"You're right Spencer. I think we need some time apart. I'm willing to own up to my mistakes and I've been trying to do better, but a few minutes earlier showed that it was not worth the fight because me and our girls would not be safe. I'm going to stay at my parent's house for a while. I won't keep our girls from you, but you need to earn their trust back."

I nodded my head without saying a word.

Liv drove off with the kids and I headed back inside.

"FUCK!!!!" I yelled as I knew I messed up big time.

Tears started falling from my eyes and I realized that I needed help.

I grabbed my phone and made a call to someone who helped me before.

"Hello. Dr. Spears please. This is Spencer James. I would like to schedule an appointment as soon as possible."
The truth is out and Spencer is both Gianna's and Kiara's father. However, his emotions got the best of him and now his daughters and Liv feels unsafe around him. Luckily he realized that he needed help and wanted to be a better person for the sake of his family. Hopefully, Spencer can fix things with the help of Dr. Spears. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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