MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Kil...

By NerezaAddington

22.6K 907 666

𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗔: Exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing. Moving back into... More

convenience store
the chemistry assignment
sharing cigarettes
missing posters
Take matters into your own hands
Mischief and eavesdrop
cross my heart
Hope to die
Stick a needle in my eye
Watch me make this solemn oath
Pearce my skin
break my bones
If i shatter this hope
The aftermath
Case closed
Allies formed
Important announcement

first glance

1.6K 45 43
By NerezaAddington

Glass hit a wall and shattered into pieces.

"Dad, you got to stop throwing things when you're drunk, I'm tired of going to the store every week because you can't keep your glasses intact for more than a day!" Y/n called out from his room as he heard glass shattering implying that his dad had once again gotten intoxicated. "Mind your own business boy!" his dad's slurred voice echoed from the living room. The H/c haired boy grumbled, muttering curses under his breath knowing beginning an argument with his father would go nowhere. The old man's pride would not allow him to admit his fault, and Y/n would leech onto that arrogance, his anger would scrap against his rationality and make him say things he didn't want to leave his mouth or the corners of his mind.

Eventually, the male felt his stomach rumble from hunger and put his phone down in defeat then stood up from his bed preparing himself mentally to leave the comfort of his chambers. Most of the time he preferred to stay out of his father's way when he was intoxicated, which was every day, but he still tried to make the best out of his unfortunate situation. He opened the door and walked through the hall leading to the living room that would then go to the kitchen. He and his dad lived in a cramped apartment, it wasn't much, but taking into consideration his father's low-paying job combined with his drinking problems, Y/n was just happy he had a roof over his head, a bed to sleep in, and enough food to at least not starve to death. He walked into the living room where his father was slouched over on the sofa, booze bottles spread over the soft surface, and some bottles had fallen to the ground. His father was staring dazed at the Television, it was a pitiful sight, how he let himself fall so low.

As Y/n was about to step into the kitchen he heard his father's nagging voice ¨Hey, boy do your old man a favor and grab a beer from the fridge for me, will you?¨ Even though it was phrased as a question, Y/n knew it was more of an order. He clenched his jaw forcing himself to suck up his pride to avoid conflict and took a deep breath. "Sure Dad, " he said. He walked over to the fridge opening it to grab a beer, he noticed that the food supply was low. 'I'm going to have to go grocery shopping tomorrow i assume. If only most of our money didn't go to cheap booze.' 'The boy walked back into the living space and put the bottle down on a nearby coffee table with more force than intended, making the bottle hit the wood with a clank. "Here you go, enjoy." Y/n said bluntly before turning on his heels to go back into the kitchen. "At least you know how to do one thing right." His father scoffed.
The boy stopped in his tracks feeling his fists tense up in fury. "Dad?" He spoke through clenched teeth

"What is it?"

"...Drop dead."

Time skip

Y/n was sitting on his bed with an ice pack held against his eye socket. 'I've should've kept my mouth shut' he grunted. He knew he shouldn't have spoken up against his dad, but he could not help it, if his dad wasn't such a d***, he might have gotten along with him and had a normal father-son relationship. But life isn't that generous, unfortunately. Y/n knew that all too well. So, he didn't quite understand why he kept this false hope that his dad might one day decide to make a turn for the better. But some people just can't change. they either die trying or fall deeper into the pit they buried themselves in.

He let out a frustrated sigh as he took the ice pack of his eye and got up to look in the mirror. His left eye was swelled up and discolored. 'a black eye.' His vision was a bit obscured, as well as the banging pain that shot from his orbit to his head. ' I should've known better. I've lived with the man long enough to know his temper.' Y/n stared at his reflection for a few moments. 'But I don't have to live with him, I could go live with ...' His irises shifted to his phone ' Could I really though?' He bit his lower lip 'Would she even approve of me coming to live with her? Does she still live in the same house, in that town?'.

The male could feel his heart start beating in his ears, his hands slightly trembling as he reached for his phone to call one specific person. He began scrolling down his phone numbers catalog, his hands starting to feel clammy. 'Come on, What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I feeling more scared of calling her, than of dad's temper?' He eventually found the number he was looking for. His hand started to shake even more when he moved his finger to press the number. The screen displayed the name of the contact:


His thumb went to the green call button but hesitated. 'Am I making the right choice? I mean what choice is there? Continue living here with my father and his verbal and physical mistreatment, or go live with my mother, In that town? Damn it. I gotta pull myself together, stop being such a wussy.' He pressed the button. It rang for a few seconds before his mother picked up the phone. The phone sweatdropped and put the device to his ear.

"Y/n? Hello! How are you, dear?" The cheery voice of his mother came through the speaker. "Hey mom, I'm-...fine. how are you?" He responded "I'm good! Is there a reason you are calling me today?" The woman inquired teasingly. Suddenly the male felt his throat close up preventing him from forming a sentence. "Y/n dear? Are you there?" she asked. " Mom, I would like to ask you something, or I guess ask for a favor? He stammered.
"Yes, what is it, dear?".

"Can I come live with you?"

The other line went quiet.

"I don't know if that's a good idea y/-"

"Please, Mom!" He shot out. "I can't live here anymore, dad is-... it's-... I just really need to get away from here." The boy's hysterical voice sounded across the line. " there something going on I should be aware of?" She questioned
Y/n widened his eyes "No Mom! I just!-... mom. I just don't like it here anymore and I miss you." The male muttered.
The woman stayed silent for a moment "Y/n, you know I love you but-" she began. "Please! Mom, please I just can't take it here much longer." He felt on the verge of tears as his voice cracked, threatening to reveal the surge of emotions the boy was holding in. Another few moments of silence went by. "...okay, fine. When do you want me to pick you up?" The male felt himself let out a heavy sigh of relief. "Whenever works out best for you." He exclaimed
" that case, I'll pick you up tomorrow, that you time to pack, I still have your old room tidied up, but I'm still gonna clean a bit just in case" his mother answered. "Thank you so so much Mom this really means a lot. I love you." Y/n beamed in excitement, relief, and joy.

"Love you too." She concluded as she hung up.


Y/n and his father were sitting at the dinner table. They weren't talking to each other, Y/n was used to the silence he got from his dad during the dinners, but he suspected that this time the silence treatment also had something to do with the antics he pulled earlier that day. But If his father was keeping silent out of guilt or spite, he didn't know. Y/n did not know if he was feeling remorse. It wouldn't last long. "Dad?" He began. His father glanced up at him. The boy furrowed his brow. "I'm going to live with mom."

There was silence. Just. Silence. No outburst, throwing of plates, or sharp words in his direction. "...when?" Was the only word his father let out. Y/n looked up, internally gaping. "Uhh, tomorrow? Mom said she's coming to pick me up." He replied. His dad stood up without a word and strode out of the room. Leaving a stunned Y/n in his thoughts.

'Well, at least I didn't get the beating of my life.'

Y/n was sitting on the front porch with packed bags, waiting for a certain car to show up. He hadn't seen his dad since his announcement yesterday. He assumed his father had locked himself up in his room. Which was unusual, he had at least expected his father to come waltzing out and degrade him on being 'a bad son for leaving his father to fend for himself' He wasn't complaining. He found a serene peace at not hearing his dad wag his jaw at him with pestering orders or remarks. A car pulled up on the driveway and stopped. The driver rolled down their window, and there was, his mother. The corners of his mouth pulled up to a small smile. He hadn't seen his mother for a few years in person, he had seen photos and cards she had sent. But seeing her for real felt, different. She looked a bit older than the last time he had seen her. Although.

He also noticed that she looked more worn out, tired. Something about the look in her eyes, or was it the eyebags under her eyes? He was pulled out of his thoughtfulness by his mother's voice. "Are you coming? You were staring at me for a few seconds, Are you having seconds thought? I don't bite." She teased with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm coming." His mother grinned mischievously. The boy rolled his eyes playfully.

Y/n stepped in the passenger seat and put on his seat belt as his mother drove out of the driveway. A few moments went by without a word. "I didn't see your father, did you guys already say your goodbyes?" She asked. "Yes. You could say that" y/n muttered. His mother glanced at him and frowned. "What happened to your eye?" She questioned. The boy in question put a hand to his eye and felt the swelling of his black eye. It was a bit better than the day prior, but still very much visible. "Oh yeah, I fell." He lied and dismissively waved his hand. His mother stared at him for a few seconds as if urging him to tell her to truth but eventually turned her gaze back on the road. Y/n let out an internal sigh of relief. He grabbed his headphones plugged the wire into his phone and put on his music to distract himself.

(Play video at 0:12)

This thing called love.

I just can't handle it.

I must get 'round to it.

Crazy little thing called love.

The boy leaned his head against the window of the passenger seat and looked at the landscape bypassing him.

'Is the house still the same?' He peered at his mother at the corner of his eye. 'I wonder if she plants those Hydrangeas on the front of the house...' he smiled when he remembered his mother sitting in front of the house with gardening gloves. with dirty pants from sitting in the dirt while planting the flowers his father had bought for her birthday, refusing to leave her spot until they were planted, even when it started pouring rain she insisted on finishing her gardening. She had a terrible cold for days after that. The boy chuckled at the memory of his dad trying to convince his mother to come inside and lure her back in with baked goods. But the woman was stubborn as a mule and didn't move an inch until she was done.

The memories left a dry taste in his mouth, as he knew those were days long go by, never to happen again.

There goes my baby.

She knows how to rock and roll.

She drives me crazy.

He heard his mother clear her throat.

She gives me hot and cold fever.


She leaves me in a cool, cool sweat.

Y/n took off his headphones and looked at his mother. "Yes, Mom?" He answered.

She opened her mouth but paused for a moment, pondering if she should continue. "I need to tell you something...about what's happening in Runswick." She whispered. The boy raised an eyebrow. "I don't want to scare you...but, well, there's a reason I didn't find moving in with me a good idea." She uttered. "And what may that reason be?" The woman gulped. "There's, there's a serial killer in Runswick." She stammered out. Y/n felt his heart drop. "What?" He breathed out. "A serial killer has been going around in town, for around 3 years now."

The boy felt frustration build up. "And why didn't you tell me this earlier?" He hissed. The woman looked at him in desperation. "I didn't want you to worry, I thought- I thought that. Keeping you in the dark was for the best. But since you're moving in with me, you must know. Its not like you wouldn't have found out, the whole town is talking about it, it would likely be the first thing you would hear from the other kids at the local high school. But I wanted to tell you myself, not only because I want you to be cautious. But also because-..." she stopped. "Because...?" Y/n pried. The woman glanced out the rear mirror and gripped the stirring wheel. "Because a few days ago, the lead detective that was working on the case, got murdered." She explained. "And... Sheriff Whitelock asked me to return to my position as lead detective and take on the case, and I agreed to do so." She choked out.

Y/n gaped at his mother not believing his ears. There's a killer in Runswick? And they killed the lead detective? And now his mother took the case as the lead detective? That spelled out for disaster. "Mom are you insane?! Do you have a death wish?" He shouted. His mother flinched "I know you think it's dangerous and you're right. But I just... ever since.." she inhaled sharply "I've just been feeling so unfulfilled and empty. I want to do something that makes a difference again." The boy stayed quiet 'it seems mom is also still heavily affected, I don't blame her. We all are. But still, taking on a case where the previous detective got murdered? Isn't that just digging your own grave?' The boy let out a frustrated sigh but didn't argue further. He didn't want to start on a bad note with his mother, especially since he wanted to leave that behind. "Look. I know you're worried but I promise you I'm going to be fine. I'm an expert, you know?" She jested and the boy snorted "Sure Mom whatever you say".

The pair arrived in Runswick after what felt like ages of driving. He saw a sign on the side of the road indicating he was back in his hometown.


He felt a swirl of bittersweet nostalgia surge over him as he looked out at painted houses flashing past them. The town hadn't changed a bit. Well, the exterior that was. Eventually, they drove into an all too familiar neighborhood. He felt a wave of nausea hit him and wondered if it would be worth it to jump out of the car and run far, far away.
He shook the intrusive thought out of his head. A house came into his view. A house he has had nightmares over, and waking up in a cold sweat, glad to be in his dad's cramped apartment. But this time it was for real, not a dream. His mother put a hand on his thigh. "There's no need to be nervous dear." She reassured noticing his discomfort.
'Believe me, Mom, I'm not nervous. I'm petrified'

His mother parked the car and stepped out. Y/n took a few moments just staring out the window at the house before sighing and stepping out grabbing his bags. He stood across the house and looked at it warily. It was like any other suburban house in the neighborhood Grey painted with dark roofing with windows spread across the front. A porch. The only thing making it stand out from the rest was the amount of flowers surrounding the property, Azalea bushes, Peonies. Orchids and as he suspected. Hydrangeas. It was clear his mom was a plantswoman. That was one thing that hadn't changed.

As he stared at the house, he felt a hand being placed against his back, "should we go in?" His mom smiled. He jolted slightly and gawked at his mother as she chuckled at his reaction.

Y/n stood in the hallway of his childhood home. Everything was the same. It was like someone had taken a picture from years ago and shown it to him. He walked through the hall and looked up at the stairs, or rather to the wall against the stairs. Almost everything was the same. Bags in hand he descended up the stairs to his room deliberately ignoring one single door.
He stood at the threshold of the room he had grown up in, 'I wonder if she changed something in the room.' He opened the door. And froze. Everything was almost identical as he had left it. The bed, the desk, and the f/c walls, the only changes were his bedcovers that were stripped of their sheets. "I thought you might want some more grown-up sheets for your bed so I went out and bought some new sheets yesterday for you to choose" The voice of his mother sounded behind him and he once again jolted. Making her smile sheepish. "You're really jumpy aren't you?" She joked. The boy rubbed his neck "Yeah... I-...guess I just need to warm up a bit to a new...or I guess a returning environment." He bantered nervously. His mother pinched his cheek playfully "Well I understand that, I'll give you an hour or so to adjust, then we can choose out your bedsheets, I also bought some decorations to liven up the place" she chirped "Thanks, Mom." The boy said gratefully.

The boy was left alone and walked into his room, closed the door, and gazed around the space, it was a pretty big space. A small walk-in closet, a desk, and a mirror on the other side of the room. And... an animal cage? He tilted his head slightly. 'I'll ask Mom about it later.' he shuffled to his bed and looked at it, he noticed a uniform lying neatly on his bed with a note on top:

'This is the uniform for your high school! I've already enrolled you into the school and got the uniform sent in the mail today. :] - love mom."

'Oh yeah, right. School, forget about that." He wasn't scared about going to a new high school, It was the fact that all The kids in town went to the high school at one point or another. it meant the people he went to school with years and years back. Would all probably go to the school as well. As long as they hadn't moved away, or...were dead.


The hours flew by faster than Y/n had liked and he eventually decided to go down to the first floor to meet with his mother. As he made his way into the living room he noticed his mother staring out a window, her back facing him, seemingly holding something. "Hey mom, what are you doing?" He asked curiously. His mother looked over her shoulder. "I guess you are wondering why there's a cage in your room right?" She asked rhetorically. "Well yes-" Before he could continue his sentence his mother turned around and held up, a rabbit "Do you remember Coco? Your old rabbit?" She beamed holding the rabbit up proudly while the rabbit sniffed at her fingers "I mean yes?'re holding her right now?" He said confused.

His old rabbit Coco, was about 7 years old by now. He remembered the rabbit like it was yesterday he got her how much he had begged his parents for one when he was younger and how they had finally caved in after months of begging and bought him a white rabbit with black spots for his eleventh birthday. He remembered how overjoyed he had been. He had to leave her behind when he moved away with his dad because his father said it would be impractical. And looking back at how they lived in that apartment, he figured his dad had been right. But he didn't imagine that..."Mom, have you been taking care of Coco this whole time?" He quizzed. His mother just grinned "Of course I did!" She smirked "I guess I just always had a hunch that you would return to this house someday." She whispered, stroking the rabbit gently. The boy smiled. "Thank you." He exclaimed

After that, the pair sat down on the couch as his mom showed him some new bedsheets she had bought for him and he eventually settled for black sheets with f/c dots. As well as some school supplies, a new backpack, and some decorations for his room. They then went to the kitchen where the male had helped his mother with making dinner and had processed to have a cozy dinner with Y/n telling her about his life the past 6 years in turn, She did the same, she told him about the new flower shop that opened and how the cashier at the store was a man who was really charming and well knowledgeable on flowers and had helped her pick some flowers that where now planted in the garden. Y/n suspected his mother might have a small crush on the employer as her cheeks slightly lightened up in hue as she spoke about him. But he didn't say anything about it. He was just happy to be able to hear her talk so enthusiastically about something. They finished their dinner and did the dishes while listening to jazz music and singing along.

It was now nighttime and Y/n was lying in his bed, pondering about the next day. It would be his first day at Runswick High School. And he felt a knot in his stomach but he couldn't pinpoint what the feeling was that he was feeling. Nervous? Excitement? He didn't know. The boy eventually closed his eyes and dozed off.

"Y/n hurry up!" A girl around twelve years of age shouted as the h/c boy faltered behind. "I don't know if I can keep up with your speed Lucia!" Y/n panted. "Just hurry! The others are already at the house!" She yelled before turning around to continue running. "Lucia..!" The boy called out. And let out an exhausted sigh 'I'm gonna sit down for a while' he said as he bent down to lean against a tree, letting the shade of the tree cast over his eyes.

"You're really slow you know that right?" A voice spoke up. And Y/n opened his eyes and looked up annoyed at the person. Before him stood one of his friends, an ash-blonde boy with piercing blue eyes stood above him. "I thought you were at the abandoned house already?" Y/n groaned. The Ash-blonde boy chuckled before offering his hand out to the h/c hair-colored boy to pull him up "Oh I was. But Lucia said you were too slow to keep up, so I decided to come get you" He responded. Y/n glared at him, the other boy put his hands up in mock surrender. "Her words not mine" Y/n rolled his eyes and felt a jab at his side "Okay, okay, I'm joking" Y/n snickered. And the blue-eyed boy laughed "Okay whatever you say Y/n." He sarcastically jested before Y/n took his hand and pulled him up. "So..lead the way, mister, let's go ghost hunting at this abandoned house!" The h/c haired gushed and the Ash blond shook his head. You're hopeless." He joked. "Yes I know, now come on, N!" Y/n laughed before grabbing the other boy's arm and pulling him along.

Y/n opened his eyes to the sound of his blaring alarm. And reached out to shut it off, groaning. He proceeded to stare at the ceiling. 'that was the first time I had a dream about Lucia AND one of my, or I guess, our childhood friends. Why though? Is it because I'm back in town? Y/n rolled over and glanced at his clock, 7:03 am, time to get ready for school. He took a shower, and put on his uniform, he took the bag he had pre-packed the night before. And went down the stairs. His mother was sitting at the dinner table with- what seemed to be a case folder wide open, looking intense at it. On the table, his mom had prepared toast for him. "Good morning Mom." He said, his mom in return, jumped slightly, and he snorted. "Look who's jumpy now, huh?" He joked, sat himself down, and took a bite out of his toast. His mother stared at him blankly before a small smile went to her lips "Haha, you got me there." She mumbled. Before closing the folder and sliding it away. Y/n decided to not ask about the contents, he had a suspicion of what it was about and he didn't think he wanted to know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. "So.." His mother started "Are you ready for your new school? The bus comes in 15 minutes." She informed. Y/n shrugged in return "I don't know, perhaps, I'll know when I'm standing at the school" He responded. His mother hummed.


Okay. He wasn't prepared at all. He was now in fact standing before the school gate staring up at the school. He felt overwhelmed. The bus there was surprisingly quiet. He had taken a spot near a window and plugged his headphones in, and no one disturbed him. But now. He was about to walk in. He was the 'new' kid. He took a deep breath and wandered into the school. He found the administration office fairly easy, the school wasn't that enormous, well it was. Maybe it was just easy because the office was the first thing he saw when he stepped foot inside the school.

"Hello, Mr. Y/n L/n, correct?" An older woman behind the desk said. He nodded "Yes ma'am" He politely responded. She smiled "Well Mr, L/n here is your schedule, as well as their respective classrooms, an information sheet on after-school activities, and your locker number and key." She said sliding over a few papers, and a key. "Your first class is in room C41 it's just down the hall, can't miss it, enjoy your first day." She waved and Y/n thanked her and walked out of the office. 'Room C41, Room C41...down the hall.' he glanced around, students speedily walking past him to their own classes. After a few minutes of looking, he found the classroom he needed and strode in.

In an instant,  eyes all around shifted towards him, a few people started whispering to each other, others just stared, and some lost interest after a few seconds and looked away. A middle-aged man with thinning grey hair cleared his throat and spoke up "And who might you be, young man?" He asked. The h/c boy shifted his feet. "My name is Y/n Sir, Y/n L/n, I was told I need to be in this class?" The older man's mouth opened into a round shape before smiling politely "Oh, yes I've heard I had a new student coming. I'm mr, Barlowe, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" he gestured to the other students. Y/n nodded and went to stand in front of the class before speaking "Hello everyone, I'm Y/n L/n, I like gardening and listening to crime podcasts." The boy internally scolded him for his speech but no one seemed to react negatively to his introduction. "Well Y/n, you can take a seat next to Miss Keller" Mr, Barlowe advised. A girl with long black hair waved at him and he walked over to an empty seat next to her.

"Hellooo! Nice to meet you, Y/n! My name is Kiara! Kiara Keller. She giggled. The boy smiled "Nice to meet you Kiara." Y/n eyes shifted to a boy behind Kiara who was staring at him. Kiara followed his gaze and grinned before pulling the boy behind her, close to her. "and this is my best friend, Clark!" She mused, Clark tensed up before looking at Kiara annoyed "Kiara..." he muttered. Y/n eyes widened slightly. He remembered this guy. Clark. The brown-haired boy and I went to the same middle school, and Clark used to bully him. Or not bully more like pester, stealing his pencils, pulling his hair. And other childish antics. He just hoped Clark had matured since then. "Hello Clark, nice to see you again," the h/c haired boy said bluntly. The brunette looked at him blankly before mumbling "Hello...Y/n." Kiara gave a confused look. "You know each other..? Oh! So you're not a new, NEW student, just a returning one. Right? She guessed and Y/n gave her a nervous smile "Yup...that's correct." He said. "Cool!" She shouted a bit too loud, to which some students turned their heads in her direction and she flustered in embarrassment. "Well um... do you perhaps wanna sit with me and Clark at lunch?" She questioned 'she seems to be pretty extroverted' "Yeah sure." He agreed.

The lecture passed rather swiftly and now it seemed to be lunch, he followed Kiara, and Clark to the cafeteria while Kiara was jabbering about the school and classes. Clark was still quiet only glancing at Y/n from time to time. The trio entered the cafeteria and went in line. "I would recommend getting the white bread" Kiara whispered "The brown bread is atrocious" She made a grossed-out face and Clark snorted "Hey I'm serious, Clark! It's really gross!" She whined. "Sure Kia." He retorted giggling.

After the three of them had gotten their share of food they took their trays to a table in the cafeteria and sat down. "So, Y/n why did you decide to move to Runswick, or rather move back." She questioned taking a bit of her sandwich. Clark glanced at him in curiosity "I just needed a change of scenery and missed my hometown town" He shrugged. "That's understandable. Where did you live before you came back?" The h/c haired pulled his lips into a line. "I lived in a city about two hours away from here with my father." Kiara hummed in response and continued to eat her lunch, Y/n took this chance to take a look around the cafeteria and his eyes landed on a table with four people. They were chatting amongst each other, or at least one of them was talking and joking around while the others were staying quiet, just listening. Y/n narrowed his eyes, they seemed familiar. ' can't be, right?' Y/n turned his attention away from the group to Kiara and Clark.

"Hey...Kiara, who are those guys?" He gestured quietly to the group. And Kiara peered at who he was referring to before tensing up. "Oh. That'" she stuttered "The "my family is rich and- or in a respective position so I look down at everyone who isn't on my level" a**holes. " Clark sneered crossing his arms. Kiara gave him a sharp look. "Well.. that's a harsh way to put it, but yes they're the holy group of Runswick. Two of them are the sons of the mayor himself, the other is the child of the principal of the school, and the redheaded is the sheriff's son. They're quite untouchable and ethereal as well. I mean look at them. They're gorgeous. Kiara gushed, to which Clark rolled his eyes. Y/n glanced at them once again.

'So it is them... f**k' Suddenly one of the guys with ash blond hair glanced at him and stopped speaking abruptly. Staring across the cafeteria at the h/c haired boy intensely. 'Well, this is extremely awkward. The Ash blond whispered something to the other ash blond-haired boy and the other boy glanced at Y/n as well before widening his eyes for a second. The other two guys seemed to notice their friends' behavior and peered back.

Now all four of them were looking at him across the cafeteria.

Y/n sweatdropped and quickly looked away. He still felt their burning eyes at the back of his head.

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